Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F] Part 17


*** ***Bella*** ***

I’ve told these bitches to stop asking me to bring back the fuck-days. Laura understood, she seems to be level-headed enough that I didn’t need to drill it through her skull, but Alana is so fucking persistent.

Laura is actively looking for a boyfriend. She knows that she wants one, she’s gotten a taste of adult sex, but all of the guys she’s met online are either just there for a one night stand, a creep, or are trying to have an affair with their significant other. She likes to develop and emotional connection before actually doing the deed, something Alana and I share with her.

We were having lunch one day and she seems more depressed than normal.

“I can’t seem to find a good man,” she moaned as her face hid behind her hands. “Do you know any?”

“Laura, I don’t really go out and talk to a lot of single men,” I replied, “the guys at the gym are just after my body, and so are the men in the beach or the pool. The only other guy I talk to is Victor, and even then we don’t talk as much. I talk to Raissa more than I talk to him.”

“You’re so lucky Bella,” she groaned again, “but I’m not a quitter, I’ll keep looking.”

I gave her a hug to try and console her. I’m not liking this hook-up culture that we have now, and some men won’t even give Laura a time in their day because she has a kid. Some men would look at that and think that that she just wants someone to be a dad for her, or some red-pill bullshit. But Laura is different, she really doesn’t need a man to pay for her bill or anything because she’s loaded. I’ll help her find a man, I owe it to her at least. I mean, no I don’t owe her that but I mean, as a friend, I’ll help her find a man.

Alana joined us after a bit and she’s wearing her patented shit-eating grin. “Izz, can I please get fucked again! Please? Please!!!”

“Alana, come on. They just got back together,” Laura chided the begging Alana. I’m thankful for her understanding my situation, but I think the reality is much more simple. When Laura and Chris had their fuck-day, it gave her a great confidence boost and it satisfied a curiosity that she’s had for a while. She also understood that any more sessions with Chris would lead to her desiring only him, so she is smart enough to nip it in the bud.

Alana, however, is just as sex craved as I am and once she’s had a taste of Chris’ cock she couldn’t wait for more.

“Bitch, you’re supposed to be looking for a boyfriend!” I retorted and Alana dropped her shoulder. I feel sorry for her, I really do, but if I’m being honest with myself I am not the least bit threatened by Alana. I’m more threatened by Laura, and that’s only because she stole my first love from me and I’m still a little hurt from that. I’m not even going to mention Raissa. That Brazilian bitch is someone I need to keep an eye on, but judging by how broken up she was when she *thought* she cheated I don’t see her as stepping out of her relationship.

Maybe I’ll let Alana have one last taste. Maybe.

*** ***Chris*** ***

Bella has been acting weird lately, and I know it’s not because I allowed Lanie into our more intimate time. Well, it’s really not as intimate as I thought it is since our entire friend group has seen us fucking. Twice. In two different houses.

Yes, I bought Victor a new mattress and new bedding. He wasn’t mad about it, he was actually glad that I got back together with Bella. He just wish that I did it somewhere else.

Lanie has finally let off my ass at work and I’m working remote again for a few month or so. She finally broke down one evening, when we met in the elevator, that the reason why she was so hard on me was to see how I would use that stress. But that doesn’t make any sense since she has no way of knowing what I used it for.

But her knowing smirk tells me she knows. “I know you fucked your hot girlfriend as soon as you got home. Wanna know how I know? Because I was in your shoes years ago with David. My boss back then did the same thing to me, and as soon as I get home, I wanted David to fuck me silly.”

She gave a braying laugh as she walked away and into her old SUV. I would assume she’d be driving a Mercedes or a BMW, but she’s driving around an old Toyota.

I sat Bella down and asked her what’s going on with her. She kind of fidgets around, like a teenager got caught stealing money from mommy’s purse, but she finally reached over and held my hand.

“What do you think about a threesome, baby?”

My initial thought is I’m in a coma and this is a coma dream of some sort. My second thought was if its with a guy and I’m already grossed out. My third and final thought was what the hell?

“I have no strong emotions in favor of it,” came my answer and her face kind of scrunched up a bit like she just smelled a fart.

“*Ugh*, I mean a threesome with me and Alana,” she added with an obvious eye roll.

“Why are you asking this?”

