Nightmare with my friends and my mom 2

3 years have passed since that time when my mother came out of the bathroom naked in front of my school friends, sadly for me that would not be the only time that I would have a moment of extreme shame because of my mother and her physique.

A little more than a month ago there went on vacations for the Easter holidays so me and my friends planned a trip to go to a beach that is close to the city (two hours more or less), we had planned this trip Since the new girlfriend of one of my friends has a house there, she would have her birthday and invite her friends, who are all 10/10 and he would invite us men to spend the weekend with them, for which we all already knew what we were going to and we were already getting an idea of what would happen that weekend.

We already had a full month going to the gym and preparing our bodies for those days. I in particular was somewhat nervous since one of the friends of my friend’s girlfriend has liked me for a while now, I met her once by coincidence in a drunkenness and there was chemistry but nothing happened, we talked sometimes through instagram but not that much.

Anyway, I told my mother that I would go to the beach that weekend and I told her who I would stay with etc etc, she gave me the go-ahead and told me that she would also go that weekend with her friend Iveth. that they would take advantage of the free time of the holidays to relax and tan a little, since due to the pandemic he had more than a year without going to the beach or taking a planned vacation of that type.

I had no problem since it sounded reasonable to me, it is also always a pleasure to see Iveth, who is a friend from my mother’s university, they are very close, they go to the gym together and it is with her that has a closer friendship. Iveth is a woman of the sexiest I have seen, a little tanned brunette with straight black hair, I think she is the same age as my mother and is a little taller than her, also her body is a sculpture, although her love handles come out a little when she sits down (not like my mother who, although she sits, her body is better than most of my age), her well-formed and round butt and her breasts a little larger than those of my mother. She is a very attractive woman to look at, she is very different from my mother, she is very loud and doesn’t care about opinions, she is an empowered woman like my mother, more liberal and partying. I’ve honestly fantasized about her several times.

Anyway, Friday arrived and my friends would come to my house to leave from here with my mother since none of us had a car that they could lend to go on the road.

Gael came first, then Mario (who is the one who planned everything and the girl’s boyfriend of the house), and my best friends Dani and Luis (who were present when my mother came out of the bathroom naked on that occasion)

We all already brought our beach clothes and we were ready to have a good time and planning our movements with the friends of Mario’s girlfriend.

My mother was upstairs bathing while we waited for her to leave when the doorbell rang and I opened the door, it was Iveth who arrived showing off as always with sunglasses and in glued denim shorts and a yellow tank top.

I- Hello Hugito, time without seeing you, and hello also to all of you guys, are you ready for the beach?

We answered yes and we continued with a casual conversation. We were all surreptitiously scanning her with our eyes since Iveth didn’t much care to show her cleavage and we were delighted to take advantage of the view. It was until my mother came down that the feeling of jealousy and morbid invaded me, she had on a loose white navel blouse that revealed her abs, underneath you could see a white bikini and a long, semitransparent white skirt that was open the sides so she showed her legs when she walked, sat and practically when she made any movement she showed the knot on the side of the bikini, I started to look at her with an angry face because I knew that just as we saw Iveth they would see my mother. She saw my friends while I was staring at her and she saw that he was angry and made a gesture as if of pity and asking for forgiveness, as if admitting that he had exceeded his dress. She greet Iveth with a hug and my friends with a general hello to everyone and after a casual talk he said:

S- Ok guys, so, will everyone go with us? I thought you would be less

M- We are Sandra, we did not know that there would be so many of us, also Hugo did not tell us that your friend would also go with us, an apology

S- Well, nevermind, you will have go pilled up

We had no problem with that, since we are young and the beach was relatively close, so we started to load the suitcases and we got on top of each other, I had to go on top of Luis and Dani on top of Mario. The road seemed eternal, since it is very uncomfortable to go in one position for two hours, the only good thing was that from my position I could see Iveth’s cleavage, who did not look very concerned about covering herself, although I am sure that from his perspective Dani could also do the same with my mother’s breasts and even her legs. It took 2 hours until we finally got to the condo that Iveth and my mother had rented. We unloaded the things and put them in the condo and started planning what we would do.

