Packer’s back! [M/F] (Parody, Fan Fiction)

Michael sits at his desk, talking with Jan over the phone.

“Where is he, Michael?”

“He’s a traveling salesman, Jan. If we knew where he were, he’d just be a….salesman.”

Jan sighs. “Just…just find him, okay. You need someone to replace Jim, this is what we pay him for, make him work or find a new salesman.”

Jan hangs up and Michael calls Todd Packer, to no avail. He runs his head through his hair and sighs, accidentally making eye contact with Pam outside his window. She senses his frustration and gives him a reassuring smile. Just then Michael gets an idea and walks out of his office towards Pam’s desk.

“I need your phone.”

“What? Why? What’s wrong with your phone?”

“Nothing. They won’t pick up. It’s nothing, can your just let me use yours. I’ll re- we’ll have accounting reimburse you for the minutes.”

“This isn’t another bomb threat, is it? Michael I told you, just because you don’t use your phone doesn’t mean they won’t find you.”

“No, it’s not that, it’s…business related.”

“Okay, but make it quick.” Pam begrudgingly hands over her phone.

“Yikes! Pink and sparkly, hahaha. Remind me again Pam, are you 16 or 26?”

“Are you going to use it or not?”

Michael walks back into his office and closes the door. He looks through Pam’s contacts and dials Packer’s number.

“Well, he-llo. Feeling lonely without the fiance, are we?”

“Packer it’s me.”

“Michael? What are you doing with Pam’s phone?”

“Hey, listen man, Jan’s really barking at me about you being here. I tried talking to her but there is just no way of getting around it: if we pay you to work, you’re gonna have to show up to work. I’m sorry.”

“What, that’s it? That’s why you were calling me all day yesterday? Mikey, I am at work.”

“You are?”

“Yeah. I’m right here in Dunder Mifflin. Well part of it at least.”

Just then, Michael hears Darryl in the background ask Packer for beer ins. Michael hangs up and walks out of his office.

“Are you done using my-” Michael ignores Pam and forcefully throws the phone in her general direction, completely missing her.

Michael gets to the warehouse and sees Packer relaxing on their sofas. “What the hell?”

“Woah, it’s cool Mike, we let Packer chill out here. He brought the TV actually, we got the games on in high definition right now.”

“Yeah Mikey, it’s cool. Come, take a seat.”

“How long have you been here?”

“Last week, when I started upstairs.”

“Hey, about that, why don’t you go upstairs? If it’s all the same?”

“Nah, I don’t like it up there. Buncha freaks and losers, plus it smells weird.”

“Well, they are our family so…but hey, why don’t you come upstairs, we can move Dwight somewhere else and we’ll see if we can do something about that smell.”

“Nah, you know Mike, being on the road for so long, one gets used to a certain…comfort. A comfort that a wooden desk and a foam chair can’t match.”

Michael was stumped and started thinking of ways to coax Todd upstairs. “You know, the desk we’re giving you is Jim’s old desk.”

Todd scoffed. “Give me his old woman, then you’re talking.”

“You might just get what you asked for. That desk has the perfect path to Pam’s desk. Jim took it a thousand times before, I know you can too. And Pam, please, she’s easy, you know that. Jan’s only gonna keep you here for how long? If your clock is ticking, it might as well hang over Stanley’s beautiful black afro.”

Packer liked the idea and agreed to move upstairs for the remaining of his stay. That day at lunch, he wasted no time and immediately went and sat next to Pam.

“How are you holding up, kid?”

“Oh. Uh, I’m fine. Roy-”

“No, not with him.” Packer leaned in, “we both know Jim was the real keeper of your heart.” Pam’s face dropped, which Packer noticed and used to gain her trust some more. “Hey listen, you don’t wanna talk about it, that’s okay. I shouldn’t have asked anyway. Excuse me.” Todd motions as if he’s leaving the table but Pam grabs his forearm.

“No, sorry, it’s just that…was it that obvious?”

“Uh…yeah, hehe.”

“Um, no yeah, I guess I’m fine. I mean, mostly I’m just left thinking about it, you know. Jim just dropped a bomb on me and then left me alone to deal with it all.”

“That must’ve been hard for you. Are you still thinking about him lately?”

Pam twirled a strand of her hair and tilted her head, “not…right now, hehe.”

