I Just Turned 18. My Best Friend’s Mom Wants to Introduce Some “New House Rules.” [M/FF] [Free Use]

I just turned 18 two days ago, and the best gift I received was from my best friend’s mom. She calls them “New House Rules.” Now, normally I am not a big fan of rules. I’ve learned to change my mind … maybe it’s because I’ve matured now that I’m an adult.

Or maybe I like the rules because they say I can fuck my best friend’s older sister and their mom whenever I feel like it.

To understand the rules, you first have to understand that my Zach and I have been friends since kindergarten. We’ve been through thick and thin: awkward stages in school, way too many bad haircuts, my 6th grade ADHD diagnosis, and his parents’ divorce in 9th grade. We’ve spent a lot of time around each other’s families and at this point we’re basically brothers.

It just so happened that my 18th birthday fell on a week when Zach was out of town with his dad in New England finalizing his enrollment at his dream college where we’ll be roommates this fall. It sucked that he couldn’t be here to celebrate, but in retrospect, I’m really glad he was away.

Zach’s mom Marian had texted to let me know early in the week that she would be baking me a cake and having me over to their place the day after my birthday to open my surprise gifts. This is pretty normal … their family is big on celebrating.

The odd thing was that she specifically told me it would just be me, her, and Zach’s older sister Crystal at the party and that I was supposed to “wear something nice.” She said I wasn’t supposed to invite anyone else because this was just a “small get-together.”

I’m not a big fan of wearing nice things—I’d much rather just put on a t-shirt and jeans—but again, I’m a man at this point. Like my dad says, part of being an adult is doing things you don’t want to do. So I showed up in a nice polo shirt and my nicest khaki shorts. I figured they’d do for birthday photos.

Marian answered the door, looking slightly more flustered than normal. Her face was flushed, almost like she was blushing. She still had her apron on and there were small smears of icing on her hands. “Come in, birthday boy!” she basically shouted to the whole neighborhood.

I followed her in the door and immediately noticed the heavenly smells of vanilla cake, buttery frosting, and … maybe perfume? Zach’s mom rarely wore perfume, but that’s definitely what it smelled like. This wasn’t the only thing that seemed “off” though.

Marian and I were on the same page in that dressing up normally isn’t our thing. She typically wore a baggy tank top, sports bra, and shorts while around the house. Today she was dressed to kill. Underneath her apron was a tight-fitting black dress that hugged her butt and showed off her long, toned legs. I tried to stay focused enough for small talk, but each step she took in her heels made her round ass bounce tantalizingly right in front of me as we walked toward the dining room.

“Crystal, the birthday boy is here!” she shouted upstairs. Crystal is normally at college, but she was home for the summer and she had reclaimed her old room across from Zach’s. I ducked under the streamers from the dining room’s entryway and sat down at the table. I looked up when I heard footsteps coming downstairs to the dining room.

Marian clearly wasn’t the only one who was dressed out of character.

Crystal’s tits were basically spilling out of a white sundress that I have never, ever seen her wear. I didn’t even know she owned clothes like that. She’d always had a rebellious vibe and rocked a big black South Park hoodie around the house, even in the middle of summer. Today when she bopped down the stairs, her cleavage was just an inch or so away from turning into a nip slip. I’d thought she was beautiful and full-bodied like her mom for years, but this outfit was another level.

“You look great, Drew!” Crystal said. “Wow, uh, so do you,” I somehow managed to stammer. She smiled and spun around playfully, which floated the base of her dress up so I could almost see her underwear … *although … was it just my imagination or was she not even wearing any?*

Crystal took a seat across from me at the table and for the slightest second I thought I noticed a devious grin cross her face. Then her mom walked in and the grin faded to a friendly smile. “Here’s your cake! I know you’re a big fan of orange frosting,” Marian said, placing it on the table and taking the seat next to mine, despite her normal seat being at the head of the table. *Why did she wink at me when she said the frosting thing?*

Marian pulled her apron off and I had to basically stop myself from gasping. Her large, double-d breasts were even more exposed than Crystal’s. They hung halfway out of the deep-v neckline of her scandalously short dress. I silently prayed she wouldn’t ask me to stand up and cut the cake, because at this point I definitely had a boner and probably had the beginnings of a cum stain showing through the front of my shorts.

“I’d like to give you our gift before you make your birthday wish,” Marian said. “I think it would make more sense to do it that way.” She handed me a manila envelope with a big red bow on it. “To Drew, finally a man” was written in girly cursive handwriting. *Drew.* That was what Crystal called me. This odd phrasing sure didn’t help my erection-under-the-table situation at all.

