Having sex for the first time since my breakup. [MF]

Sorry for the delay in posting again. I want to make sure the stories I write are not rushed and the best I can make them.

This is my first story about my sex life since Mary and I broke up, I still have more stories to tell from our time together, but I wanted to share this one about my first sexual experience since my break up.

Me and Mary broke up just before the pandemic, in February of 2020. I think lockdown actually really helped me a lot, as it kept me separated from her and I was more focused on other things. After a few months I downloaded tinder and set up my profile. I had 3 pictures, no bio, nothing. Matches weren’t particularly coming in thick and fast.

I started one or two conversations with the limited amount of matches I did have, they didn’t go anywhere, but I used it as experience for talking to new people again and trying to “sell” myself and my personality. I gained a little more confidence, added a couple more selfies to my profile and a small bio. The matches started to pick up a little, one or two a day. I only really started conversations with people who I found really attractive or who had something in their bio I could bounce off. Still none of these conversations really went anywhere.

Then I matched with Sarah. She was 21, one year younger than me. Curly blonde hair, a very toothy smile. She was cute, but not conventionally attractive, she wasn’t skinny, but wasn’t fat. She was an all round 6.5/10 for me for looks.

I don’t want to be that guy, but looks can only get you so far, personality for me is more important, and her bio was great. She was flirty, but not slutty, it was easy to bounce off of and send a first message to. We listened to the same music, she was an easy decision to swipe right on.

I sent her a message, something about the music she listened to, and she replied within about a minute. We picked up conversation really quickly and just bounced off another, this was the first time on tinder I was talking to someone where the conversation didn’t feel forced. It was natural, it flowed from one topic to the next and it was the first time since my break up I felt like I could actually put my old relationship behind me and look forward to new things.

She asked for my number and added me on WhatsApp and we spoke for about a week until she asked me if we wanted to meet for drinks. She knew I didn’t drink, but she told me she would buy me all the tap water I wanted.

I was really nervous, this was as things slowly started opening up again the UK last year. So not only was I fearful about COVID, I hadn’t really seen or spoken to a girl in person in months. She lived in a city about 25 minutes away from me. We agreed to meet on Saturday and see how things went. I drove to the city, found the bar she suggested and sat inside. I was about 15 minutes early as I didn’t want to risk being late with traffic. I found a seat and waited. The bars closed at 10 at this point in time, and we were supposed to meet at 8. I waited for about 10 minutes before she arrived. She sat by me and gave me a hug.

“Its so nice to meet you” she said.

“You too” I replied.

We exchanged small talk, nothing really noteworthy, we ordered some drinks, she drank cocktails, and I was on the lemonade. We talked and talked and before we knew it, it was already 10 and the bar was closing.

We got kicked out and I asked what she wanted to do now. She said we could go back to hers, she was a 2 minute drive away and had a space for me to park my car. I didn’t want to get ahead of myself and so I just followed her lead.

We got into my car and she directed me to her house, she lived in a flat with 2 of her friends. For the sake of the story, we will call them Alice and Daisy, but they don’t really feature much.

I pulled up outside her house and turned off the engine, we got out and she lead me by the hand to her front door. She put her key in the door, opened it and dragged me inside. We had 1 flight of stairs to walk up before we came to another door where her flat was.

I’m not sure what it was, but this wave on anxiety hit me and I didn’t feel comfortable all of a sudden. Before my relationship with Mary I hadn’t done much with anyone. Then after our breakup, here I am on the doorstep of a girls door I’ve known for a week and had only met for a couple of hours and god knows what could have been in store for me on the other side.

Before she opened her door I stopped her and told her how I was feeling. We had spoken about our reasons for being on tinder already, she knew I was still getting over my old relationship. She told me I didn’t have to come in if I didn’t want to and that it was ok if I wanted to leave.

I backed out and left her, we hugged before I left but that was all, I walked back to my car and drove home. On the journey back I thought to myself and realised I clearly still wasn’t over Mary. I don’t know what it was or why I only felt it now, but I wasn’t ready to move on completely. I got home, checked my phone and a message from Sarah was on my phone asking me to let her know I was home safe.

