Best friends drive back home together [M/F] [Best Friends] [Blowjob]

**[Straight] – [Best friends] – [First time] – [Oral] – [Swallow] – [Tits] – [Big cock] – [Public] – [Car]**

Word count: ~4750

“No way that you ever gave a guy a blowjob in public.” Tim scoffed as he glanced over at the girl sitting in the passenger seat. The drive from their college town back home had already taken two hours and it would be at least another three before they got to their destination. The conversation had turned to sex about thirty minutes ago like it always did.

Lucy frowned, puffing her cheeks to accentuate her deep displeasure with his insinuation. “I totally did! We went for some food at like 2 o’clock at night, there was nobody else on the parking lot so I sucked him off.” She finished her sentence with a congratulatory nod as if she presented her best friend with an undeniable piece of evidence.

“Luce, I’ve known you for twenty years, you’ve told me way more about your sex life than I ever wanted to know and not once have you ever told me about doing anything that wasn’t in your own bedroom.” The young man who was only a few months her elder shook his head as he stared out the front window. The sun had just set behind the horizon but its glow still radiated from the bottom of the clouds overhead, casting everything in deep colours of orange and purple.

“Yeah well… maybe you shouldn’t assume things about me. You know how my dad is. It took me months of convincing before he even contemplated letting me live at the dorms. I don’t need my best friend to think I’m some sheltered little angel too.” She puffed again, but this time felt a sting of sadness. She turned her head to look out of her passenger side window.

“Woah, hey there.” Lucy felt his hand grab hers. She had the urge to jerk her hand away but instead, she didn’t move. “I’m sorry, you’re right. Of course I believe you. I just never thought you would like that sort of thing.” He let go of her hand and put it back on the steering wheel, waiting quietly to see if she wanted to talk.

They had been friends most of their lives, starting when Lucy and her father moved in next door to Tim. While he had grown up with a younger brother and two parents, Lucy was alone most days as her father worked long shifts at the local factory. Tim’s mom quickly took pity on her and invited her over for dinner almost every day, making her feel like a part of the family. In the later years, she would even sleep over regularly and spend most of her time at Tim’s house.

It was probably why Tim was the only boy Lucy’s father allowed any contact with, as the man was extremely protective. Especially when she hit her teens and turned into a beautiful young woman. Her dad seemed petrified she would end up with the wrong kind of guy, meaning she was banned from going to parties and even most extracurricular activities were forbidden.

Not that it deterred her. As her best friend, Tim was kept appraised of all her crushes, casual flings and torrid love affairs. Over the years she even had a few long-term relationships thanks to her father rarely being home in the evening. Afterwards, she would sneak into his bedroom through the window and lay next to him in his bed, laughing at some physical abnormality or faux-pas the guy made while they had sex.

Lucy sighed, folded her feet underneath her on the seat and swiped a long strand of dark-brown hair behind her ear. “It’s alright.” she started, side-eying Tim. “What about you? Have you ever had a blowjob in public?” She smirked as she asked. Tim clenched his jaw. “No! I’m not that adventurous. And you know Annie would never do that kind of stuff either.”

Lucy rolled her eyes. “Come on Tim, you broke up with Annie almost two years ago. It’s time you move on, find someone else.” Tim shrugged. “I’ve been trying, you know, but I don’t think I’m the kind of guy college girls are really looking for.” “Ugh. Shut up.” She interjected, leaning her head back against the headrest and looking up at the roof of the car. “You’re a great guy, blah blah, I’ve told you this a million times.”

Tim glanced over at her, then turned his attention back at the road. “I know. And I appreciate your vote of confidence, but unless you can convince someone else of that fact I’ll still spend my time alone. And blowjobless.” He added at the end, with a smirk. When Lucy didn’t respond, he looked over at her, finding her staring at him intently.

“What if I give you a blowjob?” She said, her voice sounding almost detached. Tim’s eyes widened, feeling a blush run across his face. “Uh, what?” He stumbled, even though he heard her perfectly well. To avoid her eyes he snapped his eyes back to look out the front window but he felt her eyes on his cheek. “I’ll give you a blowjob.” She repeated, adjusting herself so she was now sitting on one knee, facing him.

