My thai Part 1 [M/f] Mild CNC]

This is my first post in this group. Open to and seeking feedback both negative and positive, as well as gauging interest for future chapters.

My thai, Part 1

Groceries purchased for the week, I headed back home. I always go early because I can’t stand crowded grocery stores. As I turned out onto the highway, I saw her walking barefoot, slowly and painfully along the side of the road. She was wearing what looked to be a shimmering gold evening gown and was so totally out of place that I sensed something amiss and felt compelled to stop and offer her a ride. Pulling up alongside her, I rolled the window down and said

“Can I offer you a ride?” I said.

Without a moment of hesitation, she nodded tiredly, reached for the door handle, opened the door and pulled herself up onto the passenger seat. She pulled the door closed and sighed.

“Where can I drop you off Ma’am? I asked.

Her eyes downcast, she just shook her head.

“I’m happy to take you anywhere you want to go, but you have to tell me where.” I said.

For the first time, she looked directly at me, her dark eyes held untold secrets and her small voice said “Take me home.”

I said “Happy to Ma’am, I just don’t know where that is.”

She said “Your home Sir. Please take me to your home.”

I sat back a bit stunned as she closed her eyes and leaned against the door. In those next few moments of silence, I could tell that she had fallen fast asleep.
Her scent filled the cab of the truck. The unmistakable and pungent odor of sweat and unwashed body filled the air. I cracked the window to help myself breathe.

Glancing over at her, I noticed her bare feet were bruised and black, maybe even with some dried blood. Looking further, her bare arms were bruised and filthy, a total mismatch from the elegant gown she wore. Her long black hair was stringy and tangled.

My original sense that something was amiss was definitely correct. So many mental red lights were flashing and alarms were going off. Maybe I should just take her to the police station? Brushing all that aside, I decided that this could be better sorted out at my place, put the truck in gear, and pulled back out onto the highway. We drove the rest of the trip home in total silence and pulled into the garage. The engine off, it ticked as the heat in the cab rose. I mumbled “We’re here” and “Miss?” Not a peep from her. I tried again a bit louder. Nothing. Reached out and shook her shoulder a bit. Still nothing. A bit frustrated, I got out and went to the passenger side and knocked on the window. Same effect. I opened the door and looked at her. Her face was serene as she slept and I imagined that this was the first moments of peace she had had since whatever drove her to be waking barefoot along a highway in Ohio occurred. After a couple more shoulder shakes without a response, I gathered her up and gently carried her into the house. Briefly considering the couch, I opted for the guest bedroom and laid her down on the comforter. Yes, I thought, she needs comfort. I pulled a light blanket over her and closed the door.

Saturday chores resumed and I forgot about my visitor until late in the day when I was watching a football game and enjoying a cold beer. A small sound behind me almost made me jump out of my skin. I spun around and there she was at the edge of the hallway. With her eyes downcast, she said “Thank you Sir for allowing me to rest. May I have some food?”

I jumped up and said “Of course you can. I’ll get you something”.

She said, “No Sir. I will prepare your food and have some of that if that is ok with Sir?”

I said “Ok, the kitchen is over there” indicating the doorway.

“Thank you Sir” she said as she glided past me. Soon, the sounds and smells emanating from my kitchen were making my stomach growl. She padded back in and set a tray down, then returned to the kitchen leaving a delicious looking bowl of spicy noodles with vegetables behind in a cloud of her scent.

The food was delicious and I devoured it. She came back in and cleared the dishes, once again her scent fouling the air. I said “Thank you for a delicious meal. If you’d like to wash up, there are towels in the guest bathroom closet.“

She said “Thank you Sir, but that is not necessary.”

I replied, “Oh, but I insist.” Thinking I had to do all I could to clear the air in my house.

“As you wish Sir.” She said and padded her way back down the hallway.


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