The plan was that we would go buy some beer to take to Mario’s girlfriend’s house and spend some time while we preparty in a bar and wait for their arrival, then go to the club that is on the beach.

S- Ok guys, please bring us a bottle of tequila – said my mother (who had already bought

several bottles of wine in the city for her and Iveth)

G- Of course ma’am, this bottle is on us for having brought us, thank you very much – Gael said (who I had already noticed that he had been giving my mother very morbid looks, although I don’t blame him).

We went to the supermarket to buy alcohol and when I paid I see that Mario brings something else.

H- What are you bringing there? – I asked him

M- It’s a birthday present for Lucia and for me, more for me than for her hahaha – he laughed out loud as he showed us the article

It was a very thin black thong bikini, like the top which was very open and simple. We all made fun of him as a good-lucked bastard and proceeded to pay together for the beer, two bottles of tequila, one of vodka and the bikini, which we also paid together for being our friend and Lucia’s birthday (his girlfriend).

We got to the condo again to quickly put the alcohol down and I told my mother that we would go to the bar at once. They both had already opened a wine and were in closed conversation in the kitchen of the condo.

S- Ok sweetie, we will also go out later to the club, so when you guys return for the beer let me know so we come back here and be able to open the condo.

H- Okay, see you later.

We went to a bar to have a few beers and get drunk, we spent about 2 hours there and went to the club on the beach, which was practically full but still we got a table in a decent place almost immediately from the dancefloor. We ordered a whiskey for the 5 of us and we continued getting drunk and dancing with some girls who were next to us, I met a beautiful blonde from whom I did not want to take off and dance with her all night, I wanted to steal a kiss several times but she did not let me, she stayed until her friends pulled her and told me they would have to go. We exchanged phone numbers and she kissed me goodbye.

In the heat of the night all my friends separated and some were with some girls and others with others, when I arrived with Luis and Dani who were with some girls, Mario arrived with Gael and told us all drunk:

M- you will hate me, but I have bad news for us.

L – What happened? – asked Luis

M- I just talked to Lucia to know at what time she would arrive or where and she just told me that they could not come since her parents rented the house without her knowing and she will celebrate there in the city hahahahaha – he let go laughing nervously

We all made angry and disappointed gestures, especially me who wanted to see Renata (Lucia’s friend). We started shitting at him for making us come here and now we had neither women nor where to sleep.

G- And couldn’t your mother do us a favor if we could stay tonight with them? After all, our things are already in their condo and we wouldn’t mind sleeping on the floor. -I don’t think so – I answered (Although more than anything I wanted to avoid having to endure morbid looks and having them talk about her behind my back)

G- Well, why don’t you ask her? I just saw her arrive with Iveth about half an hour ago, they are at a table in the corner, let’s all see what she tells us.- I was already drunk so I didn’t think very well so I let myself go and we followed him to where my mother and her friend’s table was.

When I saw her I felt I had a heart attack. My mother was with the same transparent open skirt and only the bikini top on, you could see the roundness and firmness of her breasts from afar and a sculptural body, just like Iveth who had also removed the shirt she was wearing and also She was wearing only the bikini top, both of them were barefoot in the sand next to her table with some guys who seemed to want to pick them up. Although they were not seen to be admitted, it was certainly seen that my mom and her friend were under the influence of alcohol. Especially Iveth who was talking more openly with one of those men.

My friends were like stone and I saw how Luis and Dani turned to see each other. I arrived directly with my mother to scare the men who were there with my friends behind me. As soon as we exchanged glances (With my mom), she smiled at me and hugged me by the shoulder.

S- Hey, thank god that you came, this guy has gotten me sick of him. – She told me in my ear and she smiled and turned his back to the man, who looked me in the eye and raised my thumb in approval (as if I were flirting with my mother) and then left with his friends.

My mother seemed like an angel of sexuality because of how she was dressed. I told her that we wanted to ask them something as she pulled Iveth from where she was, away from that man, who made a reproachful face and left when he saw all of us.