“Are you nuts? Why would you say that?” Tim said, his voice a little too high for his liking. He glanced over at her, only to see her smirking at him. “Oh come on, there’s no way you haven’t thought about it.” She retorted, swiping the same strand of hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear again. “All those times we talked about sex, all those times we slept in the same bed. You never wondered what it’d be like to be with me?”

Tim said nothing as he stared in front of him. When he spoke again, his voice was a lot lower. “Well yeah, obviously. I mean, it’s hard not to.” “Don’t be shy.” Lucy interrupted him again, as she always did. “I’ve thought about it too. Especially after Annie told me you’re packing.” Tim’s eyes grew wide. “What?! She made me swear never to talk to anyone about her or what we did in bed! And she talked about me with you?!”

Tim clenched his jaw even harder now as he gripped the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turned white. In an instant, the frustration of dating his ex came back to him. His heart pounded in his chest and his eyebrows furrowed so hard it started to give him a headache. Then he felt Lucy’s hand on his. He took a deep breath and glanced over at her. “Sorry.” He apologized.

Lucy smiled wearily at him. “You dumb idiot. She breaks her own rules and you’re the one apologizing. I’m glad she’s gone.” She pulled her hand back and put it in her lap. “I’m serious though. You should let me suck your dick.” The way she so casually turned the conversation back to blowjobs stirred something in his jeans.

He never seriously considered sleeping with her. For one, she was his best friend. They’d been in each other’s lives since kindergarten. The other reason was that he always felt like he wasn’t good enough for her. Especially when he learned the type of guy she liked to date. Muscled, brazen guys who had to be the centre of attention. Guys with chest hair and strong jaws. Not the quiet skinny reader who liked to watch the news and wore glasses.

It never bothered him. He loved her, of course, but never as anything more than a friend. Her not being interested in him sexually or romantically didn’t create any friction. But her talking about it so openly felt like it was opening a door inside him. Allowing something that might be more than platonic feelings to peak through.

“Luce, seriously.” He started, before looking at her but concentrating on her shoulder instead of her face so he could say what he wanted to say. “I’m just going to be straight with you. If we do something sexual, I’m going to fall in love with you. It’s what happened with Annie, and it’ll happen with you. I don’t like that’s how it works, but that’s just…” “That’s fine with me.” Lucy said, softly. Tim looked at her properly now, stunned.

She wasn’t sitting as she normally would, with her back straight and her shoulders back, her chin up defiantly. Now, she was sitting slightly hunched over, her hands fumbling in her lap, her head down. “You…” Tim said, but he didn’t know what he wanted to say. “I don’t mind.” Her voice was soft, shy. Tim’s head was spinning from the whiplash of emotional shifts in the conversation.

“Are you sure?” He said, finally. His voice was soft too like they weren’t talking about blowjobs a minute ago. She raised her head and looked up at him, and he could see her eyes were filled with tears. She wiped them away with one of her sleeves and sniffled. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while. You’re the one guy who’s always been there for me, always listened to me, never treated me as just some pretty girl. You always loved me and I want to give something back.”

Tim cocked his eyebrow. “With a blowjob?” He asked dryly. Lucy laughed. A chortling laugh that sounded like it was halfway into her crying. “Yeah. To start with.” She wiped her eyes again. Tim glanced at the road to make sure they were still on it, then back at her. “You don’t have to, you know. You being my friend is what you give back.” Lucy sighed and punched his shoulder. “Shut up nerd.” She said, her eyes still wet but a grin on her face. “Let me suck your dick.”

Tim pretended her punch hurt him like he always did, stroking his shoulder with his free hand as he laughed and looked out the front window. He wasn’t sure what to do next. There had been a shift in the car, a change in their relationship. She was in charge as she always was, a whirlwind of chaos and energy that he was caught by. But for the first time, he felt like he was the focus of that energy, that she directed it at him.

He was startled when he felt her hand on his lap. His jeans didn’t do much to hide his girth. “Oh wow. Annie wasn’t kidding.” He heard Lucy mumble to herself approvingly. Her hand was small, her fingers thin and long. They pushed through the coarse fabric to grab along his shaft, framing it through his jeans. “I need to see this.” Without waiting, she expertly started unbuckling his belt, then unbuttoned his jeans and pulled the zipper down.

