I had a fun time in the movie theatre parking lot [FM]

Ok, so maybe the title is misleading? Like, it was in a parking lot, but in a car so still risky but not quite as risky.

Anyways, a couple weeks ago I went to the movie theatre for the first time since Covid started. My area has had relatively few cases, and I’m vaccinated so I thought it would be worthwhile to see something and the Green Knight had caught my attention so I said fuck it and ordered a ticket online for what was, at the time, an empty screening. I was excited to have the full room to myself so I could goof off if I wanted, first time that had happened since I was a kid and my parents convinced me that they’d rented out the screen room for cloudy with a chance of meatballs.

Now, that could have been a good time on its own, but if I was just in an empty theatre I wouldn’t be telling this story. No, there just so happened to be one other person in the theatre. For the purposes of this story we’ll call him J. Now, I really didn’t mind sharing the room, we had started talking a bit during the trailers when I made some dumbass comment about the movie old, and he was fun to talk to. We ended up spending most of the run time making stupid commentary about the movie, and when I say stupid I mean the most brain dead shit imaginable. To put it into perspective this sunuva bitch, every time anything vaguely round would appear on screen he would turn to me, starting point at the screen and just say “hey it’s like the round table.”

All of that aside, we were pretty chill, and enjoying the movie, and then there’s this one scene. I guess spoiler for the Green Knight if you haven’t seen it? So, there’s this one scene where Gawain is in this like, weird cuckoldry castle and then the lady of the house gives him a handjob and he cums, it’s not as explicit in film, but it’s pretty clear. So when that happens J turns to me and says “well I’m sure he’d have cum even faster if you were doing it.” I was a bit taken aback at first, like “did you really just say that, what the fuck dude?” But I thought a bit, and was kinda horny cause Dev Patel is hot and I basically just watched him shoot his load so I ended up saying, “maybe we can see about that after the movie.”

One confusing ending later and I was walking with him to his car. Now real quick i should state that J is an alright looking guy (kinda has that dorky film school student look, about 5’6” so kinda on the shorter end, but his hair was really cute and curly) so I was getting excited, but before we stopped at his car he had to pull the gentleman, “you don’t actually have to do anything if you don’t want to.” To which I answered by grabbing his cock through his pants before climbing in the back seat. It was pretty late at night, and he’d parked in a corner so neither of us were too worried about getting caught, which means he whipped out his dick right away. It was pretty average in length, probably just under 6 inches, but it was pretty girthy.

Since this had all started over the handjob scene, I decided it was a good place to start. He actually ends up lasting for a lot longer than I thought he would, about ten minutes of me jerking him off altogether, and he starts playing with my breasts in the meantime. Eventually he erupts all over my hands and says “woah its just like the movie,” y’know like a dork. I role my eyes and lick his semen off my hand (note, he’s clearly been eating pineapple) before cleaning his cock off with my mouth. He ends up in his refractory period for a while so we just kinda make out for a bit.

I’m feeling wet by now, so I ask if we can actually get to the sex part of the night. He says he doesn’t have condone but it’s cool since I am already on birth control. I end up riding him for a while, sitting on his lap facing towards him until he cums again, this time inside, but I still haven’t gotten off, so I ask him to eat me out and shockingly he agrees. The idea of him licking up his own cum really did it for me, so I climaxed not long after. We end up parting ways, and i remember I forgot my panties in his back seat as I’m walking away and the last bit of cum starts leaking out. I thought to myself “fuck it he can keep em,” and drove home.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/pkg4id/i_had_a_fun_time_in_the_movie_theatre_parking_lot