My Stepmom is Teaching Me to Have Better Taste in Porn [M/F] (Part 2)

When I woke up the next morning, I felt tense. I’d tossed and turned all night, and my jaw hurt like I’d been grinding my teeth in my sleep. Laying in sweat-soaked sheets, I knew this anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach. This is what change feels like.

I’m the kind of person who hates change … you get to be like that when your dad is constantly gone on business trips and he is changing wives every few years. Change is scary. So the thought of things changing between Meredith and I is utterly terrifying. She’s the one person in my life who really cares about me. And I care about her.

But I guess it’s hard for relationships to remain the same after what happened that night. When Meredith heard me accidentally playing porn on the speaker in the living room and she came to my bedroom to share her favorite video of two amateurs fucking. And then she started rubbing her pussy while sitting on my bed. And I fingered her until she orgasmed, just before I came all over her face.

*Meredith swallowed my cum.* Every drop. How could I expect us to just go back to being “Broski” and “Mer Bear,” the quirky stepson-stepmom duo?

I groggily dragged myself out of bed and walked to my bathroom. I opened the door and suddenly all hell broke loose. I was hit with a tidal wave of lukewarm liquid and startled by a deafening crash. I was soaking wet.

“OH MY GOSH,” I heard a familiar voice say behind me. “You should look at your face right now. Hahaha can I *please* take a photo of you like this?”

Meredith had apparently just fired the next shot in our epic prank battle. I turned around and she was in her usual morning robe, clutching her stomach and laughing. A puddle was forming around me. I looked at the floor to find a bucket that had been perched on the door, and the white tile was covered in some … yellow liquid?

Then I remembered that our pranks had recently veered into a dangerous pee theme. “MEREDITH. Is this … please tell me this isn’t your … “

She only laughed louder. “HAhaha you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to get up, Broski! Oh my gosh, this was totally worth it … ”

“Meredith! Is this or is this not your pee??” I practically yelled. Between my stressful night sleep and the mess, I’m pretty sure I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Meredith could see I was getting worked up and finally stopped laughing like a madman. She smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder. “No, silly. It’s just water and food coloring. I promise to draw the line at just making each other pee on ourselves … but I knew you’d *think* I crossed that line.”

The smirk on her face was adorable.

I let out a long sigh of frustration that eventually gave way to a playful grin. I threw my hands up. “You got me. That … that was really good, Mer Bear. Bravo.” She took an exaggerated bow. “You can hop in the shower and I will get this all cleaned up when you get out of there,” she said before practically skipping toward my open door. I watched her round ass bounce out of sight, down the hall.

I shook my head, closed the bathroom door, and started taking off my soggy clothes. I wanted to be angry, but it was impossible. I was smiling ear to ear.

*Maybe nothing had changed after all.*


A few days later, we were doing our regular Thursday family routine in the living room: Dad was nowhere to be seen because he was working late, Meredith was painting her toenails in her spot on the couch, and I was browsing Reddit in my favorite chair.

In the background, our mutual Spotify playlist was cranking out hit after hit. Occasionally I’d show Meredith some ridiculous post that had made the front page. Then She’d laugh and make some comment about how I had too much time on my hands.

Something came over me in the quiet comfort of that moment. My anxiety from earlier that week had completely melted away and left behind … horniness?

No, I wasn’t exactly horny. That sounds too immature.

I looked across the room at my stepmom. Her feet were perched on the ottoman and she was meticulously finishing her final coat of polish. She was wearing a tiny pair of shorts, and with her feet elevated, I could see bikini tan lines along her ass cheeks, which were hanging out for the world to see. For me to see. I had to chase away the thought of pulling her shorts aside to see her pussy again. To feel it again.

Meredith was wearing a thin tank top too, and I’d already noticed that she didn’t have a bra on. Her nipples were clearly visible under the soft, white cotton. It was almost like they were teasing me, pointing out that they were the only “hidden” part of her body that I still hadn’t truly laid eyes on.

She looked up from her toes and caught me staring. For a brief second, we both blushed and then looked away. *Did she know what I was thinking? Was she thinking the same thing?*

I’m starting to believe there is a level of desire that is deeper than simply feeling horny. I think it is a desire for closeness. Like, capital-C Closeness.

