The night I [M35] spent with my wife’s best friend [F34] Part Three [MF]

[Part One](

[Part Two](

In June 2021 the timeline fractured…. Again… It seems to be doing that a lot lately.
Time used to progress day by day, week by week, month by month. Then it was measured as Before Covid and Covid, days and weeks blurred together into the haze of cabin fever.
I’m not sure what role that played in the next fracture, but time was now measured as before Sara and after. I was waiting day by day week by week to find out if that was to be the new measure of time or if the new timeline and the old were destined to collide and what cataclysmic mess that may cause.

Following our initial debrief it was life as usual, we had dinners together, went hiking, watched movies. On the surface things were back to normal, but just below the surface lacing itself around everything I did, was the question of “what comes next?” It was always in the back of my mind. Would we somehow manage to continue this abnormal arrangement? Could our friendship still implode? It was certainly a possibility. Or maybe we could just continue as if nothing ever happened.

Some days I wasn’t sure what I wanted to happen, the idea of being with Sara again was alluring, but trying to go back to the way things were before would’ve been safer. I knew I didn’t want to lose my friends over this, and I certainly wouldn’t want my wife to lose her best friend.

In late June we had the first of our camping trips planned, just a short weekend away. In the past Sara and her husband would borrow her dads RV and we would all sleep in their and the kids would sleep in a large tent outside. However, the RV was otherwise occupied this weekend, so we were all in tents. It was still getting cold at night, and we only owned two, appropriate tents for the cold, so each tent would house one family. Somehow Kate and I still found ourselves alone a fair amount. This was not abnormal when things needed to get done that was often the way we would split. I think because both our spouses work out of town, we were often thrown together more than one would expect. For years we were mistaken for husband and wife when we were out with the kids it just seemed normal at this point.

What wasn’t normal was the tension. For two people who were always very comfortable with one another’s company, the tension was hard to bear. We behaved and followed the “nothing happens before the debrief” rule but I caught myself reaching for Sara more than once. I think when people are as comfortable with one another as we once were, and you cross that line, it blurs. It became hard to keep my thoughts from running wild around the softening boundaries. That of course came with its own baggage. The gilt was awful. When Kate and Sara started this, at least I could blame them for what happened. Now I was just a guy fantasizing about my wife’s best friend. When I spoke with Kate about it (to relieve my guilt more than anything) her response was “yeah, that makes sense”. Not so helpful.

We all enjoyed the camping trip especially the kids, although it was only two nights the kids were thrilled that we had two, weeklong trips planned for later in the summer.

After the trip we had a few game nights together and I started to feel more positive about the possibility that if things didn’t progress, we could at least continue as friends. I was starting to think that would be for the best. Then Sara kissed me. We were saying goodby one night after games. The kids were spending the night at their house. Kate and I were loading the car with the vast number of games we had brought, as well as a few bottles of wine they had picked up for us. Kate got in the car, I ran back in to grab our share of the leftover pizza. Sara met me at the door with it. We hugged goodbye, and then she kissed me, I didn’t exactly try and stop her… but then she promptly slammed the door in my face. Walking back to the car I was thrilled she was having the same feelings I was. And slightly smug that she was the one who slipped up. But also filled with dread about our futures.

The next day I told Kate about the kiss. She laughed at me and said Sara had texted her and told her already, she was fine with it. And that offered me some relief at least.

Now to make my life easier, and to avoid trying to constantly form sentences around the word husband I think it’s time we give him a name…. Matt

In mid July we were getting ready for our first weeklong camping trip. Matt had to work, so he wouldn’t be joining us, Kate would come out for the weekend then head back to town Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday coming back out Thursday afternoon and we would all return home Saturday. For my part I intended to do a small amount of work from the campground when needed. This plan obviously meant we would need to have our debrief before the trip and set some ground rules.

