A muddy festival carpark [MF+M] [Cheating] [Oral] [Mast] [Rough]

*This one has a slightly longer intro than others, but those who read my writing will know that I like the details. I really hope that you take the time to read it and feel the end was worth it. As always please let me know what you think in the comments, or chat.*

Ben walked out of the large tent into the sticky moonlit night, distance and the thin walls of the structure only serving to slightly muffle the noise from the stage. Outside the tent the ground was soft and muddy underfoot from the crowds moving between spaces for music, sleeping and drinking. He was forced to pick his way through drunken festival goers who staggered along with cardboard trays full of half spilled pints of beer, trying not to bump into anyone as he found his footing on the uneven ground. On returning from the toilets, he’d been unable to find Hannah. She’d tried to persuade him to wait to the end of the set and they’d go together, but he’d ignored her and gone anyway. It had taken much longer than he’d expected. When he had returned to their spot near the sound booth, she was nowhere to be seen.

The weekend had gotten off to a bad start. They’d snapped at each other whilst packing the car on Friday afternoon which resulted in a mostly silent drive to the site. Left unresolved, it had then escalated into an argument about the tent and how to pitch it, following which Hannah walked off to explore, leaving Ben to get them setup. She returned two hours later having not replied to Ben’s texts. They made up of sorts that evening as they relaxed into a few beers however an ill-advised attempt by Ben to initiate sex back in the tent had resulted in rejection, and he suspected some annoyance from his wife. The next morning the air seemed to have been cleared by a good night’s sleep, but Ben’s ego wouldn’t let the previous night’s frustration lie and when he brought up her rejection early in the second evening’s festivities another argument was the inevitable outcome. This seemed to be happening more and more in their seven-year marriage, with the smallest things being the trigger for ruined evenings or flared arguments. Nights out used to result in passionate sex with clothes torn off as they were barely through the front door, but at some point that had transitioned to an increase in petty arguments which coincided with a reduction in their love making. Ben was at a loss to remember when it had happened.

Having moved further away from the tent, the noise had reduced enough to call her. On the first two tries the phone rang once before ending abruptly, on the third it didn’t ring at all. They’d had problems with their phones since they’d arrived, mostly only having one bar of signal, sometimes none but on this occasion it wasn’t clear if the connection had failed or been ended. Too many beers, and already being annoyed from the way the weekend was going, Ben had decided on the latter with little real evidence to back it up, and his inner monologue was already starting to rant. Eventually he decided to send a text which at least appeared to send, and thought about where else to look.

The obvious next place was their tent, but it was a twenty minute walk each way maybe longer through the crowds, so he decided to leave that until he’d tried everywhere else. He went to the toilet area and waited until he was confident all the cubicles had been opened at least once and she hadn’t appeared. He then went to the bar tent and again hung about for ten minutes but didn’t see her. He was starting to get worried and decided after checking his phone and seeing the message had definitely sent, but not been read, it was time to try home, and so he headed to the music tent one last time. Arriving back at the spot they’d been before; he was just in time to hear the band finish their final song. Ben stood there a moment scanning the space taking advantage of the dim emergency lighting which had been turned on to encourage people to move out, and watched the crowd as they exited. Perhaps he had missed her the first time. As his eyes flicked from one head to another, barely able to make out anything, due to people bunching close to exit through the small doorway, he caught a glimpse of what he thought was Hannah. Her red hair made her easier to spot than most, but it was only the briefest of glimpses and from at least thirty metres away through the crowd. He called out to her “Hannah!” but the person didn’t turn. Most likely, even if it was her, she wouldn’t have heard him he told himself, so he started to push his way through the crowd towards the exit. Most people simply let him through, but a few tutted and moaned, some pushed back making progress frustratingly slow.

