Carwash (m/f- blowjob)

I haven’t written in awhile and had this that I had written awhile ago. Please let me know your thoughts. Cheers.

Slam! I knew I should have filled up on gas last night when I had the chance. I’m already late and don’t have enough to get me to my appointment.
I was in my own little bubble of racing thoughts and time constraints when I had to take a breath.
“ just fill up and go maybe I can take a few shortcuts to catch up on time lost” I thought as I quickly put the nozzle into the gas chamber and pulled on the trigger.
While trying to figure out the best routes in my head, I hadn’t noticed that my hand lowered its grip on the nozzle causing it angle slightly enough to back splash the fuel.
Feeling the drops against my trousers I let go of the nozzle.
“ fucking great” I let out out rather loudly, surprising myself.
A deep breath later “ it’s gonna be one of those days- just roll with it “
I retrieved the paper towel from my back trunk and started to wipe myself down, realizing as I did so that I had gotten some on my shoes as well. I bent down and started to wipe them as well when I saw THE Mercedes Benz pull in and stop on the other side of my same pump.
“ can it be the same one?” I hoped to myself.
The door to the Benz opened up and I saw a pair of thigh high black leather boots complete with 6 inch heels pivot and step out of the drivers side door.
I was hard before I even had the thought “it’s HER!”
SHE – was sultriest, sexiest and lustful black haired buxom that I ever did see. It was the reason why , after I initially spotted her that first time, I kept coming to this gas station that was 4 blocks further away then the one nearest my home. I stood there to watch the rest of this cock hardening vision step out of the car.
The thigh highs were accompanied by a set of black leggings, which from where I stood, allowed me to see the sheen that seemed to emanate from her curves. It covered every atom of her thick sensuous form and pearly pear ass.
I risked it and took me time to take in everything, slowly,from her boots and legs to her workout tee shirt and faded denim jacket.
Something was different than from my other sightings of her. She looked right at me and smiled.
I was just about to get up from wiping my shoes but I didn’t want all the other morning commuters to see how “ happy” I was to see her. I smiled back and carefully started to lift myself.
I pretended to go back and finish pumping gas and desperately think of anything else to lessen the blood flow to my pants.
Wasn’t gonna happen.
Listening to the click of her heels brought it back.
I finished with the fuel and turned around to go inside and pay when I heard “ excuse me?”
I knew it was her and felt my body stiffen
“ my name is Gina” she almost whispered “ I’ve seen you let’s say, admire me from a distance, every time we run into each other here”
Half smiling “ yes, that’s true I think your beautiful”
Her turn to smile “ I know that look, your ogling “
“ eh … well not”
“ it’s okay” she interrupted
“ I think your handsome”
I grinned really hard
“ I don’t have much time, go buy a car wash and I’ll meet you at the entrance”
Confused and excited “ I … how… … ok?”
“ just do it, I’ll pay at the pump here and meet you there” she nudged to the car wash.
“ I like some fun in my morning, works such a bore!”
I nodded and did what I was told
I pulled up to the entrance and unlocked my doors.
She opened the door and I was able to take in the full features of her legs, boots and all, stepping into the passenger seat. My heart was in my throat and all my awareness was in my pants.
She closed the door and god, she smelled almost as good as she looked.
“ I wanna give you something” she grinned at me
“ oh ok” I tried to play along
I was about to be stupid and ask what when she put the flat of her hands against my obvious bulge, making it more obvious. She mover her hands around searching for, and finding my balls. She cat scratched them and when she reached my shaft used her palms to rub up and down.
I said nothing, I let my deep breaths do the talking for me. As the door to the car wash opened my only thought was “ thank god for being late”
