Trust in the darkness part 2. M/F

“Fuck how long have I sat here in darkness?” You thought to yourself?

It seems darker.

You know it can’t be because the basement is completely subterranean, no windows at all, no change between night or day, winter or summer.

Fully realizing that we take for granted of the light.  Even without knowing it we use the subtle changes in light to denote the time of day, the passing of minutes, without it we’re stuck, alone in the darkness.

Like floating in space, it’s a fathomless, infinite feeling, like your mind’s leaving your body and rising above you.

Your head slumped forwards on your chest, you can feel the thud of your heartbeat, the hardness of the chair that your sitting on, the numbness in the hands, the elbows, and the shoulders.

How long?

You don’t know, but somewhere along the line the panic receded, fell away, the darkness stopped being scary and instead felt almost womblike, it enveloped you, wrapped up in crow wings of ebony until the was serene in  silence and solitude.

“Times up.” I say walking down the stairs. 

“I’m quite proud that you held your composure and stuck this through baby.”

I walk over and kiss you on your lips and quickly step back.

You don’t make a sound.

 “You have this, I  won’t let you beat me again.” You thought. 

Your body lights up at my first touch, as though it were only hibernating, it doesn’t need a drawn out courtship, as far as its concerned we’re starting right at the point where we stopped.

I’m completely as silent as you, even my breathing is only noticeable by the warm moisture inbetween your thighs.

You stay in that ethereal place in your head, aware of my tongue and hands on you, but distant, letting your body take over while staying firmly in your dreams, no longer tied to a chair in this damp basement,  flying higher, through the roofless house, the sky, the hazy atmosphere until you’re tumbling towards the stars, can feel their heat peeling the skin from my bones.

You snap back to your body as the last contraction of orgasm fades, leaving you shaking hard enough that you can feel tiny blisters forming where the skin vibrates against the ropes.

“Clever girl. My girl, I’m so proud of you.”

I cover you with kisses, takes your face in myvhands and kiss you deeply and passionately. You can taste yourself on  my lips and a new spasm wracks my limbs.

“Let’s untie you now baby. You did absolutely perfect.”

I begin to untie you , gently picking you up, holding you carefully, like a child. I’m  not a huge man, I doesn’t have arms and shoulders like Jason Momoa but right now, it feels Herculean. To you, I  could carry the world.

You wrap your arms around my neck and bury your head into my chest.

Your stiff limbs burn but you push against me, nestle in as far as you can, press your ear against me to feel my heart beat behind the skin there.

I’ve left the lights off throughout the house so that your eyes aren’t hurt, but in the bedroom he has a single candle burning, throwing long snaking shadows across the sheets.

I place you on the bed, arranging you so that your lying in the middle, like I’m presenting you.

“My poor girl, look at you…” I  kiss your wrists, the red mark around the middle. “For me…” you  push my  hands into your hair and i kiss your neck. “You did this for me.”

You open your legs for me as I  place my palms on your thighs. You feel like you can do so little, completely washed out, emotionally, you  still feel like your in the dark. You couldn’t make a sound if you wanted to.

You felt my hard cock graze the inside of your thigh before finding what it wants, but I hesitate. The head of it just resting at the entrance for a moment and then, with a slow deliberateness, I slide it inside….

I  moan into your neck, my lips resting there as I stay still, savouring that first thrust, buried as far as I can go.

Its then, that you realise that I had also suffered.

When it was in the dark,  i was feeling lost as well, my disappointment, my patience as I waited, hoping you would prove me right in this small task.

Strength floods back into your limbs as you wrap your arms around my neck and whisper in my ear, “Fuck me. Please.”

I doesn’t answer, just rears back off you and then plunges in again with powerful strokes.

It’s a straight fuck, something we haven’t done for a while, an honest to goodness screw. Its been so long since we all but ditched this mundane position that it’s suddenly exciting again.

You draw your knees up and catch me with your legs, urging me to go deeper, and faster. I had one hand behind your neck and the other on the headboard, bracing myself against it as i picked up speed.

You tilted your hips as I sped up and there it was, that ache, that tightening in your cunt, you  rise to meet me and this time as you come and cry out shrilly, tiny fragments of words flying from your lips, unformed, unheard by me  as I begin to cum, deep inside you…

I  lay heavy on you, crushing our chests together, making it hard to breath in anything but shallow pants.

The candle splutters its self to extinction and in the dark you  grab the hair either side of  my head and pull so we’re face to face, noses, forehead and lips crushed together.

You whisper fiercely at me like it’s a huge secret.

“Fuck!….Fuck!….” your breath’s hot and damp in my face. “Tomorrow, your being placed in that chair.” You growled. Only to kiss me passionately after…
