Last Nights Together [F/F] [Fiction] [F-Solo] Part 3

~~~~~~~~Chapter 3~~~~~~~~

I woke up in the morning feeling groggy and dissociated after last night’s excitement. I rolled over to the edge of the bed and saw that Miriam’s bed was empty. *Guess she’s up already.*

I rolled the rest of the way out of bed and shuffled into the kitchen to the smell of breakfast. Miriam was there waiting for me in her tank top and sweats still. She had a pan of bacon and eggs cooking in front of her and a pot of coffee brewing to the side. “Oh my gosh Miriam you are my favorite person right now.”

She turned and smiled at me in a way that made my heart flutter, “I’m glad you like it. It should be done in a few minutes.” I smiled back at her as she turned back to her food and I found myself a seat at the table in the kitchen.

She started shifting around the bacon and eggs in the pan and spoke without looking at me. “How’d you sleep Kasandra?” I started thinking about my little… experiment last night and was suddenly glad she was looking away as my face deepened into a warm blush. “I slept great! I feel well rested now.”

She walked over to grab mugs and plates. “Ahh, so you won’t be needing any coffee then.” She teased as she shot another smile at me.

I gave her a cold look. “You better give me that coffee or you’ll be sleeping outside tonight.” I tried to hold that look but it broke into a chuckle and she laughed with me.

Miriam brought me my breakfast and I gleefully took in the scent of the freshly made meal. “Thank you so much Miriam. You’re seriously the best.” She started walking back to get her own plate and turned her back to me, “Oh I know.”

She came back with her food and we both started digging in. But I was still distracted and felt a little guilty for what I did last night. I mean, it felt like an invasion of privacy didn’t it?

Miriam noticed me lost in thought picking at my food. “Kasanadra? Are you sure you’re not upset over last night?” She put her fork down and went to look me in the eyes, waiting for me to answer.

I looked up and shook my head. “No… not at all. It’s something. Else.” I tried to look her in the eyes but couldn’t. I could see her purse her lips at the corner of my eyes and couldn’t help but think she got the wrong idea.

I stammered and tried to save myself. “No really! I’m not upset about last night at all. It’s kinda the opposite actually.”

She looked at me curiously. “What do you mean?” *Niceeeeee going Kasandra, great job digging your own grave.*

“Well… It’s just that… Last night… well… I just…” I stammered out to a still inquisitive Miriam who smiled patiently at me. “You can do it. Take your time.”

I felt myself blush again and started to panic. “I touched myself to you after you fell asleep!”

I looked at Miriam and she just looked back at me with wide eyes. Not saying a word.


Dead. Silence.

I started taking my plate and trying to get up and apologize but Miriam cut me off “That’s kinda hot.”

*What?* My brain tried to make three faces at once. “What?”

Miriam smirked at me and got up to take her empty plate to the kitchen. “I mean why didn’t you just say so earlier. That’s honestly a turn on.” She bent over the sink to put her food back giving me a nice view of her ass. Then she turned and winked at me before walking back past the table. “I’m going to take a shower now. I’ll see you when I get out.”

I sat there, completely stunned before slowly finishing my meal and waiting for my turn in the shower.


Miriam finished in the shower and was changing in my room before I got up. I decided to take my turn next and walked into the bathroom to clean myself up for the day. I locked the door behind me and turned on the shower and waited for it to get hot. I started undressing out of my pajamas. A simple set of matching light blue button up and pants.

I was looking at myself in the mirror, *I wonder if Miriam likes my DDs…* then out of the corner of my eye I saw it.

Right on the vanity was something I certainly didn’t leave there. It was a simple white and blue magic wand vibrator. I looked around stupidly even though I knew who this belonged to. *Did that idiot really leave her vibrator in the shower?*

I got closer and took an inspection of it without touching it. I leaned in close and saw the tip of the wand was soaked with a clear liquid. Instantly I felt myself get warm and my whole body quivered at the thought of Miriam using this to get off. I picked it up daintily and inspected it closer to figure out how it worked.

