We started filming us having sex with each other but the best thing to happen to us wasn’t filmed [Group]

2020 was a terrible year, that I think we can all agree on. For me personally, my sophomore year of college got cut short and went online for the rest of the year. Despite the world seemingly getting flipped upside down, I gotta say I actually had a pretty good time.

Why you ask?

Well, let me introduce you to Vicky and Alethea, who helped me make money in ways I didn’t think I would be able to make money. This whole incident comes about really only due to perfect timing. Had it not been for covid, this probably would’ve never happened.

Around the end of February 2020, my second semester of my sophomore year of college, and a few short days before the world went to shit, I was hooking up with my friend Vicky. Vicky is 5’5” with green eyes and at the time she had long blonde hair. She has the word “Fearless” in bold lettering tattooed on her right hip.

One thing about Vicky is that she is horny all the time, and that’s not an exaggeration. I don’t even know how to describe this girls sex drive. The first time I hooked up with her I had no clue what I was in for. After that first time with Vicky was over we were laying in a pile of sweat and she looked at me and said, “We’re fuck buddies now.” She was very upfront about it. I happily agreed and here we are.

That aside, moving back to the story at hand, after we were done hooking up this time I called her, “My own personal pornstar.”

To which she responded with, “I actually thought about doing an OnlyFans or something like that.”

I wasn’t all that surprised by that. “I’ll do it with you as long as I get half.” I offered.

“Really?” she asked with her eyes lighting up.

“Yeah why not? I’m down to at least give it a try.” I said.

“It’s funny you say that because I was actually thinking about asking you and Alethea.” she said.

“You think Alethea would actually do it?” I asked. As much as I would love that to happen I thought Vicky might have been asking a bit to much. Alethea is Vicky’s roommate. “If you think she’d be down I’d love that. She has a YouTube channel so she’s probably good with cameras.” I brought up. Alethea is an aspiring influencer so I guess you can say this was a step in the right direction for her.

“Great!” Vicky said jumping out of bed, “Let me go ask her.” she said damn near sprinting out of the room.

I heard talking coming from the living room but I couldn’t quite make out what was said. After a couple minutes or so Vicky comes back into the room with Alethea not far behind. Both of them are smiling. Alethea is 5’2” with black hair and brown eyes. She has lovely tan skin that comes from her Italian background. She has an Arabic phrase tattooed down her back as well as two more sayings on her left arm. As far as looks for for me I’m 6’5” with brown hair and blue eyes.

Anyways, Alethea sits down on the bed with Vicky and I and says, “I love the OnlyFans idea but we have to make a Chaturbate too.”

For those that don’t know what Chaturbate is, it’s a website that allows you to create a room and have sex for potentially thousands to see. Viewers can donate tokens for you to do certain actions, and the tokens are how you earn money. I agreed because I figured it be a little bit more money for all of us. The more income the better considering we were now splitting any earnings 3 ways instead of 2. If all went well I’d be bringing in a lot of money.

The plan was to start making videos after spring break. In the beginning, we figured we’d maybe get one video a week on OnlyFans and then a show on Chaturbate every couple days. However, when the school year went online for the rest of the year due to covid we had a lot of free time on our hands. It turned into an almost nightly occurrence from the middle of March to the end of May 2020.

My balls were drained and being emptied out onto someone’s face or pussy, sometimes both, almost nightly. We posted on OnlyFans often but doing a show on Chaturbate almost nightly drained me. They wouldn’t be short shows either for the most part. On average they’d be at least 3-5 hours sometimes more, it would all depend on when people would start tipping.

The first two weeks were rough, not a lot of money coming in, nor a lot of viewers. By the beginning of April we were on a roll. I don’t wanna reveal exactly how much I made doing this only because I don’t want someone to see the number and get into it strictly based off that. If your gonna get into it, do it because your comfortable with it, not because some guy off Reddit told a story and made a good chunk of money. Results will vary anyways. Like I said earlier, we got lucky because of timing. Being stuck in an apartment more often allowed us to create a bunch of content. It was a really fun time.

Ironically, despite all that, my best moment with both Alethea and Vicky came when the cameras weren’t rolling. Alethea’s best friend Alexa was coming into town for the weekend. Finals were over and it was time to celebrate.

By the way as far as ages go, Vicky turned 20 a couple weeks ago at this point in time, Alexa, who is 5’7”, a beautiful girl with a nice ass and blonde hair and blue eyes, was turning 20 in about a month and I’m 20 at this point in time. Then we have Alethea, who was turning 21 this weekend and the reason Alexa was visiting.

