The Helping Hand

I had thought that it was going to be “just another one of those days”. Just job hunting around town going around to see who might be hiring, maybe drop off a resume? And I was just walking around a couple of different places, dressed ‘office casually’ in a nice blue button down collared shirt, a nice pair of pressed British tan khaki pants and some nice, but casual brown leather oxfords and my updated resumes in a nice letter holder, binder and as I just walking around down one of the streets near a part of downtown where alot of high rise office buildings were, I hear a woman’s voice call out to me from a car as I walk down the sidewalk, over my left shoulder “Excuse me, can you help me, please?” In this thick but sexy and deep foreign accent, you know you might have heard it before, but can’t quiet put your finger on where its from? As I turn to look who’s calling me, I see a lady in new, very expensive German luxury sedan. That famous three star circle one, all black inside & out and this lady wearing a nice basic black business suit probably designer and tailer fitted calling me from the driver’s seat with some business letter head type papers in one hand. Being a ‘nice guy’ and quite curious, I stop walking a bend down by the waist and look at her, “Can you help me, please? Can you help find this address?” Pointing with her well manicured French nail to the top of some business letter letter head. Leaning over the black leather passenger’s seat. “It is most urgent, can you help me please!” In that important tone that almost seems official and direct. Not seeing any immediate danger as it was a fairly busy street and there were some people around, and I hope plenty of security camaras, I leaned into the open car window to get a better look of the paper she’s holding in her hand as she’s pointing to the letter head address. Seeing the street where she’s wanting to go isn’t that far away. I say to her that it isn’t too far and it’s a couple of blocks away on another street. Looking and sounding impatient she says that she’s must attend this meeting and she’s running late & is lost. Judging from her accent, it’s pretty safe to assume that she’s from ‘out of town’ to say the least. I tell her that she’s not too far off and I point out that she has to go down two blocks and turn left and down a few more blocks and the turn again at the light on the right. And the building that she’s looking for should be in the middle of that block. Obviously growing impatient she puts the car in Park and says, “Please drive me there, it is most urgent!” As she undoes her seat belt and opens her car door to get out while the car’s engine is still running, I quickly run over to the driver’s door by going around the front of the car nearly brushing passed her as she now has her smart phone up to her ear and is talking to someone in some foreign language, if I had to guess, a Slavic language, maybe Czech, Polish or Russian, but not knowing a thing about Eastern Slavic languages it was only a crude guess? Still talking rapidly into the phone not making head or tails of what she’s saying or to who, as I get in and put the seat belt, on and trying to figure out how to work the funny gear shift to get the car into drive, never having driven a car from this German make or any German car, before. As she’s talking into her smartphone with one hand, she just blindly hands me the letter with the address on it as she put her seat belt on with the other.
I finally figured out how to work the gear shift and get the car into Drive and pull out into the street trying to be extremely careful as to not use too much throttle as to just knowing how powerful & expensive a car of this type can be & is. As she’s still talking into her phone, and in typical European type fashion is using her hands in hand gestures as if she’s talking to the person right in front of her. The sight and the sounds of this woman speaking which I guess is her native language was starting to turn me on, as I steal glimpses of her and her nicely nylon encased legs as she moving around in her passenger’s seat, hearing the sounds of the guinuine black leather seat and her expensive nylon hose as she fidgets around in her seat as I wait for a light to change.
In mid phone conversation I see her looking at her classic gold Swiss ‘Coronet’ ladies’ watch in a big huff, not knowing if she’s talking to me, or herself or to whoever is she’s on the phone with? I keep driving, making the turn going down the next block.
I manage to get on the block where her building is and stop in almost front, as I point out the building that she’s looking for is right there, she gathers up her things, in a big black high end leather tote bag still talking on the phone and in one quick breath, “Wait here for me please!” as she undoes her seat belt to get out of the car. Rushing out of the car, not looking behind her as she shuts the door close and in running towards the building in her designer tailored suit, expense nude nylons and black leather high heel pumps, the sound of her heels on the concrete tapping & clicking away as she’s running.
Not knowing what else to do, I just wait. Busying myself with just looking around the car, having never been in such a fine car such as this. Now seeing what the big fuss is about. I figured out the car’s stereo and judging from the station presets that she might be Russian, given the music that radio presets are set for and some British English, German and French stuff too. I wanted to snoop more, but not knowing how long that she’ll be or even if this was her car, I decided not to, especially thinking what if she can see with hidden cameras inside the car? I did change the stereo station to something more to my liking as I just sit in the car, with the engine running, and the seat massager, on. hoping that she’ll come back soon and just pray that I don’t run into some meter maid or traffic cop? The story that I would have to tell would seem very suspicious & suspect if it was being said to me if I was a traffic cop or something beat cop on foot?
