My mom wasn’t interested in swimming at all!

Disclaimer: This is a supposed cheating story of my mom. I didn’t see her doing the “act”. So I will leave your imagination fill in the blanks.

The whole incident happened when I was 12 and my mom was in her late 30. It was summer holiday so I decided to take a swimming class at a private pool in a housing complex 3 bus stops away from our place.

The swimming class and unisex session was from 9am to 12pm. The women only session was 12:30pm to 3:30pm and the men only 4pm to 7pm. It was a 2-month intensive class so I had to go every day.

Since the first day I noticed this guy with a stern face. He was tall and built. Since I didn’t know his name let’s just call him the Dude.

After a week my mom decided to swim too. She was a district-level swimming champion in her high school. She had gained a few extra pounds in recent years. She wanted to shed them by swimming.

My dad spent 10 hours a day, 6 days a week managing his business. As he was a primary provider of the family, my mom had nothing much to do except some cooking in the morning. Since the women session at the pool began in the afternoon, she could join it without disrupting her daily routine.

On her first day she arrived the pool early. I didn’t like it since many grown men were eyeing her. My mom was 5’4″, fair-skinned and a little plump. So a dozen of half naked men were ogling at her which made me uncomfortable. But she didn’t seem to care. Looking back I felt she even enjoyed it.

After the class ended I greeted her and went to the changing room. When I came out, I saw the Dude was chatting with my mom. My mom was giggling like a school girl and the Dude didn’t look stern anymore. I was a bit stunned by the scene since my mom seemed smitten by this stranger. Even though I was 12 at that time I felt uneasy by the exchange between them.

I approached my mom and said that I was going to leave. She just gave me a look and a perfunctory bye-sweetie and continued her talk with the stranger. She didn’t feel like introducing me to him. Both of them didn’t feel like their conversation interrupted. I checked the Dude’s nether region and saw a bulge in his Speedos. I bet my mom noticed it too.

As I walked to the bus stop, I was intrigued by them. So I hid behind the wall and peeked through the gap between the two adjacent iron walls. They were still chatting. At one point I remember he ran his fingers through her temple hair like he was removing some dust. It wasn’t until the pool manager came and talked something to him that he went into the showers and my mom into the ladies’ changing room. Then I walked to the bus stop.

I didn’t dare asking my mom about the situation. As a typical Asian family, I wasn’t that open with their parents and was afraid of confrontation. I just dismissed the whole situation as a meet and greet. But I might be fooling myself.

Next day I prayed my mom would be too busy to come to the pool. But my prayers were unanswered and my mom came at the usual time. After the class ended, I showered and changed as quickly as I could to observe my mom and the Dude. They were chatting as usual when I came out of the showers. I said my goodbye and ran to the peek hole.

When I got there, I saw my mom was still sitting on the bench and the Dude was nowhere to be found. I was happy the Dude wasn’t there but curious why my mom still didn’t get into the changing room. I remember my inner voice telling me to go to the bus stop but I decided against it and kept watching.

A few minutes later the Dude came out of the changing room. I was shocked to see that my mom got up and approached him. Then they walked out of the pool together. After dumbfounded for a while I circled back the pool to see where they were going. I saw my mom holding hands with the Dude and got on his ride. Where were they going I wondered.

When I got home, I was still confused by what I saw. I wasn’t old enough to grasp the whole situation. Did my mom grab some drinks before swimming? She came home the usual time and didn’t seem anything wrong. I checked the laundry basket and didn’t see any swimwear besides mine. It was obvious my mom didn’t go back to swimming pool after wherever she went with the Dude.

I had observed the following days as usual and saw the similar scene again and again: the Dude holding my mom’s hand or sometimes her waist while walking to his ride. I never knew when the affair ended. But I was sure my mom wasn’t swimming the whole summer.
