My most embarrassing orgasm – 35[MF]

My first week on campus when I was 18 saw a lot of firsts. My first time with a roommate, my first time drinking, and my first time getting an adult physical. I think it was Friday of that week that I was summoned to the medical building and told that I didn’t provide the required physical exam paperwork too live on campus and I was given two choices: go home and get it done with my own doctor before I came back, or have the school PA do it right then.

She took me in into the room, gave me a gown and told me to change into it. When the PA finally came in I was shocked to see that she was barely in her 30’s, and wayyyy better looking than any doctor I had ever gone to. My nerves hit right away, and so did the realization that she would likely be needing to look at my penis very soon. She started the exam with all the normal things and everything was fine for the next 15 minutes or so. And then I heard what I was dreading: “stand up and take down your shorts.”

I couldn’t even get my fingers into my waistband before I was hard. And I don’t mean just “hard.” I mean the kind of erection that is so hard you can feel your heart throbbing in it and that immediately starts to produce precum. I apologized profusely and she very casually brushed it off, telling me it happens all the time and that it was perfectly normal, which of course didn’t actually make me feel any better.

She started examining it, looking at the sides and top, asking me if I was sexually active etc. And then she told me she was going to examine my testicles. I knew I was in trouble but figured I would be OK until she finished. She started demonstrating how to do a self exam on my left testicle and I got that twinge that lets a guy know he’s about to cum. I could feel it building up but was hoping I could just hold it back long enough to put my boxers back on. Unfortunately the second she touched my right testicle I lost it.

The first spurt landed by her elbow and she gasped and pushed back on her roller stool as I continued to shoot a week’s worth of cum on her floor while mumbling “I’m so sorry.” When I finished she handed me a paper towel and told me that it too was normal, if a little less common, and not to worry. She kept talking but I was so embarrassed I think I pretty much blocked it out.

So that’s the story of my most embarrassing orgasm. To this day I get hard for every annual physical, but at least have the good sense to masturbate before I go. I’d love to hear from any of you with similar embarrassing experiences, and would especially love to hear from nurses or doctors. My chats and messages are open if you wan to share.



  1. Things are different here in Canada.

    I once asked my doctor for a physical, for no other reason than because I’ve never had one, and it would be good for a baseline reference while I’m still healthy.

    He said “*Why*?” because it’s not something we bother doctors with here unless it’s necessary.

    I guess it’s different when they have a profit motive.

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