I text her and apologised for leaving her again. She told me it was fine and that it was probably the right decision. We spoke for another day or two, but I realised I needed more time and deleted tinder and stopped talking to her.

A few more months passed. I had spent this time working on myself. I got into shape, I started cooking for myself more healthier food. I was starting to love who I was. I thought it was time to maybe try and get back out there. I redownloaded tinder, set up my profile once again and started to ‘play the field’ it was ok, I had a couple of good conversations. I never met up with anyone but this time whilst talkingĀ  to new people I wasn’t hung up on Mary or thinking about her or what she would think.

One day I got a notification “someone has super liked you, play it cool by checking it out immediately”

Some super liked me? What the hell, I don’t think im unattractive, but I never thought I would ever get a super like. I opened up tinder, swiped on a couple of people and then tinder showed me who super liked me. It was Sarah. I liked her back and we matched again. I left it for a while and she text me on tinder first. “Long time no see, you’re back on tinder again then huh?” Her message read.

I replied saying I had spent the last few months working on myself and felt in a much better place than before. We spoke for a little, and Sarah then stopped the conversation and said, why don’t we catch up over drinks. I agreed and we set another date.

The day came around and I was driving to the city again to meet her, this time bars weren’t open and so we were just buying alcohol to drink at hers. I drove to her flat and picked her up. She directed me to a big supermarket and we went and bought some drinks and food, I stuck to my lemonade and she bought some pink gin and a bottle of vodka.

We headed back to hers and once again she lead me up the first flight of stairs like she had done a few months ago. I had this fear that going back there would make me anxious again, that I was going to freak out and leave like last time.

But this time it felt perfect, I didn’t have any expectations, any worries. I was happy and confident and I felt really good. Sarah opened her door and introduced me to her friends. They were both like Sarah really, not the most drop dead gorgeous girls ever, but cute in their own ways.

The 2 girls joined us for drinks and I felt a bit like I was under investigation, being interrogated by these 2 friends of Sarah’s, a girl I didn’t really know anyway. But it was fun, they girls had their drinks and I had my lemonade. Time flew and it was about half 11.

Both of Sarah’s roomates decided to call it a night and went back to their rooms. Me and Sarah stayed up a little longer, and our conversation became a lot deeper and personal.

“Last time you were here, it really made me feel shitty when you left” Sarah told me.

“I’m so sorry” I replied “I just wasn’t quite in the right place, and I think it would have been worse for us both if I had stayed”

“I know, but it made me feel like there was something wrong with me, or that I had done something wrong to make you leave” she explained.

Our conversation continued like this and I explained the things I had done in my life to get over Mary and how I was feeling and the progress I had made. I mentioned I had gotten into shape and this sparked Sarah to ask me to “show her”. I wasn’t quite sure what she meant by this, did she want to watch me go for a run or lift some weights?

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“You said you’re in shape now, show me” her tone had changed, we were just having a deep conversation and now she was playful, and flirty. I was slightly confused, but I rolled with it.

“Well, I suppose I’m starting to get some muscle in my arms, and have a toned stomach I said” I flexed my right arm and lifted up my shirt slightly with my left hand to show my stomach. I didn’t have abs, but I was toning and you could see that I was started to get abs.

“Wow” Sarah said “you look really good! I couldn’t tell with your shirt on” she replied.

With this I realised what was going on, what was being implied. I was ready to feel awkward or uncomfortable, but I didn’t. It felt natural, I was happy, I didn’t feel any guilt like I had before.

“Here” I said, and lifted my shirt completely off over my head.

Sarah wolf whistled at me and laughed. “You do look really good! I’m proud of you, you must be happy with your progress right?” She asked. She was still saying this in a flirty kind of way.

“Yeah, I still have goals and areas I want to improve on, but I’m really happy” I said.

“You should be, do you mind if I?” She asked, and held her hand out to put on my chest.