I looked at the buttons and almost put it down until I thought more of Miriam naked, body shaking as she used it on herself. I wet my now chapped lips and started to slowly touch myself with one hand as I licked the wet liquid off of the tip of the wand. The taste was surprisingly sweet and left me wanting more. I started to lick the rest of it off and still wasn’t nearly satisfied with it.

Worst of all, the taste left me a horny mess. I fiddled with the wand until I figured out how to turn it on and brought it in between my legs, looking at myself in the mirror thinking if Miriam had done this exact thing.

The moment the now vibrating wand touched my clit my knees buckled and I also fell to the ground before I caught myself on the vanity with my other hand. *Holy FUCK that’s amazing!* I quickly felt around and found the button to turn the speed up and felt my knees threaten to give way again.

I brought the speed as high as it goes and already felt myself getting close. I started sucking on two of my fingers and wishing they had the sweet taste of Miriam’s cum as I grinded my hips on the wand just like Miriam just did. I closed my eyes and let myself go as I came.

In the overwhelming pleasure I felt my voice start to come out this time and I knew it couldn’t be stopped. But even worse it came out as a word this time “MIRIAM!” I moaned at full volume as my knees buckled and I sat on the ground breathing heavily and covering my mouth with one hand in shock of what I just said.

I held my breath hoping she didn’t hear me, but sure enough I heard footsteps starting to come towards me. “Kasandra? Kasandra are you alright?” She sounded worried as she rushed towards the bathroom.

I tried to keep my voice calm, but with the pleasure and the fear it came out shaky and uncertain “Yes… I’m okay. I just… slipped uhhh…” My voice fell off as I realized the wand was still audibly vibrating in my other hand and I quickly turned it off.

“Oh.” Miriam paused for a moment and digested all of what she just heard. “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… Sorry. I’ll leave you to your… shower.”

My face went red again and in embarrassment I put the wand back where I found it so I could join my now hot shower.


I nervously stepped out of the shower wrapped with a towel over my breasts and went to go change in my room. Hoping Miriam hadn’t fully realized what happened earlier.

My hopes were crushed instantly when I saw Miriam standing in the hallway to the entrance of the living room, leaning against the doorframe. I saw she was wearing a black beanie, a red flannel button up, and ripped black jeans. As I was looking her up and down I realized she was doing the same to me and her face turned red at the sight of my half naked. She cleared her throat, “Ahem. Sorry. Get dressed and then we can talk.”

I blushed and turned to go get changed in my room. I decided to wear a tight black shirt with the words “Nah, Maybe Tomorrow” and a black skirt with two white stripes at the bottom. I also put on my lace red *like that will matter.* I also wore my hair in pigtails.

Feeling more put together and ready I stepped out into the living room and saw Miriam with her legs close to her chest, on her phone. She looked up at me when I came in. “You have fun in the shower?” *God how could she be so nonchalant?*

My confidence flattened a little as I blushed and made my way over to sit on the couch with her. “Yes actually I did.” I managed to say and regained a bit of my composure.

She put her phone down and smirked at me. “Yeah, it sounded like you did.”

Annnnnnd there goes that composure.

My body somehow managed to blush an even deeper red and she spoke again. “Seriously though. You’re free to do what you want, but why don’t you use your own toys?”

“I don’t have any toys. My parents would kill me if they found anything like that in my room.” She looked at me with wide eyes.

“How do you even survive? I have half a dozen different ones here with me. Hell, you can use some of them if you want.” She brushed off her legs and sat up a little.

“Use them? I barely knew how to use the wand. I’d have zero clue how to use anything else properly.”

She scooched a little closer to me suddenly and looked me in the eyes from just a couple feet away and gave me a smile that made my heart do summersaults. “Well that’s an easy fix. Want me to show you how to use them?”

End of Part 3. I hope you enjoyed! Sorry to say, but there will be maybe a day or two before part 4 comes out. Stay patient and enjoy Parts 1 and 2 if you haven’t seen them already!