After lunch, Todd grabbed Pam for a quick second as she was leaving the restroom. “Hey, I’m heading over to The Party Trick after work for some drinks. You should come, learn to drown your sorrows.”

Pam laughed, “um, thanks but I’m alright.”

“Come on Beesley, you can’t expect to change if you keep doing the same things. What do you usually do on Wednesdays?”

“Uh, let’s see…I paint and read.”

“God you are so boring. Well from now on you drink on Wednesdays, and Thursdays to cure the hangover, which will bleed into Friday so you’ll have to drink then too, and so on and so forth.”

“Hahaha, okay well maybe I’ll start with just one day at a time and then we’ll see.”

“Yes! And I’m buying to make things better.”

Pam raised her eyebrows, “wow, it’s been a while since a guy bought me drinks.”

After work, Pam drove back to Dunder Mifflin having done her make-up and changed into something hotter.

Oscar caught her on his way out, “whoa. Hey Pam, I thought you got out an hour ago?”

“Yeah, I did, but uh, I had a date so I had to come back.”

“A date already, that’s great, it’s good to put yourself out there. And you look hot too, hoping for a good ending to the night?”

Pam got self conscious and began fidgeting, “um, I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking about it.”

“Alright, well, have fun. See you tomorrow.”

“Bye Oscar.”

Pam went upstairs and sat down back at her desk, everyone looking at her weird, knowing her workday ended before theirs. One by one, the rest of the employees started leaving and saying goodbye until only Todd and Angela remained. Angela grabbed her coat and gave Pam a side eye, “what a surprise…” she whispered under her breath.

“Sorry I’m taking so long. I hardly use computers when I’m out on the road.”

Pam gets up from her desk and sits on Todd’s. “Must get kinda lonely being on the road so much, huh?”

“You would think, but no. Let’s just say company is always very happy to find me.”

“Well your numbers don’t lie. Everytime you faxed in sales, I had to double check them to make sure they were right. Dwight hardly sells that much sometimes.”

“Yeah, well it helps when you’re not a freak.”

Pam laughed, “God, he’s so weird. You know he started keeping part of his paycheck here. He says banks can’t be trusted anymore, but he’s keeping half of his money with them still to not raise suspicions.”

“Absolute retard.”

“Yeah haha. Where did you say he was keeping it?”

“He hollowed out the bottom corner of his desk, but you need a special tool to open it, you can’t just-” As she explained to him, Todd forces his way into the desk, completely breaking apart the area Dwight hollowed out. Pam covers her mouth and laughs while Todd takes out the wad of cash and counts it. “Guess I was wrong, drinks are on Dwight tonight. And for the foreseeable future.”

“You’re so bad, Todd.” Pam playfully slaps his arm.

“I’m bad? Look at you, with that tight little dress. You look like you’re ready for homecoming.”

Pam crosses her arms and looks down at her dress, “you don’t like it?”

“No, no, I do. It’s really hot is what I’m saying. It’s just so unlike you, is all.”

“What you said earlier, about changing, rung with me and uh, I think you’re right, so I changed, hehe.”

“Well that’s good. Good for you because you’re growing, and good for me because I get to take it off.” Todd leans in for a kiss but Pam backs away. “What? Jesus, Pam what are we doing here then?”

“Well, I thought we were gonna get drinks.”

“Drinks? Alright, I’ll get you all the drinks you want, but right now baby, I need a little something something. I wasn’t kidding, this dress is really turning me on. And you waiting for me in here, and everyone saw you waiting, you don’t care, you want this.”

“What? You wanna do it here? In the office?”

“Fuck you’re so cute. Feel how hard you’re making my cock right now.” Packer grabs Pam’s hand and moves it to his crotch.

“Holy shit, Todd!” Packer let’s go and Pam feels his huge cock by herself. She makes eye contact with him and smiles. “That’s not real. You’re fucking with me.”

“Why? How big was ol’ Roy?”

“Smaller, for sure, but it’s not only that, you’re so much thicker too. So again, that’s not real.”

Packer unzips his pants and drops them down. He unveils his huge 10 inch cock and strokes it the rest of the way. Pam laughs and bites her finger. Todd smiles and grabs her hands, raising them up in the air. “On your knees…” he asks. Pam smiles and obliges. She gets on her knees and is face to face with his hard cock. He flexes it to make it bounce and it hits her a few times.