Both of the gorgeous women in the room seemed to hold their breath while I frantically tore open the envelope. I was desperate for anything to take my mind off the two pairs of perfect tits dangling over the table. “Oh wow! It’s a … um … it’s a contract?” I said, looking confused at the lines for signatures and dates.

*Perfect.* This was potentially the most boring gift in existence. Nothing kills a boner like legal paperwork. I felt my hard cock get the littlest bit softer. But that’s when Marian put her hand on my leg. She instantly neutralized the contract’s mood-killing power and sent me into overdrive.

“Andrew, this is a very … *special* … contract,” she said softly. Her voice was a lot like the fragrant citrus icing that by now saturated the air in the room: sweet and smooth. “One we probably wouldn’t give you if I hadn’t arranged for Zach to be away this week.” *Wait, what!?*

I looked up with a shocked expression to see if Crystal knew about this. Her smile said yes.

“This is a free use contract,” Marian said, emphasizing each word. “Do you know what that means?” My eyes scanned the document like crazy. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears, which was surprising considering that it felt like all the blood in my body was in an organ other than my heart. It was hard to pay attention to anything other than Marian’s perfectly manicured fingers, which were now tracing my knee and playing with the edge of my shorts.

Words started to jump off the page. *18 years of age. Crystal Robbins and Marian Robbins. Available 24/7. Fulfillment. Sexual Desires.* **Andrew.** Me. I had reached the age of consent and this contract was the gift they wanted to give me when we were alone at this “small get-together.”

“These new house rules say you can use our bodies any time you like while you’re here,” Marian said. I looked up from the document in my hand. Crystal nodded and bit her lip before repeating, “Any time.”

Their gift was … well, them. “W-w-what about Zach?” I stuttered. We’d been friends for years. I felt like I owed him this completely half-hearted excuse. “Won’t he be angry or upset about this?”

“Zach doesn’t have to know about the things you do to us,” Marian said definitively. As she said this, she looked down at her chest and adjusted her dress, pulling the edges of the neckline open even further. “But this is completely up to you. If this isn’t something you want, we can just get rid of the contract and pretend like none of this ever happened. This is your choice.”

Zach was my best friend. This all seemed so … messed up. But when you’re 18, you get to make your own decisions. That’s why I signed my name, big and bold, on the line at the bottom of the contract.

“Perfect,” Marian said with an excited little clap of her hands. “Now let’s cut the cake!” I’d expected clothes to fly off or confetti to fall from the ceiling or something dramatic to happen the moment I signed the new house rules. Nothing.

Marian pushed the cake into the middle of the table. She stood up from the chair next to me and leaned over—almost unnaturally—and started cutting thick slices. The intoxicating smell of frosting floated through the air. And then I saw it … the frosting wasn’t only on the cake.

There was simply no ignoring Marian’s perfect, round ass bent over the table in front of me. The fact that she wasn’t wearing anything under the dress somehow wasn’t the craziest part. It was the small trail of orange icing right down the middle of her bare pussy.

I suddenly knew what my birthday wish was.

I quietly stood up, pushed my chair back, and got down on my knees. “Crystal, how large of a piece would you like?,” Marian said, completely ignoring me. “Would you like an edge piece?” The ladies chatted nonchalantly while I worked up the courage to taste the icing. To lift Marian’s dress just a bit more and bury my face in her pussy. I’m 18 now, which means you do things that are intimidating.

The icing was tasty on my tongue. As soon as I’d taken a small lick, I took a bigger one. And another. It could have been my imagination, but I’m pretty sure Marian leaned back a bit, resting her ass gently on my face. Soon the icing was joined by a new sweet taste and I felt my face getting wet.

“Mom, I think this is the best cake you’ve ever made,” Crystal remarked cheerfully. “What do you think, Drew?” I peeked out from behind her mom, still feeling a bit embarrassed about this scenario but loving every minute. “It’s … well, it’s … completely unbelievable,” I said while trying to catch my breath.

Crystal burst into a laugh. “Drew, you have icing all over your face! Have you even gotten to the cake yet?” She picked up a plate with an enormous piece on it and walked around the table. She placed the plate on her mom’s back, which was still horizontal with her bent over the table, and wiped my face with a napkin. Looking down, she said, “It looks like you’re making quite a mess!” *What did she mean?*

*Oh.* At this point, I had a clearly visible cum stain on the front of my shorts. So much for dressing up.

