The Legend of Iota

Emilia arrives at the abandoned church that has been shut down for more than 100 years. An old nun approaches Emilia with a gentle smile on her face “Welcome Sister Emilia welcome to the Tavern Del Soledo.”

Emilia bows her head “Thank you, Sister Sophia. I appreciate the welcome. That must be done to be reopening the church.” She stares at the large church home almost the size of a castle with its holy wooden oak doors with a cross on each door. They both walked in as they spoke looking around the church “We do need to settle new cleaning areas in the main stage for the pastor. It will need lots of work so I’ll be sure to bring more sisters to come and help “Said Sophia as she walked past Emilia, “Sure Sister Sophia. I will organize the library and be sure to get the stage cleaning so we can have it ready for our new guest.”

As soon as Sophia left, she decided to get busy in the library where she put the book away and dust the shelves. She then found a map in a book of the devils helps “A mapping of the church itself I wonder what it led too. She decided to follow the map direction that led her to an underground cellar.”

She turns on a lantern light and continues her way down that leads her to a hall in the end of the hall that was just a black door. She walks slowly to the door and opens it to find a male handcuffed by his arms. Her eyes widen as her eyes meet his, she realizes the blood stain in his lips as he smirked, a dark energy was around him more powerful and sinner. As she notices the smirk on the young man, she notices sharp fangs as he curves his lip “You…you’re a vampire?”

The man’s eyes gleamed with pride, knowing he had struck fear into the heart of another person. “Indeed, Madam. The name’s Iota. And yes, I am a vampire.” Emilia glanced back and forth, contemplating her options. Obviously, the vampire, Iota, posed no threat, but she had no intention of testing that theory. Then again… her imagination led her to a future where she was sitting at a bar, center of attention, everyone pleading to hear more about the vampire she met. “Wh… what are you doing here? How do you exist? What is this place?”

Iota rolled his eyes and chuckled. “So, were you playing the questions game? I see. For the sake of your tiny mortal brain, I’ll answer these questions and let you ask two more.” “You asked why I’m here? Why I’m a criminal, of course. I prey on young women and use their blood to sustain my own life. As for how I exist… you’ll have to ask the lord how. I never took biology.” he giggled at his witty response, and he continued. “And did you really ask what this place is? It’s a fucking church, of course. Just because they have a ‘mystical creature’ doesn’t mean it doesn’t serve its intended services.”

Emilia gulped as she backed up. His first answer was not making her feel any more comfortable. Iota looked at her in pity. ” You can see me. I am in chains, and I obviously can’t hurt you. I don’t know why you’re so afraid.” Despite her pounding heart and better instincts, she attempted to calm herself down and talk to the vampire. “What did you do to the women?” she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. “A vampire has the natural ability to lure in its prey with its mesmerizing eyes… It is a mystical force no one really understands. We just think about consuming the blood of adorable young women, and many naïve girls like you fall into our trap. And of course, we use them as much as we please, until we are satisfied. We don’t just do it for the blood.” he winked and blew a small kiss.

Emilia looked at the chained-up vampire with his old clothing ripped slightly from the many whips placed upon him. She steps closer to the vampire and remembers the folktales of Iota. She steps back and blesses herself “May my father above protect me for I do not wish to be broken by the sinner’s creature you have challenged me to face.” she breath softly and spoke “You are Iota the legendary vampire that killed many villagers, why are you down here for so long?” She rubs her fingers against her cross keeping it close to her chest.

Iota sighed. “Foolish child. You really don’t understand, do you? I am more than a village conqueror. I am the most powerful seducer too. Before I took those villagers and slaughtered them, they were my slaves, pleasing me and making me feel like a god. In fact, just looking at me, staring into my eyes makes you lust for something you know you want….”

Emilia blushes as she looks away controlling her she closes her eyes and points at him “I know this is a challenge from my god to show that I am worthy to be strong in any desires.” She opens one eye noticing Iota holding a laugh. She pouts and stutters to speak to him “I am serious your foolish ways won’t work on me besides…. from what I see you are tired and weak from the lack of no food…. this building was empty for 100 years?”

Iota looks down, as if defeated. “You are right. I’ve been stuck in this building for so long, with no release, and nothing to entertain me but the rats pecking at my feet.” he looks up. “I beg you, madam…give me some food. I am in constant agony and I have nothing to do to quench it.”