The weekend before camping we had a fire in our back yard the kids roasted marshmallows and exhausted themselves in the neighbor’s pool. We put on a movie for them and sat outside around the fire to talk. The first order of business was obviously if this was going to continue. Matt was the big question mark in my mind here. Kate and I had talked about it and we were both onboard. Sara would have been an unknown to me had she not just kissed me. Before the kiss I could have flipped a coin. I never saw her catch herself as I had and as much as I could feel the tension, I honestly wasn’t sure what was going through her mind.
Kate must have read the situation the same because as soon as everyone had a drink in hand, she asked Matt for his thoughts.

Matt just sat there for a minute watching the fire and my mind was racing, I’m surprised there wasn’t smoke coming out of my ears! After an eternity he said he was fine with the arrangement as it was but wanted a few ground rules in place. That seems reasonable. We more or less skipped everyone else because Sara just Wanted to hear about the ground rules. There were a few I won’t go into but for the key points, he wanted Sara to kept him up to date with everything that happened, and he wanted details. He didn’t want any secrets or behind his back meeting. This of course seemed reasonable to everyone. After kissing Matt and promising she could do that, Sara reached over and squeezed my leg but that was all the celebrating we did. Everyone maintained their veto and we once again pledged to do everything we could to protect our friendship. We also talked about the kids. That no matter what they couldn’t see anything happening. At first I was a little insulted that they thought so little of me, that I couldn’t control myself. Then I realized this was probably more about Sara’s porn show than anything. I shot her a glare, but she was all smiles.

After everyone went home Kate and I talked about our relationship, we agreed that in order to do our part to protect it communication was going to be key. She also wanted to know when things happened and to be kept up to date but didn’t care for details. She said I was welcome to share with her as much or as little I liked. Just so long as she knew when we saw each other, and I always came back home to her.

With Matt being out of town, that meant no RV my suv couldn’t pull it and Matt needed his truck for work, so it would be tents again. But with the weather quickly warming no one though this would be an issue. We were headed to a beautiful lake about a 4 hour drive from home. We needed two vehicles so Kate could go back and forth to work, and it made sense to take Kate’s and mine. When we picked up Sara and the kids I tried to make the case for Sara riding with me to help control the kids but instead I got to spend 4 hours listening to songs about vast quantities of beer, and breaking up minor fights over chair real estate. All the while questing my decision to not get rear seat entertainment. I’m sure the other vehicle was much more relaxing.

We setup the tents, one for adults and one for the kids. We had two adjoining sites so we had plenty of room and had 20+ ft between our tents.
Sara quickly realized that the air mattress she brought had a hole in it. I didn’t really intend on Sara needing an air mattress once Kate headed back to work but not knowing what to do I offered to head to town to pick one up. Instead, Kate invited her to share ours. My mind raced!
Our tent is a fairly large single room, and we have a queen size inflatable air mattress and a single queen size sleeping bag. Sara set up her flat air mattress and sleeping bag, for appearances. We made a delicious meal and after a walk on the beach we put the kids to bed and shortly after were driven inside ourselves by the mosquitoes.

Kate was the first into the sleeping bag and used this to claim the center. Now sleeping bag position as I would soon find out is not an easy thing to change. Apparently like your spot at the dinner table, once you claim your spot in a three person sleeping bag that’s your spot for good. We chatted and each read for a bit but when the lights went out i smoothly put my arm around Kate, my hand laying flat on her opposite side. Saras hand was briefly on top of mine, then Kate explained it was to dam hot and I should keep my hands to myself. I couldn’t argue with the logic tents tend to trap heat.

I woke to the sound of the zipper as Kate was leaving the tent on her way to the showers. I shifted over and wrapped an arm around Sara. I kissed her awake, small kisses running from her forehead to her neck stoping to whisper a good morning in her ear.

We made out like horny teens, our hands exploring each others bodies. Just as my had was sliding past the elastic of her panties we heard a zipper. The kids were awake and wanting breakfast. Sara said she would be right out and put a stop to my hands progress south. Before She left the sleeping bag she gave me another kiss and whispered in my ear that she had missed me but that we would find plenty of time.

