Foreign Exchange – Part 8 (M/f)


Kylie stumbled down into the basement around 8:30 the next morning. She’s naked, but there’s something funny around her waist that we can’t identify. Before sitting down she heads to the cooler and grabs a can of something

“It’s a little early for that, isn’t it Ky?” I ask. My voice and her grumble wake the others.

“I’m not gonna drink it. I just need something cool.” She plops down on the couch and puts the can between her legs. There’s a loud sigh of relief.

“That good, huh?” Michelle asks.

Kylie leans forward and grabs three empty cans. She stacks them up on the coffee table and says “That’s what he put inside me last night!”

The others look on in awe. “He’s an animal. I don’t know how many times I came, but it was a lot. He just didn’t stop fucking me. And when he was finally ready to finish, he wanted me to beg for his cum.”

I’m shocked and disgusted, and I couldn’t stop listening.

“What’d you do?” Sara asks.

Kylie laughs, “I begged for it. I begged like a whore. And when he finished inside me I’m pretty sure I said thank you. Look at me,” she gestures to her belt “These were my favorite panties yesterday. Now they’re a belt and I don’t want to take it off for some reason.”

The rest of us were silent. What do you say to something like that? Kylie was an accomplished slut. If she wanted a guy, she got him. She’d spent many Monday lunch periods telling us about how big the guy she fucked over the weekend was or how she had THEM begging her for a second time. The reversal shook us all. “But why do I feel curious? And turned on?” I thought to myself.

“Is he still sleeping?” Ingrid asks.

“No, he’s in the FUCKING KITCHEN! He’s got breakfast almost ready for us. He’s been up for hours. He even went for a run already. Seven goddamn miles!” Kylie was going crazy.

“What’s wrong with that?” Ingrid followed up.

“What’s wrong is that when I fuck someone they stay fucked. They’re the ones who need an IV bag to replace fluids and a therapist to get over ME.” Kylie’s obviously distraught over the situation.

“You guys don’t seem to get it.” she continued “I brought my A-game last night. He smashed it, then he smashed me. Then somehow while I was in a dick-induced coma he got a splinter in his dick. After I pulled that out he shoved the whole thing Down. My. Throat.”

“What!?” all four of us asked in unison.

“Yeah, that” she pointed at the beer can tower “went in here” she points at her pussy “and here.” pointing at her mouth. “And how does a guy get a splinter in his junk. I guess maybe it drags on the floor?”

“No, that’s not what happened.” I say. “Someone else tell her though, I think I’ve been traumatized.”

Sara told the story and showed Kylie the dent in the wall panel by the stairs.

“It’s a weapon. Allison, sweetie, I think your brother is a sex terminator sent back from the future. Killing people didn’t work out so now he’s here to fuck us into submission.”

“BREAKFAST IS READY” we hear him call down the starts.

“Jesus, just hearing his voice now makes me wet!” Kylie grumbles. The deeply satisfied look on her face betrays her though. She’s into my brother, or at least hooked on his dick.

I move over to the pile of clothes on the floor and start looking for mine. “Wait,” I hear Kylie say quietly “let’s all just stay naked. It’ll really fuck with his head.”

“I’m not really into flashing my brother.” I say back.

“Come on, you said he already saw you last night. Just help me get him all hot and bothered again.”

“You can barely walk now, are you sure you want another round?” It’s Michelle asking now.

“Hell yes, and this time it’ll be him that begs.” Kylie replies.

It’s a sign of how wrong things have gone over the last two days that I go along with her plan and join the line of girls heading upstairs without any clothes.

They’re all naked when they come up for breakfast. I’m treated to the sight of ten hard nipples and five bald pussies walking into the kitchen in a line to grab a plate and pile food onto it. There’s a huge pile of bacon, scrambled eggs, fresh fruit and biscuits lined up on the counter. Plus coffee and juice and bread next to the toaster. I’m shirtless, wearing my normal basketball shorts and smiling. The girls have odd expressions on their faces, Kylie looks tired, Allison looks confused but the rest just look hungry. But the hunger in their eyes wasn’t something that could be fixed with eggs.

“Oh my God, he can actually cook too.” Kylie exclaims as she spoons some eggs right into her mouth. “I figured we were getting rubber eggs and dry biscuits.”

This is one hell of a show. The girls are moving through the kitchen as if it were a buffet line, and I’m watching each of them as of they’re a buffet line of their own. Even Allison, who seemed furious last night is showing no signs of wanting to put clothes on. Objectively, her body is amazing, possibly the best of the group, but I’ve know her for her entire life. It’s hard for me to look away but I’m a little disgusted with myself for not doing it sooner.

