[Group] I flashed my dungeons and dragons group

I apologize if this is the wrong sub for this kind of post. My story is really tame compared to all the story I am seeing. So anyways, I am in a weekly dungeons and dragons group. It consists of myself, my coworker Jacob, and a handful of his mates (Greg, Tim, Brian, and Ben). Naturally I am the only women in the group but to be honest I enjoy it that way. I have always just got along better with boys.

Our game has been going on for about 6 months now. Right away things just sort of clicked. Everyone had a good energy and was not afraid to really get into character. After playing completely online for the first 5 months we eventually transitioned to in-person games. Being face to face when playing and being able to share beer and snacks has been a blast. Now beer has never been high on my list of favorite drinks, but I am also not one to abstain while everyone else is drinking.

This week we were getting ready to start when Jacob mentioned he had some wine his sister had given him if anyone was interested. I took him up on that offer immediately and gave up the beer I had in my hand. Boy was that wine dangerous. It was super fruity and I could not taste even a hint of alcohol on it. So we started playing and I continued to drink like it was any other night. About an hour in and i was buzzed. At this point the game was in an intense bit of combat and I was getting hot. So I took my sweatshirt off and tossed it across the room to the couch.

Once I did that the energy in the room totally changed. I was wearing a low cut top and my girls were prominently displayed. I guess this was the first time most of the guys realized how big my breasts actually are. I of course noticed everyone start to stare which at first was flattering. However, that feeling started to slide to annoyance. As we worked our way through combat I was consistently the only one who knew exactly what they were going to do. Everyone else was clearly distracted.

Greg’s turn came up on the initiative and he of course had to peel his eyes away from my chest to look through his spell. That was when my tipsy brain had an idea. I stood up and said “alright everyone let’s just get this out of the way.” I then grabbed my top and bra and pulled them down, flashing my bare breasts. “Take a good long look everyone,” I said as I made sure I turned to face everyone individually and gave them the full view. The guys of course loved that. They each dropped their jaw and started laughing or whistling. I then covered myself back up and sat down. The shock of what I did kind of reset everyone and we continued the game seamlessly with the added benefit of everyone being in an extra good mood.

Its been over a day since this little incident and no one has brought it up in our text thread. I have no idea if this was a one time thing or where things go from here. What I do know however, is that I do not regret what I did. The thrill I had during our last game was something I will not forget.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/pi8o8y/group_i_flashed_my_dungeons_and_dragons_group


  1. Love this story and feeling some MAJOR sympathy for your DM/GM–keeping everyone focused during combat is already difficult enough!! Beyond this being really hot it was helpful of you to get everyone back on track like that!

  2. That’s one heck of a modifier for their Concentration checks for your last session.

    Are you sure you’re not playing a Bard with all that Motivation/Morale buffing/debuffing?

  3. It’s great that you have mind resetting boobs, and I’m happy you felt good being lusted over like that. By all means, if you want to feel like that again, do it again, but just be careful it doesn’t become a thing. Some guys think that a girl doing something like that is a sign you want to fuck them and want the kind of attention that you don’t actually want. I’m sure your friends are all lovely, but just be wary of releasing your dragons in the dungeon 😅

  4. Being a total nerd, stories like this really push my buttons~ I’m glad you feel comfortable with your group and you all click well, do you think you’d do anything like this again?

  5. Great story! Do you have any hopes for how that incident might develop things in the group?

  6. That’s some impressive confidence! +7 to all persuasion goals, ongoing; disadvantage on all wisdom saving throws

  7. Sounds fun, can’t wait to see what excuse they try to come up with to seem innocent when they try to get it again lol

  8. Even if it’s far from the crazy “40 people orgies in a parabolic flight while on fire after taking mdma” level some other posts, this is actually so freaking sexy to imagine. The unexpected and kind of fantasy for probably all of them happened. (because even if you say that
    > I guess this was the first time most of the guys realized how big my breasts actually are. I of course noticed everyone start to stare
    They definitely notices that you have boobs. Big or small.)
    Since they reacted very favorably i bet they at least imagined something about them once before.

    Now it all depends what YOU want to pursue after this. If none of them is taken or really against it, you just don’t push things too far top fast.
    A bit of flirting next time, and if there is a repeat that gets another great reaction, you know you can try to push your luck.

  9. If you liked the attention, share them on reddit and have thousands of men & women lust over you.

  10. Okay, but we’re missing some important details. What class/race are you? How did the combat go?

  11. Of course you don’t know how it went over. You forgot to roll a persuasion check after.

  12. Thats good teamplay ! You noticed your mates had a notice disadvantage, so you used a bonus action to flash boobs, a well know tactics that give every dude a bonus in his Will’s saves.

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