Date Night in Brisbane [group]

It’s not often we get a date night, so when the opportunity came up for a Friday night to ourselves we thought we better make the most of it.

We are heading into Newstead just outside the city for some drinks and dinner to reconnect and have some time to ourselves and just enjoy each other’s company.

It’s late Friday afternoon and you’re home alone, I have a couple of things to do before I get home and it’s given you some time to relax and get ready for our night out.

You take off your clothes ready for a shower, no ones home and no ones expected home so you take the opportunity to do a few little chores around the house.

For some reason walking around doing these mundane jobs just feels just a little bit more exciting when you’re naked, it might be that at any moment someone might walk past and accidentally catch you out or it might just be a little bit of excitement about getting to go out tonight, either way you move from room to room catching glimpses of yourself in the mirrors as you pass by.

You’re almost done, just one more job to pickup the clothes basket left next to the dining room table, as you walk into the dining room you look out the double sets of glass doors to the alfresco, it’s all clear and your head over, as you turn around to pick the basket up you’re phone vibrates on the bench. It’s one of your friends checking in to see how your are.

You get momentarily distracted as you reply to the message you then bend forward to pickup the basket. It’s full of towels and a bit heavier than you expected as you bend further down and pull it up to your chest you hear a noise behind you, ‘shit’ you gasp as you turn around and see me. “Thank god it’s you I wasn’t expecting anyone to be outside the doors!”

I open the doors and come inside, giving you a cheeky smile, “nice view from out there!” I reply as you realise I had been out the the whole time you were replying to your message.

I stood there watching as you bent over, your body flexed and your muscles tightened as you tried to pick the basket up. You didn’t realise but as you steadied yourself you parted your legs for balance and bent further toward revealing everything!

Your flawless freshly waxed pussy on show, framed by the gap between your legs either side and perfectly paired with your tight little asshole right there for anyone to see.

As I stood there I could start to feel my cock instantly rising, “I will never tire of that view”, I thought as I opened the door.

You head to the laundry to drop the basket off and I head to the shower, I shut the door and undress. Turning the shower on I step inside and start to wash my hair. As I close my eyes and let the warm water spray on my face I can’t get that naked vision of you out of my head, again almost instantly my cock begins to get hard. My eyes still closed I can’t help myself as I start to rub it up and down, a combination of me shaving the base of my cock that morning, soap and the water has made it slippery between my clench fist.

As I rub it up and down the lack of friction reminds me of when I’ve fuck you after you’ve been fucking yourself with your dildo coated in lube, the mental image of your exposed pussy from behind and ease at which my cock is sliding between my hand causes me to cum in only a few minutes.

I open my eyes and enjoy the euphoric feeling that comes just after I ejaculate, my whole body now relaxed and calm as I enjoy the rest of my shower.

After I hop out of the shower I dry myself, I soak up the water from my body and move up to my hair. As I dry my hair you shout something that I can’t make out, I call out “just a second”, as I have the towel in my hands rubbing my head to dry my hair I can’t hear you.

Just at the moment you open the door startling me, you standing there still completely naked the sun from the window reflecting on your body. You go to say something but stop and look down, you notice my cock is a little bit bigger and slightly flushed than normal, immediately you realise I must have been masturbating just before you came in. You smile to your self and then quickly ask me a question before shutting the door to head back to the ensuite.

As you sit on the stool next to the bath you start thinking about what I must have been doing in the shower, it’s been quite a while since you watched me play with my cock.

Thoughts come flooding back of when you used to do it often, lying in bed as I would kneel over you with my cock in my hand you would rub your clit with one hand and fuck your self with a dildo in the other. I would be watching your face, I’ve watched you so often I know the exact cues. First you would start to bite your bottom lip as you closed your eyes, then you would start to arch your hips up, your legs would open wider, your pussy starting to contract and squeeze around the dildo as you push it deep inside.

Your finger rubbing your clit, faster and faster in tight little circles, your breathing increasing rapidly and you start to moan before your whole body tenses, your eyes squeezed closed and holding your breath for just a moment before finally let out a loud moan.

At that exact moment your pussy contracts tight around the dildo then releases the force of your orgasm usually spits the dildo straight out onto the bed and I’m left with the most amazing view of your gaping pussy pulsating as you complete your orgasm.

You hear noise down the hallway, it’s enough to startle you and snap you out of your delightful day dream and back into the moment.

