Blackmail 32 – Wait (F, blackmail, fiction)

I had been home for roughly seven weeks since my glorious torturous, embarrassing-filled weekend where I met my *admirer* and he got to use my body as his personal sleeve as no hole was off limits.

When I got home the longer I was away from that man the more my body reported exactly how sore it was from being violently shaken as that *beast* rammed himself into me.

The longer time passed the more I wished I was back there.

And like a love sick puppy I had texted my *admirer* asking when will be the next time I would see him…..on my way home.  My only answer was *I’ll be in touch*.

My first day away from him was relatively smooth as I had my job to keep my mind busy during the day.  I heard rumors from the male student body about my persona coming out for a special preview and they missed it. 

I may or may not have smiled hearing that though I didn’t get to hear the full conversation. 

Nor did I want to butt in and show my students about some rumor mill.

The male student body weren’t the only ones talking about *Mary Tasty* doing an exclusive private show over the weekend as a couple of teachers I worked with including my boss lightly talked about it when he heard a couple of co-workers talking about it.

I smiled as I sat there in the teacher’s lounge grading homework remaining silent.

Then at night I decided I needed a night off from anything and everything at the same time as a certain body part was still healing after it’s continued use and thrashing it received.  

By the second day I was slightly irritated that the cum baby my *admirer* had pumped into me seemed to have finally disappeared.  

I had mixed emotions feeling that.  Like it was nice to have my insides report they weren’t filled and at the same time I was pissed that nothing was in there anymore. 

Really weird for me to feel that as I had never been irritated nor pissed that some guy’s cum was no longer in my womb.

By day 3, after work I had to keep my mind busy and finally went to the gym to help keep my mind distracted…..which worked…..until I got home that is.

By day 5 I was texting my *admirer* asking when the next time I will be able to see him reply to be only *I’ll be in touch when I’m ready*.  I frowned at the answer and nearly yelled at my phone.

By week 2 I had heard nothing from my *blackmailer* and had finally re-inserted his gift into my body hoping that he might resume teasing me and torturing me until the next time I get to see him….but nothing.

By week 4 I was desperate and was averaging 2 to 3 messages a day literally begging him when I can see him again but got the same reply.

Frustrated, I had increased my gym time just to fight my growing boredom as I had given up dancing and having gentlemen callers wanting to spend a day or two with me.

I was seriously considering going to back work but when I received my *payment* from my *admirer* I sighed and just resigned to watching TV instead.

By week 5 I was so damn horny I knew my pussy was sending me nothing but phantom vibrations causing me to check my phone to see if my *admirer* had finally send me a vibration but was pissed when I saw nothing.

By week 6 I was fucking done with my *admirer* too pissed…..and horny thinking that he had essentially *hit it and quit* my ass as my mind plagued me with all the scenarios telling myself he was your stereotypical guy.

Then I went into depression wondering why I had let this happen as I thought about **EVERYTHING**.

But by week 7 all my moods changed when I finally received a text as I had *the* biggest smile on my face only for it to fall to the ground.

I read the text multiple times to make sure I had read it right but no matter how many times I read it it wasn’t going to change.

*Miles (Admirer): How do you feel about presenting yourself to the world?*

Present myself to the world?

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

I replied back.

*Me: I don’t understand*

I had an idea to what he was implicating as up until now my *admirer* had found just about every single way to embarrass me. And the way he worded *presenting myself* and to the *world* no less I had a really good idea as to what he could possibly mean….he was out to embarrass me again.

I could only assume that he was going to embarrass me and have the world watch.

I smiled at the context knowing my pussy was juicing at the idea of being embarrass again but to a larger stage only made my *need* worse.

I only asked my question as to *confirm* my suspicion.

Oh who was I kidding if he planned to *present me to the world* in what I could only assume was not only going to be embarrassing but possibly life changing I would readily agree.

I waited for Miles to reply when I got an answer.

*Miles (Admirer): take some vacation time from your teaching position in two weeks and all will be clear*

I smiled knowing now that in two weeks I had a date with my *admirer* but now I had questions.

What was he planning on having me do?

Why did he wait so long to contact me?

And finally why was I so happy when I *knew* I was going to embarrassed again?

[Part 31](
