An Unexpected Rebound Relationship (female, reluctant, supernatural, impregnation, Incubus)

I slammed the door in disgust and flopped down on my bed. Why? Why Why Why does this always happen to me? Am I unattractive? Is my personality so horrible that no one can love me? What went wrong? I turned my head and spied a picture of us on my nightstand. In a fit of rage I reached out and grabbed it, then twisted over and sent it sailing across the room.

“What kind of asshole breaks up by text after 4 months!” I screamed as the frame crashed into the far wall. Then rolling back over I buried my head in my pillow and screamed at the top of my lungs. My muffled protest against my unfortunate life hopefully being less noticed by nosey neighbors this way. Not that it likely mattered much after my previous outburst.

After a few more minutes of protest I started to gather myself. Life must go on I figured, whether with someone or alone. The day over now and with darkness already here it was time to unwind, and I was admittedly very wound up still. To make matters worse I had a terrible knot in my shoulders which was making them ache like crazy.

I slowly undressed and put my clothes in the hamper, my mind still racing over my unfortunate day. I went out to the frig and mixed a bit of Sprite with some tequila, grabbed a half-empty bag of Doritos from the pantry and flopped my naked butt onto the couch for some “me time.”

I took a large sip of my drink and coughed a bit as the pleasant burning sensation made its way down my throat. As I laid back and let the alcohol seep in I could hear laughter coming from outside my window. Great, I thought, after this crappy day the neighbors are going to keep me up late again.

I took out my phone and scrolled a bit. No interest in social media tonight, the last thing I need right now is smiling faces and happy lives. I went for the news instead. What better way to savor a bad mood than dwell on random political drama? I crunched a few chips, and downed the rest of my drink quickly, eager to leave reality for a bit.

“He he he heh heh”

Ugh more laughter! They really were going to do this all night. I set my chips and empty glass down on the coffee table and leaned back into the soft embrace of the sofa. My eyes felt heavy and it wasn’t long before I was fighting off sleepiness. I closed them momentarily while I debated if I could skip my shower tonight.

“Why is pretty lady so upset?” A nearby voice asked.

I opened my eyes and nearly jumped out of my skin. “Oh my shit!” I shouted as I jumped to my feet. I scrambled backward, falling over the back of the couch and slamming into the floor. I jumped back to my feet quickly. I stood there, one hand one the back of the couch, the other covering my nude breasts while I stared at this… well whatever it was.

My mouth struggled to form words “wha… who.. what the hell?” I stammered. Standing in front of me was a small being, maybe 4ft tall at most. It looked like a small man or an ape, or something in between, only it was sporting red skin and leathery bat-like wings which were closed around his body. It also seemed to be a bit bewildered by my actions.

“Yes, hell.” It answered in a squawking voice. “you know of it, yes? It is a nice place.”

I nodded slightly, not really believing what I was seeing. “Are you a demon?” I asked in a frightened tone.

The creature laughed a little, “no no, demons are heartless brutes. I am Lilu, I care for pretty ladies.”

“You care for pretty ladies?” I asked, my tone betraying my confusion and doubt.

“Yes, I help pretty ladies feel better. You had bad day, yes? Humans are cruel, yes? Not at all like Lilu. I come to help.”

I was gobsmacked right now. “Um ok, uh Lilu… how do you make pretty ladies feel better?” I inquired out of morbid curiosity.

“With this,” the creature unfurled his wings. He had been hiding a penis. It must have been half his height and tapered along a curve from a wide base to a tip a little narrower than a man’s.

My jaw dropped to the floor as I gazed at it. Wait he didn’t mean? Was this creature serious? That was huge. Nope, no way.

“Thanks um Lilu, I’m very flattered, but I’m not sure.” I stammered, feeling a bit overcome by the moment.

“It’s okay Lilu will help you be sure!” With that he jumped up on the back of the sofa next to me and sat down. “Touch it!” he requested.

His yellow eyes gave off a sincere and very calm aura that seemed to allay my concerns. I hesitantly reached out and touched his penis gently with my finger.

“Oh! oh my god!” I gasped it alarm pulling my hand back. It felt very similar to a man’s but it was vibrating softly. I started giggling “oh it… it vibrates!” I exclaimed.

“For making pretty ladies happy,” he explained with a hopeful eagerness I hadn’t expected from a creature. “Humans always have names, yes? What is pretty lady’s name?

“I’m Sasha”

“Come pretty lady Sasha!” The creature grabbed my hands and gently tugged me down to the floor with him. He was standing in front of me, and I was on my hands and knees. It was at this point I also noticed I was very wet between my legs. Wait, no… was I becoming aroused by this creature?