Tim felt unable to do anything but keeping the car speeding along the almost abandoned highway in the dark, his hands grasping the steering wheel. It was almost like he was scared to glance down, as if that would break the spell. He felt her tugging his jeans down slightly until they caught on his hips. Even though he was still wearing boxers underneath it was like her hand was on his bare skin as she slipped it into his trousers. He felt her lean forward now, needing the tepid light from the streetlights coming in to see what she was uncovering.

“My god Timmy, how can you walk around with this thing.” She whispered, seemingly still mostly talking to herself. Her fingers slid down without hesitation, framing his shaft as she slid her palm down on it, from the head all the way down. “I don’t think I’m going to get that monster down my throat.” Tim tried to talk but felt his mouth was dry. “Alright.” He replied coarsely. “I’m sorry.”

He glanced at her when she sat up a bit, her face close to his. He even felt her breath stroke against this cheek as well as her familiar scent of fruit shampoo hit his nose. Her hand was still on his cock, resting comfortably on top of it, her palm and fingers wrapped halfway around its length. “You have nothing to be sorry about.” She whispered, her voice sensual. Then he felt her lips on his cheek.

“I want you to pull over so we can both enjoy this, okay?” She continued, her mouth inches from his face. He nodded, looking back out the window. “But I don’t think I can wait that long.” Her head pulled away and dropped down, and Tim felt her hand leave his cock, instead having it grasp the rim of his boxers.

“Lift your butt.” She said as she tugged on his clothes. He complied, of course, lifting his hips a mere few inches so Lucy could pull both his jeans and his boxers down far enough. With a loud slap his cock, which was hooked under his boxers, sprang free and hit his stomach. “Damn son.” He heard her say as Lucy leaned over further and brought her face close to his erection.

A few tenuous seconds nothing happened as he felt her warm breath on his cock. He shivered from the anticipation and had trouble keeping his attention on the road. It was a relief when the sign for a rest stop was illuminated by his headlights. Another mile and he could pull over.

Her lips were soft as silk as they barely caressed the head of his penis. He bit his lip and grabbed onto the steering wheel harder. One of her hands moved to gently grab the base of his cock, lifting it up ever so slightly, allowing Lucy to move her mouth over the head. Tim inhaled sharply as he felt how the tip of his cock was enveloped by her warm mouth. Her lips pressed closed around the glands and her tongue slowly, lazily started drawing wet circles around it.

Tim pulled his foot from the accelerator as he steered onto the off-ramp while the girl in his lap began bobbing her head up and down. The parking lot was small, with maybe a dozen parking spaces. Most of them were empty, with only the last two occupied by a pair of trucks. He parked as far away from them as possible. Several street lights ran along the length of the rest stop, illuminating the interior of his car more than he liked.

Lucy let his cock out of her mouth with a pop and raised herself, looking around outside the windows. Her eyes fixated at the trucks at the far end for a second, then she remarked they had their curtains shut. Whoever was inside, they were sleeping. “Nobody to disturb us.” She said, winking at him. Tim gave her a slight smile and nodded meekly, still somewhat overwhelmed by what was happening. The dynamic the two had grown up with was in full force even now, with her in charge and him following along.

He took his hands off the steering wheel, shut off the engine and leaned back in his seat to give her more room. His one hand rested on his thigh, the other he placed on her back as she lowered herself back down. She didn’t immediately go back to sliding his cock in her mouth but took a moment to observe it in the pale light coming in through the windows. With her hand still around the base of his cock, she squeezed and caused it to immediately fill with more blood, throbbing aggressively in her hand.

The veins running up the shaft turned into angry snaking cables while the head turned a deep purple. She felt her mouth start to salivate even as his smell lingering in her nose. Without a word, she dropped her head further down, opened wide and let Tim’s cock slide back into her mouth. He grunted in response and pushed his fingertips into her back, feeling how the angular shapes of her bra clasp pushed back.

The smell of his manliness filled her nose, especially as she pushed her head down further and allowed more of his length to make its way into her mouth. It felt like she barely managed to take a quarter of him in when the head touched the roof of her mouth. She ignored the sensation of needing to cough and pushed her head down further, holding the base of his cock in her hand still and ever so lightly stroking it up and down. Already her jaw felt the pressure of being stretched open.

Tim grunted louder as he felt her mouth envelop more and more of his dick, the slick warmth embracing the head and now working its way down the shaft. Her tongue continued drawing lazy circles around and around, coating him in warm saliva. With every heartbeat he felt himself throb inside her, the hand clasped around the base not allowing him to shrink even a little bit.