“This is your fault because of what you did with your boss!”

I tilted my head. She’s trying to manipulate me! Hou, this bitch! She saw that as a threesome? Really?

I slowly made my way over to her, watching her eyes follow me. She bit her lip as my fingertips gently caressed her arms, and as I made my way behind her I wrapped it around her neck and squeezed slightly.

“My fault?” I asked her in a low, sinister tone as I pressed my lips against her neck, gently inhaling her scent. “You’re saying it’s my fault?”

She gasped as my other hand reached over to feel her warm vagina through her gray shorts. I let her neck go and she took a deep breath in. “It’s your fault,” she repeated softly and my hand tightened once more.

It’s kind of awkward to hold a girls neck who’s 6 inches taller than you. Imagine Rey Mysterio trying to chokeslam, well, anybody! So I kept her on her seat where she’s, at least, on level with me but I quickly changed my mind and took her to the couch. That poor couch. How many times has it suffered through our love making?

I laid down on my back, “sit on my face,” I told her and she giddily took her pants and thong off and plopped her ass on top of my face. Oh, I just love eating her pussy out especially if she’s already wet, and she usually is.

I could feel my cock straining against my jeans, and she bent over to relieve me of that but I told her not to touch me there. She whined in protest but I pinched her ass, causing her to yelp. “You have to convince me, little girl, or I won’t give you your reward,”

“Um, I – *oh, oohhhh* – Alana is a really good friend of mine, and I don’t want her sleeping around with random – *anhhh* – men.”

I stuck my tongue inside of her and wriggled it around. My hands massaged her nice, firm but somehow soft ass and she winced and cried out. “Go on,” I pressed as I took a breather.

“D-Don’t act like you’re not looking forward to fucking her again!”

Oh, I don’t like being accused of something, especially something like this. I retracted my tongue from her, pushed her off and sat up with my back turned to her. “Fine. Tell her to come by tomorrow.”


I stood up and walked over to our entertainment system, turned on my PlayStation 5, and put on a game I’ve been playing.

“Chris?” she said again with worry and I ignored her and focused on the loading screen. “Chris, talk to me.”

These damn loading screens take way too long!

*** ***Bella*** ***

Oh no. Oh no! No, no, no! I’ve done it now.

Chris is sitting there, stone faced while he waits for his game to load up. No, I don’t like this. I don’t like this one bit! He sighed in frustration and turned the console off and walked out of the apartment. Why the fuck am I like this!? Why!? I’m trying to ask him a favor and then I turn around and accuse him of something petty and stupid!

He came back after a couple of minutes, sat down on the other end of the couch and pulled his phone out to read something. I pushed him around, trying to gain his attention but he just scrolled through his phone. I followed him when he walked up and towards the bathroom but he slammed the door on my face. When we slept on the same bed he has his back turned towards me. I went over to hug him, to be the big spoon, but he shook off my hands and he ended up sleeping on the sofa.

I’m paying the price of asking him for something selfish. Are we going to break up again? Is this going to be one of those relationships where we’re on and off? I don’t like that, I don’t want that to be my relationship.

He’s being so cold to me. Part of me wants to not call Alana over, but he did say to bring her in. I guess if he’s going to check out of our relationship, I should at least make it a memorable one for him.

I’m so fucked up that I keep ruining a good thing. He’s given me two chances already and my dumbass is going to have to beg for a third chance.

Alana came over and I could tell she’s excited. I can’t ruin this for her, so I put on a brave face and disregard my feelings.

“I can’t believe it’s happening again!” she squealed as she gave me a hug while jumping around.

Secretly, my heart is breaking.

It’s already 3 PM and Chris is still not home. Alana paced around the apartment anxiously, calling him up every so often and cursing whenever she reaches his voice mail. When he finally came home, he walked by us and went straight into the bedroom.

*** ***Chris*** ***

It’s been a long day from work. I’m tired, I’m frustrated and I just want to relax. I walk into the apartment to the sound of a gnat buzzing in my ear, so I ignored it and walked over to the bedroom to get changed.

When I came out, a mosquito is on my arm.

“What do you want?” I asked, and Alana pouted at me, expecting me to know exactly what she wants like some goddamn mind reader.