S- What happened kids?

H- Well you see, what happens is that the friends we were coming with canceled us and my friends want to know if you could give us a night in your condo and tomorrow we will find a place to stay.

S- Pff, of course my love, don’t worry, the problem is that the condominium only has 2 beds so some of them will have to sleep in the couch.

I- Of course, Hugo, don’t worry, we also take advantage of it so that one of you drives because your mother is not in a position to drive and even less after the rounds of shots that you and your friends are going to pay us!

My friends were happy to hear the good news and start ordering round after round of shots. I already felt out of my senses but I was having fun just like my friends. We were dancing and Mario was the one who made the first move with Iveth, trying to dance with her, to which Iveth replied by approaching him. The rest of us were dancing in a circle and my mother with us making increasingly loose movements. She looked like an angel fallen from heaven, even I couldn’t help but admire her beautiful breasts that looked like they were about to come out of the bikini. I became aware of what I was thinking and went to the bathroom to pee and wash my face. It was when I was urinating that I realized how drunk I was.

I came out of the bathroom and tried to return staggering to the table where we were all and the first thing I see is Gael dancing face to face with my mother, I felt an electric charge of jealousy and morbid, I stood watching from the shadows as the damned took advantage and gave my mother a shot as she gave him one also, and then take her by the arm and turn her to continue dancing with her now on her back and press his manhood against her butt while my other friends and Iveth encouraged them to continue

My mother was laughing as she wanted to take off from Gael but he took her by the waist with one hand and the belly with the other and I saw how my mother lowered her head back with her eyes closed and now began to dance to him at will. I froze watching such action and I could only see Gael’s morbid face to have that half-naked goddess glued to him, only separated by his swimsuit shorts and my mother’s loose dress that no longer covered anything of his legs and revealed the bikini bottom and the knot at the sides.

I decided that I had seen enough and I approached determined to stop what was happening, when they turned on the lights and began to dislodge people from the club. I arrived a little disoriented with them and asked them of what did I miss.

D- Not much – Dani told me – come on that we have to pay the bill, your mother told me to drive her car because I am the healthiest, you go while with them to pay and I will go for the car with Iveth and We will pick you up at the entrance.

I followed his instructions, we paid and I, Gael, Luis and Mario went to the entrance to wait for them to pass us by while my mother returned from the bathroom. When they arrived, Iveth was sitting in the passenger seat and Dani was driving the car.

I- Get in fast! – said Iveth

We all got on the back, but it seemed that we had grown, it felt tighter than before, Luis climbed up between Mario and me and we waited for my mother to come out. I just thought that how we were accommodated, the bastard Gael would make it easy for my mother to climb on his legs, so I tried to say that we should change places when my mother suddenly opens the door and asks:

S- And I’ll go in the trunk it seems

G- hahaha, I’ll climb on top of you if you like sandra.

S- Nooo, you’re going to crush me, also I weigh less than any of you and the road to the condo is not long-

G- Ok, if you don’t have a problem ..

I could not believe what I saw, my mother first raised her bare leg in the middle of Gael’s legs and then sat on his package. I was seething with jealousy but the drunkenness had me too dizzy to act or think clearly, so I decided to let myself go and trust that my mother is not a whore and that that would be all the luck that Gael would have.

On the way I saw how Gael’s son of a bitch placed his hands on my mother’s legs, which were completely uncovered since the dress was in the middle of her legs. I watched as Gael caressed her legs secretly and my mother just leaned forward on the back of the seat of the passenger with Iveth, chatting with her.

We arrived at the condo and to top it all Mario had the brilliant idea of getting into the pool, to which I refused, arguing that I didn’t want to get wet and Luis made me second. Iveth told my mother that since it did not matter, they were wearing the bikini so it was just a matter of giving it its correct use, to which my mother in the drunkenness made it easy.

First Iveth took off the shorts he was wearing to get in more comfortably while Dani, Mario and Gael took off their shirts and dived to get into the pool. My mother, on the other hand, took off the transparent skirt that she was wearing, showing her butt and the lower part of the bikini, which although it was nothing out of the ordinary, in that butt it was seen an extremely erotic image.