“I’m going to head out, ladies. I’m meeting friends at the climbing gym again. Your keys are in a bowl in the fridge. I head back to my room to grab a sweatshirt and something to wear at the climbing gym. As I pass through the door I hear Kylie ask “Why are all of you naked? What the hell did you guys get up to last night?” That’s a question I would pay a lot of money to hear answered but I chose to walk away while they were naked to maintain my position of power. I have no idea how useful it’ll be, but I’m sure giving up this little bit of pleasure will pay dividends.


I hear different parts of the story from each girl, basically who made who cum and how and then they start taking about the next time. The one thing that everyone agrees on us that they all want a shot at Alex, except Allison, of course.

I’m concerned that I might have to wait in line for my next turn with him. I don’t think I could do him again tonight, but maybe by tomorrow I’ll be ready. Whatever happens, the next time I’m with him will be different. He’s going to be the one worshipping me from now on.

Ingrid, Sara and Michelle can’t agree on who’s next though. Sara and Michelle argue that Ingrid already took her shot and missed so she should have to wait. Allison says that it wasn’t a miss but won’t explain any further. She also won’t take sides, but she does remind Ingrid that if things go wrong, she doesn’t have a place to hide out while Alex is still here. She’s undeterred. Honestly, my money is on her anyway because she’s living here. Fuck, she shares a bathroom with him.


“Look, we’re not going to agree amongst ourselves, why don’t we just let Alex pick.” I say after about 20 minutes of talking.

“That seems fair,” Sara says “but how is he going to choose a winner if he doesn’t know there’s a competition.”

Allison speaks up “You all know he’s clueless about some things. My parents are staying at the resort until tomorrow so you should ask go home and get cleaned up and then come back dressed for battle.” I’ll tell him what’s up when he gets home and then leave y’all to it. Kylie, you’re welcome to come back, but you should sit this one out, babe.” Allison finishes with a wink at the reigning champ.

She agrees, but also says that she’s definitely coming back. And if Alex picks her again she’s not going to turn him down.

“We’ll be back at 7:00, make sure he’s here.” I tell Allison.

Ingrid -37

“Allison, how am I going to compete with these girls?” I ask her.

“You don’t have to.” she replies, taking her mouth off my breast for a minute. “You share a bathroom with him. Just leave your door open and be waiting for him when he gets home from the gym.” She goes back to what she was doing. Her fingers are moving towards my pussy now. I’m soaked just thinking about him. That massive cock dances in my mind. Then I remember the look on Kylie’s face as she came down the stairs this morning. I smile and lean back into the couch as Allison moves down to start eating me.

“Yes,” I moan as she makes contact with my dripping cunt. Now isn’t the time to worry about Alex anyway.

Alex – 38

Allison texted me about what the other girls were planning about 15 minutes ago. I was on belay at the time and my phone was on the floor behind me to keep me from looking at it when I was supposed to be watching Matt climb and keeping the slack out of his rope.

Anthony heard the first message come through and picked my phone up. He read the rest of the messages out loud. Why do I have my phone set to show the full text in the notification while it’s locked?

“Kylie’s story has everyone wound up about being next to sleep with you.” He reads.

“Michelle suggested letting you pick.”

“They’re all going home to get ready. They’ll be back at 7:00 and expect you to be here to pick someone.”

Then I made the mistake of saying what was actually on my mind. “What am I going to do? This is too much pressure. It doesn’t work like they think it does.”

“You absolute cocksucker! I can’t believe you. Four hot girls are about to compete for the chance to fuck you and you’re complaining about the pressure?!”

Anthony has never been one to mince words. His outburst is fairly typical. He’s always been jealous of my size and the way girls are drawn to it.

I’ve already told them about my night with Kylie. The highlights anyway. They had to go outside to calm down because the birthday party on the other side on the gym complained about their language when I got to the part about denting the wall and Kylie playing doctor.

The party is gone now and it’s only us and two of the gym staff. Paul, the manager and my former boss is counting out the register while a girl named Stephanie is going around the tables cleaning up the mess left by a horde of 10 year olds. She started working there just after I joined the Navy, but we’ve met and climbed together before. She’s cute but we’re well into the friend zone. Not like I’m looking anyway.

“Look man, I’m not saying my life is hard because of this. I’m saying that it doesn’t work the way they think it does. It takes a certain mindset to actually enjoy a dick like mine.”

