Korean Waitress – Part 1

My office is in an industrial area and there is nothing around to eat or drink besides a small dinner that looks less than apealing from outside.

Since there is nothing else around and I’m too lazy to pack a lunch I decided to give the small dinner a chance.

To my surprise the little place was extremely clean and modestly but nicely decorated, the family running the place had really made a good effort to have a nice place.

A middle age Korean lady brought me the menu and I could not avoid thinking how beautiful she must have been when young, her features were not only beautiful but elegant and her body was still in great shape.

Despite being hungry it was taking me forever to decide what to eat since the menu was ample and everything looked good, I suddenly heard sweet voice say to me: “Try the crispy chicken wrap, that is dad’s specialty”

I lifted my head and standing in front of me was a much younger version of the elegant Korean lady.
I was surprised by how much alike her mom she looked and how stunning her features were. “I know that look” she said “I do look identical to my mom” and gave me a wonderful smile.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qa97fj/korean_waitress_part_1