She has her hair up in a short ponytail and she’s wearing a baseball cap. She’s wearing a black crop top with a Unicorn in the middle with it’s horn painted in a rainbow. She also has on white micro skirt and a white thigh high stocking with black shoes.

“Izz said we can have sex again!”

I raised an eyebrow as I pushed my way towards the kitchen where I fixed myself a drink. I looked over at Bella and I can see a sudden flash of sadness on her face, then she looked to her phone.

“Did she? Why? Why should I do this? What’s in it for me?”

“What’s in it – Hey! You get to have sex with me!” She stomped on the ground as she followed me around.

“Hmph. Is that so? What makes you so special?”

She started getting mad. Fuming mad, and then she glanced over to where the entertainment systems are and saw, to my horror, my PS5.

She ran up to it and grabbed it, shaking it wildly above her head. I tried to catch her but she was far too quick for me. I’m seeing red. My arms are on fire and I’m trying not to go over to her and strangle her.

“If you do anything with that but put it down GENTLY then I’m going to do something you WILL regret.”

I swallowed hard as I watched her gingerly put the console down but a sly grin is on her face. I walked up to her and grabbed her by her neck. I looked over at Bella, who is still sitting on the couch with her eyes fixated at us, and I walked over and grabbed her by the neck too.

I dragged them both into the bedroom and set them both down on their knees.

“You care more about that damn PS5 than us!” Alana screeched at me. “You don’t even love Bella anymore, do you?”

Bella nudged her and softly scolded her, “What? He doesn’t! Tell me I’m wrong!”

I’m actually angry right now. So fucking angry. Tired, angry and now my love is being challenged!?

I took the cap off of her head and tossed it aside. I pushed my shorts down to my ankle and kicked it away, leaving my boxers on where I slipped my still soft dick out from the folds. I offered it to Alana, where she hungrily reached for it, but I took it away and Bella moved in where she gobbled it up in her mouth.

I could see Alana’s lip quiver and she tried to go next to Bella but I held her over. I know she hates it when I tease her like this. She looked at me with defeated eyes and all I could do is give her a kiss. Our lips and tongue danced together while my hand went behind Bella’s head and urged her on. I pulled Alana into me and I softly bit her lip and then I gently kissed her neck. Bella is really good at getting my cock hard and the lewd noises she made has gotten my engine going.

I pushed Alana back down to her knees and I took my dick and swung it around in front of her face. Bella gave me a disappointed look, having her favorite toy taken away, but I gave her a wink and she settled down a little. I dangled it in front of Alana and she reached for it.

“No, no no. Only good girls can play with it,” I told her and she whimpered as she licked her lips. “I don’t like what you were trying to do back there. Do you know how long it took me to get a PS5?”

“I don’t give a fuck about your PS5,” she growled at me. She didn’t take her eyes off my meat bat as I continued to sway it in front of her. I took it in my hand and I slowly inched it closer to her, and she took a tongue out to taste it but I pulled it away from her. “Give… give it to me, please.”

“Why should I?” I hummed as I brought it a bit closer to her. Again, she tried to wrap her lips around my thick cockhead but I pulled away before she could. “Tell me now, or Bella get’s to have it again.”

She’s panicking. “I…. I don’t have a good reason, Daddy! I’ve just been horny and lonely!”

“Alana, you’re supposed to be looking for a boyfriend,” I teased again, “you’re a beautiful girl, any man would be lucky to have you.”

“I tried, daddy! I tried! I went out with a guy last week but he’s so lame! He doesn’t understand me at all, and he wanted to fuck me on the first date.”

I rubbed my cock on her chin, and she dropped her tongue down where the tip brushed my cock head. “Well maybe you should try again. Promise me you’ll go out for another date next week.”

“I – I promise, daddy. I’ll go out on a date again.”

“Good, but don’t compare them to me. If you do that, you’ll have a hard time finding someone.”

She whimpered again as she gave me her doe eyes. She nodded, “Daddy, I promise.”

She opened her mouth and waited for me to put my cock in, but I wagged my finger in front of her.

“Promise what, Alana?”

She sighed and rolled her eyes. She probably figured out that I know how to play her little game that I have to really listen to the words she’s saying. The first time she promised me something, it was to stop making copies of our apartment keys. What I failed to realize is that I never said anything about the ones already in existence. She has made 10 copies of our apartment keys and so far I’ve confiscated about 3 of them.

