Forced insemination [ CNC, breeding, d/s, exhibitionist, medical]

It was how all her tasks were tailored. They gave her what she wanted and they bent her will, reminding her every single day who really owned her soul and her body. Six months ago, she had been ordered to remove her IUD. She had hated having that thing inside her. At 30, her deepest desire was to have a baby. It was what every instinct inside her screamed. She was reminded of the time when she had been ordered to have the IUD inserted. She had obeyed, spreading her legs for the gynaecologist and grudgingly accepting the tearing pain as her cervix was dilated and the device was inserted inside her body, robbing her of choice over her own womb. She had cried tears of mortification and pain. It had been the most painful experience of her life. This had been five years ago; she was 25 then.

Once again, on another ordinary day, she had unceremoniously been asked to get the IUD removed. She had been unwilling to go through the pain (again), but she had obeyed. It took longer than it should have. The device was lodged in too deep. She smiled in her pain as she remembered the hard sex she so enjoyed. As the doctor pulled inside her, causing her to wince, she tried to calm her mind reminding herself of the pleasure she was now paying for. Unwittingly, it had made her wet.

Every month since then, she had been ordered to go for check-ups. She had requested an explanation, but she had been asked to wait. She had accepted that brief answer with the same unquestioning trust with which she honoured every decision he made for her. The last five years had been the most exhilarating time of her life. She had soared professionally with his guidance and personally she had blossomed in his care. They shared a beautiful life together. She still wanted a child, but she never really brought it up. May be their life was too perfect to disturb.

She glanced happily at the envelope which had been handed to her. It was her monthly reward, a tradition that they followed. She was given a surprise treat every month if she’d been a good girl. Fittingly, she would receive a harrowing punishment in other circumstances. She was ecstatic to receive her reward for the month, especially because the last two months had been punishment months. The envelope contained the address for an auditorium. She had been asked to enter using the backstage entrance at 7 pm. A key had been provided. The dress code was risqué.

She hummed as she dressed for what she hoped would be an unforgettable evening. She wore all his favourite things. The black leather corset looked extremely fetching with her stocking feet encased in mesh heeled mules. The 5-inch heels made her totter. She giggled because she knew that making her feel off balance was exactly the point. She let herself in through the backdoor of the auditorium exactly at 7 pm and slipped out of her copious overcoat.

The auditorium was awfully quiet, but there was some activity on the stage area. She walked towards the light, her heels shattering the silence of the huge auditorium. As she stepped on the stage, she was suddenly blinded by the spotlight. Covering her eyes, she walked to the centre hoping to find him there. To her absolute horror, two men dressed in lab coats pinned her to the wall. A trolley was wheeled in and she was strapped to it, her hands and legs made immobile by tight straps binding her to the cold steel. Her screams were swiftly dealt with, as a dildo was strapped to her mouth. Her eyes were left uncovered- she was meant to watch everything that happened to her.

So immobilised she was wheeled to the centre of the stage, where the large glaring spot light finally dimmed. The first thing she saw was rows filled with men and women beautifully dressed in formal evening attire. Her eyes filled with tears as she saw his familiar face in the front row. He actually blew her a kiss. Her mortification and humiliation were complete, or so she thought. Her surprise and terror grew as she saw the face of her gynaecologist hovering above her.

The doctor was smiling. He thanked her for being on time. The lab coats proceeded to untie her legs and held them up in stirrups. She stopped breathing with shock as she realised that the camera now pointed at her vagina which was flashed across the big screen. The good doctor did his routine examination in full magnified view of the 20 special guests who had been invited for special viewing this evening.

A vibrator was then strapped to her clit and another one was put in her pussy. As she helplessly hit her first orgasm, the doctor patted her and told her how good she was doing. She was looking at the one face in the front row with a million questions in her eyes as she hit her second orgasm. Her whole body shuddered. She was met with an approving smile from him. By the third orgasm she had tears streaming down her face. She heard the crowd counting every time her body painfully convulsed with an orgasm. Her overstimulated flesh could no longer differentiate between pleasure and pain. She was ready to pass out when she heard the crowd count ten. Miraculously, the vibrators were removed.

The doctor now lubricated a dildo and put it in her ass. He looked straight in her eyes and told her that she was now ready to be inseminated. She wanted to scream. She could neither agree nor protest. The decision was made for her. She had no choice

The doctor proceeded to explain that she was at the perfect time in her cycle and the sperm dosage being administered today would ensure her pregnancy. Her womb was ready. She watched the doctor pull out a long thin wand filled with liquid in his gloved hands as he reached out and swabbed her wet sloppy vagina. He then proceeded to explain to her that sperm was being deposited directly into her uterus and a pregnancy was assured. She felt the cold speculum spread her open and saw the doctor thread the catheter up through her cervix. She watched the procedure mesmerized, and in disbelief that she was watching her child’s conception on screen along with so many other strangers…

She was overwhelmed with an avalanche of emotion that threatened to drown her. She felt lost and helpless. In the middle of her painfully pleasurable soliloquy, her reward finally dawned on her and she smiled through the dildo in her mouth as his sperm was deposited inside her. Her legs were held up in stirrups for the next hour and the guests slowly departed the auditorium having witnessed the “forced insemination” they had all been promised for the evening. She had passed out of exhaustion. When she opened her eyes, her gag had been removed and her limbs set free. He sat caressing her in his arms. Her eyes filled with tears and the only thing she could manage to say, was “thank you “.


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