Helping Hand pt2 [Incest] [sisters] [romantic] [first time]

Long awaited sequel to Helping Hand

So there I was, kneeling between the legs of my little sister and so help me I was ready to fuck her. More than ready; eager. She was all I could see. All I could smell. The thought had been solidified and my body had just begin to follow suit when the inconceivable happened: our mother caught us undeniably in the act.

Now, I sat uncomfortably in the family room, on display for my crimes. I was on one end of a long cream colored couch. Carolyn, my “victim”, was seated at the opposite end, fuming. My head was down, focusing on anything but the eyes on me. I noticed my fingers were still pruney from fingering Carolyn, and felt the duel twinge of humiliation and arousal. *All this and that’s where your mind goes? What is wrong with you?*

I felt I would die at any moment from the disgrace, or by the hands of our mother who paced back and forth in front of us. In the few moments she had already been talking she made her point of view clear; I was older, I was sick, and I violated her babygirl. I was fucked.
Behind her, our father sat in his recliner, his face was dark and his gaze wouldn’t fall on either my sister or myself.

“—I mean what the hell were you thinking?” Mom continued.

*What had I been thinking?* She didn’t want to know. *Heat. Skin. Whimpers*. I tried to shake the thoughts from my head. “I’m sorry.” I said without looking up.

“You’re what? Sorry? That’s it?”

“I.. I’m sorry.” It was all I could say. My words had left me to drown in my shame and I could feel my throat burning, the first threats of tears which would certainly not help my situation. I crossed my arms, chewed my cheek, and fought it.

“Sorry doesn’t cut it.”

Mother made another pass from one side of the room to the other and back. Her fingers dug into her temples and her eyes had squeezed shut.

“Mom–“ I started.

“Bethany, you were fucking your sister!”

I winced.

“Quiet down, Marie. The windows are open.” Dad said, his first contribution.

Her volume went down but her words were no less biting. “I thought I was doing good, being accepting of your… inclinations. But preying on Carol? I never would have thought you could be so deviant. What happened to the girl that was so responsible? I could trust you to look after Carol. Were you always… *looking?* What am I supposed to do here? I swear, you went gay and you started downhill and now you’ve hit the bottom. I think you need to leave before your sickness spreads.”

I couldn’t keep the tears back any longer. I knew I had been courting disaster and now it seems that disaster would encompass the rest of my already-tattered life. This would be the end of it. Cut off. Outcast. Death would have been more merciful.

“This is such bullshit!” Carol shouted, leaping from the couch. “You can’t do that! It wasn’t her fault! I asked…” Her voice trailed off and her eyes quickly found the floor again, but her posture didn’t soften.

“Sweetie, I know it can seem like we asked for these things and that we deserved them, but being… taken advantage of is never our fault.”
Carolyn’s mouth dropped open. “Mom! She didn’t rape me! What the fuck!”

“I didn’t say that.“

“She didn’t take advantage of me! I *wanted* it!”


“No! Fuck this! We’re adults, we can do what we want.”

“Not here, you won’t.”

“Then you have to kick me out, too!”
Mom sighed heavily, staring at Carolyn. “I need a drink.” She said, and stormed out of the room.

I was reeling. So much had happened over the course of the last hour. Did I just get kicked out? Did my mother just persecute me for being a lesbian? Did my sister just profess her love for me in front of our parents? Oh my god, I nearly had sex with my sister.

I looked up to see Carolyn still a tensed up ball of anger. I could only imagine what her head was going through right now. The thought of reaching out for her hand crossed my mind, but better judgment won. I shifted my view to our father. He was just calmly watching Carolyn. His face was always hard to read and currently it was impossible. One thing was evident though; he wasn’t angry. When Dad got angry things got loud and he was all but silent. *Probably too ashamed to even speak*, I guessed, *dumbfounded by the perversions of his children.*

I could feel a fresh wave of tears incoming when, almost as if to himself, Dad muttered,“You know, I kissed my cousin once.”

*What did I just..?*

“Dad!” Carolyn cried incredulously.

“I’m just saying,” his voice was nearly a whisper, “you’re not hurting anybody.”

“We didn’t–“ I tried to say but was cut off.

“I don’t need to know. I’m just saying.”

I think the entire neighborhood could hear my head explode.

In a huff, Mom flew back into the room. “I need liquor.” She stated and pulled her coat off a hanger by the front door. “You’re coming too, Dale. We need to talk.”

Dad sighed but roused himself from the chair. “Yes, dear.” He softly placed his hand on the top of my head and I felt a slight peace. If nothing else, he didn’t hate me, so maybe I could learn that too.