You look down and see your pussy has opened up, those thoughts you had just moments ago, caused your clit to swell and become hard, the pressure against your pussy lips was too much as they parted them selves hoping to be filled. Sadly no time for that now, you’ve got to get ready to catch the Uber into town. As your get up you notice something glisten in the light on the stool, it’s been that long since you have cummed that your pussy was preparing itself and made its own little wet mess.

After your shower you go into our room to get dressed, tonight you decide to wear your white ribbed cotton dress. You know I love the way it hugs your body and you decide just to be a little be more naughty you will try it without underwear as a little surprise for me.

I’m sitting in the kitchen waiting as you come up the hallway, as you come in I lose my breath a little, you look stunning.

My eyes take in the whole package, fresh straightened blonde hair, makeup to perfection up top then as I scan down I notice your nipples pressing against the fabric of your dress. “My god what a turn on!” I think to myself as I continue to move down your body, the dress hugging every single curve of your body, your hips and finishing just past your ass. Finally finished with heels and glittering with diamond jewelry looking more like a movie star than my wife.

We sit and enjoy a few pre drinks before heading out side and into the Uber.

We arrive just as the sun is setting, I open your door for you and as you step out you have a surprise for me, you purposely open your legs and move forward and show me just what’s under your dress. To my surprise it’s not just your bra, but you’re also sans undies as your smooth pussy lips are lit up by the warm glow of the setting sun.

As we walk to the bar my mind is spinning, first the image of you bending over, your perfectly formed pussy lips from the back and now a view from the front I can’t stop thinking about it!

We sit down at a table and order a few rounds of drinks, as the night moves on we sample our way through the cocktail menu. There are a few other couples surrounding us but we are lost in the moment and don’t notice them at all.

That is until she walks in, a blonde woman, early 30s walks in full of confidence. She’s wearing a red plunging dress and clearly no bra with the curves sides of her breasts exposed and bouncing as she walks past. Her legs look like they go for miles, before they meet her red hemline leaving almost nothing to the imagination.

I try to pretend I didn’t see her, but it’s almost impossible. But I’m not the only one who saw her, you saw her too, the way she walked, the way she looked and the confidence as she sat down at the table next to us she almost took your breath away for a moment

You look at me and smile; “don’t worry I noticed her too” you say, secretly you think to yourself if ever you were to be with a woman that’s the sort of girl you would want it to be.

A few minutes later a guy arrives, he’s slightly awkward but still quite attractive, he sits down with the girl however they don’t quite look like a couple you think to yourself.

As we sit at the table and enjoy our meal and even more cocktails, laughing joking and flirting with each other a little we can’t help but over hear some of the conversations from their table next to us.

We try to act inconspicuous as we listen to they initially awkward introductions that seem to become more relaxed as their night and alcohol consumption wears on.

Towards the end of the evening you get up from the table to go to the bathroom, on your way out of the cubicle you notice a familiar red dress in front of you. It’s the girl from the table next door she’s in the mirror and applying some red lipstick she presses her lips together and you get lost in the moment watching, you study her face in the reflection. Her eyes are piercing blue, her skin is flawless and those red plump lips are almost perfect. You stand there for a moment thinking what they would feel like to be kissed, they must be so soft.

Your thoughts are abruptly interrupted as she looks at you from the mirror noticing you’re staring at her she smiles and says something you can’t quite make out but you smile and softly laugh and quickly apologise for staring. You feel exposed and embarrassed and quickly blurt out how beautiful her dress is and ask where she got it from… it was the only thing you could think of to try and break the awkward moment.

You stand and chat to her for a few minutes, you tell her you’re on a date night with me and she confides in you that she’s on a tinder date, you already knew this because you had been watching them but you didn’t let her know this.

After a little while you both decide you better get back to the tables and as you walk out you reach for the door handle, just at that same moment she also reaches for the handle and your hands touch. You feel a shot of electricity pass through your body like a tingle working it’s way through her skin, she feels so soft under your touch. You both look at each other smiling and laughing you both apologise at the same time.

She puts her other hand on your shoulder and says something you can’t remember because your mind is now racing, her hand on your body has caused you to have a feeling, the same feeling you had getting ready sitting on the stool.

Your mind is conflicted, you haven’t often felt like this when around another woman it’s almost as if you are a teenager finally getting to talk to your first crush.

She moves her hand and brushes it’s down your back her fingers gliding down your spine and ending as they trace the curves of your ass. She smiles and walks in front of you as you head to your tables.