We spent the next two days at the beach swimming, paddle boarding and exploring the trails around the lake. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Kate and Sara relaxing on the beach in their bikinis, but not much happed between Sara and I until Sunday night.

I’ve had several requests for a celebrity look alike to give an idea of what Sara looks like, unfortunately pop culture isn’t my think and I was unable to find someone. But after scouring Reddit I found [this girl]( Her body type is very much like Sara even her face is close. Sara has darker brown hair with no highlights though.

Sara made dinner while I helped kate load her car, we kissed goodbye but Before Kate left she whispered in my ear “make sure to kept sara quiet”. Then she was off. I walked over and sat beside Sara, under the table she set her hand on my leg.

The moment we were sure the kids were asleep we crawled into our tent. It was too hot to sleep in anything more than underwear and we couldn’t think of a compelling reason to keep those on so they were quickly removed as well. We lay on top of the sleeping bag exploring each others bodies. Sara moved her head towards my now very hard dick, but I stopped her telling her I wanted to see her squirt again, she smiled and asked “do we have a towel in here?” What good fortune that we did!

Positioning the folded towel, I buried my face in Sara. Her hands on the back of my head urging me on. She was already soaking, and my fingers slipped in easily. As I mentioned I’m pretty good with my hands, and very humble about it. Sara was moaning quietly, I pulled my face away to remind her to be silent, but her desperate hands pulled it back in before I could get all the words out. The flood gates opened, and her legs started quivering. She let out a loud moan that was quickly smothered. I looked up to see Sara’s face buried in a pillow, still working my fingers slowly until she started tapping on my head wanting it to stop.

If you’ve never been with a woman who has a full body orgasm your missing out! I know I was. Sara was still shaking as I climbed up to kiss her. She wrapped her legs tightly around me. Her face was still buried in the pillow as I kissed her neck. After regaining control, she whispered in my ear “I need you inside me”, I didn’t need more invitation than that! I went slow, partially because I wanted to be sure we didn’t make noise and partially because fucking on an air mattress has its risks. we kissed as we fucked, hyper aware of every sound around us. When I told her I was close she again wrapped her legs tightly around me and whispered in my ear “cum inside me baby, pleeeasse cum inside me, I’ve got you, please cum inside me”. I rolled off sara, and she rolled directly onto me taking my head in her hands and kissing me deeply. We lay there kissing until a car door nearby snapped us out of our bliss.

Sara wanted to take a shower while she did that I checked on the other tent and brushed my teeth, then I got a text from Kate.

Made it home safe

How was the drive? I love you

It was quiet, speaking of which did you keep sara quiet?

🙄 no one heard if that’s what you mean

Good enough, I’m going to bed now, tell the kids I love them.

I will, I love you! Goodnight!

Love you to!

By the time sara made it back I was starting to fall asleep. She poked me awake and we lay side by side on top the sleeping bag holding hands and talking. Sara wondered how we would see each other at home, she didn’t think Kate would want to relocate to their spare room often. It was something to think about! but we figured worst case since we both work from home most of the time, I could occasionally work from her house, and we could have “fuck me Friday lunches” (sara was responsible for the name).

I woke up to the sleeping bag being pulled out from under me. I looked around but couldn’t see Sara, but as my awareness widened beyond the mattress, I realized there was someone at the tent door. Sara had clued in much sooner than I had and retreated naked to her deflated air mattress. I asked if everything was ok, but apparently it wasn’t. There was an urgent emergency only I could solve, the food was locked in the car! I found some shorts and my keys, kissed Sara on the forehead and whispered, “tomorrow let’s set an alarm!”