Lucy gagged softly and felt her eyes start to water but kept his length in her mouth. She knew what men liked and Tim was no different. The feeling of warm wetness embracing a cock must feel exquisite, she thought, and she wanted him to feel that way with her. Instead, she started to move her mouth up and down, trying to keep it in rhythm with her hand stroking up and down the base of his cock.

With increasing eagerness she began to suck on his dick, the taste of it now mixing with the smell, filling her whole head with the intoxicating presence of his manliness. The lingering scent of Tim himself was also there, solidifying the idea in her mind that it was his cock she was sucking, making him feel good. Her sucking became more vigorous, the eagerness of tasting him more driving her on. She flicked her tongue around the glands, tracing the smooth mushroom shape of the head.

The man she was pleasuring had his eyes closed, his head leaned back against the headrest. The hand on her back slid down slowly, feeling the curve of her spine as it traced downward, seeking the opening between her shirt and her jeans. When his fingertips found it he opened his eyes and looked down. He could only see the back of her head in his lap, bobbing up and down. The sounds of her sucking were soft but definitely there and growing louder. His heart pounded both in his ears and his crotch. She moaned in response and began to move her head up and down faster.

Tim put his free hand on the back of her head, resting it there without pushing down. He simply wanted to feel the shape of her head in the palm of his hand, raking her soft hair through his fingers. His other hand caressed the smooth skin of her lower back, then he slipped his hand under her shirt and brought it back up. He wanted to see her naked, wanted to kiss her and fuck her and hold her. It took him a few breaths to calm himself down.

He pulled his hand up the soft smoothness of her back until his fingers found her bra strap again. He pushed his fingertips under the strap, pressing into her soft skin and move his hand out towards her side. Then he rested his hand where it was, his fingers splayed out and the palm pressed down to feel as much of her as he could. He sighed again as Lucy kept sucking harder, her head going up and down even faster.

She raised her head up suddenly, the hand around the base of his cock squeezing hard. She even put her other hand on his shaft and squeezed. “Don’t cum yet.” She said softly as she straightened her back so she was sitting at the same height as him, looking into his eyes. He looked right back at her, his eyes glazed over, but he nodded as he bit his lip. “Alright.” He said back, his voice barely a whisper.

With a sly little grin, she leaned closer and pressed her lips against his. He responded eagerly, returning the kiss as he closed his eyes. Both of them opened their mouths slightly and pushed their tongues against each other. Tim grunted as he tasted her, while she quietly savoured him. Her hands stayed clamped around his cock, creating something of a dull pain that hovered between discomfort and unreleased pressure. He had moved his hand from the back of her head to her cheek, stroking it with his thumb while the palm rested against her chin.

Slowly, almost regretfully Lucy pulled away from the kiss and rested her forehead against his. With her eyes closed, she sighed. “Wow. A nice cock and a good kisser too.” “We don’t have to stop.” He whispered, his eyes closed too as he rested his head against hers. His thumb softly stroked her cheek. She gave him a peck on his lips, then leaned away from him and let go of his cock. “I know, I just wanted to get a little bit more comfortable.”

Tim smiled at her as she winked at him, letting his hand on her back drop to her side as she sat up straight and pulled her shirt off over her head. With a blush, she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, then slid the straps off her shoulders. She felt Tim’s eyes on her chest as she held the cups between her arms and her breasts, then let her arms drop away. “Wow.” She looked up to see him smile widely, glancing at her face before looking at her breasts again.

“They’re not very big, I know.” She said, starting to apologize. It wouldn’t be the first guy who had expected a little more. “Are you kidding me? They’re perfect.” He stopped her, leaning forward and reaching out his hands so he could cup both of them. She sighed as she felt his large hands wrap around them. There was something about a man’s touch that felt much better than doing it herself, even if they were a little rougher. Tim wasn’t though, carefully squeezing both of them with his whole hands instead of pinching them between his fingers.

She put her hands on his and looked at him. “Do you really like them?” She said, feeling very exposed all of a sudden. “Yeah, I love ‘em.” Tim said as he looked up at her, his hands meanwhile slowly massaging her tits. “I really want to suck your dick some more.” She replied, biting her lip. Tim laughed, let go of her breasts and sat back on his seat. He slid his hand onto her back as she leaned forward, grabbed the base of his still-hard cock again to aim it towards her mouth and dropped herself down around it.

