Rediscovering thongs again

I remember being young and picking out underwear, looking through the section with thongs and feeling an excitement come over me. Something completely new, completely foreign to me, but I knew they were like a ticket into what seemed like adulthood. I picked out three that day and went home.

I was so excited to try them on, experience what all the older girls and women were already wearing. I ran up to my room immediately and began undressing. I put one of the thongs on and while somewhat uncomfortable, I couldn’t help feel the rush of excitement come over me again. I felt sexy, I felt confident, I felt empowered. All feelings which were new to me, in addition to the new wedgie like feeling.

I changed out of them, hid them in the back of my underwear drawer and went about my day. Days later I would finally get the courage to wear one, putting a thong under my soffe shorts and doing whatever, likely heading to a friends house like any other day. But wearing that thong for the first time, all day long, was pure excitement. I felt like a sexy woman, like I had grown up instantly. I remember feeling extremely confident and instantly noticing men look at me — even if they weren’t really, it felt like it. And I loved the attention and feeling just wearing a thong gave me.

I’d go on to wear them throughout school and college. I’d wear them through boyfriends and meeting my now hubby. Getting comfy and cozy and in a relationship, I gradually stopped wearing thongs. Hubby brought the confidence feeling to me and I just felt like I was getting too old for thongs. I’d continue wearing them occasionally when I needed to — dresses, tight pants, etc.

Then my kids were born and I went full granny panties. All that exhausting work with newborns and all of that meant my confidence and sexiness was put on the back burner. I’d still occasionally wear one to bed for hubby, but rarely did I wear them out.

And then about a year ago, I was getting dressed for yoga and went into my underwear drawer. All of my bikinis panties were in the laundry bin and all that remained were thongs. I grabbed one and to be honest, I wasn’t all that excited to wear one but I did anyways.

And wearing one felt amazing again. I felt confident, and sexy and empowered, just like I did many years ago. I’ve been wearing them pretty much since then, buying mostly thongs lately too.


1 comment

  1. Month after having my baby and wearing granny panties everyday I did the same thingband started to wear things again and now remember why I loved them in the first place

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