Finally, out into the night he looked around, instinctively taking out his phone to try calling as if the proximity would somehow make it more likely to connect this time. The call failed immediately. Most of the crowd were heading back towards either the bar or the tents, the set just completed being the last for the night. Ben thought it unlikely she’d go for more drinks this late, if it had been her, so he followed the crowd towards the campsite. The route back left the muddy festival area and moved along what appeared to be a more permanent vehicle track which passed through a small woodland area separating the music and camping spaces. This had the effect of insulating the camping ground from the worst of the noise if you did decide to head to bed early. The organisers had taken the additional step of providing some basic lighting along the track in the form of generators connected to lights on telescopic poles which shone down at the ground. The effect of this was to create pools of light at intervals, separated by comparable darkness as the trees blocked most of the light from the moon. These pools allowed Ben to get glimpses of the crowd as they passed beneath them. It was as he exited one that up ahead at the next, he again thought he caught a glimpse of her flowing hair.

Unable to close the gap due to the volume of people, he was at least able to keep her in sight this time. Ben was about to start pushing through the crowd once more to catch up when he noticed that whoever it was, wasn’t alone. He held back a moment and watched. “Yes” he thought to himself, there was no mistaking it, the girl with the red hair was talking to the man on her left as they walked. Ben pondered for a moment; first, he wasn’t sure this was his wife, and second if it were her, she may simply be talking to someone as they walked. However, there was something about their body language, their movement, they were too close together to simply be two strangers casually chatting. It was as they moved through the next pool of light that Ben got his answer. As the crowd progressed, the people were not all walking straight, likely tiredness and alcohol being the cause. Every now and again a brief avenue of space appeared allowing a view further ahead before closing again a few seconds later. One of these viewing corridors happened to coincide with the woman he thought was Hannah and the man passing under a light. As they did, Ben saw two things. Firstly, he saw enough of the back of the woman to know it was definitely Hannah, the long red hair about halfway down her back, the pink vest top she was wearing and the loose, short summer skirt, all correct, he even recognised her walk. The second thing however, sent a chill down his spine, they were holding hands. These two revelations combined made Ben’s heart rate suddenly increase and an uneasy feeling form in the pit of his stomach. Who was he, and why was his wife holding his hand! His initial instinct was to push on and confront them, but something told him to hang back, to not jump to conclusions and overreact, there had been enough arguments already this weekend, it was most likely something innocent. Instead, Ben closed the gap slightly to ensure he didn’t lose them and watched as they walked ahead. They’d been walking another few minutes when to the left of the track there appeared a path that went off at ninety degrees. This was the way they had come from their car to the tents, so Ben knew that it led to the carpark. This track wasn’t lit as it was a relatively short distance and as Hannah and the man approached it, she pulled him close to her and said something in his ear. Then, suddenly, they started pushing their way through the crowd towards the side linking arms and giggling as they apologised to people whilst making their detour.

Ben wasn’t sure what was going on, but one thing was for sure, he didn’t think it was anything good. There was no doubt in his mind, he had to follow them. He moved more slowly to the side of the crowd as they continued forward, breaking out to the edge just in time to see the couple half walk, half run, down the path still linking arms. At one point they both looked back towards the main crowd presumably checking to see if they were being followed and Ben caught a clear look at his wife’s face. She was laughing, happier in fact than he’d seen her in ages. She used to laugh all the time, another thing he loved about her, but much like their recent love making, his sense of humour now seemed to bore her. Ben’s view of the pair was momentarily blocked by the corner of the trees made by the intersection of the two roads, and he decided that he wouldn’t be able to follow them down the path because although there were other groups heading that way, there were not enough to obscure him if they looked back. Instead, he cut out of the crowd and into the trees for cover. As he moved through the woods paralleling the road, he could see the couple still up ahead in glimpses. The two figures continued along the path which turned into a wider lane through the car park and Ben paused again at the edge of the trees to see where they would go. Watching them together, his heart was sinking further and further into his stomach as the possibility of their being an innocent explanation for their behaviour was slowly slipping from grasp. He was just about to break cover and follow when they turned down a line of cars towards his side of the path, about three cars in. Ben shadowed them from the darkened tree line, the now unrestricted moonlight and reduced distance allowing him to better observe than before, without giving away his presence. A half dozen cars along the row he heard a voice speak, unmistakably that of his wife.

