Two Coeds and Their Professor Play a Game Pt. 1 [M/f/f, D/s, Spanking]

This is part of a series–not that the plot is terribly important. Links to the other parts:

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

[Part 5](


Finally. It was Saturday, which meant “movie” night with my Intro to Lit students. Of course, only Aly and Ella had been invited. I dressed casually–a flannel with the sleeves rolled to my forearms and a dark pair of jeans. I had already spoken to Aly about getting Ella properly involved in our fun. It had gotten flirtatious when Ella was in my office a few days ago (and Aly was tied up beneath my desk) and I was looking forward to pushing it forward tonight.

They both arrived looking rather nice. A little more dressed up than me. Aly wore a loose, black maxi dress with her hair in a loose braid down her back. The dress was especially generous to her full chest–a deep cut displayed a tantalizing amount of cleavage. Ella seemed more keen on showing off her voluptuous ass. She wore a tight, grey miniskirt with a short slit up the side. A small pink t-shirt (small enough to expose her midriff if she so much as lifted her arms) completed the look.

“Come in girls, let me pour you some wine while we get settled.”

Aly knew what this was really about, but I wasn’t sure how much she had told Ella. They were already looking rather frisky with each other, though. As they say on the plush couch, Aly playfully ran her fingers just under the hem of Ella’s skirt.

I handed them their glasses and took a seat in the armchair facing the couch. We chatted for a while about class, the week, and the movie we were going to watch (which I had no plans to even put on). I gave Aly a few communicative glances while we talked, nodding to encourage her to be more handsy with Ella. Aly obliged, of course: she twirled Ella’s copper hair around one of her long, thin fingers. She slipped a hand around her waist and gently squeezed her ass. I think she was trying to turn me on as much as Ella–as though saying, “don’t you want to be squeezing this nubile ass right now?”

It was hard to exercise patience with these two. And Aly made it more difficult. She stuck her tongue out and flicked it towards me while we chatted. She let her index finger fall between her breasts to pull at the cut out in her dress, exposing the white and pink bra she was wearing underneath.

“What do you say we play a game, girls? A little bit of trivia before we start. Whichever one of you answers right, first, can make a request of me or the one who missed the question. But, answer wrong and you’ll have to be punished, eh?”

“Ooh, that sounds fun Professor. What do you think, Ella?” Aly asked.

“I’m game! About Shakespeare?”

“Indeed. Let’s start easy. What could Shylock take as payment if Antonio failed to repay his debt?”

Aly shouted, “A pound of flesh!”
“Very good. And what will you ask for?”

Aly took a sip of wine and smiled mischievously, “I want Ella to tell us what color underwear she’s wearing.”

“Aly!” Ella shouted, while blushing.

“Rules are rules, Ella. Don’t be a fun crusher. Tell us the type too” Aly retorted.

“You’ve already seen my underwear,” Ella muttered under her breath, “I’m wearing a navy blue lace thong and a matching bra. Happy?” Ella crossed her arms in a performative pout.


“Okay, let’s stick with The Merchant of Venice. A little harder now. What casket did Bassanio choose to win Portia’s hand?”

“Ooh, wait, fuck, I don’t even remember this part,” Aly stammered.

“Ummm, I think it was lead?”

“Good job, Ella. Correct.”

Ella smiled. “Ha! Now, *Aly*, I want you to show everyone in the room what you’re wearing under your dress.”

“Hmph,” Aly faked a pout. “Top or bottom?”


Aly stood up, turned around and then climbed onto the couch on her knees, positioning her arms on the headrest. “Well, lift up my dress Ella.” Ella reached a hand towards the hem of Aly’s dress and pulled it up to her waist slowly, revealing first her toned, milky thighs and then her bubbly, thick ass. Her cheeks were squeezed tightly inside a pink and white thong that matched the bra she teased earlier. As Ella held the dress at Aly’s waist, Aly shook her ass, looking over her shoulder to see our reaction.

“Like what you see, Professor?”

I smiled and nodded, “You’re both very bad girls. Let’s continue. Now, Romeo and Juliet. Who makes the fatal choice to accept a duel on Romeo’s behalf?”

“Ooh, it was like, Tybalt or something. That’s the name, right?” Aly said, unsure of herself.

“Wrong. Tybalt *demanded* the duel. It was Mercutio who accepted.”


“Well, Ella, what do you think we should do to punish Aly?”

Ella grinned, with the upper hand, she didn’t seem very shy anymore. “Spank her naturally. After watching her shake her ass at us, it’s the least we can do.”

I smiled, “I have just the thing.” I left the room briefly and returned with a riding whip. I handed it to Ella. “Go ahead. Give her a good few hits. Aly, get into the position you were in before, leaning over the top of the couch.”

As Aly assumed the position, I pulled her dress up, making sure to slowly run my hand along her thigh while I did so. Then, I looked at Ella, who was standing just behind Aly. “Go ahead, Ella. Let’s see if she’ll squeal a little.”

Ella grinned and brought the riding whip hard against Aly’s ass. It landed right on the edge of her cheek, almost on her thigh.

“Ouch, fuck!” Aly gripped the edge of the couch but stayed in place.

The second smack hit in the center of Aly’s cheek and left a rectangular red mark. “Ahhhhh,” Aly let out a little squeal and a whimper.

“Fives a good number. Give her three more, Ella.”

Three. This one hit close to the cleft on Aly’s ass. “Ah! Be careful Ella, you’re going to hit my fucking pussy like that.”

I watched Aly’s ass ripple from each hit. Her panties were pressed so tightly against her labia that I could make out a wet spot starting to form in the crotch.

Four. This one made Aly buck a little forward, throwing her head back and glaring at Ella over her shoulder. “God, just finish it.”

Five. This one was the hardest, the sound of Aly’s abused ass echoed around my living room. “Geez Ella, you really didn’t let me off easy on that one.” As Aly looked over her shoulder, I rubbed her sore ass, helping to diffuse the soreness.

“Let’s keep it going girls. Next question: where do Romeo and Juliet meet their untimely end?”

“The Capulet crypt!” Aly blurted out. “Ha! I got one. This request is for you Professor. Tell me how big your *cock* is.” Aly emphasized the word “cock,” clicking her tongue while she parted her sultry lips. Ella gave her a look of surprise.

“Well, it’s always hard to measure precisely, Aly. You should know that. But, I’d put it at somewhere north of eight inches, when fully grown, of course.”

“And is it growing now?”

I looked down. Not that I had to. I could feel myself throbbing against my jeans. I smiled in reply, “It certainly seems to be. Now, next question: this one is from Macbeth. The three witches are known by two other names, what are they?”

“Oh, I know. The strange sisters and, like the wayward sisters.” Ella said, unsure of herself.

“Well, you’re half right. It’s the *weird* sisters and the wayward sisters.”

“Shoot. It still counts, though, right?”

“No way!” Aly shouted. “Time for *your* punishment.”

“Ugh, fine. What is it?”

Aly smirked, “You’re going to crawl over to our Professor and see just how big his cock is.”

Ella looked at Aly in disbelief and then turned towards me. I shrugged. “Those are the rules.” Ella set down her glass reluctantly and started to walk over to my chair.

“Excuse me,” Aly interjected, “I said *crawl.*”

Ella rolled her eyes, but did as she was told. She dropped to her knees and began crawling towards me. I could see her skirt beginning to ride up as she made her way towards me and I imagined that Aly was getting a very nice view at the moment.

As I watched Ella slowly approach, her head just level with my knees, I knew that things were just getting started.

*To be continued…*