It’s a simmer. A steady drum beat, like a pulse you can hear in your ears. An annoying flutter in your stomach. But at the same time, you don’t actually want the flutter to go away.

I could have made some excuse to go upstairs and jerk off, probably to the video Meredith had shown me … I had it bookmarked at this point. And I’ll be honest, any time I am playing that video, I am not thinking about the couple on the screen. I think of what happened in *my* bed.

But jerking off only fixes horny. It doesn’t do anything to dull the desire for Closeness.

I had to adjust the way I was sitting in my chair at this point. We’d just gotten back to normal, and if Meredith saw my quickly growing boner, it could ruin all the progress we’d made. She seemed to sense the change in the room.

“Welllll, Broski, I think I am going to head to bed. Do you want me to leave our music on?” she asked. “No, that’s okay,” I said. “If I don’t get up and head to bed myself, I’m probably gonna fall asleep here … good night Mer Bear.”

“Good night, Broski.” Meredith left the room, but she definitely didn’t leave my thoughts. I massaged the bridge of my nose, trying to focus on a physical sensation that was above my waist instead of below it. Yup, it’s time for bed.

I walked upstairs, turning off the lights in the house as I went. When I finally hopped into bed, it was about 11 p.m. I focused on my breathing and tried not to imagine Meredith next to me. Rubbing. Writhing. Moaning. Over and over.

*Wait.* I tried to clear Meredith from my mind enough to focus all my attention on the sounds of the house. *There it was again.* It wasn’t my imagination. I’d heard a moan. A real, honest-to-god sex sound. It was coming from downstairs.

I silently rolled out of bed and ninja-stepped down the hall. *There it was again.* The unmistakable sound of a woman crying out in pleasure. Even if my ears were unsure, my cock was completely positive. It was sticking straight out as I navigated the steps in the dark, as if I was following a forbidden compass needle that pointed toward a welcoming, wet hole.

The third time I heard the moaning, I recognized it. It was the woman from the video. And the video was playing on our living room bluetooth speaker.

I almost fell over. Meredith was watching the video again. My mind was racing. *There was no way she accidentally left her phone connected to the speaker, right??* This had to be a sign. A beckoning call.

I felt it again. The simmering, pulsing, fluttering need to be close to her. Capital-c Close. It was this powerful feeling that took me back up the stairs. Down the hall, past my room. To this day, I still don’t remember taking the steps … it was like I was floating. Right to her door. And then I knocked.

“Come in,” she said. Except she said it too fast. Like she was expecting the knock. Expecting me.

I pushed the door open slowly, and a beam of light illuminated the room in front of me. It illuminated the woman in front of me.

Meredith was in her bed, but she wasn’t laying down. She was kneeling right in the middle of it. And she was completely naked.

The light from the hallway was like a spotlight shining on all the things I loved about Meredith’s body. Her healthy, tan thighs. Her pussy, with its soft pink lips and little patch of fur. Her toned stomach with its glistening belly button piercing. And her massive, perky tits. God, those tits.

“You uh, having fun in here?” I said with a smile. She instantly realized that I’d thrown her words from the other night back at her. “No … but I’m about to.” Her voice was so seductive when she said this that it took the air out of my lungs and forced a rush of warmth into my already-hard dick. The smile vanished from my face and was immediately replaced by a look of desperation.

I had to have her. Again.

I made my way to the bed—once again, levitating … I have no recollection of my feet touching the floor. And then I was on my back on the bed. I was ready for Closeness. We both were.

I sat up to pull off my shirt and boxer shorts and then I laid back down. My dick was perpendicular to my body, swollen and ready to be inside her. It didn’t matter *how* it was inside her … in her mouth. Or pussy. Or even wrapped in her fingers.

“You are so big,” Meredith said softly with awe in her voice. “I never would have guessed … I mean … I’d never seen one like this … until the other night.”

“I can’t help it,” I said breathlessly. “You make me so fucking hard.” She smiled. “Let me see.”

Meredith took me in her hand and started stroking me. Her thumb rubbed up and down the bottom of my shaft. Her eyes told me she knew what she was doing. She wanted me to leak my precum all over her hand. In moments, her fingers were glistening.