Your mind is racing, you realise your breathing has increased and your skin feels clammy. You watch her walking in front of you and focus on her ass, it’s slightly rounded and and has a certain swagger as she walks. Your a little confused it’s not that you’re jealous of the way she looks infact it’s the opposite you realise you are incredibly turned on by her.

You sit back at the table and I ask if you are ok, you were gone a whole and your face looks flushed. You fall over your words a little still flustered at what just happened but you compose yourself and we order another round of drinks.

You are now almost infatuated with the girl next to us and keep glancing over, every now and again she catches you looking she smiles and you awkwardly look away hoping I haven’t noticed.

We finish up and get ready to leave at the same time as the other couple, as we go to walk out you accidentally bump into the girl. You quickly apologise and she laughs, she says don’t worry about it she’s had a bit to drink and was partly to blame.

She turns to us and asks if we know anywhere around to get a drink that has some music, you reply there’s a nice bar just around the corner we were heading to why don’t they just follow us?

They both agree and we head out into the night and down the street, as we walk to start to talk and they mention that this is the first time they have met, we mention we all enjoyed the restaurant and we all get along as we chat and make our way to the next bar.

Inside there’s only one table left, the woman asks if we mind sharing a table, we both don’t mind so I head off to the bar with the guy as you head to the table with your new friend.

You seem to get one so well with the girl, your chat is almost flirtatious with so much in common just being in her presence seems to have boosted your confidence and certainly made your evening that little but more fun.

After a couple of hours of conversation and drinks the winter temperature is taking it’s toll, your dress seemed like a good idea but you didn’t realise how cold it would be, she notices you shivering and she suggests how about we all go back to her place. She lives in an apartment just a block away and since we are having fun we may as well continue she has plenty of drinks and the heater is already on ready.

You’re not so sure, I mean it’s not something you would usually do, meet strangers in a bar, yea ok that happens, but going back to their house, not something that would usually happen.

She can see you are in two minds so she grabs you and hugs you, “come on” she says “it will be fun!” Just like before when she touched you your whole body tingles, you can’t help but notice her breasts pressed up against you and your body can’t help but react, you’re not sure if it’s because of the winter air or this sudden wave that’s come over you since you felt her body against yours, but your nipples are rock hard and pressing proudly out of your white dress.

A detail she doesn’t miss, she playfully flicks one and says “see look how cold you are!”, she laughs and playfully pleads again.
Your mind is now spinning, you can hardly think that touch of your nipple has triggered something even more. “Yes ok, let’s go” you quickly stammer.

As we walk towards her apartment you start to feel guilty, you really shouldn’t be feeling this way about a woman, you’re married.

You put your hand out grab my hand and squeeze it, we look at each other and smile as we stumble down the road. The cocktails have caught up to us all as we make our way inside the apartment.

The apartment is beautiful inside, although you expected nothing less to be honest. A girl who looks and dresses like that must live somewhere as equally stunning.

She makes us all another round of drinks and we sit down in the lounge room. After a couple of drinks I stay sitting in the lounge room talking to the guy and out of the corner of my eye I see her whispering to you. I turn back and continue talking but notice you have both gotten up to I assume go checkout the view from the balcony.

After about 20 minutes you haven’t returned I ask the guy if he knows where you went. He looks at me and smiles, he says “where do you think they went?” as if I should know, “I have no idea” I reply he says “I reakon we should go find them” and we head down the hall way, I realise you aren’t on the balcony, it’s small apartment so there’s really only one place you both could be, the main bedroom.

Twenty minutes before while I was busy talking she lent over to you and whispered that if you liked her dress you should come and try it on, she has heaps and thought it would really suit you. You decide to take up the offer and both head to her room to take a look.

Once she opens the door you notice her room looks elegant and almost sexy, deep red colour bed coverings, plush pillows and a dark feature wall behind the bed dark fabric bed head.

She closes the door and the noise startled you, your senses are heightened due to the alcohol but also due to the chemistry you can’t help but feel between you both.

She moves her hands behind her back and you hear a zip, she drops her arms and her red dress falls to the floor, you don’t know where to look, she is standing there absolutely naked apart from her heels!

You awkwardly ask her what she is doing? She replies “I thought you wanted to try my dress on?” … this wasn’t quite what you had in mind but the combination of the alcohol and adrenaline has lowered your inhibitions so you walk towards the dress on the floor as you bend to pick the dress up she lifts one leg right in front of your face and places her heel on a chair just in front of you.

She asks “can you please undo my heels for me, my feet are hurting” as you pick up the dress your head moves up and your eyes can’t help but follow, they move up her leg and and your can’t stop yourself from staring right between her legs, you see her bald pussy slightly opened. Her pussy lips are just like her red lips slightly puffy, they look smooth and soft almost too perfect they don’t look real.

