Forbidden Desires-Part 6 Elsewhere

Outside Alonso and Fernando’s Vision

Queen Maria and King Alejandro sit still in their thrones, side by side. Two mighty jaguar cats, the size of horses, sit at their feet with their heads facing outward. They are being painted for a new portrait to be placed in the castle’s great hall, beside the other portraits of kings and queens sitting side by side with their guardian jaguars.

“Do you think he’s almost done,” Queen Maria whispers between barely moving lips.

“Hopefully my dear,” King Alejandro answers back. “I’m told he’s quite well established in royal portraits with speedy ease. He’s been doing it for forty years, I’ve been told by Lord Gonzalez of Montre.”

“He must be fast then,” Queen Maria clucks. “Forty years and not dead by the hand of a single royal. Many died for lack of speed.”

And it was true. It was a risky business to be a painter of royalty. If you painted a nose too big or a breast too small or didn’t cut out a mole, death could come swiftly. Royalty were vain fickle people.

Just as the painter was making his final touches, the doors of the throne room swung open and in walked Rodger, their knight, spy, and dear friend of their son. 

Rodger’s feet match at a brisk pace and the two jaguars licked their lips as they watch Rodger stop by the painter’s side at the designated distance from the royal thrones. 

With quick hands Rodger throws his hood back, along with the folds of his thick cloak, taking the knee.

“Forgive me,” he says with his eyes downcast to their feet. “I did not mean to interrupt”

“You may stand,” Queen Maria says. “What is the matter Rodger? Where is Fernando?”

“Forgive me your royal highness,” Rodger says, swallowing. “I should have been here sooner. I’ve lost Fernando.”

“You what!” Queen Maria’s voice rose. King Alejandro, with shaking hands, reaches out, trying to calm her.

“Explain yourself, Rodger,” the King says. “What exactly happened?”

“I had found Fernando on the other side of the Vail, as you ordered me. He was in Venice. I had thought he was in agreement to return, to marry the Princess of Argo. Fernando came up with the idea of a drink. He offered a celebration to the end of the long struggle.  What a fool I was, to drink in the happiness of getting to return home.

“He must have slipped a sleeping agent into my drink, for next thing I know I am awakening alone on the floor. I have failed you both, my king and queen.”

Rodger slumped to the ground, head in hands, filling the throne room with sobs.

“I tried to find him!” Rodger sobs aloud. “But he was nowhere to be seen. I believe he has used a cloaking spell and has left the city far behind his sights.”

Slowly the queen stood and made her way towards the crying man she knew since he was a small child, the son of a baker in the Royal Kitchen. With both arms she lifts him with ease to his feet and holds him at a distance.

“Listen to me, Rodger,” she says. “You cry as though you are a dead man, you are not. Fernando has played a meanness upon you but he will not get away. Do you understand, my child?”

Rodger nods, wiping tears away.

“Good,” the Queen smiles. “You shall have a small team put together and you will find him. This time you will not fall for his tricks. You will bring Fernando home to us, his people. Is that clear? That you shall find him and you shall be fine?”

“Yes, your grace,” Rodger smiles. “We shall find him.”

“Good,” Queen Maria sighs. “We could always trust you.”