After about an hour, I began to get nervous and going on two hours, I was quite antsy. Two and a half hours, in. Almost on wits end and the car is still running and has nearly a third of a tank left just running at idle speed. And then, I see her, coming out of the building walking more naturally and at a ‘normal’ pace. I get out and quick walk up to her and ask is everything is right and if she was, ok? With her big bright grey blue eyes and a big, loud voice, “Victory! . . . I was triumphant!” And she gives me such a hug right there in the front of the building as we each hold ever other ever so tight as she bends her legs and kicks her heels! Holding her tight, right off of her feet! “I am most joyful and happy! I was most triumphant in my victory! I won my divorce settlement!” All I could say was “Congratulations, Miss. I am so very happy for you!” “Would you like to celebrate my victory & joy with me?” Looking at her right in her gorgeous greyish eyes, all I could say was ‘Yes’! As we walk back to the running car and I just instinctively open the car door for her as she gets in, doing the thing women do behing the back of her skirt right before sitting in the passenger’s seat as I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her as she sits and I carefully close the car door by the handle and I get in the driver’s door and close it from the inside. I see her wiping her joyful tears with some tissue from somewhere and as I put the car into Drive, I knew of this hipster chic nice lounge that wasn’t too far away that might be open. Still seeing the look of happiness on her nice milky white face and noticing her classic eastern figures. Thinking to myself, I wouldn’t be surprised if she might have modeled before?
During the ride over to the lounge we finally get to introduce ourselves to each other, her name ‘Ekaterina’ something or another since she said so quickly, I couldn’t catch her last name and certainly not understand or pronounce it. And not wanting to be impolite or crude or crass, I just let it go right over my head. But I could call her ‘Kat’ or ‘Kate’ if I wish, so ‘Kat’ it is especially with her big grayish bluish, silver eyes framed perfectly in just the right amount of mascara and the right amount of winged eye liner and the almost chiseled looks on her face almost having a regal or look of royalty. I find a parking spot just barely enough to park the car in as I finally turn the engine off and get the key fob car key out of the dash and undo my seat belt and get out of the car. Knowing some of the eastern customs, and from what I’ve seen on the old movies, I walk around and let Kat out of the car by opening the door, holding my right hand out for her to take hold and went she was out of the car, closing the door and then using the key fob the lock the doors and set the car alarm stopping briefly to put some silver in the parking meter right before we both walk to the lounge. As we walk, I had to tell her that she looked absolutely gorgeous and that she was one of the most beautiful women that I have even seen up close! Being modest in that old world, old fashioned kind of way she says, “I am old woman you think me so beautiful, no?” As she looks with a neutral type look on her face, maybe surprised or shocked or flattered or not sure as I open the lounge door for her, letting her walk a head as we wait to be seated by the hostess in a short dark red dress, shiny silver strappy heels with her curly hair done up in a nice up do. I just say “A table for two please” as we follow the hostess over to a nice little table near the wall of the lounge that has a semi-circular sofa type chair as I let Kat sit first and then myself. And when the hostess asked what will we be having? Kat says in a happy voice, “A bottle of your very best champagne!” After that, the hostess turns around towards the bar and Kat reaches into her tote bag and pulls out a pack of cigarettes, a foreign type brand and takes one out of the pack and holds it between her long, slender fingers as I take the book of matches inside the ashtray on the table and pull one out and strike it for her as she puts the cigarette to her nice, fully but pouty type crimson red lips to light it and take a nice drag and puff and the exhale. Then afterwards she says, “I hope you don’t mind woman who smokes?” In that ‘old world’ style of speaking. “Oh, no, not at all.” As I take one of her cigarettes out of the pack and light one, myself. “This ‘is’ a celebration and today is ‘your day’!” Right when the waitress brings a bottle of what looks to be big name French chilled champagne and two thin long stemmed glasses as she fiddles with the foil wrapper and wire and with a couple of twists and pushes & pulls, Then “Pop!” The cork of the bottle flies across the lounge, luckily not hitting anyone or anything as we each reach for our respective champagne glasses and hold them for the waitress to pore the fine bubbly into her glass, first and then into mines. After the champagne is pored, we raise our glasses and make a toast to “New beginnings!” and then Kat just says something real quickly, presumably in Russian and downs her glass before I could finish mines. Curious, and intrigued but still not wanting to say anything. I just want to see how this all goes, it’s almost like walking into a old, foreign romance film and you have no idea of the script or characters and you can’t speak or understand the language but you just have to play everything by ear and just have those good instinctive cues on how to read everything and any little thing. I pore another round and all I could do was sit and look at her, especially as she is unbuttons her suit jacket revealing a nice low neck type shell top and with the lounge lighting, being the way that it was, being able to see almost right through the silky material and almost right through her nice bra just bearly making out the dark areolas of her nipples on her very well shaped & well formed tits. I could also hear the sound of her silky, satiny nylons as she crossing her legs at the knees.