M- dive in! if not, it is not worth it! – Mario said

To which my mother took Iveth’s whore’s hand and they jumped at the same time. Between laughter and laughter, they asked me and Luis to bring the cooler with beers so they could be drinking. Me and Luis went for the drinks and he tells me:

L- How good is Iveth, seriously brother

H- I know, I’ve been fantasizing about that woman for years and now it seems like she’s fucking with Mario

L- How do you think? I don’t think that woman will listen to children like us, least of all that asshole.

H- And how do you see my mother?

L- What do you mean?

H- I don’t know, you tell me

L- Well, what do you want me to tell you, you know that your mother is a very attractive woman obviously and well, she is having fun, although she does look a bit drunk.

H- You don’t think that Gael is crosing the line?

L- Well, as I told you, he has not done anything out of place, they just danced and are having fun, also like Iveth, I don’t think he will almost do an asshole like Gael, she is only playing and enjoying a little, do not worry .

Luis’s words calmed me down a bit and I relaxed, we returned with the alcohol and the others were still in the pool, talking in a more relaxed circle, although Iveth and Mario had a more closed conversation. My mother sat on the edge of the pool to drink the beer and I saw how Gael tried to get closer to lean on his legs, but my mother took him off, which gave me great relief and I even laughed inside.

I sat next to him and we talked drunken trivial things and laughed, so we stayed for a while until we turned to see Mario and he was kissing Iveth, the son of a bitch had succeeded, to which the rest of us cheated on it while they just laughed. Iveth took Mario by the arm after a while and they left the pool.

S- Where are they going? – Asked my mother

I- We are already tired and sleepy, said Iveth, it’s time to go to sleep.

Mario just turned with a smile from ear to ear as he was pulled by that woman who was almost twice his age.

D- They’re right, it’s time to get in, Dani said, I also want to get drunk tomorrow and we have to charge batteries.

G- What queers are they, let’s have a beer and a couple more shots and finish the night, what do you think?

H- Okay, that’s fine with me

S- Ok, last one and that is it

When we entered the condo, one of the rooms was closed and there were noises of movement. It was obvious what was going on in there between Mario and Iveth. I turned on the kitchen light and we all went to sit at the table, when I see that Dani, Gael and Luis are looking at my mother’s tits while she is talking to me, to which I turn to see her to realize that her breasts were almost out, with hard nipples and to top it off the bikini had probably loosened in the pool and my mother was showing one of her perfect pink areolas. I did not want to make a fuss about that and decided to pretend I had not realized it, which burned me inside but I felt a tremendous morbidity to know that my friends were secretly watching my mother’s breasts, who was semi-naked in front of them.

At one point, my mother as if she realized that Gael was looking at her breasts a lot, adjusted her bikini, however little changed since the size of the bikini little covered with tremendous boobs. We continued talking about the situation we had there, with the lucky Mario until Gael, because of his drunkenness, said that he could no longer bear it and went into the other room and Luis and Dani were moments later also to get into the room.

I stayed talking with my mother who was already super drunk like me, although I was still a little conscious. I talked to her for a bit more and then she told me that she was already sleepy and would change to sleep because with that wet bikini she was going to catch a cold. We entered the room and what a surprise:

The damned Gael and Luis had lain in bed, the bastards, Gael was lying down normal and Dani for some reason had fallen asleep with his feet pointing at the head of the bed, also Dani was already lying asleep on the couch. My mother made a brief anger and said:

S- You bastards!, Still that one gives them inn they take advantage of it. I DO NOT THINK OF SLEEPING ON THE FLOOR – said my mother

I heard how Dani laughed and said:

D – You were late hahaha, Gael and Luis are almost snoring, I can give you the couch if you like Sandra.

S- No thanks Daniel, very kind of you, go to sleep, I thought you were already asleep.

To which it mattered little to me because I was already lying on the floor getting settled to sleep. When I see my mother rummaging through her suitcase and pulling something out. I could not see much since it was only alluded by the light from outside that came through the window, so I practically saw a silhouette, but I clearly saw how my mother took off her bikini completely, being completely naked in the moonlight.


