Out of my shell (oral, drunk, reluctant, domme, party)

“Kara it’s good to see you! So glad you came!” Jenny greeted me at the door with a hug.

“Thanks for inviting me!” I replied as we moved our way inside. “What’s going on?” I asked curiously. Jenny had invited me to a study group for our midterm, but there was quite the party going on it seemed. Jenny told me her boyfriend Tom had invited a bunch of his teammates to hang out, we’d be studying in her room while they did their thing. I caught sight of the living room when we walked past, and wow, it was packed. Half the school’s football team was probably there. I hoped they would be quiet enough for us to study.

We made our way upstairs and huddled in Jenny’s room. The two us were joined by Beth and Mindy, who I simply knew as two of Jenny’s friends from class.

We got right to work and things were going great, we studied, chatted a bit, and generally had a pretty good time. After about half an hour Tom popped his head in.

“Hey I poured a few drinks for you girls too!” He announced and set down 4 glasses on the end of the dresser. “Have fun studying!” He waved goodbye, blew Jenny a kiss and quickly disappeared.

We all looked at each other for a moment.

“Do you girls want to try them?” Jenny asked, a bit tentatively.

“Hell yes!” Beth exclaimed, bounding up from her spot on the futon. She marched right over and took a sip.

“Mmnn!” she squinted a bit. “Tastes like strawberry lemonade, with wow… ya that’s got a kick!” She laughed as she took another sip.

“Here you all have to have some too.” Beth passed the glasses around. I took mine, it was a warm inviting rose color, chilled, but definitely smelled strong. I took a taste too, then coughed a bit.

“Are you okay?” Jenny asked.

I nodded. “Oh wow, ya I’m good it was just stronger than I was expecting!”

“Yeah, sorry, Tom always adds a lot of alcohol when he mixes drinks. We should get through the chapter before it really kicks in!” She giggled.

We got back to studying, but things slowly started to unravel. Less studying, more chatting, then more joking and laughing as the drinks slowly finished. The party downstairs was getting louder anyway, making it hard to study. They were sounding a bit rowdy, and seemed to have spilled out of the living room into the rest of the house. After a while Tom poked his head in again to drop off another round. We gave him a small round of applause this time, and returned to chatting.

“Mindy, Kara, you two haven’t even finished your first,” Beth prodded in a playful manner. “Come on there’s more now! chugga chugga!” Mindy laughed a bit and took the 2nd drink too. “I’ll try but I’m such a lightweight when it comes to alcohol.” She said.

“It’s okay I am too, I basically never drink” I chimed in.

Beth looked dismayed, “this will never do, we need to build up your girls’ tolerance!” she added in a playful manner.

We went back to drinking and chatting. Beth joking and prodding the rest of us along. The second round felt even stronger than the first, but any care was quickly washed away and the 4 of us were quickly getting very tipsy. As we laughed and shared stories the party downstairs seemed to wind down.

Tom eventually popped his head back in. “Hey the game is over and most of the guys left. If you ladies are done you want to come down and hang out?”

“Hell yes!” Beth exclaimed, “where those boys at?” We all laughed as she led our tipsy quartet down the stairs to the living room. I was definitely feeling the drink now that I stood up. Walking down the stairs was a bit more difficult than walking up. Jenny and Mindy seemed the same. Only Beth was still going strong.

We all settled in the living room, which looked every bit what you’d expect from a college guy’s party. Beer bottles full and empty, half-eaten pizzas, other cups and plates scattered around mixed with random jackets and what not. The T.V. had commentators talking over sports highlights.

“Oh hell no!” Beth blurted out. “Put on something else, only thing worse than watching sports is watching people talk about sports!”

“Fine, porn it is” joked one of the guys as we all laughed.

“Awesome, better than that trash” Beth snarkily replied as she grabbed a half-empty bottle of beer and helped herself. “So we need to have some fun, what we doing?”

Debate ensued at that point, I mostly just watched amused as people jokingly teased each other’s suggestions before having theirs teased in turn. After a minute conversation moved to some kind of drinking trivia game, and people seemed to be working out the rules.

“Porn’s on!” One of the guys joked.

“Oh my eww…” I exclaimed looking up, he wasn’t joking. Yup some busty babe was up on screen getting fondled by a scraggly looking older guy.

This just brought a roar of laughter from a couple of the guys and Beth chuckled.