After the third glass, Kat says that it was so very nice of me to take her to her appointment and and I was very kind enough to wait for her after so much time and not try to take advantage of her and her car by leaving her stranded. And she apologized for being rude and un-ladylike but giving the situation, I said it was no need to apologize for anything and she raises her hand for the waitress and I can see her nicely shaped tits under her top, in her bra giggle slightly as she motioned for the waitress to come over to the table again, and when she gets there, she orders a Russian vodka, straight and I just order a aged imported scotch and soda.
After the drinks, Kat begins to talk about divorcing her husband and sueing him for alimony and alike for cheating on her, stealing from her and abusing her, and possibly fathering other children outside of their marrage. Surprised, all I could do was listen as the Russian vodka loosened her tongue as she talked about all that he had done and now happy to be finally free of him and his controlling, manipulating, stealing, cheating ways and even hitting her and beating her from time to time as a tear formed and rolled down her alabaster white face. Interjection for a minute to say, “That’s all behind you now. Your free now, and you being such a beautiful woman, you should never have to worry about being treated in such a way.” Cracking a smile, wiping her tears away, she takes another drink from her glass. She finishes her drink, she turns to conversation towards me. I tell her that I was looking for a new job when she had, “ran into” me and that I was single, had my own little place and some other things trying not to be too wordy, or complex but honest.
“Oh, are you in need of job, I can offer you job, if you don’t have problem working for woman?” Thinking that she might refer me to someone or someone she knows, well, I just say that “I’m willing to entertain any legitimate offers,” “You can work for me, I offer employment, will you take?” In the old world style of speech. “Yes, I will” just being simple. Still being careful and respectful, “What position are you offering?” “I need an honest man to assist and guide me & instruct me and give honest opinion.” “Sure, I can do that, may I please ask the nature of your business if I may? Still trying to be courteous & polite. “I am business owner, and I have some fashion shops for women, but I could use help with business and things at home now that husband is no more.” Sure, I could see the ‘business’ part, but not sure of what she meant by ‘things at home?’ And still being polite, I gently ask, “Pardon me, ma’am, by what do you mean with ‘things at home?’ Thinking if she was looking for a butler or man servant or male personal assistant or something? Kat slowly takes my hand and slowly takes it under the table while she slowly and quietly opens her silky legs without breaking her gaze at me and gently rubs my fingers against her warm, moist hairless slit & clit. Now completely understanding, and without any need of further explanation, I see her point, clearly! Watching the look on her lovely face change, to an almost sexy orgasmic one, seeing her eyes roll back and her nice eye lids flutter, lightly. As I lightly probe around her fine Russian smooth, toned pussy, under the table, not feeling any panties or pantyhose top. All I can do is accept her “job offer” in a low, playfull but serious professional tone. And can only say, “When can I start?”
With her free hand, she motions for the waitress again, and still keeping my hand under the table and still up her snatch, the waitress comes and Kat politely asked for the cheque. After the waitress turns to leave for the cheque, I give my fingers a nice, but seemingly but naturally looking wiff, sniff and taste, as does Kat as she reaches into her big tote for her wallet and I take another drink of my aged scotch, finishing it as Kat has her “black card” credit card, out and $50 bill for the tip. While I wipe my hands with the napkins from the table. I then help Kat with her suit jacket and holding her nice lady like, well manicured hand we nicely walk out of the lounge after the waitress brings back her ‘black card’ and receipt.
We walk slowly back to the big black car, not having to say a word. The only sounds are the busy city streets and our footsteps and the sounds of Kat’s nylons quiety whisping away as she walks, our arms wrapped around each other’s waists like school kids on their first date. It’s almost sunset by the time we get to the car. Reaching the car door, I use the keyless key fob to unlock the doors and before I can open the door for Kat, she turns to me and says, “Do you really think that I am beautiful? You say it, you mean it?” “Yes, I say it, I mean it.” I lean in and kiss her on deep crimson red lips. Both fire & ice all at the same time. Her lips tightly pressed against mines, her body pressed against mines as we kiss against the side of her big black German luxury sedan. The smell of her expensive perfume filling my olfactory senses and her hands going up and down the back of my shirt and pants.
She stops just long enough to say, in that low sexy voice. “Take me home, quick please.”