After breakfast we met a friend of Sara’s from university at the beach. Her and her husband had a cabin across the lake, so they brought the boat over to visit. Her husband was an awesome guy and offered to take me out skiing we had a great morning on the boat. Both sara and I love water skiing and the kids enjoyed tubing. While I helped swap kids out on the tube, Sara explained to her friend that both our spouses had to work so we stayed with the kids. For the rest of the day, she watched us very suspiciously, for my part I tried hard not to give her anything to be suspicious about. Hiding things from kids is hard enough, kids aren’t oblivious to what’s going on around them but at least they have no preconceived notions about friendships with the opposite sex. Sara’s friend clearly did. When they dropped us back at the beach, they insisted we join them at their cabin for dinner Tuesday night, Sara graciously accepted and said we could bring desert. The moment they were gone I asked what we were going to provide for dessert. The look of dismay I received back would make the dinner worth it.

The nearest town was 45 minutes away but nearby was a drive-in theater. Not a Covid popup, but a real old-fashioned drive-in. and equally importantly some where we could buy the desert Sara promised. We loaded some camp chairs into the car and headed for town, grabbed a quick dinner, an outrageously overpriced apple pie for tomorrow night, and headed to the drive-in. We parked on an elevated section near the back and set up camp chairs in front of the car for the kids. We sat in the front seat, it was warm and humid. With all the windows down, it was almost bearable. Sara removed her tank top and sat in a bikini top. I suggested removing the shorts as well but that idea was shot down. Before the movie started, I jumped out and took a photo of all the kids all setup in front of the car waiting for movie and sent it to Kate. Her response was instant, “are you not allowing Sara real clothing?”.

We mostly behaved and watched the movie, with only a little touching. We were holding hands when Sara slowly lifted my had to her mouth and started sucking on my finger, doing everything she could to drive me wild. Once my finger was returned to me, I set my hand on Sara’s thigh slowly moving up. When she didn’t stop me, I seized my change and well keeping my body facing the screen, I managed to undo the button on her shorts and slide my hand inside. As seemed to be the norm Sara was very wet, I let my fingers explore eventually settling on her clit and slowly getting her worked up. Then I stopped moving, Sara sitting there hugging my arm turned her head towards me with an accusatory look. I shrugged “I thought I hear the kids?”. I started moving again… and stopped again. Sara put on a pouty face and whispered, “If you make me cum, you can cum on my face tonight”. This seemed like a trade mostly stacked in my favour, so I did just that. Sara clamped her legs closed and leaned forward hugging my arm tightly as she came. Fortunately, she did manage to stay quiet.

By the time we made it back the mosquitos had won the war and conquered the campground, the remaining survivors were hunkered down in their tents and trailers hoping to not be discovered. We ran from the vehicle to the relative safety of our own tents, getting the kids into bed as quickly as possible and sprinting for shelter ourselves. The heat in our tent was unbearable. It was a calm night with no wind to offer any relief and we once again lay naked on top of our sleeping bag. Sara rolled onto her side and looked at me hesitantly. “I honestly can’t have sex in this heat” I moaned. Sara handed me her cell phone, “then can you video me blowing you?”. This piqued my interest! “I just wonder how it looks from your point of view” she gave me an evil grin as she repositioned on her knees between my legs. Through the camera I was looking down at Sara’s beautiful face devouring me. Above her head her ass was in the air, it was amazing. When I told her I was close she buried my dick in her throat. I came hard struggling to keep her in frame. Watching the video Sara looked thrilled with herself “I’m fucking hot” she giggled. I of course agreed whole heartedly. Sara kissed me still giggling “don’t worry your hot to”.

Fortunately, we remembered to set an alarm, and fell asleep sprawled naked next to each other.

Once again, this story has gotten away from me, as I try to remember as much detail as I can the pages keep filling up. Hopefully people enjoyed this part. If I’m getting to caught up in the details please let me know!



  1. Honestly, don’t worry about length. It’s enjoyable from start to end and always leaves me wanting more.

  2. Another great chapter! I agree with others, don’t worry about the length, just writing.

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