Quietly, she concentrated on sucking his cock, eager to feel him orgasm for the first time. She knew he was close even after the short break, his dick twitching and throbbing against her lips as she sucked and ran her tongue around and around his meat. It tasted sweet and salty at the same time, the skin soft while the muscles underneath were rockhard. The exotic mix of tastes, smells and textures was driving her wild. She rubbed her thighs together as she sucked harder, her body trembling with excitement.

Tim only made the occasional sounds, sometimes moaning or grunting, sometimes sighing. The hand on her back stroked slowly up and down until he reached down and took one of her breasts in his hand, feeling the weight hang down onto his palm as he massaged his fingers into the soft flesh. It’d been years since he felt a breast, ever since whats-her-name broke up with him.

“I’m going to cum.” He uttered, his voice a soft whisper. He touched her hand around the base of his cock, as if he wanted to warn her. She moaned, grabbed onto his shaft tighter and began sucking harder, allowing the tip of his cock to hit the back of her throat more frequently now. She gagged slightly a few times but continued. With her eyes closed, she devoted herself to the task.

“Seriously Luce, I’m fucking close. I’m going to…” He staggered, the sentence getting caught in his throat. It seemed everything he said just egged her on, causing her to suck faster, take more of his cock in her mouth, squeezing and jerking harder. His hand on her breast grabbed hold of her stronger now, her hard nipple pressing into his palm. With his hand around hers on the base of his cock, he came.

Lucy didn’t stop bobbing her head up and down even as the first pulse of warm sticky cum hit the back of her throat. Her head went light as the strong flavour filled her mouth while more jets pumped out of him. She felt his balls contract against the side of her hand, his cock straining and twitching with every pulse. Eagerly she started swallowing, willing the substance down her throat, guided only by the desire to make him feel good until the very end of his orgasm. It was the most erotic blowjob she had ever given.

Tim tensed up as he orgasmed, a continuous flash of light right behind his eyes as the waves of pleasure ran up from the tip of his cock to his spine and up to the nape of his neck. The relentless suction of Lucy’s mouth only made it better, dragging it on for way longer than he was used to. The realisation in the back of his head that he was cumming down his best friend’s throat made the feeling even more intense.

“Oh fuck.” He sighed hard and deep as he relaxed all his muscles at once. A sharp pain crept up from his scrotum, the familiar feeling after his balls strained themselves to their limit when an orgasm was extra strong. It didn’t last long, and the warm feeling of the afterglow easily overwhelmed it after a few seconds.

Lucy kept her mouth around his cock for a little longer, sucking on it until she was sure he was done, before letting it drop out of her mouth and sitting up straight. She coughed, then looked at him with tearing eyes. “Wow dude. That was insane.” She wiped the tears out of the corner of her eyes, although this time there were there for a different reason. “Have you been saving it up? I feel like I just gulped down a full gallon.” She coughed again, although his taste wasn’t as bad as she was used to.

“I’m so sorry.” He said, and she was surprised to see he looked mortified. “I tried to warn you. I didn’t mean to…” “Shut up nerd.” She stopped him, smiling, and punched his shoulder. “I knew what was going to happen. I wanted you to. I wanted to make you feel good.” He stroked the place where she punched him like he always did, but he didn’t break eye contact with her. It made her a little embarrassed. “You already made me feel good. You didn’t have to do that.”

He put his arms out towards her and wrapped them around her, then pulled her in close. They hugged all the time, but this time it felt very different. She leaned into it, resting her head against his shoulder. It was getting chilly in the car and his warm arms made her realize it. She shivered. “Let’s put your shirt back on. I’ll turn on the heater.” Tim said. “In a minute.” Lucy answered, putting her arms around him too. “Just hold me for a bit.”

Tim fell quiet and held onto her, resting his cheek on her head as she cuddled closer to him. They were in an awkward position, both of them still sitting in their own seat while leaning over towards each other. Neither of them felt like letting go though. “Are you okay?” Tim whispered finally. “Yeah, you?” Lucy answered. “Yeah.” He nodded. “I’m really glad this happened.” He continued.

Lucy laughed. “I bet you did.” Before she could make her clever joke he interrupted her, putting his hand on her chin and tilting her head back so he could kiss her. “Shut up nerd.” He said, smiling.
