My 29[M] current diary of lockdown with another couple 31[F]/32[M]

As I live in Melbourne, Australia you may have see that we are once again in lockdown. I have been living on my own for over a year now and it was looking like it was going to be another shitty time alone. Luckily my friends Emily (31F) & Tom (32M) asked me if I’d like to stay with them for the duration of the lockdown.

I’ll quickly introduce who is in the story. I am 29, Male, around 6’1ish/slim with medium brown hair. Emily is around 5’8ish/slim with long legs, long brown hair with a cute butt and flattish chest. Tom is around 5’8ish/slim with short black hair.

I have known Emily and Tom for a few years now through mutual friends and over the past year we have created a bit of bond, hanging out often for dinner etc. We are pretty open in terms of our conversations and will usually analyse my dating life. I’ve always thought Emily was attractive but in one of those ways that you know they are attractive but you are good friends so you don’t think about it as much. I was always under the impression that Emily and Tom were just the usual couple living a nice mid-class life before I entered the lockdown.

I decided to keep a diary of my lockdown and thought it would be fun to look back on. I’ll proceed with my diary entries (mainly the good stuff) and post them here as I don’t think I’ll be sharing this anywhere else. I’ll shorten some of the entries for the purpose of the story.

Friday 6th August:

Here we are at the completion of day 1! Not really too sure how to feel as we have only just come out of our 5th lockdown and it’s hard to see when this ends. Emily and Tom were very welcoming today and tried to make me feel at home. I’m very fortunate they have a spare room! We ordered pizza for our first night and watched a movie (The Prestige). Our to do list for the weekend is to think of fun activities to keep us sane over the lockdown. Only downfall so far is how cold my room is!

Sunday 8th August

Bit of gardening today with Emily while Tom was getting some work done. Went for a long walk on my own and talked to my family for a bit. Thought I’d give Em and Tom some space so it doesn’t feel like I’m always in their space. First week of working from home with all three of us in the same house tomorrow! Em and Tom were trying to convince me to go on a date with their friend, I guess all we can do is walk for now.

I’ll skip forward as this is the majority of the lockdown so far.

Saturday 4th September

Tonight was a little weird, I’m not too sure how to react or if I’m over reacting. We decided on a Saturday night movie but thought we’d share a joint as well. I was sitting on the main couch and Emily and Tom decided to sit next to me, squeezing in so there wasn’t much space left. Emily was cuddling up to Tom but her hand was also resting on my thigh. I didn’t really know how to react so I just froze up. For obvious reasons I started to get a little turned on but I’m not sure if Em noticed. I’m not really sure if this was a mistake or the weed or what! Maybe its because of a nearly month long lockdown so far but it made me see Em in such a different light. I’m thinking about it right now and can’t get to sleep.

Sunday 5th September

Today got a whole lot weirder! When I woke up I could easily hear Em and Tom having sex. I haven’t heard them before but it was like they were being overly loud so someone heard. They have also become very PDA around the house, more so than they were at the start of lockdown. Maybe they are just comfortable with me in the house now but whenever Tom walks past Em in the house he’ll give her a hug and a good squeeze of her ass. Em has also been leaning over to kiss him when he is working and will stay there for a while rubbing his chest/stomach from behind. This could all just be on my mind more often because of last night but it feels as though they are being very comfortable around me.

Monday 6th September

Okay, I don’t think I’m going crazy anymore. I think they are just comfortable around me now or something. First thing today Em and Tom were taking a shower together but they left the bathroom door wide open. I caught a glance as I walked by but there was a lot of steam. Second thing, the day was quite a nice one and for the entire day Em was wearing some basic CK underwear with a t-shirt while Tom wore his sports shorts and a singlet. It was a bit weird but like the couch I kind of just went a long with it. Third thing, while we were playing board games we were sitting on the floor playing on the coffee table. It was like Em was touching me every chance she could which has not happened before. For example when it was my turn she would brush your hand by my shoulder to tell me. She would do the same thing to my thigh whenever there was a cheeky moment in the game. I’m not sure if I should mention something, if I should go home or what to do. The pure honesty is that I kind of want to see where this goes as it’s really making me horny. I think I’ll stay.

Tuesday 7th September

Wow, what a day. The early part of the day was as usual with work. The bathroom door was still opened while showering as well. Few more clothes on today because of the weather though. So after work we are all hanging out, having dinner and a few drinks. Tom said he had to go upstairs for a zoom call with his family so Em suggested we watch a movie. Once again Em sits next to me on the couch, even though I was on the side she still sits in the middle. After saying she was cold she gets a blanket and puts it over her lap and asked me if I’d like the blanket too which I agreed to. Her body and legs keep shuffling a little closer towards me as the movie goes on. Suddenly I felt her hand rest on my thigh again and I got that little nerve feeling when someone touches you in that way. Once again I froze (It seems like I freeze all the time) and let it happen but I was a little worried with Tom upstairs. The last month of lockdown has made me so horny so I didn’t want it to stop. After a little while longer Em started to make circles on my thigh and it made me instantly hard. I think Em noticed because she rested her head on my shoulder as she moved her hand into my shorts and gripped my dick holding it still. Em then kissed me on the cheek and whispered into my ear “Just so you know Tom is okay with this” she kissed me on the cheek again and started to move her hand slowly as she whispered again “You can have me whenever you want, you can have Tom and I if you want as well, we are very open to this, I’ll leave you with that thought, goodnight”. As she finished talking she kissed me on the lips, pulled her hand away and went upstairs. I went upstairs when the movie finished and of course I finished myself off! I’m not entirely too sure what to do from here. It’s very tempting but is this opening up something that I’ll regret later? Lots to think about tonight.

So here is my diary so far. I’m currently writing this while ‘working from home’ in my room. I’m not sure if I should initiate something or just let it happen again.



  1. It’s lockdown and this is a golden opportunity to go all in! Please do not forget your audience and write a post about it. I am very curious about whatever is about to go down!

  2. You have a firm offer there my man

    MMF are fun
    I’m a bit of a voyeur so it all suits me
    It’s now the fun of chase …tease them both
    They will love it

    I just checked your profile and it does look like you up for a bit of MM fun to
    I’m sure Em will love that

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