“I promise not to compare my dates to you.”

Feeling satisfied with her answer, I plopped my cockhead atop her waiting tongue. She hummed as her mouth closed around it. She gave an excited and lustful moan as she slowly gorged herself with my meat, and I’m quite amazed at how well she can suck a cock too. If I am to believe what Bella has been telling me, Alana is not the type to seek the affection of just any guy. She likes to get to know them first and then, slowly, she would let herself become theirs.

I looked over at Bella, who is still sitting on her knees and waiting. I sat myself down with Alana still attached to my dick.

“Bella, come here,” I bid and she gingerly sat herself down next to me, looking like a lost lamb. “What’s wrong babe?”

She started to cry, and I instantly felt a pang of pain in my heart. I don’t like seeing my beloved Bella cry. I like seeing her brash, no-shit-taking attitude and I think that’s her strong point. “I thought we we’re going to break up again because of yesterday,” she sniffled as she rubbed her eye. I thought back to yesterday and I tried to look at my actions from her point of view. I realized that my cold front could be misconstrued as my checking out of the relationship.

I took her hip and pulled her closer to me where she rest her head against my own. “I’m sorry. I was trying to get into character and since I haven’t done this in some time I had to research it again and look it up.”

She gave me a short laugh and that beautiful smile of hers. I picked her chin up and gave her a few short kisses.

With renewed vigor, Bella pushed Alana over and started working on my cock while maintaining eye contact with me. Alana would whimper as she tried getting in, but ultimately she sat by and did nothing.

“Alana, there’s – *ugh* – other things you can do other than being lazy!” I scolded her. Bella glanced at her and she stopped her usual deepthroat, only going a little past the head while Alana suckled and licked the shaft. She would sometimes softly bite it and Bella sucked on the head hard and then licked under the head.

I’ve never had a double blowjob before, and I didn’t think it was in the realm of possibility for a nerdy guy like me. In a time where 90% of girls my age prefer a guy being much taller than them, I somehow managed to attract a girl much taller than I am and she’s crazy in love with me too.

*** ***Alana*** ***

Daddy is not being nice! He’s making me share with Izz, and she gets to suck on his massive cockhead!

But Izz is nice, she lets me have a turn once in a while. I love her, she’s always nice to me. I see her as a sister, an older sister really, and I hope she considers me one as well. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be in this situation again.

We took turns sucking Daddy’s dick, letting his thick head rub the roof of my mouth and stretch my mouth a little. I’m jealous that Izz can deepthroat him. I’m jealous that she can fuck his meat rod as much as she wants all day, every day. I’m jealous that they can kiss and be all lovey-dovey while Laura and I sleep alone. I’m jealous, but not resentful or bitter.

Lines of saliva has been dripping down his shaft, coating my crop top and making it messy. I took my top off and Izz took her tank top off as well. Out of the three of us, I’m the smallest. I’m a C-Cup, while Laura is a D and Izz is a DD cup. I’m still proud of my tits because it’s nice and perky and I don’t have a hard time finding cute bras or tops. Laura and Izz always complain that they can’t find nice looking bathing suits, Izz had to, before her amnesia, bought her bathing suit at some adult website. Those really skimpy ones that left nothing to the imagination.

Daddy didn’t like the bathing suit tops, so Izz tossed the top but kept the bottoms because, according to her, Daddy sometimes like fucking her in those skimpy bottoms. He has some kinks that I’ve come to find out, like how he loves it when Izz wears cotton thigh-highs, glasses, tight gym wears and such. Sometimes her old “librarian” outfits would totally drive Chris wild.

So now Daddy took his cock and pulled it up and stroked it. Izz went over and started sucking his balls into her mouth and I can see her play with it a bit. I did the same, but I didn’t have enough room to actually took the other ball into my mouth so I just licked his scrotum. When Izz let his ball go, I took the other one into my mouth, sucked it in and played with it with my tongue. I can hear him moaning, I love how vocal he can be. The last guy I was with, Anthony, wasn’t very vocal but he grunts like some wild animal. I had a pregnancy scare because he never told me he was going to come and he would do it inside of me without warning, that’s when I started taking birth control.

“Your going to look for a boyfriend, right?” Daddy asked and I nodded eagerly. “Find a good one, someone who will take care of you.”