“I want you to wear a condom, Broski … but I want to rub these juices on my pussy,” she said. “Can I do that?” I nodded and watched her hand disappear between her legs. Then she reached for the nightstand and picked up a foil wrapper. The light from the hallway made the metallic packaging gleam like it was the key to a lock I’d wanted to open for years.

She opened it and worked the condom down over my hard cock. I can say from experience that this maneuver can be awkward in the moment, but Meredith had somehow mastered a secret technique. It felt like she was simply massaging me, feeling every ridge of my shaft, and then it was on.

She straddled my waist and slowly moved herself into position. She was facing me, and the look on her face was one of sheer desire. She wanted the Closeness too. She reached behind herself to take my cock and guide it into her warm, wet slit. But I had anticipated this. I had already lined myself up.

Without saying a word, I thrust myself up into her. I felt her body tense up as she took my whole cock into her pussy, and she let out a small gasp. If she hadn’t wiped my precum all over her lips, I probably would have gotten stuck halfway in. Four inches inside. Four outside. But that’s not what happened.

I plunged my entire cock inside her and felt every inch of her. Her pussy was tight, much tighter than it had felt the other night. I had entered her without loosening her up with my fingers. And Meredith loved it.

She immediately started riding me, bouncing her firm ass up and down. While she rolled her hips, my hands found their resting places: my left thumb began rubbing her clit while my right hand squeezed her breast. Her breathing became labored, but she still found her voice.

“Fuck me,” she panted. “Fuck me with your big cock. Fuck me right in the pussy with your big fucking cock.” She was saying words most stepsons never hear from their stepmothers, much less in the same sentence and in that particular order. It was tantalizing.

I began thrusting harder and harder. Meredith leaned forward and I began sucking on her nipples while I fucked her. “That’s right, suck,” she whimpered. “Suck my tits while you take me. While you fuck your stepmom’s pussy. Fuck your stepmom’s tight little pussy.”

I think Meredith knew I was about to cum before I knew I was about to cum. She may have seen my mouth fall open or my eyes start to roll back. I still don’t know what the giveaway was.

But when I was just a few moments away from cumming, Meredith slammed her pussy down on my cock with all her remaining energy. I felt her lips tighten around the base of my shaft and I swear the head of my dick felt like it was in her stomach. She tensed up her legs on either side of my body, held tight, and I felt her start to quiver.

Meredith and I were about to cum together.

We both began to moan. I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her close, pressing her breasts against my chest. This was it. The Closeness. Two bodies pulling one another together as tight as possible. Closing the gap. Eliminating empty space. Filling. Feeling. Floating.

Meredith’s body shuddered on top of me as my cock throbbed inside her. I immediately felt the condom redirect my gushes of cum from the tip down, around my dick, coating my shaft in warm juices. I imagined for a moment that this is sort of what it would feel like if I didn’t have the condom on at all. Except it would be her juices—*our* juices at this point—hot on my skin instead of only mine.

Meredith’s gyrations become less and less, and we lay like that for a moment. Her on top of me. Me inside of her. I think I could have lay there with her for an eternity, but by then my cum was pooling at the base of the condom. She slowly lifted herself off of me and I caught a glimpse of the fire in her eyes just before it left, leaving behind a sleepy and satisfied look.

Meredith collapsed into bed next to me, and for a moment I saw that same smirk from when she pulled off her latest prank against me. Her plan had worked. I’d gone to her room without her having to say a word. She simply had pressed “play” on her phone and the sounds brought me.

“Goodnight, Mer Bear,” I said. I reached out and brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

“Goodnight, Broski,” she said with a yawn—probably the cutest yawn I’d ever seen. And then she drifted off in my arms.

I lay there next to her for a few minutes until I was sure she was asleep. I pulled the covers up around her neck and then stood up.

The condom had managed to catch all my cum, and I threw it in the wastebasket next to her bed. I made a mental note to empty it first thing in the morning, along with the tissue I used to wipe my dick clean.

I tiptoed to the door and took one last look at my stepmother sleeping soundly. The expression on her face was one of pure contentment.

It was the face of a woman who had found Closeness.


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