The Milky Way, a trampoline, a country girl, frost, and a blowjob. (MF)

I have cousins that live in the country. Haven’t seen them much lately but when I was younger I’d go and stay on their farm to get out of the city and help my uncle and aunt with the farm.

It was often hard work but usually a good time as well.  Both my cousins were girls, one 3 years older and the other the same age as me. One part of the fun of my country stays was sort of bungy jumping into their lives: I got to meet their friends, be a novelty in their small town, party a bit and then not return for a few years. It meant I had none of the inhibitions I had in the city.

One such day and night was particularly memorable. The cousin I shared my birth year with introduced me to a group of her friends (male and female) and we walked down to the river to swim and have a picnic. It was a blast, splashing in the water, making new summertime friends and generally living a cliche of carefree country life. The river was out of the way, and someone had brought along some booze to further decrease inhibitions.

I was a flirt of course, and the girl’s swimsuits were something to write home about. One in particular caught me eye: Jessie with her lithe figure, long eyelashes and smooth dark skin. She wore a retroish spotted red and white suit that was fitted enough in the back to showcase her assets, while being sufficiently poorly fitted at the front to constantly risk exposing her.

This isn’t the place to describe all the day’s activities, but there was a heady mix of sun, water, cheap booze, questionable firework safety and a fair bit of sunburn. Jessie and I took any opportunity we’d get to flirt, there was a kind of teasing physicality to it, where we’d take any chances we’d get to touch each other (wrestling at the river bank, sitting pressed together in the back of a pickup truck etc. Etc.).

In the evening we made a bonfire near my cousin’s house, setting up tents in the yard. The whole group somehow ended up in a tangle of sleeping bags and pillows on this big (and fairly rusty) trampoline. There was little moon and, tipsy and still exhilarated, we lay on our backs looking up at the Milky Way, and I saw my first shooting star.

The conversation meandered, some of us fell asleep, my cousin retreated to a tent. Jessie found her way next to me. By about 2am, and desert chill had most of the group tapping out to the tents or the fire. Those who were left talking were huddled together under the array of sleeping bags, and Jessie was increasingly close to me for warmth. I was being quizzed about slang in my city when I felt her hand surreptitiously work its way down my stomach. The conversation moved past us as she deftly unzipped my fly, me staring up at the galaxy above and her nuzzling against my neck as she stroked my hardening cock with subtle movements.

The sound of the crickets was loud, and the crackling of the fire mingled with the conversation from tents, creaking springs and laughter masked the rustling as she disappeared beneath the sleeping bag and I turned on my side to give her full access. In retrospect it was probably obvious to anyone paying attention but I thought I was the definition of stealth as I shifted as little as possible while she softly kissed and licked the head. She went to work with quiet gusto and I enjoyed myself as she rubbed my shaft while working away with her tongue.

As my climax approached I tried to let her know by tapping her on the shoulder but she was set on her mission, only increasing the tempo in response. The mix of sensations was amazing: the chill night air on my face and occasionally seeping from the mesh below, the smoke from the bonfire, the warmth of our bodies, the ache in my muscles from a week of work, the lingering buzz from the day’s drinking, her wet mouth sucking eagerly at my cock while one hand held my balls swollen and ready to burst.

I gasped as little as I could when I came in her mouth, and she kept sucking until I was finished and thought I couldn’t take any more of the intensity of it. She left no trace of it, save the wetness of her saliva cold on my boxers.

We slept, and I got an opportunity to return the favour another day.

We woke up covered in frost, freezing and more than a bit hungover. Don’t sleep on trampolines at night it’s uncomfortable though definitely worth the blowjob.