“And your,” he grunts really deep, “needs!”

He then shoved his mighty cock inside my mouth, grabbed the back of my head, and he fucked my face. I couldn’t help but be engrossed in all of this, as my eye widens and my senses go wild. All of my senses are filled with him and only him. His cock’s smell filled my nose, the taste obscured everything else. The wet sound coming from me filled my ears, and my tongue caressing his shaft is the only thing I’m focused on at the moment. Finally, the only thing I can see is his pelvis thrusting into me.

Then, a few minutes passed again and I am filled with even more lustful smell and taste! He finally came inside my mouth! I’ve been waiting for Daddy to give me my prize for the longest time! Oh, he taste sweet and salty, a nice balance and I gulped down his massive load. He kept giving me more and more and I’m starting to have a hard time swallowing his load because it’s so much! A bit came down and escaped from the edge of my lips and it stained my chest.

He took his tool out and Izz started sucking on it, giving me a kind of a dirty look. I’m sorry, Izz, I’m sorry for being selfish.

*** ***Bella*** ***

I can’t believe this bitch swallowed his cum, all of his cum, and she didn’t even share with me! Laura and I shared ours with her back then! Well, I can sort of understand because Chris has been denying her a fresh load ever since this all started. I’ll give her this one.

Chris moaned while I cleaned up his cock. I can still taste his spunk, it always taste delicious. I wonder if there’s a supplement that can make his cum taste like Cinnabon or something.

He grabbed me by my armpits and stood me up. “Drop the shorts,” he told me in such a commanding tone that I couldn’t help but do as he says. He rubbed my pussy through my thong and he slid it aside. He loves fucking me with my underwear on, something about the thin fabric rubbing against him while he’s fucking me is something, according to him, he enjoyed. He took his cock and pressed it against the entrance and he pushed it in slightly, and then pulled it out.

“Don’t… don’t tease me, please,” I whined as my lips shivered, “please, put it in. Please, daddy, put it in my bitch pussy.”

I really hate being taller than him. I don’t give a fuck that he’s 5’10, but I really dislike being taller than him. We would be so perfect together if I was Alana’s height, or even Raissa’s height, but I’m an entire 6 inches taller than him! It doesn’t look cute when we’re kissing and he has to go on his toes just to reach my lips, and it’s not adorable when he hugs me and I can’t even lay my head on his chest.

But he accepts me for who I am. He affectionally calls me his Amazon, and I kind of see how he came to that conclusion. But when the times where he is sexually dominates me and I can’t even give myself fully to him because of my height, it really gives me a sense of insecurity.

But he find ways, oh god does he find ways.

“What do you want me to do with this?” He asked me and I could feel my face become hot.

“Put it inside my pussy, please daddy.”

“Just put it in? That’s all you want me to do?”

“Fuck me with your hot, cock. Please, please fuck me as hard as you can, daddy,” I said sheepishly.

I could hear the wet squelching of my pussy, hungry and longing for his cock to penetrate it. He gave me a grin and he dipped himself down a bit and when he straightened up his cock entered my palace, about half of it is inside of me. Oh it always feels magical having his cock stretch me open. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: his cock and my pussy always feels like they’re meant for one other.

There are two advantages of having a 6 inch height difference with him. One of them is that he can fuck me while standing straight, only bending slightly and all I have to do is angle my pelvis so he can have a better way of entering me. The other is that he can suck on my tits without really bending at the torso. That advantage is something he takes advantage of whenever he can, and he sucked and ate my tits roughly.

After a minute of fucking while standing, I started feeling that familiar pressure in my loins and my legs started to get weak. I laid on my back and he followed me, and without missing a beat he shoved his cock back into my pussy. Alana followed us, laying next to me while she gently rubbed my arm and from time to time Chris would let her suck on a finger. Alana started sucking on my free breast but Chris immediately grabbed her by the pony tail and brought her up to face him.

“Her tits are mine,” he growled at her while he’s fucking me. She nodded but he then immediately kissed her too, and then fondled her breast. He leaned down a bit and he started sucking on her tits, biting her softly and flicking her nipple with his tongue. He sucked on her nipple and pulled it up while sucking and finally letting her go, causing her to scream out.