My first introduction to Alexa was naked on top of Vicky on the couch when Alethea and Alexa walked through the door. Talk about awkward.

After both of us apologized I thought it couldn’t get more awkward. Thankfully, Alexa took it in stride, “I know you Vicky I’m not all that surprised.” Alexa said as I covered myself up a bit. “And you must be Tim.” she looked at me waiting for confirmation.

“Uh yeah!” I said covering myself with my shirt. I got flustered.

Alexa didn’t think much of it. “Well it’s nice to meet you!” she said smiling and letting out a little giggle.

Vicky and I got dressed and sat on the couch with Alethea and Alexa. Now that I had clothes on I was much more comfortable to begin socializing. Throughout the night Alexa was making eyes at me. I tried not to make eyes back but I couldn’t help myself. I was still thinking back to earlier when I was interrupted. I needed to get off. I had to adjust myself a couple times so that way my boner wasn’t showing at full mast for all the girls to see. Quite honestly I didn’t care if Alethea and Vicky saw, their used to it by now, I just didn’t want Alexa to because I barely knew the girl.

Vicky, who was sitting right next to me, took notice that I was adjusting quite often and leaned in and whispered, “You doing alright?”

“Yeah. I could just use a little topping off ya feel?” I whispered back.

“You got blue balls huh?” Vicky giggled.

“Maybe just a little bit.” I told her.

“Well then let’s go!” Vicky began to smile.

“Even with Alexa here?” I asked.

“She won’t mind.” Vicky said standing up. “Hey we’re gonna go in my room for a little bit.” she said to Alethea and Alexa. She took my hand and let me to her room.

“Have fun you two!” Alethea shouted.

As soon as Vicky’s door closed our clothes practically jumped off our bodies. I knew we were being loud but I didn’t care. After maybe half an hour the two of us were covered in a pile of sweat, got dressed, and calmly went back into the living room where Alethea and Alexa happily greeted us.

“Have fun?” Alexa asked us both.

Vicky looked at me and smiled then back at Alexa. “So much fun!”

“I bet it was.” Alexa peered over Vicky and smiled at me. After maybe another two hours, the four of us went to bed. Alexa slept in Alethea’s room and I went back to Vicky’s room. Vicky and I ended up fucking one more time before going to sleep.

The next morning was rather calm. I could tell Vicky was still tired from last night so I walked into the kitchen and Alethea was up cooking breakfast. “Good morning!” she said with such enthusiasm.

“Good morning!” I said back as I passed her, slapping her ass playfully. “Happy birthday!” I told her.

She turned back and smiled. “Thank you!” she said before asking, “So your liking this aren’t you?” she asked.

“Maybe just a little bit. After all I am getting paid.” I told her. I walked up behind her and put her hands on my hips. I pressed her hips in towards my groin and she moved her ass a little bit and was grinding on me. Her ass is as soft as a pillow and it’s perfectly round.

She moaned softly then seemingly caught herself slipping. She turned around super quick and said, “Later!”

About fifteen minutes later Alexa and Vicky came out of their respective rooms. Vicky had the biggest smile on her face. We talked for a little bit before the girls decided they wanted to go shopping. Worst idea they could’ve possibly had. Especially when covid first started, seemingly everybody was going crazy. I regretfully played chauffeur. One thing I knew about Alethea is she loved to shop. However it was her birthday so I was just gonna let her do what she wanted. From the second we left the apartment I knew this was going to be an all day affair. In all honesty I was having fun. Each girl came to me and asked me how I thought they would look in what they were buying with a huge smile on their faces. I tried to match their energy.

That energy died after an hour. In total, we spent a little over four hours at the mall. I was tired just sitting there. We got back to Vicky and Alethea’s apartment and now came the part I actually kind of enjoyed, the part where they try on everything they bought. Each of them took turns coming out of rooms and having a fashion show for the other three people to see. Each of them looked damn good.

It was getting towards the evening so we decided to go for a swim. Alexa looked extremely good in hers. She had a white top and a neon green bottom. Vicky had a red bikini on with navy and white stripes on the straps and waistband. Alethea wore a white top and a black bottom. When we were getting ready to go downstairs to the pool, Alethea stopped and said, “You guys can go downstairs, me and Tim will be down in a couple minutes.” turning around and smiling at me. Both Vicky and Alexa understood exactly what we were going to do but they didn’t care.

It was most definitely more than a couple minutes. After a much longer session than I anticipated, Alethea and I joined Alexa and Vicky in the pool outside. “A little longer than a couple of minutes weren’t we?” Vicky asked.

Alethea laughed then said, “Oh you know how he is.” smiling at me.