“Is there anyone there?” she asked quietly as they both paused a moment and looked around.

“I can’t see anyone” the man replied, and they waited a moment longer, listening in silence.

Ben stood still half hidden behind a tree. He was directly in line with them through the gaps between the cars and able to see them clearly. They were side on to each other pressed up close, as they scanned around checking for people returning to cars. There were others moving about and distant laughing and talking could be heard coming and going over the otherwise still night, but none so close that Ben could see them. He watched with horror as his wife turned to face this man, who he was now sure he did not recognise, and kissed him. The kiss was deep and passionate, like she used to kiss him on those drunken fumbling nights. Her arms were high up around his neck, whilst his pulled her close at the waist. Hannah had to stretch on to her tip toes for their mouths to meet and her back arched slightly forwards as she stretched into his embrace. Ben’s heart stopped, his world collapsed around him as he watched. He should have run out screaming for them to stop, but he couldn’t move. He could feel the sweat on his brow and an emptiness growing inside, starting from his chest and spreading through his very core. Was this it, was this the end of their seven year marriage happening right here in front of his eyes. He had known things were not perfect, but how had it gotten so bad that she could do this to him. Ben didn’t think it was possible he could feel any more pain than he did in that moment. But there was worse to come.

After what felt like an eternity, during which time Ben had not moved an inch, his wife pulled away from the kiss. She glanced briefly over her shoulder back the way they’d come and then taking her partner by the hand, dragged him between a van and a car into the row on Ben’s side of their lane.

“Here” she said almost frantically with desperation in her voice.

As soon as they moved to the relative safety of the space between the two vehicles, Hannah pushed the man firmly backwards until his back was against the van, before dropping to her knees in the dirt in front of him. Ben watched in shock as she fumbled with his belt buckle undoing it in seconds, then the buttons of his jeans. She tugged at the waist band and pulled them down as he leant his head back against the side of the vehicle clearly enjoying it as she tore at his clothes. Where his jeans went, his tight shorts underwear soon followed when she hooked her fingers into the elastic and again whipped downwards. The moonlight caught his erection allowing Ben a clear view of the target of his wife’s desire. It sprung free almost hitting her in the face as it bounced down and back up. Ben had a full side on view of his penis, which was at least seven inches in length, and watched in complete horror as his wife took the root in one hand turning her head away from Ben to lick the length of the shaft. The man’s eyes closed and his head rolled back, then up towards the stars, as Hannah worked up and down his length twice more with her tongue, before swirling it around the tip and then eventually taking it into her mouth. Ben knew that Hannah was excellent at giving blowjobs, although it had been months maybe years since she’d done it for him, and wasn’t surprised at all to hear the moan from the man’s lips as she took well over half of his length inside her. Ben felt as if his heart was being torn in two, he had no idea why he wasn’t running, out into the carpark for them to stop. Instead he watched as you might, a disaster unfold before you, unable to intervene but unable to look away. He felt sick, he felt unsteady on his feet using the tree for support, but he couldn’t move, he couldn’t even blink. He stood and watched as his wife, the woman he’d been with for ten years since college, the woman he loved and had given everything of himself to, betrayed her marriage vows on her knees in the mud of a festival carpark. Oblivious to his presence, Hannah continued to work the cock in her mouth. From what Ben could see she was switching between long deep fast strokes for a minute or so, and slow, gentle teasing strokes with her tongue rather than her lips doing the work. The majority of the time from the angle of her head she appeared to be looking up at the face of the man, and he was switching between looking down at her and rolling his head back in pleasure, mouth open as he breathed heavily. Ben hadn’t noticed when, but at some point the man had taken hold of her hair holding it in a high pony tail out of the way which was how Ben had such a good view of the action. She was clearly loving this, and she wasn’t just having fun for her own pleasure, she wanted to please him, for him to enjoy it and to be able to see that enjoyment on his face.