“I shouldn’t have done that,” he groaned as he fell over atop of me. I wrapped my legs around him while his thrusts started going faster, and faster, driving into me harder with each stroke. I cried and moaned in pleasure and that feeling in my loins started getting stronger and stronger. His cock head scraping against the walls of my pussy has gotten me to that feel-good feeling and I grit my teeth as I ride my orgasm.

“Fuck – Fuck, Bella, I’m gonna come!” he moaned through baited breath while taking shallow breaths. He held his breath as he pushed himself deep against me, swiveling his pelvis while he grinded his cock against my cervix. He sputtered and groan, and I felt his warm man-batter invade me. God, I hope my birth control can handle his soldiers.

*** ***Chris*** ***

I don’t have a lot of experience in a group-sex setting, but there is always something about it that makes me cum more than I normally do. I enjoy sex, I didn’t know I did until my time with Bella. Other than her, there is only one other person that I’ve had intercourse with.

Still, when I drilled into Bella and came, it felt like my soul was being sucked out of me. How her pussy clamped around me and didn’t let go, how it tightened so hard that I thought she has her hand around my cock the entire time, something about it makes her so excited as well.

I was finally able to detach myself from her, watching as a thick line of my come flowed out from her. Alana saw this as an opportunity as she licked her up and started sucking on Bella’s pussy, and the poor girl didn’t have the energy to fight her off.

Alana smacked her lips as she kept digging for me, and Bella has been trying to push her off of her. I grabbed her pony tail and whirled her around, shoving my cum-stained cock into her mouth. “Clean this up,” I told her and she gladly polished me off and kept her beautiful, brown eyes on me. She licked me up from root to tip, giving extra attention to the sensitive underside of my helmet.

I wanted more. I wanted more! I hooked my hands under her pits, and pushed her up so that she ‘s laying next to the twitching Bella. Taking Lanie’s advice, I proceed to feast on her. She has a nice, brown pussy with the lips receding into her, much like Bella’s and Laura’s pussy. But unlike them, she keeps it neatly trimmed with a little landing strip whereas Bella’s is fully hair free and Laura’s pussy is trimmed but she has more hair down there. I appreciate what they did for me.

*** ***Alana*** ***

Daddy’s head disappeared into my crotch. I felt his tongue slowly lick me up, teasing my lips and as he neared my clit he flicked it up hard and fast. *Ooooh* he sent shivers running up my spine. Daddy kept this up for a good minute or so and I swear I’ve been panting up a storm just waiting for him.

He then made an O with his lips and enclosed my clit in it, then he started sucking. Oh god it felt so good! So fucking wonderful! The suction is light, but the feeling of his mouth pulling at my clit made me cum! I grabbed his hair, his fucking bushy, wild hair that he barely combs! I hate it! I hate how his hair just naturally settles and it gives him a bangs that makes him look approachable. But then he turns into this monster in bed! Like a regular Jekyll and Hyde situation!

Just that light suction has gotten me shaking and trembling while he’s keeping my legs apart. But then he turned it up and I’ve been shouting at him!

‘”Stop! Stop making me cum so much, daddy!” I shouted as I’m trying to push him off of me. He didn’t care, he didn’t want to listen to me. Why should he? He holds the power now. He’s got me shouting his name, shouting every god’s name I can think of and that electricity wrapping itself around my arms and leg wouldn’t stop!

Izz crawled up to me, licking the side of my face while her hands are massaging my tits.”Izz…stop, please,” I begged her but, like her cruel boyfriend, she didn’t stop either. She’s pinching my nipples and flicking it just like how Daddy does it.

Then I saw him looming over me, planting his hands next to me. I could see his cock twitching and throbbing, begging to penetrate it’s next conquest. Then I saw Izz grab it and guide it into my crotch, and Daddy pushed it in slowly.

That deep, pressure pushing and invading me, my pussy giving accommodations to it’s new guest.

“Alana, are you ok?” Daddy asked me and I had to look at him to answer.

“Ye-yesshhh,” I said with my dopamine-laced brain making a fool of me! E*stúpida*! He smiled at me while Izz is looking down at me, and then she had the audacity to plop her wet cunt onto my face!

“Eat it,” she said and so I grabbed her hips while I’m tasting her sweet cunt, still covered and dripping with Daddy’s semen!