Emilia couldn’t help but to feel concern for the vampire. She sighs as she moves her lantern side to side seeing any trace of food. She looks to him “I will feed you under one condition you shall not try to lure me or possessive me, deal? I shall make you think about it. Stay here and wait for me to return.” she looks back to him notice his blouse was torn and filled with blood stain. She thinks to herself mumbling “Warm water for his wounds will do.” She closes the cell wooden door behind her and walks out of the dungeon without being seen by anybody.

The vampire watched Lustfully as the maiden walked out and closed the door. She was kind and innocent, but he had his needs too. He told himself since she was nice, and offered to help him, he will not kill her, but give her the satisfaction he would never give to his old slaves.

She brings down a basket with a pig’s food and cow ribs. She looks at him noticing the seductive look he was giving her made her heart enough to skip a beat. She looks away and slightly blushes not wanting to give him the pleasure. She takes a cloth and wraps it around her eyes as she slowly walks towards him. She extends her soft gentle hand near his cheek as she kneels Infront of him to feed him the food she has brought for him. “I brought what I could from what I have saved …I hope you like it.”

So, they sat there. Emilia fed him her food, him wolfing it down after 100 years of tormented starvation. Soon enough, the basket was empty and the food was gone.

As she got up to leave, “Wait!” Iota exclaimed, “Dear mistress… let me gaze upon your beautiful eyes once more before I spend another 100 years locked away…” Reluctantly, Emilia took off the cloth, turned around, and looked him in the eyes. “Thank you miss, for the kind words and pure actions you have shown today… but I’m afraid a simple necklace will not protect you from my influence.”

His eyes glossed over, turning a velvety purple, as he captured her mind. “Don’t worry dear,” he purred. “This isn’t going to hurt.”

She blushes as she begins to feel her body become hot in her nun clothing. She breathes heavy as she walks over towards him still holding a bucket of warm water for his wounds. She knelt in front of him captured by his intoxicating eyes. Inside she begs to be strong and begs not to harm her as tears begin to fall from her eyes.

“It’s no use resisting, as I already know you belong to me now. Behave and follow my instructions, and maybe you’ll get out of here still walking.” but before we start the dare, I say…main course, I must be rid of these foul chains. Over there, behind that loose brick is a key. Uncuff me, and I will give you more pleasure than you could dream of.” She walked over to the brick as directed, already starting to lose her will to resist, and pulled out the key. She uncuffed the vampire, and he looked her in the eyes. “I’ve always been one to keep my promises.” And with superhuman speed, he was on top of her and was kissing her passionately.

She blushes even more as she lets out a soft moan of pleasure to kiss his lips. She bites his lower lips tasting the danger from his fangs. She tries her best to resist as she is consumed by the vampire’s power. Emilia grips a hold of his blouse feeling his muscles like body through his shirt.

Feeling the girl succumb to his will, he grinds himself over her, with only the fabric of their clothes in the way. He growls with an animalistic pride, and lifts up her dress.

She grasps realizing she has exposed her body to a man. She looks away blushing as her heart races with desire for him and his animal ways: “Why…. you can have my body but my soul will continue to fight.” Emilia didn’t wish to admit that seeing him has made him fall for him, so she struggled as her hands her lock in place exposing her naked body on the cold ground.

“Maybe I can change that, but either way, your body is mine for now….” he moved his body lower, and proceeded to start teasing her clit. He licked the area around, and went right up to it, but never touched it. He saw Emilia bucking her hips and said, “Looks like it’s time for me to service you.” He went in, licking his tongue around every corner, every nook and cranny he could feel inside her tight pussy. She jerked and whipped around, but to no avail. He kept going faster and faster, until he stopped, moments before she orgasmed.

She stood still unable to move as she shivered, feeling his tongue play with her body. She blushes heavily as she moves her hips around struggling “mmm don’t……it’s so dirty.” she starts to feel her body losing it as she starts to get hotter “Oh fuck it feels so…. strange ahhhhh…. wh….. why- do I feel my body getting wet?” She asked as she felt his tongue end with a haul, she looked at his “….I… I won’t forgive you for this.” she feels her pussy throb and calls for him as she lets out a soft moan.