Crystal suddenly began unbuttoning and unzipping my shorts. “Here, I’ll get these cleaned up for you.” She took my boxers too. I was standing half-naked in my best friend’s dining room with a massive erection while his sister took my clothes to their laundry room. And his mom was bent over the table. It was now or never.

I pushed my cock, which had been hard ever since Marian’s hand touched my knee, into her pussy. It was dripping wet from when I’d eaten the icing. Dripping wet from her anticipation. I couldn’t believe how tight her hole was too. Her warm, grippy lips immediately started to coax the juices out of me as I thrusted in and out, a sign of what was to come.

“Andrew, you know that … uhm … y-your wish won’t come true if you don’t—er—eat your cake,” Marian whispered between soft moans that she was trying and failing to muffle. I had never heard of this rule, but I wasn’t about to complain. I love rules at this point.

I kept fucking Marian as I took a bite of cake. I realized how hungry I was, in more than one way. It was fucking delicious. Icing ran down my chin, but I was no longer afraid to make a mess. I had frosting all over my dick too at this point … evidently I hadn’t licked it all off Marian’s tight, wet hole before I started fucking her.

Crystal walked back in the room at this point and sat down at her spot at the table. She seemed preoccupied, pushing cake around her plate with an empty fork. I could tell her face was flushed, but she had a hint of disappointment on her face. *Was she jealous that I hadn’t done anything to her yet? That she wasn’t part of the celebration?*

I knew I was getting close to cumming, and I didn’t want to leave Crystal out of the birthday fun. I pulled out of Marian’s glorious pussy, though for a second I questioned whether I was crazy to do so. I walked around the table, my dick bobbing up and down and dripping sugary orange cum all over the floor. “Do you think you could clean me up again, Crystal?” I said with a smile.

She looked elated and practically bounced in her chair. “Of course! You got crumbs all over your legs, silly!” She knelt down in front of me with the napkin in her hand again. I gently pulled down the front of her sundress and her perky tits bounced out. Her nipples were visibly hard, like small pink party hats she’d gotten out just for my big day. She looked up and beamed at me.

“You ate your cake, Andrew, so your wish is definitely going to come true,” Marian said across the table. We locked eyes as I gently reached for the back of her daughter’s head and pushed my dick through her waiting lips.

Instantly her tongue went to work. Cleaning me up. Sucking all the sweetness from the tip of my cock. I pushed deeper. *I had given up Marian’s pussy for this, remember?* I knew what I wanted for my birthday. I wanted to cum deep inside Crystal.

I started gently fucking her face, pushing my whole shaft into her mouth until my balls rested on her chin. Then back out. I was making myself feel good. Celebrating my birthday. Crystal looked up at me with smiling eyes the whole time, even when I pushed the head of my dick down her throat. When I wasn’t watching her perfect breasts heaving up and down, I could see the front of her neck expanding ever so slightly to accommodate my long cock.

She was my gift. And she was truly gifted.

Seeing her throat stretch was too much for me. I wrapped my hands around Crystal’s head and held her in place while I squirted my whole load in the back of her mouth. I moaned loudly as I deposited every drop of my cum inside her. My eyes were closed and my head rolled back … I almost lost my balance and stumbled backwards, but I felt a warm, familiar pair of hands on my back. Marian supported me while my body was rocked with orgasms. While my seed was running down her daughter’s throat.

When I felt like I was empty, I slowly started to pull my dick out of Crystal’s mouth. She sucked the tip like she was greedy and didn’t want any of my cum to go to waste. Once I was clear of her glistening lips, I looked down. My cock was shiny. Spotless. Not a bit of icing or cum—mine or Marian’s—was left.

I used my thumb to wipe away the orange cream that had started running down Crystal’s chin. I didn’t say a word, but my grateful eyes thanked Crystal for what she had given me. What she had taken from me. I turned around and locked eyes with Marian. I gently caressed her face with the back of my hand and then pushed my dripping-wet thumb into her mouth. It came back clean.

Marian put her arm around my tired body and pulled me close to her big breasts for a hug. Crystal, who was still on the floor, wrapped her arms around my bare leg to join our embrace. I heard Marian swallow and then clear her throat.

“Happy birthday, Andrew,” Marian said with a sound of satisfaction in her voice. “Yeah, Drew,” Crystal added enthusiastically. “I hope all your wishes come true this year.”

“Something tells me they will,” I said with the confidence that only a grown man can muster. “I really think 18 is going to be a lot of fun.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/pqu86s/i_just_turned_18_my_best_friends_mom_wants_to


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