“You’re not as good as Daddy, but you’ll do,” she told me as she pressed harder, burying my protest. I was happy to lick her up, I’ve been dying to do it ever since Amnesia-Izz let me many months ago. Her slightly sour grool mixed in with Daddy’s sweet-salty cream is something I’ve wanted to taste again.

*** ***Bella*** ***

What the fuck has gotten into me? I don’t watch porn. I don’t, yet here I am enacting something that’s probably in a lot of pornographic videos. Alana eating my creampie’d pussy while Chris is currently fucking her.

I’m amped up. The frustration of being at home most of the time, not having a lot of things to do and having to wait for Chris to come home so I can have some fun with him is taking a toll in my sense of self worth. So the only outlet I have is this, sex.

Whenever he’s at home, I feel happy and fulfilled! I know it’s unhealthy, tying my happiness to a person, but there hasn’t been a lot of things for me to do lately. Although, Raissa did offer me a job in making some promotional art for her. I might take up her offer of that, I might as well put my useless degree to something.

While my pussy grinds against Alana’s face, Chris pulled me in close and we began eating each other’s face. I love kissing Chris, he gives me the same intensity as I give him.

I come off of Alana’s face to find her soaked with my and Chris’ come. I licked off what I could and I just enjoyed the show while I gently massaged her nice, ample breast.

*** ***Alana*** ***

This bitch. She fucking dumps Daddy’s load on my face and then she starts licking me up. I wanted that for myself!

Daddy hasn’t let up fucking me, and he’s been gently pushing the wall in front of my Cervix. Every time he pushed against it, I would feel this hot electricity on the bottom of my foot. Every time his cock head touches it, I couldn’t help but whine a little bit because it felt so good.

I think he noticed it. I think Daddy noticed it! He’s grinning at me like an idiot!

He pressed himself deep into me and then he held it there. I could feel his throbbing cock against my deep spot, and when I whined he smiled like he confirmed something. Then he drew himself back a little, which caused me to exhale a bit but when he touched my G-Spot I whined again!

So now he’s pulling out just enough that his cockhead pressed against my G-spot and then pushes in just far enough to tickle my deep spot. God-fucking-damn he’s got me singing notes I thought I wouldn’t reach! This isn’t fair! This is so not fucking fair!

Daddy is ruining me for other men!

It’s coming! It’s coming again! And again! And again! My orgasm is pounding my pussy relentlessly impairing my cognitive abilities. His cockhead is so thick and meaty that every time it throbs or twitch it would send me a jolt of pleasure. He hoists my leg up so its resting over his shoulder, pushed me up and he’s started fucking me faster and harder using the same spot.

“Daddy, I’m coming! D-Daddy, this bitch of yours is coming again!” said someone I didn’t recognize. Our hands intertwined as he held it above my head, then he pushed in me as deep as my pussy allowed him to and then I felt it, and he groaned loudly.

His warm cum seeping into me, splashing against my cervix as it gobbled up as much of his semen as it could. He grunts and moans while he kept punching into my sore, and hungry, pussy and he kept giving me more and more of his DNA. I’m feeling cock-drunk right now, so confused and mesmerized by my own orgasms and it felt like I was free falling for a second there.

One last time he drove down on me, swiveled his hips a bit, and then slowly drew his meat stick out leaving behind a string of semen. Izz immediately went over and took his cock into her mouth, cleaning up the film of cum and my orgasm juice off him.

“Water…” is all he said as he shambled out of the room.

*** ***Bella*** ***

Alana is squirming and twitching in a puddle of mess by Chris’ design. I dipped a finger into her warm, wet pussy and helped myself to some of their product.

“Izz,” she managed to say weakly, “that was so… good…”

“Glad you liked it,” I told her as I slipped another of my finger into her, swirled it around and then cleaned it up after.

“Izz,” she said again.

“Hmm? What now?” I said with slight annoyance. I laid down next to her and I’m brushing the hairs off her face.

“Thank you.”

~End of Part 17~



  1. Why don’t you make a crossover of all the characters in a chapter having orgy.. just a suggestion

  2. You missed a golden opportunity for Alana to call Chris “Papi” otherwise another fantastic chapter.

  3. Dude! This is FAN-Fracking-Tastic stuff. Dont Stop please. Anyone else imagine Karen Gillian as Bella? lol

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