S- I am putting on clothes to sleep, the bikini is wet, I am not risking getting sick or wetting the bed.


S- In this darkness you cannot see anything, do not be ridiculous, also there is already confidence and he is seeing less than what he saw before.

H- I CANT BELIEVE YOU- I yelled at her furiously as she put on the garment that she had taken out of the suitcase. First she put on what appeared to be panties and then she put on a nightgown that fell in the middle of her thighs. I kept quiet furious and Dani did not make any noise, it was obvious that he was enjoying the show, although little was seen.

My mother no longer seem to be in her 5 senses and i saw her silhouette wobble and then get on the bed and fall exhausted by drunkenness in the midst of Gael and Luis. Which was the last straw for me, I felt betrayed by my mother and her drunkenness and I wish I had never gone on that trip or invited my friends. I closed my eyes and began to wish I could wake up from that nightmare that was happening to me.

I could not sleep and only vague thoughts passed through my mind as I listened to how there was still action in the room right away. Damn Mario is with the woman I wanted for years and hearing that began to excite me. When suddenly I begin to hear movement of sheets on the bed. I opened my eyes but I couldn’t see anything and I didn’t want to stand up and for Dani to see how I saw that they were doing something to my mother like a complete loser (In case it was happening) I heard movement more and more often and tried to imagine what it is, What was happening.

Suddenly another more blatant movement, like when someone is lying down and is constantly changing position.

I tried to listen to know what was happening and suddenly I heard my mother whispering in a drunken and sleeping voice:


What’s going on ? I thought, tried to listen more and I heard my mother whisper again

S- No !, get off.

And a little later:

S- Get off, let me sleep now.

To which the movements stopped and nothing was heard for a long time. I fell asleep…

The next morning I woke up and the sunlight was coming through the window, the headache was impressive, Dani was still asleep, I was the only one who had woken up. I stud up to see one of the most painful images of my life.

There was my mother in the middle of two of my friends, asleep like them, I saw Gael on his left on his back in his underwear only with my mother on one side lying with her back to him but with his right leg over his legs. SHE WAS WITH HER LEGS OPEN AND HER BREASTS WITH EVERYTHING AND NIPPLES LOOKING OUT FROM THE SIDE OF THE LOOSE COAT THAT SHE PUT ON TO SLEEP.

Also, the robe had risen higher than her waist and was showing the thong-type panties that she had put on to avoid wetting the bed. IT WAS PRACTICALLY LINGERIE. And damn Gael with a boner pointed at the ceiling. In addition to the other side lying with my mother’s left foot almost on his face was Luis who, although he did not looked very close to my mother, if he had been awake he would have been able to see her tits clearly again, now more closely and with more detail . I approached my mother and cover her with a sheet so that she would not have all her sexuality exposed.

I sat with an unimaginable headache still not believing what I had just seen and wondering what happened last night. Had he fucked my mother? infront of me ? Someone my own fucking age? Did my mother let him? Thousands of things were going through my head, I was still drunk and Dani was waking up from the couch, also wearing only underwear.

H- what happened Dani what’s up? – I told


H- Why are you in your underwear? – I asked him

D- Your mother and Iveth told us not to wet the beds, because it was a penalty for doing that here in the condo

Everything already made sense, at least about the underwear, but shit, my mother had woke up as a vile SLUT in the middle of my friends, at least I had already assured that if they woke up they would not see her intimate parts, also I raised her leg and take it off his legs and almost rubbing the hard pack of the asshole Gael.

I felt physically, mentally and emotionally devastated. I went out and opened a beer so I could take away the pain and think more clearly what was happening and I stayed to wait for the others to wake up …


There is still the rest of the weekend to tell, anyway I think that until here I will unburden myself for today.

PS. This story has already 10 parts, but it really takes a lot of time to translate as I write the new experiences, So if someone can help me translate I would really appreciate (Also I think that a lot of the essence of the tale is lost with this sloppy translation).
