[MF] How the camel statue got [M]e laid

I realize this is a little long winded but I think the set up deserves just as much attention than the dirty bits, so here you go.

“Where the FUCK is Gary?!”

Now although this may seem like a simple question with a simple answer, it was anything but.

First off, I’m about 5’9” and 210 pounds, got a little extra cushion here and there, and a half decent beard. Classic dad bod with a respectable amount of hair. I’ve always been in ok shape but nothing to write home about, same for my downstairs: grower not a shower, 7 inches and a little thicker at the head then base.

When the penultimate question was posed I was standing on the lanai of the house me and 2 high school friends were renting as we all attended a nearby university. The neighborhood surrounding the house was well known as a college student haven. Low rent and lower standards were the norm. I had recently started a graveyard shift job to help pay for school. The question of Gary’s whereabouts was posed to me as I arrived home from a shift, it was early morning and the sun had just peeked up above the horizon.

“I bet it was those bitches next door” my roommates were building alibi’s for our neighbors and friends while passing a joint. The “bitches” in question were a group of three sorority girls who rented the house next to us. They all struck me as daddy’s money/Lily Pulitzer type gals who REALLY liked to party and didn’t have a lot of respect for neighborly manners. The “Gary” in question was a solid concrete statue of a camel (Gary the dromedary, get it?) who had been our glorious mascot, standing in front of our lanai since my roommate had stumbled upon him at an estate sale a few months. Gary was a thicccccck fella and probably came it at just under 50 pounds while standing at about 2 feet tall.

“You always wave at them! Go see if they stole ole Gary! There were a bunch of motherfuckers partying over there all night, they probably got drunk and Camel-knapped him!”

It was true, I always tried to be neighborly when I saw them. Waves and nods and such. I decided it couldn’t hurt to ask so I trudged over and ducked in to their front lanai. No sign of Gary. After knocking I was greeted by a groggy eyed brunette I knew as Abby. We had spoken a few times in passing and I always thought she was the cutest of her little harem. Shorter than me and on the thicker side with large framed glasses and an oversized hoodie on.

“Good morning, have you seen my camel?” I asked

“Uhhhhh…. I don’t know? What’re you talking about? We don’t smoke…. ” she answered. She spoke slowly, like someone nursing a killer hangover. Peering through the doorway I saw no sign of Gary as well.

“Oh man, He’s that big white cement camel in our yard, his names Gary, can’t miss him. If you haven’t seen him I’ll get out of your hair” I’m paraphrasing but that’s the gist of my explanation.

I could see the wheels turning in her head as I explained he was missing. I tried as eloquently as possible to explain we saw they had people over the night before and figured this was an obvious place to check.

“I don’t remember a lot of last night, If you want to look in the back yard you can, come on I’ll walk you back”

I took the invitation and walked in. As Abby guided me through the house and out the back I couldn’t help but notice her thighs and ass filled out the bottom of the oversized hoodie well. I could just make out the edges of her ass as it swayed in front of me like some kind of sexual metronome.

“You can look around out here if you want, I think I remember one of the guys over last night saying something about a camel but I can’t remember it all. Hey pay attention!” her voice shot me out of my sexually mesmerized state. She had realized I was oogling her. The tension was cut by my agreeing and I walked through the glass sliding doors to a very large back yard with an above ground pool sitting in the middle. The fence line had tall skinny shrubs all the way around and it didn’t take long for me to find poor ol’ Gary.

The scenes! Gary had seen better days. I found the poor old bastard lying with his feet toward the sky and what looked like dried blood on one foot. It looked like he had been dropped over the fence and into Abby’s yard from the space between our houses. He had come down hard. His head and neck almost to the shoulder were sunken into the grass and dirt next to the fence. The story came together in my head as such: drunken people out and about had the idea to steal Gary but he’s very cumbersome and they probably bailed once they dropped him.

“You explain this?” I turned to Abby. Her eyes looked playful as she answered

“Sure can’t, I honestly thought you were just using this whole thing to creep on me” her eyes met mine as she answered, smirking.

“Nope, strictly business” I said as we both laughed. Our eye contact lingered for a time as we both giggled at the situation.