This got even more laughs. “You sound like your don’t kind of artist. It’s a dick, it goes in the pussy, that’s it.” Anthony says.

“Nope, you’d think that, but it’s not true. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone home unsatisfied after getting laid. The girl usually gets hurt and makes me stop before I even get started.” I tell him. “I’ve even talked to doctors about getting it shortened but they tell me nerve damage is likely.”

That got his attention. I keep going “Look, if I asked you how much longer you want your dick to be, what would you say?”

Anthony thinks a bit while I check on Matt. I’ve been ignoring him and there’s too much slack in his line. Thankfully he’s too far up to hear most of what we’re saying.

“I’d probably want another three inches. Nine inches, total, is plenty.” Anthony finally says.

“Mine is 14 and a half, over 15 if I’m really turned on. Think about not being able to use half your dick. About always having to hold back.” He’s finally getting the picture. “The only way I’ve reliably found to make it work is to make it seem like I don’t care about sex at all. Hot chicks don’t know how to deal with a guy playing hard to get. Otherwise they get wrapped up in how much they’re going to enjoy it and when it starts to hurt they give up and I go home with blue balls.”

Stephanie – 39
“What’s the story with those guys?” I ask Paul as he drops the envelope of cash into the safe.

“Alex used to work here years ago. He’s the serious climber of the group. The others are his friends and they’re pretty good but they only come while he’s in town.”

“The small one said something about Alex’s dick being huge?” I hope I’m not being too weird with my manager, but we’ve talked about our sex lives before. He’s a great boss and we’re just as much friends as we are coworkers now.

“Yeah, I saw it once while he was showering here. I started calling him tripod until a couple of the girls who worked here overheard and got upset. I don’t know how he can wear a harness with that thing.”

“Really, I might have to go find out for myself.” I say.

Paul looks at me with a grin. “Good luck, then. I wouldn’t want to go there, but I’m also not a girl. If you’re gonna try now, do you mind closing up for me?”

“Sure, are you leaving now.”

“Yeah, the doors are already taken care of, just set the alarm and turn out the lights on your way out.” Paul says, throwing his bag over his shoulder. “And, if you make a mess, at least hose the area down.” He gives me a wink and walks out the front door.

I’ve got butterflies in my stomach as I grab my harness and head to the ladies locker room.

Alex – 40

I’m checking my watch as Matt slaps the top of the wall and lets go of the holds so I can lower him back down. It’s 5:45. The gym closed 15 minutes ago but Paul must not be in a hurry to get anywhere tonight.

I look back at the front desk and see that it’s empty.

Matt unties himself and takes a long drink. His phone rings, it’s Crystal. “Shit guys, I’ve gotta go. We’re having dinner with her parents tonight.” he says as he grabs his bag.

Anthony says that he needs to go as well, and reminds me that I have somewhere to be at 7:00. I’m packing stuff up too when Stephanie comes out of the locker room.

“Before you leave, would you mind belaying me for a climb?” She asks.”I’ve been looking after kids all day and I need some elevation therapy.”

Anthony and Matt turn around, they were almost at the door. “Motherfucker,” I hear Anthony say as they leave.

Crystal has changed out of what she was wearing. Her t-shirt and leggings are gone, she’s wearing a sports bra under an unzipped fleece jacket and a pair of tight shorts under her climbing harness. Her body is extra lean, I can see her defined abs and quads from 30 feet away.

“I guess so” I say, “as long as it’s quick. I need to get home by 7:00.”

She heads over to one of the shorter walls and starts to tie herself off. I join her, admiring her sculpted ass now that the fleece jacket is gone.

I run the free end of the rope through my grigri and clip the carabiner through my own harness and the ground anchor lanyard. I don’t need the anchor at all, but sometimes things get pinched if the climber falls while things aren’t situated correctly in my pants. She starts to ascend. We’re making small talk, just nonsense about what I do in the Navy and what it was like working here years ago. She pauses about 15 feet up and asks where her next foot hold is. I point at a green chip four feet to her right at the same level as her hip. It’s a long reach, but she should be able to do it.

She does, and the seam along the gusset in her shorts lets go. I can see most of her ass and all of her snatch from where I’m standing. “Oh shit, bring me down.” she says, but the tone in her voice and the fact that she changed into these shorts, without panties, tells me that this is probably what she wanted to happen.

“No, you’re only 10 feet from the top. Keep going.” I tell her. I figure if this wasn’t supposed to happen she’ll fight to come down, but she hasn’t let go of the wall yet and her legs are still spread wide open.