Anyways, we spent an hour or two in the pool before getting out, showering, and changing into comfier clothes. After an hour of debating on what to do that night we finally decided on going to the club. The clubs had just opened back up for the summer so we knew it was going to be packed.

They each decided to put on really nice dresses and I must say they all looked equally as stunning. Alethea wore a white dress, Alexa wore a red one, and Vicky wore a light pink one. Each dress was rather tight fitting on the girls, but in a good way. They showed off the curves of all their bodies perfectly. The best part was seeing their asses in them.

At the club I couldn’t contain myself. The vibes were just right. I felt like a baller pulling up with three beautiful girls by my side. In the back of my head I was thinking I’d look even cooler walking out with each of them and taking them home. That being said I was laying the groundwork hard on Alexa. I had already gotten with Vicky and Alethea in back to back days, I was trying to go 3 for 3. Her ass is so nice I just couldn’t help myself from leading my hands down and grinding all over her. She was feeling it for sure. Then she looked back at me and said, “I’m not wearing any underwear, have some fun.”

“Holy shit!” I thought. That being said I didn’t want to be known as the guy that was rubbing some chicks vagina in the middle of the club so I had to be discreet. It was a rather interesting experience. I settled for a quick rub every now and then as she was grinding on me. It was just enough to keep her entertained.

After a little while I had to go to the bathroom. When I came back, Alexa was talking with Alethea and Vicky, all of them looking noticeably jumpy and excited. Upon my arrival to the group, Vicky pulled me aside and asked, “So you feeling good tonight?”

Confused as to why she’d ask that I enthusiastically said, “Yeah the greatest why?”

“I know your trying to fuck Alexa.” she told me.

“Uh maybe a little bit.” I said. “What’s it matter to you?”

“Well since I’m horny, it’s Alethea’s birthday, and it’d be Alexa’s first time with you I think you should fuck all three of us.” she told me.

My eyes widened and I was giddy with excitement. “As long as y’all are down I’m down.” I told her.

“I’ll make sure it’s the best night you’ve ever had.” she said before she leaned in and we kissed. “Now let’s go have some fun.”

As much fun as I was having up until this point now I was solely focused on leaving the club and getting down to business. However, I learned not to rush things so I was content with living it up at the club for now.

When Vicky could no longer keep her hands off me, that was when we all decided we should head back to the apartment. I sat in the middle and Alexa sat to my right and Vicky to my left. Alethea decided to shit in the front. Alexa had a look of lust in her eyes and Vicky couldn’t contain herself. I’m sure if it were up to Vicky we would’ve all been fucking in that uber. We got back to the apartment and stumbled up those steps into their room. Vicky barely made it through the door and she was already naked, eagerly waiting for the rest of us to follow. “Come on Tim get your fucking dick out!” Vicky demanded.

I eagerly stripped down and whipped my dick out and showed it to Alexa, who simply said, “Oh wow you guys weren’t kidding it’s actually huge.”

“I promise it’s the best you’ll ever have.” Vicky said getting on her knees and beginning to suck my cock. Vicky wasn’t one to take it slow either. This girl knew how to suck a cock and loved to do it. Her head game is magical I swear. It also helps that we’ve hooked up so much that we know what each other likes.

She is soon joined by Alexa and Alethea as the three of them suck my cock together. “Get you phone out and record this. “Alethea demanded.” I stepped aside to grab my phone out of my jeans and walked back over to them and hit record. It felt unreal. For the next ten minutes or so I probably recorded the best blowjob video ever that was never posted. They took turns admiring it and playing with it and sucking it. My balls got extra special care from Alethea and Vicky, who knew exactly what to do. Watching the three of them share my cock was one of the biggest turn ons I could’ve imagined.

As I tossed my phone aside Alethea and Vicky wanted to see just what kind of head Alexa could give me by herself. To keep it short and sweet Alexa went hard in the paint. Her blowjob game was one of the best I’ve received, including Vicky, who was kneeling next to Alexa watching her swallow my dick. I fucked Alexa’s face hard to see what she could take. Alexa absolutely loved it. I watched Vicky and Alethea make out as I brutalized Alexa’s throat. I wanted to see how long she could hold my cock down her throat for so I stuffed it down her throat and held her head there. She looked up and me and gagged on it but wouldn’t let up. Alethea and Vicky were cheering Alexa on as finally after what was probably a little over a minute, she tapped.