As Ben stood and watched from the short distance he could see how exposed they really were, the van was masking their view from one side but from the other, the side closest to the walkway into the carpark, they were much more open. All it would take would be someone to really look and they’d be seen. His wife’s back was to this direction, and on her knees, she was currently below the height of the roof, but the man at what must be at last six feet tall, was standing with his head well above it. Ben realised that they were so full of lust, desire, need for each other that the simply didn’t care. As he considered this he also realised something which was the next in the series of surprises. Sick as he was to the stomach at the scene before him he was also hard himself. His own penis was pressing against the fabric of his trousers, and the longing to touch it was there within him. How could he be feeling like this now? It was at about the same moment that Ben unzipped himself, feeling the gentle kiss of fresh air on his own penis as he eased his cock and balls out of his trousers and began to stroke himself, that Hannah got up from her kneeling position and pressed herself against the man still working his cock with her hand.

“Take me” she said breathlessly “right here, right now.”

The man leant in to kiss her, but she pulled back which caused him to pause a moment.

“No!” she said firmly “I said TAKE me” emphasising the word take in a way that left no doubt in Ben’s mind she wanted the man to take charge, before adding “and don’t be gentle, I want to feel it tomorrow.”

Ben’s cock twitched in his hand as she spoke. Even if he had run out now he wasn’t sure she’d stop. He’d seen his wife filled with lust like this before, when they’d first started dating, and in the years following their wedding. When she wanted something in the bedroom, or anywhere else, she usually got it. And from the way the man reacted it looked to Ben like tonight was going to be no different. Without speaking he forceable pulled her in again for the kiss he wanted, holding her upper arms to prevent her pulling away this time. He then walked her backwards towards the car behind her, hobbling as he moved with his own trousers round his ankles. It would have been comical to Ben if the gravity of what was about to happen was not so serious. Her bum trapped her skirt as it pressed against the front wing of the car and the man lowered his hands and grabbed hold of the bottom of her vest top. In one smooth motion he lifted it up over her head forcing her arms high into the air as it went, her hair cascading back onto her naked shoulders as he fully removed it. He then dropped it into the mud on the ground without looking. He dipped his head down into her cleavage, nuzzling at her D cup breasts held aloft by the plane pink push up bra she’d chosen to match the vest. She had amazing tits and knew it, and she liked to show them off which always made Ben a little jealous. After a minute of him pressing his face into her like this, Hannah reached up behind her back and undid the clasp allowing her breasts to fall free, slipping her arms through the straps and dropping the bra where her top had gone, seemingly not caring about her clothes. This seemed to be the final motivation that the man needed.

Through all of this Ben had continued to stroke himself as he looked on switching between arousal, and devastation, riding an emotional rollercoaster. The reality of what this would mean for their marriage fought with his own sense of desire. Was he witnessing the end of something or the beginning? This was the ultimate betrayal, but watching his wife give herself to someone without a care in the world was also the hottest thing he had ever witnessed. His hand was working his shaft fully now and steadily, and he was conscious of his own exposure although not enough to move deeper into the wood and risk either alerting them to his presence, causing them to stop, or losing his vantage point. As much as he hated what was happening, he knew he didn’t want it to stop.