Just as I thought, she keeps going. As she reaches the top she holds on for a second before letting go. As I lower her, Stephanie makes no effort to cover herself or even close her legs. I stop lowering her as her hips reach my eye level. She’s spinning gently on her rope right in front of my eyes.

I push down on the carabiner connecting her to my harness, open the gate and remove my belay loop. As it snaps closed again Stephanie looks down at me realizing I’m free and she’s suspended six feet off the ground.

“This wasn’t an accident, was it?” I ask, pushing her knees a little further apart for a closer look.

“No, I heard you guys talking and then I asked Paul about you, Tripod.” She’s got a big smile on her face now. “I was hoping to see for myself.” she says as she peels off her bra. Her breasts are small but amazingly round and perky. Like someone cut a soft ball in half and slipped it under perfectly smooth skin. I reach up for a feel. They’re as wonderful to touch as they are to look at.

“You might regret that.” I tell her. There’s not much time for foreplay if I’m going to get him by 7:00, but I’ve wanted to fuck someone hanging from a harness ever since I started climbing. Now that the opportunity is literally in my face I’m not going to pass it up.

I move further between her legs and start to lick her. She wraps her legs around my head and starts pulling me closer with her calves. I smell the soap from the gym showers and very little else, she must have rinsed herself off before changing. There’s no way she’d be this fresh after six hours of working.

I dive deep into her tunnel with my tongue before moving up to her clit and inserting a finger. she squirms against my face and moans loudly. The sounds echo off the walls and ceiling. I pull her closer using the finger inside her, pressing her clit into my mouth harder while massaging her g-spot. I slide two more fingers in with surprising ease.

She’s dripping with grool and I notice my shirt is getting wet so I pull it over my head. In the brief moment we were separated her body turned around so she was facing away from me. I push her against the wall and started licking her cute butthole.

As I’m licking I start to take off my harness and shorts. Once I’m fully naked I spin her back around to face me and loosen the straps on her harness just slightly. She starts to slip down and ends with the waist strap under her arms and the leg straps around her knees. She’s folded in half and her ass is only a couple inches higher than my waist. Perfectly positioned for sliding into her.

Before I do that though, I rub the tip across her taint and then up her slit before pausing to tap on her clit. I rub back and forth a few times, stopping to press the head against her asshole. This is another porn trope that I hate watching, but I find that it actually feels good. I thrust back and forth, rubbing the underside of my prick along her dripping pussy. So far my strokes have been fairly short and she hasn’t been able to see my dick. It’s time to change that.

I slip myself between her thighs and for the first time she sees the girth of what’s about to split her apart. Then I slowly pull her towards me and let my cock slide through her legs and into her field of view. Stephanie’s eyes go wide. I pull back and line myself up, then gently slip inside her.

At first she can only take a few inches, but as I thrust she loosens up and gets wetter. After twenty-five strokes or so I’m burying nearly a foot of my dick inside her. Each time I bottom out she yelps.

“Do I need to stop?” I ask.

“Don’t you dare.” she says

I don’t enjoy hurting women, so I slow down and make my thrusts a little shorter. However, about once every five strokes I slide in as far as I can and just stay there for a second. It’s obvious that I’m not getting everything in but she still feels amazing.

Stephanie isn’t loving the position and asks for help getting the harness back where it belongs. I lift her ass back to face level and she’s able to slip the leg straps back to her hips. I lick her labia one last time before lowering her by about 18 inches. Once again her pussy is perfectly aligned with my dick.

I slide back inside her and use the waist strap of her harness to move her back and forth on my shaft. She’s screaming in pleasure at this point and starts to shake. I’m also getting ready to cum so I pick up the pace. “Are you on the pill?” I ask.

She nods and tells me to fill her up.

The faster tempo sends her over the edge and she squirts all over my stomach and dick. The surprise of that plus living out my fantasy sets me off as well. I shoot rope after rope deep inside her. Her twitching pussy milks every last drop from my shaft.

My phone starts to ring. It’s Allison. I send her to voicemail and lower Stephanie until she’s standing on the pea gravel that covers the floor. Our combined fluids have left a decent wet spot in that gravel. I hope it dries before morning.

My phone is ringing again. It’s 7:15. I give Stephanie a quick peck on the forehead and tell her I’ll see her the next time I come to the gym. “I’d be happy to belay you any time.”

She nods and starts to get dressed again as I pull on my shorts and throw my gear into my bag. My shirt is pretty wet so I just throw on my sweatshirt and head out into the cool night air.

I hope no one notices how I smell when I get home.



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