I pulled out and the three girls stood up and led me to Alethea’s room. We continued to make out as I laid all the girls on the bed in doggy and stood at the side of the bed. I started to the left with Alexa and planned on working my way down. Alexa’s pussy was warm and wet, it felt amazing. I had no intention of going slow whatsoever. It was so satisfying watching her ass jiggle with each thrust as I pounded her. She came much quicker than I expected her to. I must’ve been hitting her spot just right. I had no intention of stopping there with Alexa. I attempted to go even harder than I already was and boy did I succeed. She came again, this time hard. We probably weren’t even fucking for five minutes and I already made her cum twice. I felt like I had the best dick on the planet.

I pulled out and it was on to Alethea. I can’t even begin to describe how her pussy felt. I had every intention of breaking her 5’2” bubble butt frame in half with the back shots I was giving her. It was her birthday after all, so I had to give her a little more extra. Her legs squirmed as I pounded her. Alexa leaned over and kissed me as I destroyed Alethea’s pussy.

I then moved to Vicky who was begging for me to stick it in her at this point. She was probably jealous she was the last one to receive it. The one thing I love about Vicky is that if she’s feeling it she tries to fuck you back. Everything with Vicky is rough and wet which I enjoy wholeheartedly. Vicky’s dirty talk is unmatched, and she knows just what to say to get what she wants.

After maybe a minute I switched back to Alethea’s pussy. I don’t think she was quite ready for me to enter her again that soon but she enjoyed it and begged for more.

I pulled out and went back to Alexa, who upon entry moaned, “Oh my god!” She was loving every second of it. The girls were laughing and kissing. I knew this was only the beginning so I had to pull out to pace myself.

“Bring your pussies here girls.” I motioned go the edge of the bed. They flipped over on their backs and each of their pussies were hanging just off the bed. I put Vicky’s legs up and spread them. I ran my hands down her body before sticking my dick inside her and began fucking her in missionary.

As I’m fucking Vicky, Alethea leans over and makes out with Alexa before they both crawled over to Vicky and Alethea said to Alexa, “Sit on her face and I’ll play with her pussy while he fucks her.” in an instructive, demanding tone. If there was a director behind the scenes to the videos her, Vicky, and I film, it’s Alethea. It was no surprise she was doing a bit of directing here.

Alexa then sat on Vicky’s face as I fucked Vicky. Alethea was to my left rubbing Vicky’s pussy rather aggressively. She even leaned over to make out with Alexa. The sight I was seeing was unbelievable.

After a few short minutes Alexa got off Vicky’s face and I could focus solely on Vicky. I raised her left leg up and went hard. Alexa took over choking duties and even spit in Vicky’s mouth. Stuff like that never turns me on but in that moment it was in fact a turn on. Alethea released her grip from Vicky’s throat and Alexa leaned forward and rubbed Vicky’s pussy. She was a lot less aggressive compared to Alethea.

I put both of my hands on Vicky’s hips and fucked her hard. Vicky came hard on my cock, and I mean HARD. She squirted all over the side of the bed and my abdomen. She physically had to take a minute to stop shaking. Seeing it when it happened right in front of me made me feel on top of the world. After all that I wasn’t done with Vicky just yet. I leaned in and she put her legs around me as she moaned loud. With her legs wrapped around me I thrusted hard. She was on cloud nine. I pushed her legs back and they were almost all the way back to her shoulders. I made out with her as I pounded her.

As I was laying work into Vicky’s pussy I felt Someone’s tongue glide across my shaft. I looked back and it was Alexa. I pulled out and Alexa guided my cock to her mouth. She slobbering on it for a moment before guiding it back into Vicky’s pussy. I continued to fuck Alexa as Alethea walked
around and got on the bed and made out with Vicky. She was speaking all types of dirty talk into Vicky’s ears. It was so hot to listen to. Vicky came once more and I pulled out.

When I did Alethea said, “Give me that cock.” as she practically dove on it. Since she was laying across Vicky’s face, Vicky started eating Alethea out as I fucked Alethea’s face.

I pulled my cock from her throat and she spat in Vicky’s pussy and began rubbing it before she started to lick it. I walked around the bed and started to fuck Alethea in doggy while she ate out Vicky. “Make her cum baby.” Vicky moaned as she rubbed my leg while I was thrusting inside Alethea. I put everything I had into those thrusts as Alethea’s back arched and she let out a loud moan.

I pulled out and as Alethea got off Vicky I stuffed my cock down Vicky’s throat as she laid there. Alexa rubbed Vicky’s pussy as this was happening. Vicky sucked me off real good before I moved to the head of the bed and Alexa dove on my cock. She jerked me and sucked me before I grabbed her and put her on my dick in reverse cowgirl. Alexa’s pussy was so wet. She rubbed her clit fast as she bounced on my cock. Alexa’s screams were loud as she had to of came multiple times in this position.