“Yeah, yeah” I said. This was the first time this evening I felt slightly awkward, but Sarah moved herself closer to me and ran her hand over my chest. We made eye contact and I let her take the lead. We leaned in and kissed. At first no tounge, it was a long, somewhat passionate kiss on the lips. Sarah still had her hand on my chest. I put both arms behind her back. One over and down to her arse and the other up on her shoulders.

She pulled away and asked if I was OK. I said I was fine and we kissed again, but this time properly. She moved her spare hand down to my trousers and started to rub my over my trousers. I used this signal as an indication to grab a handful of ass. It was a good ass, I was impressed.

“I think we should maybe move this into my room” Sarah said. I agreed and followed her, carrying my shirt in my hands. We walked over to her room and she flicked on the light. It was a pretty standard girls room, makeup table, full wardrobe, double bed. Sarah closed the door behind me and spun around to kiss me again.

She one again put one hand on my chest and the other over my trousers. I could feel myself getting a semi over the touching and kissing and I was started to be turned on. I put my hands to the sides of her top and pulled it up over her head. She encouraged me and pushed out her chest as I lifted off her shirt. She was wearing a white lacey bralette. With this she unbuttoned my trousers and unzipped my flies. I now had a pretty obvious semi, she squeezed a hand down my unbuttoned trousers and over my boxers and felt my cock. I returned the favour and grabbed a handful of tit with one of my hands.

I assume she around a c cup, she had, from what I could currently see a good pair of tits. She filled her bralette and had a good amount of cleavage still showing. As we were kissing, I was caressing her breats and arse with my hands, she was letting out soft little moans as her hands were exploring my body. At this point we were just stood up in the middle of her room making out. I wasn’t sure what to do next, was she waiting for me to make the next move? Was she going to take the lead?

I went with my gut and took control. I sat her down on the bed and knelt infront of her. She had a pair of jeans on, which I unbuttoned. Once I had loosened them I pulled them down from her waist, pass her knees and off her feet. Her panties were lacey and matched her bralette. Once her trousers were off I wasted no time in going back to her waistline and pulling her underwear off too. As I put one hand either side of her waist and grabbed her panties I kept my eyes on her pussy and watched as her underwear revealed her cunt to me. She was completely shaven, her legs were slightly apart and it gave me a good view of her vagina. It was all tidy, her clit was popped out and quite prominent, I could see she was slightly wet, her lips gleamed at me.

I took a taste, I slowly ran my tounge up her pussy. Before finding her clit and focusing on that. As my tongue became familiar with her clit, I slid a couple of fingers into her, I heard her moan and looked up, she had one hand under her bralette, massaging her own breast, and the other was lightly placed on my head. She had her head slightly tilted back, but I managed to catch her eye and she gave me a really warm smile. I got focused again and tried to get back into my groove.

Mary and I had always been really open with one another about what things we did like, what things we didn’t. Things that felt good and other things that we found weird. I eventually got really good at getting Mary off through oral, and now I was trying to get back into that mindset on Sarah. It had been a long time since I last gave oral to someone and I definitely didn’t immediately get straight back into it.

As I was starting to find me feet again and pick up on what was making her feel good I was stopped.

“Slow down, I don’t want to finish just yet” she said. Clearly I was getting her closer to orgasm than I realised.

I stood up and kissed her, she almost immediately grabbed for my trousers. She pulled them down and I sat on the bed where she was just sat as she completely took off my trousers. I still had my boxers on, but I was so hard they weren’t doing the best job at concealing my boner. Like I had just done 5 minutes ago for her, she was now doing to me, she grabbed my boxers at my waistline and pulled them down. This made my cock lay flat until it sprung out from hiding. She let out a little noise of glee as she held my cock in her hands. She immediately started to jerk me off.

She kept doing this for a little while, just using her hands to stroke me up and down. I wasn’t sure whether she was going to use her mouth or not. I didn’t mind either way, but she certainly kept me guessing. I was as hard as could be, ready for anything.

“Are you clean?” She asked me. My mind initially went to whether I had showered recently, which of course I had. I then realised she was talking about STDs. I’ve detailed all the people I’ve had sex with in my old stories and all of us were clean. So I had never had the need to take any tests and confirm whether I was or not.