“So… we gotta get into the theme then,” one of the guys joked. “You get a question wrong you have to take a shot, or remove a clothing item then.”

“What about that,” another guy said pointing to the screen where the woman was now taking the guy’s dick into her mouth.

“Okay first naked girl has to blow the guy with the most points,” one of the guy volunteered.

“Yeah well the girl with the most points gets to domme the first naked guy then.” Beth shot back, not missing a beat. Mindy’s face looked a bit horrified at the thought, and I don’t think mine looked any better.

“Wait what?” I blurted out, “I’m not sure….”

“Aww come on!” one of the guys started, “besides you can’t bow out before we even start!”

The peer pressure was ramped up at that point, combined with the alcohol in my blood already it made for a very convincing argument. It wasn’t long before the 14 of us were on the floor around the coffee table with a collection of shot glasses and cups in hand. A couple of the guys were staring at the porno, while I was looking nervously at the half bottle of whiskey in front of me and wishing I’d thought to wear more layers. What had I just been talked into?

Tom opened up an app on his phone, and the game started. I found myself having a surprising amount of fun. Some of the questions were tough though! The second longest river in South America? Tom Hank’s highest grossing movie? What year was the television invented in? I’d quickly taken 3 shots in three rounds! Two of the guys seemed to be messing up on purpose.

3 more rounds and the two guys losing on purpose we both sitting there in their underwear joking with each other. I was feeling pretty drunk after guessing wrong again I lost my socks instead. Somehow Beth hadn’t missed a question yet, I was in mild awe of her composure right now. Even with all that booze she was still as sharp as ever.

“Okay the drink is gone,” came Tom’s laughing announcement after guessing wrong on the capital of Belarus and taking the last shot. Ya’ll gotta start stripping now!” I could feel my heart racing faster now as the game continued. Was I really going to strip in front of all these people? How wild of a thought was that! Was that really something I’d have to do. It was probably just the booze talking but this was a lot more fun than I thought I’d be having tonight.

“What? Damn it!” Beth shouted. She’d missed her first question. “Well fuck it. I ain’t starting with socks, you guys can have a show!” With that she promptly removed her top to the cheers of the guys and plopped down on the couch in her bra with a sly smirk on her face. She was drawing more eyes than the porno now.

I got my next question right, yay for growing up in Oregon and remembering the state bird. Seriously though, these questions were tough! One of the guys, Andre, got his last question wrong, with the cheers and hooting of the rest of us removed his underwear and stood there naked, taking a little playful bow. He obviously was proud of himself.

The guys added up their points and Tom was the boy’s winner, so one of us would be servicing him I guess. They just needed us girls to finish now.

The questions came fast now, and the 4 of us drunk gals took turns trying to force our tired drunken brains to work. I didn’t know the capital of Algeria so i pulled my top over my head and whipped it off to a chorus of amusing hoots and whistles. I could feel my face blushing from embarrassment as well as booze now, but a few compliments and jokes from the guys and I was ready to continue.

After a few minutes the end was getting close. Me and Mindy were both sitting there in nothing but panties, while Beth and Kara both still sported more clothing. Of course Beth chose to remove her bra just for fun and solidarity with myself and Mindy. There was an exciting tension in the air as Mindy’s turn came up.

What was the Largest city in Africa? She paused a disturbingly long time before answering correctly, much to the dismay of myself and the guys. Now it was my turn. “What was Rosario Dawson’s first movie?” Tom asked.

I sat there dumbfounded staring at him. “I… I… I don’t know.” I blubbered. I clapped my hands to my face as it turned bright red.

“Well guess or lose the panties beautiful,” Tom teased me. I stood up slowly, struggling to keep my balance because of the drink. I felt the gaze of the room on my body. Then, with heart racing and adrenaline pumping I covered my face with one hand, and used the other to slowly shimmy my panties down past my knees before stepping out of them. There were cheers and whistles as I was encouraged onward and a consolatory hug from Mindy as she looked greatly relieved to have just squeaked past me.

Well Beth quickly found an extension cord and wrapped it around Andre’s neck. She was leading him around the room on all fours like a dog on a leash. Andre seemed to be loving it, it probably didn’t hurt Beth was topless and Andre was fully erect himself.

“Sit Andre!” Beth was enjoying this way too much as she tugged on the cord, “you’re going to please me with your tongue a while ok?” She slid her panties to the side and grabbed Andre’s head, forcing it between her legs. “Now lick!” She commanded as Andre followed her commands dutifully.