Your breathing increases and you start to feel incredibly nervous, you do as she asks and undo her heel, she puts her foot down and then raises her other leg you glance up and see her with a cheeky smile as the second heel slips off.

She puts her leg back down, you are in an almost trance like state, you almost can’t believe how open and confident she is.
The silence breaks, “You going to try the dress on?” She says playfully.

You aren’t sure about it, you have not really been naked around anyone else but me for the past 13 yrs but with the amount of alcohol you are considering it. Before you can make your mind up she quickly moves right infront of you bends down a little and grabs the bottom of your white dress, in one swift movement she lifts it up, completely exposing your body.

She smiles and seductively studies your body, she notices your tattoo and comments how sexy it looks, you’re a little embarrassed standing there totally naked but for some reason you feel a sense of calm with her.

Before you have a chance to try the dress on she rips it out of your hands, grabs your shoulders and pushes you backwards forcefully on to the bed.

The shock of falling jolts you, the loss of control for that split second enhanced your senses and as you fall back into the bed your head hits the soft covers and your legs fly open leaving you totally exposed.

You are now lying on her bed, staring up at the ceiling still almost in a daze with what’s just happened. Your heart is racing, you feel you shouldn’t be doing this, your husband is just outside, what would he think? All these thoughts rush through your head and you go to get up, you really should leave.

As you go to get up she pushes you back, she moves her head down and pushes one of your legs back using her shoulder to rest it at the same time.

You don’t even have time to think before you feel her warm tongue press on your pussy lips, even if you wanted to stop her your body won’t let you now.

She parts your lips with her tongue, rubbing it up and down the opening working it inside teasing you. As she works her way to the top she finds your clit, it is absolutely swollen and incredibly sensitive. She flicks it with her tongue and your body shudders involuntary, she flicks it again and again your body shakes she likes how your body is responding and she starts to suck on your clit working it between those soft lips creating a feeling of ecstasy.

You feel your pussy loosening as the combination of your wetness and her saliva star to leak down your lips, you feel the warm liquid run over your asshole adding yet another element to your sensory overload.

She knows exactly what to do, she works your clit to the point right before you cum then back down again back up to your clit and just before you cum back down again. Your mind is racing you can’t believe what is happening but you don’t want it to stop, you know your husband is right out side but on one hand the thrill of being caught adds an extra element!

She reaches her hand up and slides her fingers inside you, her movements are smooth and fluid, perfectly timing her thrusts with the timing of her tongue dancing on your clit.

You start to feel guilty, you’re getting all the attention, but should she be getting some too? If having her head between your legs was out of your comfort zone, you returning the favour would be way out!

Sure you have fantasized about something like this, imagined what it might be like to taste another girl but there’s a big leap between fantasy and reality. At least there were until tonight.

Just as that thought entered your head she moves her head up and slowly kisses your body as she makes her way to your breasts. Your nipples are rock hard and she playfully sucks and nibbles on them as she stares into your eyes. Her soft lips and warm breath over your nipples only heightens your senses with your body in overload.

She moves up and her lips meet yours, you don’t even care where this soft lips have just been you just want them pressed to yours. She playfully pushes her tongue into your mouth and wrestles with your tongue, dancing around inside your mouth like she danced around your clit just moments before.

As she kisses you she pushes your legs open and her hand slides down your smooth pussy and press themselves inside. Each time she enters you her tongue forcefully pushes against yours, the breathing and moaning increasing.

Suddenly she stops, looks at you and says “now it’s my turn”… before your have a chance to think she has jumped forward put a knee either side of your head and pressed her pussy into your face.

As she grinds herself into you she moans, for someone who’s never done this you wouldn’t know. You embrace the situation now your body has taken over your mind and you start to devour her pussy, she pushes it into your lips, your tongue darting in and out as you taste her.

The taste is not what you expected, at first it was slightly salty but as you continue and her juices start to flow it becomes almost sweet, it becomes almost addictive.

As you work her clit, using the same moves she was just teaching you only moments ago you feel her thighs tighten, her pussy starts to contract each time your tongue presses inside. You realise she’s about to orgasm, you can’t believe how easy this was to be able to bring her to this point.

She presses down on your face as she lets out a groan, she cums all over yours face. Your mouth fills with warm liquid as her grinding slows and she falls back in euphoric ecstasy.