“Yeah” I said “I have condoms if you want though” she laughed and replied “its ok, I trust you. You don’t strike me as the type of guy who sleeps around a lot”

I was expecting her to now, after knowing I was clean, start sucking me off. However I was pleasantly surprised when she turned around and sat her self on me. She guided my cock into her and she was sat on my lap with my cock deep inside her.

She turned her head and kissed me and I kissed her back. She felt really good, I’m not sure if it was the fact I hadn’t had sex in a long time, but it felt REALLY good. We stopped kissing so she could start bouncing up and down on me. I reached forward and ran my hands over her body and under her bralette. She was busty enough for me to perfectly get a handful of tit and not have any left out. She unclipped her bra and I sort of got my first view at her naked tits. They were nice, perky, small hard nipples.

Eventually Sarah stopped riding me and she hopped off my lap and stood me up, she then got on all fours on her bed and pointed her pussy towards me. She wanted me to fuck her in doggy and I obliged without hesitation. I rubbed her clit with my head before pulling up and setting myself inside her, starting slowly and deeply. Sarah made it clear she had no time for this, after one or two slow thrusts she pushed herself back at me with force and indicated she wanted me to go faster and harder.

I got the message and grabbed her by the waist. I got a good strong grip on her thighs so I could pull and push myself in her with force and power. Sarah started moaning a lot, and buried her face into her pillow, arching her back more and causing her pussy to tighten. After a few months with no sex I was already getting close to busting. I didn’t want to finish just yet, but I didn’t want to stop as Sarah was clearly having a really good time. I kept going for a little while until I was on the edge. I slowed down and eventually came to a stop.

“Did you cum?” She asked me.

“No I slowed down to stop myself” I replied “I got really really close”.

She pulled herself away from me and my cock left her pussy, she turned around and looked at me

“Lay down” she said and made room for me to lay beside her.

I assumed we were getting into cowgirl, a position I knew I wouldn’t last 30 seconds in. I laid down and was ready for her sit on my cock. Instead she sat on my face. We were in 69 and my face was right up close to her pussy again.

Before I even started giving to Sarah, I cpuld feel her hands around my cock and what I can only imagine was her tounge teasing my head. I got my arms up around her legs and slipped in a few fingers to her soaking pussy. I reach my tounge out and started to lick her clit, she was hovering her self above my head and so everything was just kind of out of reach for me. I grabbed her waist and pulled her much lower until she was squashing my face. This is how I wanted it and it allowed me to really get to all areas of her I wanted to get to.

I found myself struggling to focus on the task at hand. Whatever technique she had going on with sucking me off was working. I was going to cum. I wasn’t sure what she wanted me to do, was she going to take it in her mouth, should I warn her, did she have tissues? I moaned loudly as I could feel myself starting to blow.

“I’m going to cum” I said, she was now viggoursly using her hand to jerk me off. I reached orgasm and cum started pumping out of me. She aimed my cock at her body and i unloaded myself onto her chest. With my face covered up by her pussy, I couldn’t see exactly where I was cumming, I just knew it must have been on her. She was now sat up on my face, no longer leaning down so her face was by my cock. I relished the feeling of cumming, and bathed in my orgasm until I was brought back into the room and continued to get Sarah off.

After a few minutes I managed to get Sarah to cum too. She was grinding my face as she came, moaning pretty loudly. I kept playing with her throughout her orgasm until she collapsed and lay beside me. I could finally see now that her chest was indeed covered with my cum.

We laid beside each other and she wrapped her self around my arm. We laid for a while, neither of saying a word until Sarah eventually stood up and said “we should clean up”

Her cum had dried over my fingers and beard and my cum had dried over her chest. I assume she was going to grab some tissues or something, but she opened her bedroom door and lead me outside…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/q8molz/having_sex_for_the_first_time_since_my_breakup_mf


  1. Great story, and glad to hear you got your your head right before jumping back into the dating pool. She sounds fantastic for wanting another chance with you after the way she admitted feeling hurt.

    Very hot you got to go bare with her.

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