I turned from watching them to look at Tom who was busy getting high-fives from a couple of the other guys. He turned and beckoned me over towards him. Still embarrassed I slowly walked over to where he was standing. He took my hand and guided me to my knees at his feet. I couldn’t believe what I was about to do. This was silly, embarrassing, and oh my god was I ever aroused at the thought of doing this though.

“Oohh’ right there!” Beth shouted, “keeping going! circles with the tongue! Don’t stop!” Andre was clearly doing a good job if she was enjoying it that much.

“You ready to get started?” Tom asked as he slipped his dick out of his boxers. It was right there, half erect and hanging about eye level with me.

“I… not really,” I admitted sheepishly as I stared at his stiffening member. All the booze and arousal was still struggling to overcome my hesitation and typical shyness.

“Kara says it’s fine, so don’t worry,” Tom joked as he placed one hand on the back of my head and guided my face to his cock.” I took a deep breath and then opened my mouth and gave it a gentle lick then a kiss.

“Ohhhh! Yes!” Beth moaned awkwardly in a loud booming voice. I laughed a bit with the others, this was definitely an erotic night.

“Hey back to work now, Tom teased, “winners get to relax, losers need to stay busy!” With that he reached down and angled his penis right at my lips. “Open,” he said in a firm commanding voice, and I complied as he pushed his hardened dick into my awaiting mouth.

I did the best I could for him. Jaw open wide, bobbing my head, playing with his dick with my tongue, trying to suck a little as I drew back. Tom went between encouraging me and laughing at Andre.

“Good Andre your turn now!” Beth was breathlessly announcing from the other side of the room. From what I gathered Andre had been commanded to lay on his back and Beth was standing over him.

“I’m your slut mistress!” Andre was yelling, “I’ll do anything for you!”

“I’m going to tease you now, don’t cum!” Beth was instructing.

I popped Tom’s dick out of my mouth and started licking one side of it playfully with my tongue. I could turn my head a bit now and caught sight of a topless Beth standing over Andre and playing with his dick with her toes.

“Eyes here girl.” Tom instructed and I looked up at him. He had a bit of a smug smile on his face. “You’re doing good, don’t get distracted.” He said playfully as he kept his deep blue eyes locked on mine. We watched each other for a minute. His eyes were filled with a lustful hunger, and he closed them every now and again to groan or moan as my tongue worked up and down the length of his cock. I was thoroughly lost in the moment myself. I felt a brimming satisfaction surfacing every time he’d roll his eyes back, and I found myself wanting to try to do things so he groan in pleasure again.

“Oh you asshole, gross!” came Beth’s shout. There was laughter in the room now. “I told you not to cum!”

I couldn’t help but break eye contact now. I turned to see Beth kicking her foot free of Andre’s hands. He had grabbed her ankle and there was semen dripping from Beth’s toes as she hopped around looking for a paper towel. I watched a moment laughing with the other’s. Beth giggled too and tossed the cum covered paper towel back at Andre’s face when it stuck for a second. The whole room was rolling in laughter now.

“Eyes here girl,” Tom’s voice commanded again in a strained gruff voice, as he placed one hand on my head and turned me to face him. I turned around eager to get lost in the moment with him again. Instead of where I’d left him I turned to see his penis about 6 inches away from my face at eye level.

Before I could even react his dick lurched suddenly! Semen flew out of it toward me as I clamped my eyes shut!

“Ahhhh!” I screamed, and immediately regretted it as a slimy salty stream landed on my tongue. I tried to duck away but Tom held my head in place as I felt a couple more splatters fell against my shocked face.

The guys cheered, Tom helped me cleanup, and the night wound down quickly after that. Everyone being so exhausted and liquored up surely helped. I crashed in the spare bedroom with Mindy, while some others slept on the couch, or headed home.

I awoke the next morning to a killer hangover, but with a big grin on my face. Who knew coming out of my shell would be such erotic fun? Part of me wanted to ask when the next party was, but I thought maybe I should practice my trivia first!


Hello again horny friends and strangers! 👋

Bit of a fun story this time. I hope you enjoyed it! As always any feedback or suggestions are appreciated! Have a wonderful day! 😊

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qabsmt/out_of_my_shell_oral_drunk_reluctant_domme_party

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