Lilu reached forward and grasped my shoulders. I tensed up, but then quickly began to relax as his fingers began to work their magic. He kneaded my shoulders and neck, expertly working out my tenseness and knots as he went. His fingers hummed and vibrated ever so slightly as well, untangling my knots as he went. I closed my eyes and stayed there on my hands and knees as he worked down my body a bit. Everywhere he touched he worked his magic, and I was overcome by a sense of calm.

As he walked behind me he spoke up again, “Pretty lady Sasha is relaxed now yes? Beginning to feel better now, yes? Time to make pretty lady Sasha happy now!” My head had been resting on the floor, now as I opened my eyes I could see he had become fully erect. It was an almost comically large penis, and I was again becoming a little concerned about how this was going to play out.

Before I could speak up however Lilu had wrapped his arms around my waist, then with a flap of his wings he lifted himself up off the ground. He swung his lower body up and back drawing his giant member out of my view. I closed my eyes and braced myself for what must be coming next.

His penis dove into me in a flash, aided on by my sopping wet arousal. I gasped and my body shook. It was cold, frigid. Like an icicle had been driven deep into my body. I reached back in surprise and pulled at Lilu’s arms but the creature had grasped my waist firmly. There was no give in his muscular embrace.

Lilu let out a playful cackle and began drawing his penis out, before letting it slide back in deeper again. As he did this it began to vibrate, and oh how it vibrated!

I bit down on my lips as a warm sensation began to replace to the cold one. The vibrations came slowly in waves, building and falling in a pattern matched by Lilu’s rhythmic thrusting. They spread out through my body in a rippling tingle of undeniable pleasure.

My arousal quickly built into a wave of pleasure that crested over me, “Oh, mmmm…” was all I could gasp as a first orgasm ravaged my body. My weaken limbs leading me to collapse to the floor as my body shook.

Lilu was seemingly unfazed and simply rolled me over, grasping my legs as I lay on my back. Then his onslaught continued. Again and again He pounded inside me, burying the tip of his oversized vibrating phallus deep with my body which shook and quivered more with each penetrating thrust. It wasn’t long before my eyes glazed over and my nether regions were little but a sloppy mess made by my own juices.

As he continued I noticed Lilu’s eyes began to change color. What was initially a warm inviting yellow glow slowly began to turn orange, and now they looked to be a hot orange glow. Lilu’s pace began to pick up as well. Finally he spoke again, his light cackle of a voice sounded deeper and more foreboding.

“Pretty lady looks happy now. It is time.” He said bluntly. With that he laughed a dark haunting laugh and his eyes flashed a steaming bright red! Fire seemed to erupt from them as he grasped my hips firmly in hands.

In surprise I tried to scream out, but I could find my voice. I tried to lift my arms, but they wouldn’t move and simply laid lifeless next to me on the floor. My legs were unresponsive too. It was like my whole body was paralyzed!

Lilu rocked his hips forward in a sharp thrust and I felt his cold needlelike cock jam roughly into my cervix. He growled in a deep groan and I felt his penis stiffen, contract, and then pulse. A cold liquid felt like it was being poured out inside me. His cock jumped and twitched as he continued to empty his frigid seed deep inside my awaiting body.

As he finished Lilu’s eyes dimmed, and it wasn’t long before they sported the same inviting yellow glow they initially did. He slowly pulled himself out of me, unleashing a torrent of cool spunk which pooled around my immoble body. He took a step back and stared down at me, seemingly admiring his handiwork. My eyes grew weaker and closed, I heard Lilu begin to speak.

“Very good. Goodbye pretty lady Sasha. I hope pretty lady is happy. I leave now, return when spawn is born to do this again!”

“Wait! What spawn!?” I shouted.

I was alone.

I opened my eyes and found myself on the sofa. I jumped up and looked around. I was just on the floor, how did I get back here?

The floor! I looked behind the couch, but there was no sign of the puddle of demonic seed I’d been lying paralyzed in. I reached my hand down between my legs, and found I was dry as well. I heard a bird chirp and turned my eyes towards the window to see the sun rising.

It was morning. Had I simply fallen asleep on the couch and dreamed the whole thing? I shook my head and laughed to myself, that was one hell of a wild dream! Why can’t I have more dreams like that? I headed into the bedroom sporting an amused grin on my face. Funnily enough my body still felt loose and relaxed, the tenseness in muscles was a distant memory. Anyway, it was time to get dressed and ready for the day.

However just as I reached the bedroom door however my grin disappeared in a flash. The hair on my arms stood up sharply as goosebumps formed. Somewhere nearby, but out of sight, I distinctly heard a familiar cackle.

“He he he heh heh”


Hello again horny friends and strangers! 👋

Thought we could use a spooky story for the season, and this fit well. Hope you all enjoyed it, and as always any thoughts and feedback are welcome!

Happy Halloween! 🎃😊🎃