Vicky came towards us and started rubbing Alexa’s pussy which after a handful of bounces made Alexa cum once more.

Alexa got off and her and Alethea made out as Vicky got between my legs ready to suck my cock some more. She was quickly joined by the other two girls and the three of them licked my shaft and tip up and down taking turns while giggling and spitting on it.

Then Alethea got on and rode me. She didn’t waste any time riding me well. Within a minute she came and jolted off of it. She quickly slid my dick back inside her as I began fucking her. Vicky laid to my left and made out with me as this happened. Alethea bounced so well I was in Heaven. She eventually squirted all over me and got off. Vicky licked the squirt off my body before throating my dick. She was joined by Alethea and the two took turns deepthroating my cock. Alethea then got back on to ride me. It was only for another minute or two before she decided to get off.

I repositioned myself on the bed and Alexa got on to ride me. Vicky and Alethea laid to my side and were making out with each other so we were all getting a little action at this moment. Alexa rode well. Like, really well. She put both her hands on my chest and went to work. I pulled her in and thrusted deep inside her as we kissed and she came hard and was grinding on my cock. She rode so well I had to keep her on for a little while longer as Vicky slapped her ass. I reached up and chocked her and I think that’s what did it for Alexa. She came hard as she collapsed into my arms and off my dick.

Vicky was eagerly waiting and she sucked my cock a little bit before getting on and riding me. She was so aggressive with riding it kind of hurt but in a good way. I grabbed Alexa and she sat on my face and I ate her out as Vicky rode me. I think by this time everyone in that room was having the time of their lives. Vicky came and got off my dick so Alexa and Alethea began sucking it. Vicky started licking Alethea’s pussy. I playfully pushed Alethea to the head of the bed on her back and spread her legs and began fucking her. I leaned in slightly and choked her as we kissed and fucked. It felt amazing. Alethea’s moans were almost broken. She came at least twice in the next minute or so of me thrusting into her.

Both Alexa and Vicky joined me at the head and took turns choking Alethea as I fucked her. After what was maybe a minute of fucking she squirted all over me and the bed. I didn’t wanna stop so I slid my dick back in. She raised her legs all the way up and greeted my dick once more. It didn’t take long for her to squirt again.

I laid back on the bed and Vicky began sucking my cock with such joy. She jerked me off until I couldn’t hold my desire to fuck some more in. I stood up at the foot of the bed and brought Vicky over to me and absolutely railed the fuck out of her in doggy. She came hard on my cock. I got on the bed and continued fucking Vicky in doggy as Alexa watched and rubbed Vicky’s pussy. Vicky came hard once more and kissed Alexa as I stuck my cock back inside and continued to rail Vicky. She came once again as Alexa laid down in between Vicky’s legs and licked her pussy as I fucked her. I stuck my cock down Alexa’s throat before sticking it back in Vicky’s soaked pussy and made Vicky cum one more time.

I then flipped Vicky to the side as she recovered and grabbed Alexa and moved her to the edge of the bed. I stood as bedside and fucked the hell out of her in missionary. Vicky quickly recovered and began kissing Alexa. I felt Alethea’s tongue gliding across my dick once more as my desire to cum grew stronger. I don’t know how much sense this makes but Alexa’s pussy just felt breedable. Alexa came one more time before I stuck my cock back inside her. I wasn’t holding back for my last dozen or so strokes before shooting a warm load deep inside her.

Alethea started to lick some of it out and then kissed Vicky, who then kissed Alexa, who then kissed Alethea. Watching that was an added bonus on the night. The three girls hugged and fell back on the bed, which was soaked with sweat and squirt. I don’t remember much after that. As soon as I came I hit the pillow and was out like a light.

I woke up the next morning with Alexa and Vicky in my arms and Alethea almost falling off the bed, all of us still naked. I truly felt like royalty in the moment. Even I was a little sore so I can only imagine how the girls would feel once they woke. The bed was still wet, which at this point was rather unpleasant so I got up as quietly as possible as not to disturb the girls.

Once they all woke we had a chat about the night before and around noon Alexa had to leave so we said our goodbyes. “Bye Tim!” Alexa said. She followed it up with, “I’ll definitely be seeing you again!”

A couple minutes after Alexa left Alethea asked a question that perfectly summed up how my life with her and Vicky went, “Wanna cam?”

As if I wasn’t drained enough.

That’ll be all. I hope everyone enjoyed!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/q7s58h/we_started_filming_us_having_sex_with_each_other


  1. >I sat in the middle and Alexa sat to my right and Vicky to my left. Alethea decided to shit in the front

    Well, that escalated quickly…

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