“You will get the orgasm you desire, but not before I fill you with my seed and quench my thirst. I want you to get on your knees and take my cock in your mouth.” She tries to think straight, but all she can hear is the seductive voice of her captor giving her the next instructions. “You want this,” he continued. “You see this enormous penis and all you can think about is how much you want to pleasure it, how much you can fit in your mouth. Isn’t that right, slave?”

She blushes as she takes her small gentle hands and licks the tip taking in the lust of nectar flowing out as her body reacts to suck filling. She continues to lick it “It’s so big……and hard and full of energy.” she blushes slightly as she licks more of it slowly taking it all in her mouth making her gag a bit. She moans and begins to move her tongue around his cock.

“Your body is being overcome with pleasure,” he reminds. “You feel as if you stop sucking you will never feel pleasure again. All you want is to swallow my cum and be my slave, isn’t that, right?”

She sucks him faster and faster as she moans blushes as she speaks “Yes… Take me as your slave… please I want to feel your power inside my tight pussy.” She sucks him faster as she plays with his testicles. Emilia was on her knees rubbing her clit as her mind slowly faded by the lust.

Iota took Emilia and flipped her onto her back, with the tip of his penis grazing her pussy. He groped her breasts, and squeezed her nipples in a slow rhythm… He knew they were both close. So, without any more hesitation, He plunged himself inside her.

Emilia covers her mouth as she feels her inside being stretched by his hard cock. She breathes heavy as she blushes “mmmmmm yes ……please take my virgin body as yourself …. I want to belong to you.” she moans softly, feeling his lips tease her breast as they harden. “Oh, my yes……mmmm please Iota mark me as yours.”

Feeling rejuvenated, Iota plunges his cock as far as he can into her, feeling her womb. Emilia’s eyes roll back, and pass out from the pleasure. She wakes back up almost immediately to Iota edging his tongue on her nipples, watching them grow in front of her eyes. Enjoying his play toy, he keeps persuading her. “You feel like your nipples are full, practically about to burst, as I lick your sweet areola, you feel your liquids seeping out.”

She arches her head back letting out moans that were not easily hearable for above. She starts to feel her pussy throb feeling read to burst. “Mmmm… you’re going to make my body exposed.” she blushes as she notices him squeezing her nipples as milk comes out “mmmm… nnggh… my body… fuck me more Iota I want it all.”

“As you wish, Malady.” he continues rubbing and stroking her tits, and pushing his cock in and out. He feels himself building up, and he warns her. “I’m going to cum inside you, and you will take it all like the virgin whore that you are.” He reaches his limit. “CUM,” he orders, as his semen fills her uterus. She wails as her body jerks around, getting filled to the brim.

She feels him build up inside as she pants and lets out a moan “Pump me master I want your cream in me ahhhhh fucked My virgin hole.” She climaxes as she covers his cock with her cream “mmmm yes Master your semen I want it all.”

At last, after 100 years, he had a release. Taking a breath, he says one more thing. “Time for my feeding, love. Don’t worry. This won’t hurt. In fact, this will feel so good just thinking about it in the future will be pleasurable enough to let you orgasm again.” He plunges his teeth into her neck, and sips her life-giving nectar.

She feels his teeth sink into her fresh tasting her as she blushes holding his head as the words Iota echo into her soul. He has never felt such lust and love as he bodies quiver for more “Iota mmmm please take me as yours.” She blushes as she caresses his cheek and kisses his lips one last time.

“I fear I cannot,” he apologized. “My will to take all of your blood will eventually overcome me, and I want the maiden who freed me to live her life out in happiness. Know this. With my blessing, And the mark of a vampire, you will never have trouble finding your way in a sexual endeavor again. Think of me, and my blessing, and an orgasm will soon follow.” He returned the kiss, and within moments, he was gone.

She notices him disappear as she blushes disappointed and her heart filled with lust for him and nobody else. She regains herself back as she places her nun outfit back on “My Lord high in the heavens forgive me that I have dishonored your name, but my heart was weak.” She walks out of the cell door and carries the lighted lantern up the stairs out of the dungeon. She closes the secret door and walks the empty halls.

Thank you for reading, this will most likely be a one-time thing. This was written by me and a friend, and probably won’t have a sequel. I hope you all enjoyed 😊

Also, this is my first ever story, so I apologize if there are any mistakes


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