You have just made your first girl cum, she looks over at your and smiles, but she says she’s not done yet that was just the warm up, she rolls on the bed and pulls you up on top of her, pulling your head up she kisses you. The passion is electric the feeling is addictive.

She pulls her head away leaving you wanting more and proceeds to push your head back down, you do as your instructed and move down the bed, she lifts her leg up and rests it in your shoulder. You kneel and lean your head forward leaving your ass and pussy fully exposed to the door.

You know exactly what you have to do, again you press your mouth against her waxed pussy, it’s is wet all over with a mixture of both her and you, that sweet taste is addictive as your tongue darts inside for more.

Suddenly you hear the door open behind you!

You know you should stop but you just can’t!

As the door opens I look in and I see your perfect asshole and smooth pussy dripping with saliva.

Shocked I turn to the guy next to me and he smiles, “see I told you” as he laughs. As I stand there processing, she peers her head to the side and calls out “well are you boys going to stare or join us?”

We don’t have to be asked twice, I quickly take my clothes off, my cock springs out as my pants slide past it, it knows exactly where it wants to go.

I stand and stop for a moment to take it all in, your ass is moving in a rhythm matching your tongue, up and down and around it’s almost hypnotic

I grab my cock in my hand and start to rub it getting ready, but before I get a chance the guy walks past me, smiles stands behind you and grabs your hips as he thrusts forward. I hear you moan and without looking up you push back on his cock, you assume it’s me and you work his cock as your ass moves to your rhythm.

I can’t believe it you’re supposed to be my wife and I’m the one forced to watch, but strangely I don’t mind I’m actually enjoying watching you get fucked from behind.
Judging from the way you are riding it it doesn’t look like you mind either.

I decide to make the most of it and move forward for a closer look, I’m now rubbing my cock up and down as it throbs in my hand. The pressure is building in my balls edging me closer as I watch.

I can see your pussy dribbling all over his cock, I have never seen you so wet before, the sounds of his balls slapping against your flaps with each thrust is turning me on.

It’s at that moment you catch a glimpse of me working my cock in the corner of your eye, suddenly you stop what you’re doing to the girl and look right at me, I can see it processing in your head if I’m standing over here with my cock in my hand then who’s cock is that inside you.

A moment of confliction comes across your face, on one hand your pussy is absolutely aching to be filled and you don’t want him to stop, but in the other hand you haven’t been with someone else for over 13yrs and you’re married to me. You look at me and I look at his cock sliding in and out, then I look back at you and smile, “it’s ok baby it’s my turn next” I say.

The words barely leave my mouth when you arch your back and push back hard into his cock filling you as much as he can you bite your lip and embrace the feeling then look back at her, she’s sliding her fingers in and out waiting for you to finish the job.

You look back at me as if to say “are you enjoying my show” and I smile and wink as your tongue dives deep between her lips.

As I stand there stroking my cock watching the perfectly presented show in front of me, taking in the sights and sounds of the moment I hear him groan and I know it can mean only one thing. I look over and I see him pull his cock out one last time and collapse on the bed exhausted.

It’s my turn now, I walk up behind you to be confronted by that perfect asshole now absolutely covered in some one else’s cum, but he didn’t stop there he unloaded inside you too and all I can see is white liquid dribbling out if your gaping pussy and running over your clit and leg.

For some reason this drives me absolutely wild, I grab your hips and edge my cock towards you.

I push forward and as expected it just slides right in, I hear you moan as you realise you have another round coming. The thought of you not only fucking someone else but them filling you with cum has driven me wild I squeeze your hips and my nails start to bite into your tender ass cheeks as I pump your loose pussy.

Your rhythm continues only accelerating my desire for you, it doesn’t take long and just as I see the girl lying in front of you arch her back, you feel her pussy clamp around your fingers as you give her clit one final suck and she explodes all over your mouth.

At that exact moment the sensation of knowing you have made her cum causes your pussy to go into spasms around my cock, this combination is all to much for me and I push my cock as hard as I can inside you and feel my balls squeeze as I shoot my warm load inside you.

As I finish I pull my still rock hard cock out and with it comes a flood of liquid gushing down your leg and over the bed. Your pussy has never looked so good as it does tonight.

I turn and collapse on the bed at the same time you do, falling into my arms. You turn and look at me smile and we kiss, we haven’t kissed this passionately for years this moment has brought out our fantasy’s and desires but also built our trust and love for each other.

All four of us now lying on this single bed naked, wet and absolutely exhausted.

This was one night none of us will ever forget.