“Keep your hands off your sister.” Mom snapped, as she stepped out the door. Whether to me or Carolyn, I couldn’t tell. Probably both.

Moments later the headlights of the car came rushing through the windows behind me, throwing shadows at the wall. The shadows move as they backed out and turned down the street. Just me and my sister now. Totally normal. *This is never gonna feel normal again*. I squirmed and put up the hood of my worn, yellow sweatshirt. My mouth was dry and I half expected Carolyn to jump on me. Instead we drifted in the silence for hours, or what felt like hours. There was a lot to sink in and the elephant in the room was straining the floorboards.

When, finally, I could look her in the eyes again I caught her gaze and we stared blankly at each other. I couldn’t even begin to decide where to start this conversation and I had the feeling she felt the same way.

“Carol,” I said at the same time as she said my name. We paused again.

Carolyn raised her hand as a sign she wanted to speak first. “I’m sorry.” She began. “I didn’t mean for all this.”

“What did you mean then?” I asked, with more of an edge than I intended. She looked away from me again and returned to her seat on the sofa.

”I meant what I said.” She said, quietly. “I do love you.”

“You’ve never had so much as a boyfriend. How do you even know what you feel?

“Don’t talk to me like I’m stupid. You were my very first crush. I used to masturbate holding your panties to my face. I was ecstatic when you came out as liking girls because maybe I had a chance. When you moved back in I knew I couldn’t waste the opportunity.”

“Fuck, Carol, I’m your sister! That doesn’t bother you?”

“It never mattered. I feel the way I feel. And I saw the way you looked at me. It didn’t seem to bother you, either.”

I felt the blush take my cheeks and I fought to keep my voice even. “What if it did? What if I said this whole thing makes me feel sick?”

“Does it?”

“It should.”

“But does it?” She scooted closer to me on the couch and a wide, toothy smile crept over her pretty face.

I knew I couldn’t answer that, or at least shouldn’t, so I tried to shift the discussion. “It’s wrong.”

“Is it?” She asked again, scooting closer still.

“Mom and Dad…”

“Aren’t here.” She swung her leg over mine and climbed into my lap.

“Carol–“ My intention was to push her off, however when my hands made contact with her thighs all I could do was breathe. I raised my eyes to meet hers again. Alarms were blaring in my head. A clear, ringing fact; if we do this, there’s no more hiding behind excuses. No tricks or traps, just sex. With my sister. I can’t describe how much I wish that thought didn’t turn me on.

“Don’t lie. You like it because it’s wrong.” Carolyn grabbed the bottom edge of the long white shirt she still wore and with a single fluid movement pulled it off her body and sent it flying through the air, taking the last of my resistance with it. *Fuck it,* I decided, *if mom and dad catch us what are they gonna do; kick me out?*
I squeezed the thighs in my lap then slid my hands up her back, pulling her down to my lips.

Her mouth was strawberry lava. I flicked my tongue out to brush her lips and she trembled in my arms. I moved one hand from her back to cup her breast. Her small pink nipple dug into my palm and when I pinched it Carolyn moaned against my lips. A fireball exploded inside me and I shoved her off onto the couch and immediately climbed on top her, drawing up my knee to press against her crotch. She moaned again. I dipped my head and latched my mouth onto her stuff nipple, biting gently, and she nearly screamed. Her fingers wove through my hair and held me to her chest as I began to suck.

“Beth…” Carolyn whimpered, her body beginning to writhe under mine. “I love you.” She sighed and I moved to her other nipple. She was grinding against my knee and her breathing was ragged. My fingers glided over her shoulder, down her ribs, across her pelvis and wriggled under the elastic band of her black shorts. My fingertip brushed her clit and she shook. I made a trail of kisses across her collarbone moving up to her soft neck as I slipped my fingers onto my little sister’s pussy for the second time tonight.

“Fuck me.” She pleaded with a gasp. I started fingerfucking her slowly, relishing in the warmth and the wetness and the taste of her skin on my tongue. I bit her again, just below the ear, and she moaned again. A long, low moan and she forced herself down into my hand. I slid my fingers out and up to her clit where I began to rub her in firm circles.

“Are you gonna come for me again?” I whispered in her ear.

She shivered. “Please.”

“Oohh, you’d better.” I cooed, rubbing her swollen little clit faster. “Come for your sister.”

“Oh… god.”

Lights flashed through the window and panic hit me like a kick to the ribs and I shot up to look out the window. Carolyn felt it too, her eyes going wide as she was pinned beneath me, my hand still in her shorts. I realized it had just been a passing car and exhaled the breath I hadn’t known I was holding.


“I don’t wanna stop. Please?”

