Will these outlaws finally get caught… or will they live out their days in pursuit of pleasure?

***Happy Ending by Clit Club***
**(This is a preview of a short erotic story that you can currently read for FREE on Kindle here:** [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DVVFMXM](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DVVFMXM)**)**
**Chapter One**
When I think about our last night together, even now, years later and years apart, my body still shivers and tenses with the memory of him, of us. Recalling it is all that’s left, and the misery of that is starting to soften. What once was is no longer; the hope of a rekindling, a possibility lost to the past. We used up all our hope so long ago and so entirely that it was difficult for me to feel bitter, knowing what we shared for all those good years. It is those years that I think about as I lie in bed at night, a bed that feels nothing like the one Michael and I had shared during those last months – the best months of my life.
It was that last transfer, the final deposit of funds that got us to Mexico, to the slice of paradise Michael and I dwelled in for a year before our arrest, that was our undoing. Our arrest. Our undoing. Not even our downfall was separate, our eyes staying locked as the uniformed officers pulled us from one another. We had not cried or begged or screamed. We did not try to play innocent. We both liked being guilty too much. We never tried to hide how we made our money. We weren’t stupid about, didn’t share too much to the wrong people, but within our circle, we were infamous and we loved it. I have no problem admitting that I desired an exciting life, knowing well enough from an early age that I would not be able to subscribe to society’s rules and regulations.
When I met Michael I saw myself, my own scorn for the uptight, unfair world we lived in. We had fallen fast and hard, as people like us tend to do. Michael had thought up the first plan and I can still remember how he explained it to me one night, as he pushed against me in our bed when we were still living modestly in a bustling city. He had touched me as he spoke, telling me how simple it was, really, to create your own wealth. His fingers, so strong and solid, brought me to orgasm in a matter of minutes as he talked of a shell corporation and the men he had met, the plan they had been working on. Part of me understood what he was suggesting but most of me just wanted him to fuck me while he talked about money, about how rich we were going to be. It hadn’t taken much convincing on Michael’s part. He knew I was as eager for anything out of the ordinary as he was, our constant restlessness being a significant factor in what bound us.
Doubting my own ability to comprehend the finances of it all, I offered up my own talents. I wrote for the websites, the home bases of the corporations, and there were many over the years. I was a trustworthy face, had a smart, but non-threatening disposition, and could flirt just enough to convince an indecisive investor that their money was safe with us. At first I found myself less than enthusiastic at playing what seemed to be the side character to Michael’s protagonist, his female companion, his fucking assistant – but then I found a sort of power in the role, the freedom and the benefits it allowed me. I let him take the lead when we were playing the game, putting on an act, but I knew I held Michael in the palm of my hand and I was just biding my time until I had him all to myself. When we finally arrived in Yucatán decades later, I did.

**Chapter Two**
I stared out at the emerald sea, listening to the rhythm of the waves, breathing in the salty ocean air. It brought me a calm sense of euphoria, the scent of the water, the feeling of freedom, just me and Michael and all this beauty. It was lavish, of course, more than I had ever expected when we first talked of escaping. I would have been happy with less, but we’d been very successful and now, looking at the sand and sea below me, I felt nothing but bliss, being here with him. Just as it had been Michael’s idea to get started, it was his idea to walk away. He had a level head, something I loved about him and a characteristic that was vital in our line of “work.” He had not been cocky, nor greedy, and he knew when to quit while we were ahead, so to speak. We had enough, more than enough, I thought, surveying my surroundings as I felt him come up behind me. His presence still overwhelmed me even after thirty years together. I could not believe it had been that long, and all of it so unreal, so unbelievably epic, this life we had built together.
“Happy?” Michael asked, nestling his lips into my neck.
“Ecstatic,” I replied, shifting my ass against the hardening in his crotch. He moaned and moved in closer, taking my hips in his hands. His fingers were still as strong as they’d been when he was younger, his hands aged and more worn now but as sweet as ever on my skin.
“I’m going to go pick up some mussels for dinner, care to join me?” Michael’s mouth moving against my skin made me shudder, even in the sweltering sun.
“Mmm, I think I’ll stay here and work up an appetite,” I said, turning to face him and pressing my front to his. I felt him pulse beneath his pants and my stomach flipped. I wanted him inside me so badly at that moment. My hand found his bulge and began rubbing, loving the way his breath tightened when I touched him. His lips found mine and our tongues moved together in an easy habitual rhythm, matching that of the waves as they crashed on the rocks beneath us.
“Wait.” Michael halted our kiss, pulling away from me. “Let me go into town first.Let’s save this for later.”
I frowned. “Why not now?”
“Because I want to fuck you all night and I need to save my energy.” He smiled and ground himself against me one last time before letting his hands drop from my waist. “I’m not a young man anymore, Maeve,” he said and gave my ass a playful smack. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me, slipping a hand into his trousers, wrapping his erection in a firm grip.
“You feel like one to me,” I said with a growl, kissing his neck and then shoving him toward the balcony door. “Go get dinner. I’ll be here waiting.”

**Chapter Three**
I watched Michael make his way down the winding path below the balcony, following him with my eyes as he strolled down the beach towards the small outdoor market in town. He let his feet get wet in the calm waves as they rolled in and broke gently on the shore. I knew he was enjoying the feeling, this place, as much as I was. It was an idyllic retirement, a truly perfect place to slow down and breathe, to live without looking over our shoulders. Now I know we were being naive, thinking it was all over, that we had gotten away with everything and would retire peacefully in this paradise to live out the rest of our days in quiet bliss. But in that moment, during that last night before the doors of our world were broken down, I felt such a sure sense of contentment, a feeling I hold onto now in my cold, hard confinement.
I padded through the stone-floored kitchen, the cool tile smooth and soft against my bare feet, a feeling I would never tire of. After placing Michael’s necessary ingredients on the counter as I always did, being his faithful sous chef, I climbed the winding staircase up to the bedroom and lay myself down on the extravagant king size mattress. I stripped off the loose linen dress I had donned that morning, and leaving the curtains and windows wide open so that I could hear the ocean, began to touch myself. I moved my fingers slowly, languidly, as I thought of Michael coming home, standing in our kitchen with his shirt unbuttoned, chest exposed, preparing a meal that would make my mouth water and satisfy at least one of my appetites. I thought of how much he loved me and all that he brought into my life and my breath quickened, a slow pleasure rolling through me with rising intensity.
**Read the rest of this short erotic story for FREE here:** [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DVVFMXM](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DVVFMXM)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/plqfeu/will_these_outlaws_finally_get_caught_or_will