“Well come on, save your little private Ryan there” she teased

As I dug Gary out of the dirt Abby explained
“It was probably those assholes we had over from (unnamed fraternity) last night”

“Yeah, Gary might look like an easy target, but he’s heavy as hell” I said as I struggled with the statue cradled in my arms.

“Ugh, I’m sorry Gary” she said addressing the statue like a dog “they were such assholes, aaaaand they all had little dicks anyway” Abby said with a sigh as she led me through the house and back out the front door.

“Guess I’m not the only one who got robbed yesterday” I said. The joke really landed, and I had put Gary down as we both laughed out loud at the notion.

After she composed herself Abby shot me a sly look and said “You aren’t lying”

“I’m sorry for them making you do all this work” she said as I lumbered past her front door and in to my yard like a strongman holding a boulder “let me buy you breakfast”

“You got a deal!” I said as I returned Gary to his rightful place in our yard. Feeling triumphant I turned to follow Abby back to her place.

Walking through her house and in to her room my mind was ablaze. We made small talk but questions were flying around my mind. Was breakfast code for something? Did she know I was burning holes in the back of her hoodie with my eyes? Did she think the camel thing was still a ploy to get in her pants? Did she WANT me in her pants?

“Let me grab a quick shower, you wait here” again her words shook me out of my sexually charged stupor, and she motioned to her bed. The bathroom connected to her room and she ducked in to it as I sat down on the bed, upright and awkward.

“Guess we’re never having those guys over again” she said over the running water. The bathroom door was cracked and I couldn’t hear her the best so I moved to stand right outside it and answered “thieving bastards”

“Yup stole my whole night and I didn’t even cum” she said as I heard the water slow and stop.

“Worst kind of thievery” I replied. From where I was standing I could see a small section of mirror through the crack in the door, as Abby stepped out of the shower I got more than an eyeful. She looked incredible, her hair clung to her shoulders and I noticed her small boobs were pierced and perky. Her curves looked incredible. She turned to grab a towel and the view only got better. Her ass and thighs had just a little cellulite and some tiger striped stretch marks near her hips, my cock was almost at full mast before I noticed her turn toward the mirror lock eyes with me.

“You fucking perv” she said coming out of the shower, hands on hips with her towel sling over her shoulders, making no effort to cover up. As she looked up at me with fiery eyes my lizard brain took full control of my extremities as I grabbed her hips and pulled her in to me.

We started making out aggressively for what only felt like seconds before her hands were grasping my shirt and pulling it over my head. She ran her fingers through my chest hair and down to my belt which she unhooked and ripped out of the loops with flourish. My jean button and fly were rendered useless and my cock was popping out of my boxers in a flash as Abby got to work. She started by spitting on the shaft and slowly working it in to her mouth as she twisted her hands. I plopped down on the bed and watched her go to town on me. Eventually she had me covered in spit and was working both her hands and her mouth on my cock, taking the whole of it down her throat. She would look up at me with a smile in her eyes every so often. Paradise.

We were racing toward the finish line. I needed this to last longer so I grabbed her under the arms and threw her on the bed. She was on her back with her legs spread. My face was between her thighs before she knew it. Her pussy was probably the prettiest I’ve seen to date, and I credit her for my infatuation with r/innie. She was already soaked as I coaxed a finger in her and found a good rhythm with my tongue on her clit. She was grabbing my head and moaning as I went down on her. After a minute or two and another finger inside I felt her thighs tense around my head as she moaned “please don’t stoppppp”

She let out a long moan and her hips moved wildly as she came for me. Before she could fully recover I was leaned over her and coaxing the head of my dick inside her. I’ve always loved watching initial insertion so I leaned back and slowly slid in to her.

She was loving it as I found a good pace. I was pulling her hips in to me with both hands as she played with her clit and her piercings to another wonderful orgasm. Obviously all this being sprung on me didn’t bode well for my stamina, and after 5 minutes of vigorous missionary and her orgasm I was on the verge.

Abby must have been able to tell as she looked deep in to my eyes and begged for me to cum. I happily obliged in record time, pulling out and covering her midsection and tits in rope after endless rope of cum.

This story has run on long enough so I figure I’ll end it here, there is a little more to the Saga of Gary, but we’ll save that for another time. Thanks for reading you horny motherfuckers!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qak0cq/mf_how_the_camel_statue_got_me_laid


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