I looked down and smiled at her beautiful pleading face. Those big hazel eyes, the pout on her lips, the flush in her cheeks. “I was gonna say let’s go to my room.”
She nodded enthusiastically. I lowered my head to kiss her again, letting my tongue explore her mouth for a few seconds, then stood and offered my sister my hand. “Come on.” I said, and led her to my bedroom.

I closed the door and turned the lock. In passing I thought what I would do if I was in the middle of my sister and our parents came home. Barricade the door? I was imagining my mother calling the police as I turned around and thought was stricken from me. Carolyn stood next to my battered old desk. Her half-naked body seemed to glow under the light. An arm was raised, fingers buried in her blue-green hair, her small pink nipples sat stiffly atop perfect handful sized breasts, and the black shorts hugged her gently curved hips. I sighed quietly.

“What?” She asked.
smiled. “You’re beautiful.”

She blushed and her eyes met the floor.

I closed the short distance between us and placed my hands on the back of her colorful head. We were nearly the same height, but I pulled her down and kissed her forehead, then she looked up at me, smiling. Her hands wrapped around my waist and she pulled me into her body, I lifted her face and brought our lips together.

Our tongues met and began to slowly dance. The softness and warmth of her mouth could have been the end of me and I wouldn’t have launched a single complaint. Her hot breath across my cheek and the small whimpers she made had my head swimming and my pussy aching. I slid my hands down her back, squeezing her ass. She moaned, breaking our kiss, so I seized the chance and moved my mouth down to her neck.

“Fuck…” Carolyn groaned, and I could feel a shiver move through her. “Off. Get this off!” She cried, tugging and pulling at my hoodie. I followed her direction and quickly slipped the garment over my head, tossing it to the floor.

Her skin was warm against mine as we embraced again and I could feel her hard nipples brushing across my breasts. I brought my mouth back to her neck and softly bit down. She whimpered and raked my back with her finger nails. I sucked hard at her skin and began pulling her towards the bed.

“Ah.. ah.. ah! Ok ok! Ow!” She cried out. Her hand reached up into my hair and pulled sharply, finally freeing her neck from my assault. She glared at me, still holding my head with her fist. I couldn’t help but to laugh at her sudden seriousness and a smile quickly found it’s way back to her lips.

“So, you wanna eat me out?” I blurted.

Carolyn’s eyes bulged and a blush flooded her cheeks. She licked her lips and gave a wordless nod.

I laughed again. “You have to let go, first.” She joined my laughter and released my hair, but I could tell her laughter had a anxious tinge. I unfastened the button of my jeans and began to work them over my hips. “Don’t be nervous, it’s me. Who better to guide you through eating pussy? It’ll be great.” I hoped that I covered my own nervousness well enough.
I laid back onto my bed then beckoned for my sister to join me. She stared at me for a long moment, feasting on my body laid out before her. Her gaze was intense and lustful and god did it turn me on.

She climbed between my legs and immediately began lowering her head.
“Wait,” I said. “Come here first.” She smiled up at me and crawled higher. Once in range again, our lips locked together. Her kisses were urgent and heavy. She bit at tugged at my lip and dominated my mouth with her tongue. I was positively molten. I pulled her hands from my shoulders and moved them to my tits, where she immediately began squeezing and massaging. She rolled my nipples under her thumbs and I sighed, contentedly, into her mouth.
She was very obviously new to this, but her eagerness made up for a lot and her aggressiveness was enough to see my pussy aflame.

“Okay.” I said, breathlessly. “Okay. I’m ready. You ready?”

Carolyn nodded her reply and kissed me again on the lips, then the chin. Jaw, throat, collarbone. She made a trail down to my right nipple. She licked and sucked and drew several small moans from my mouth, but she didn’t linger. Kisses again, those heavy wet kisses. Ribs, naval, ilium; until she reached the small patch of pubic hair atop my mound where she hesitated. I was about to ask if she was alright, then I felt a slow lick part my lips and touch my clit. Sparks flew up my body and crackled behind my eyes. Another lick made my hips jerk. Then she dove in with gusto. It was a bit of an uncoordinated mess, but nothing I couldn’t work with.

“More like circles,” I guided her. “Yeah. Suck a little.. Ohhhh, just like that.” Between my ruined orgasm earlier, making her come, and her quickly improving oral skills; I knew it wouldn’t belong before I exploded. I lifted my head to watch her go. This mop of green and blue gyrating between my legs. As I was admiring the view, Carolyn looked up and her eyes caught mine. She reached a hand up and I took it, lacing our fingers together. My free hand moved to my nipple and tweaked the hard nub, rolling it between my fingers and pulling hard. Suddenly she sucked hard and slipped a pair of fingers inside me. I dropped my head back as a long moan escaped.