“Oh my God, that thing is heavy.”

“Open up.” Pam coats her mouth, tilts her head back, and slips out her tongue. Packer guides his cock in between her lips and starts to face fuck her but he’s too big for her mouth. He lets go of her arms and undoes his shirt and tie. Pam grabs his cock with both hands and jerks it off, trying to bring Todd as much pleasure as possible.

“How long do you last?” She asked with a big grin on her face

“Let’s put it this way. I fucked a mom one time for so long, I fucked her daughter too when she got home from school. Get over this desk.”

“Okay. Like this?” Pam rolls her dress up and puts one leg up on the desk. Packer brings her leg down and pulls them together, pushing her head down onto the desk. He slaps her ass and rolls down her panties.

“Damn, when’d you get this wet?” Todd harshly rubs his hand in between her pussy lips and pulls it out to smell it. Pam is shocked but likes it.

Pam gets ready for the fucking she’s about to get and relaxes on the desk, closing her eyes. “okay, just warn before you stick that thing in- OHHHH FUUUUUUCK. OHHHHH TODDDD, FUUUUCK”

Todd laughs and holds her down against the desk as he fucks her. The monitor falls and the other desks shake with the violence. When Pam can’t take it anymore, Todd stops and turns her around. She’s panting and having trouble finding her breath. “Take off your dress and let me see those fat tits of yours.”

“Hehe, yes sir.” Pam gets naked and sits back on the desk, she wraps her arms around Packer’s neck and brings him closer with her legs. Todd holds his cock and pushes it in her pussy, Pam looks down at it and bites her lip. “Holy fuck, haha, shit.” Packer speeds up and Pam wraps her legs around him and brings him in closer. She buries her face in his chest and begs him to fuck her.

Todd picks her up and she kisses him. Pam closes her eyes but Todd starts bouncing her on his dick like a sex toy. Pam pants and nods in agreement with Todd who is happy to be fucking her. Pam starts moving her hips as she’s cumming so Todd let’s her finish by herself. She grabs his neck and grinds up and down, back and forth on his cock while moaning in his ear. She cums and Todd throws her on his chair. She laughs and thanks him for that, but to her surprise, he’s not done.

“You still want more, big boy?”

Todd grabs the chair by the armrests and pulls her in. He picks up her legs and positions them on the armrests so she’s wide open. “Hold your legs open like this, I’m gonna cum inside of you.”

Pam moaned and was happy to hold herself open for Todd. He spit on his dick and rubbed her clit just to make her moan because he could. He stuck it in and shushed Pam’s cries like a baby. Slowly he upped his speed until he was fucking Pam into the chair as hard as he could. The front wheels were now in the air and the backrest was leaning against the desk. Todd held the chair’s back rest and Pam bit his forearm while he fucked her.

“That’s it, Pam, take it all.” Todd forced his cock as deep as it would go and dropped his whole body on Pam to make sure she couldn’t move. He breathed into her neck everytime he came to let her know he was shooting, but she could already feel him doing that.

Once he finished, he got some tissues from Phyllis’s desk and cleaned himself. He was getting dressed nonchalantly which made Pam confused, but she didn’t want to say anything.

They walked out the building together and Todd unlocks his car. “Oh yeah, you’re gonna have to bring me back here afterwards. Unless you wanna take my car, then we cou-”

“Right, about that. I’m gonna have to take a raincheck. I have to deposit this money in my account by tonight because I gotta pay my bitch ex wife, and she will overdraft me.”

“Oh. Okay. No yeah, that’s cool. I have wine at home anyway.”

“Careful with that stuff, you don’t wanna become one of those sad wineos when you’re 50. Alright, well see you Pam. You look really hot by the way. Like, for real.”

Pam smiles and waves as he gets in his car and pulls out. “See you tomorrow!” she screams, but Todd doesn’t even roll down his window.

She walks over to her car and buries her face in the steering wheel, thinking about what she’d just done. Suddenly a knock comes on her window.

“You’re still here Pam? What about your date?”

“Oh, it, uh…what are you doing here?”

“Forgot my laptop charger, and I have those summaries due tomorrow so…are you alright?”

“Yeah, it’s nothing. Okay, I guess I better get going to this date.”

“Have fun, Pam, again, hehe.”