The man took a step back from Hannah and stared for a moment at her firm breasts. Ben wasn’t quite sure what he was about to do, had he second thoughts perhaps? But no, in what was a blur of movement the man grabbed Hannah by one shoulder and spun her on the spot until she faced the bonnet of the car, kicking her legs apart as he did. He pushed her down heavily, bending her at the waist until her naked breasts pressed into the cold metal, her left cheek likewise forcing her head round so she faced towards the woods. He held her down with one hand on her back as he roughly pulled her skirt up around her middle exposing the bare flesh of her ass cheeks to the open air. He then took hold of the elastic of her thong and with one strong tug ripped the thin material clean off her body causing her to yelp in surprise. Then, without any further warning, he rammed his cock hard into her wet opening causing her to call out “Arrrgghhhh!” as he thrust deep into her. She instinctively tried to climb onto the bonnet to absorb the force, but he held her back. Ben could see her face clearly now, contorted as the man started to hammer into her pounding her against the car with such force, he couldn’t believe the alarm was not blaring. She brought her hands up to support herself against the onslaught of thrusts which threatened to lift her clean off the ground. She raised her right leg, bending it at the knee and sliding it onto the wing of the car to open herself better and take him deeper. Ben watched on now stroking himself more furiously as his wife got the pounding of her life. The man continued to hold her down with one hand as the other groped for her breasts, then letting go of them he pulled on her red hair forcing her to rise slightly from the bonnet with a scream, before dropping her down. Not once did the rate of his assault slow and she moaned loudly with every thrust, Ben almost unable to tell if it was pleasure or pain. As he forced in and out of her with a speed that suggested this would be over as quickly as it had begun, he pawed at her flesh, he parted her ass letting the cool air at her exposed rear opening, smacking her once hard on each cheek causing her again to call out loudly in pain “Arrghhh!” but never to try to pull away.

“Fuck me. Harder. Fuck me harder” she called out, loud enough that anyone near would have been able to hear even if they couldn’t see.

Somewhere off, Ben heard a group of women laughing and one of them called back. “Woo hoo! You get some honey” the sound of their chuckling receding into the distance.

“Argghh… fuck you’re gonna’ make me cum.” She called out again. “Keep going, make me cum for you.”

“Me too, I’m close, should I pull out? I’ve not got a condom on” the man replied without slowing his pace, instead grabbing a fist full of her hair, forcing her face down into the bonnet with one hand, whilst the other supported his weight on her back as he rose to his full height. He used his hips to get in as deep as he could, determined she would get what she wanted, and feel this tomorrow. She could certainly feel it now.

Ben couldn’t believe what he was hearing, what he was seeing, his wife was about to cum on another man’s cock. She was riding him bareback in a muddy carpark with strangers around them lurking in the shadows. But more surprising to him was that he was now furiously pumping his own cock as he watched, his own release rapidly approaching.

Before Hannah had a chance to reply, from a row or two behind them a car started, perhaps it was the group of girls. The headlights bathed the rutting couple in light and Ben could more clearly see his wife, fully lit and more beautiful than he thought she’d ever been. She was mostly naked apart from her crumpled skirt, mud on her bare legs from kneeling as she had worshiped this man’s cock, with one now hiked onto the bonnet of the car as he pounded at her open and welcoming pussy. This was enough to push Ben close to the edge, and he felt the inevitable and unstoppable feeling of his own cum boiling deep within. As he sensed he was about to cum, too late to stop, his eyes fixed onto those of his wife who was looking right at him, able to clearly see him now in the light of the headlamps leaning against the tree masturbating furiously as he watched her.

“No” she finally responded to this unknown man but looking her husband right in the eyes as she spoke “don’t you dare pull out, I want you to cum in me, I want you to fill me with your cum.”

“Oh my God that’s it, I can feel it deep inside me. God I’m cumming too.”

At the same exact moment his wife announced her orgasm, Ben came, shooting the largest load he had ever produced onto the ground in front of him, his body convulsing with the shock as he worked his hand up and down milking every last drop. Still making eye contact with his beautiful wife, he noticed the gradual changes of expression on her face from pain from the rough treatment she had received, to absolute ecstasy in her throws of orgasm, and finally to complete and utter disgust as she looked across at her husband masturbating alone in the dark as she let this man take her away from him.

Ben felt his cock go flaccid as he saw in Hannah’s eyes, that their marriage was over.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/pjavb6/a_muddy_festival_carpark_mfm_cheating_oral_mast

1 comment

  1. The way you describe the devastation that Ben feels when he realizes what he is seeing is spot on. I like that they don’t turn their marriage into a cuckolding relationship. Its feels better this way.

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