“Fuck me with your fingers.” I said. “Rub up.. like that. That’s good. Oh that’s good. Now suck again. Fuck, like that.” My hips were twitching with each lick she passed over my clit as she rhythmically pumped my pussy. I was approaching the edge.
“Okay, now faster. Faster! I’m gonna come.. just like that! I’m coming! Ahhh!” The wave finally hit me and my vision went dim. I could feel my sister’s head clamped between my thighs as I shook and came on her face. I screamed and arched my back, shoving myself down onto her mouth.

When it was all over I could only lie still as consciousness threatened to leave me. A shape eclipsed the light on the ceiling. A head. Blue and green. She came into focus; sporting an ear-to-ear smile and the glistening remnants of my orgasm dripping from her chin. I reached out to cup her face with my hand and guided her down for a deep kiss, the taste of myself fresh on her tongue. We kissed for a while as I caught my breath, but it wasn’t long before I told her it was her turn.

She blushed madly and couldn’t wipe the grin from her face as she took my place laying on the bed. I crawled between her legs and she wrapped them around me. I pinned her hands to the pillow above her head and kissed her hard, invading her mouth with my tongue. I could still taste myself on her. I sucked her tongue and she gave a soft happy moan, then my hands began to travel down her arms. Cupping both of her breasts, I lowered my head to them and gently bit down on a nipple. Carol cried out and squeezed me between her legs.

Further down I went, dragging my tongue over her smooth skin. I circled her navel twice before moving lower. My hands grabbed her legs behind the knees and lifted them up and open. Inches from my sister’s glistening slit, I breathed her in. My mouth was watering. I ran my tongue over her lips before sucking gently at her labia. She tasted like honey and lemon grass and I was immediately drunk on her. I dove my tongue into her pussy, rubbing my lip over her clit, and lifting her legs higher to rock her pelvis upward.

“Oh fuck!” Carolyn moaned. She reached her hands down to grab my hair and pulled my face into her. I moved up and wrapped my lips over her clit, swirling my tongue around it in fast circles. I watched her face as I ate her. Such a familiar face. I loved that face. Her pretty lips being chewed, the redness in her cheeks, the softness of her jawline, her squeezed-shut eyes. I decided to tongue fuck her more and had just gotten back into it when she opened her eyes and looked down at me.

“Beth. Beth!” She whimpered.

“What?” I said, half-muffled. It was silent. I waited. “What it is?” I gave her a long slow lick and she twitched.

“Can you.. I mean we.. I want to ride your face.”

I felt my brain crack like glass, spidering into a thousand fragments.

“Is… is that okay?”

“Y-yes.” I finally found my words. “We can do that. I’d love to do that.”

Carolyn hugged my head into her crotch. “You’re the best!”

We swapped places again, her standing next to my bed as I laid down and pulled my hair out the way. “Okay. Come here.”

She smiled that big goofy smile again then lifted one leg over my face and slid on top of my head. She looked down at me and her cheeks got even redder. Her knees on the sides of my head, all I need do was extend my tongue and her sweetness was all mine. I grabbed onto her thighs and started licking.

Her hands slid up her body to grab her nipples and she started to tweak and pull them as she began to grind on my face. Her eyes closed and her mouth cracked open and a long soft whimper left her lips. I gently sucked at her clit as I ran my tongue over it in quick zig-zags. She opened her eyes and, looking down into mine, ran a set of fingers through my hair. I let my hands slide up and down her body. Her breathing was getting heavier. I flicked my tongue faster, making my head shake slightly between her thighs. Carolyn started to moan and her hips were twitching. I felt her bear down on my face and gave her every last ounce I had. She cried out and started to shake. A flood of hot cum overfilled my mouth and ran down my cheeks. My sister screamed and nearly doubled over.

It was several long minutes before Carolyn regained her bearings. She collapsed backwards and rolled off of me and was still. I sat up and ran my eyes over her naked body, then gave her ass a firm slap.


“You soaked my bed!”

“You made me!”

I laughed and bent over to give her a soft kiss on her green-blue head. Maybe there was no going back, maybe we would regret it, but in that moment shared with my little sister beside me, everything was as it should be. The only thing to do now was decide how mom and dad should find us. Part 3 – one year later. Beth and Carol still live in the house income bolstered by parent’s life insurance plans. Beth is about to graduate, Carol has improved her domestic skills. In private they behave as lovers but in public they still won’t even hold hands and it’s wearing on Carol. Beth is conflicted whether her feelings are genuine or if she’s just been getting off on the kink.


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