Hookup in Atlantic City: How My Wife and I Tested My Friend’s Moral Character [MF] (VERY LONG!)

I had to break this story up into 3 parts. This is just the introduction/backstory

Skip to **The Beauty at the Bar** section if you want to start where it gets hot…

*Disclaimer: This is not simply a sex story. It’s more of a general story with some hot sex scenes in it.*

It’s been awhile since I’ve written about Christina and I, but I’m back.

Six months prior to this story, we had a new guy, Matt, who joined our agency. Matt quickly fell into the clique at work of myself and my friends Alex, Phil, Corey, and Maxine. We had gone for drinks after work numerous times, we had a few outings on days off, and we had all met for various agency events and such. At the time, Christina and I had been married for about a year and a half, but though I talked about her quite a bit, Matt had never met Christina. Also, Matt did not have Facebook or social media at the time, so he did not even know what she looked like (he’s not really a computer guy). This is important to the story.

So Matt is overall a good dude, but he’s still a bit below his age level as far as maturity goes. When he drinks, he gets obnoxious, and he tries to egg everyone on around him to start acting like frat boys. Anyways, Alex, Phil, Max, and I were invited on his bachelor party down in Atlantic City, along with his best man and groomsmen.

Christina and I were planning on visiting her family in the Philly area around the same time, so we decided that she would leave the same day I left for AC, and then she would drive over and pick me up after the weekend was over, since it’s only about an hour and a half drive from her parents’ town to AC.

**Lead Us Not Into Temptation**

When we got to Atlantic City, we checked into our rooms at the resort casino where we were staying, had dinner at a Mexican restaurant at the casino, and then headed to a club.

Now, I hate, hate, HATE clubs, but I figured I’d be a good sport. We paid the ridiculous cover charge and headed into to the seizure inducing lights and booming club music. I don’t usually dance except at weddings, and there was nothing to eat, so I headed to the bar and ordered a bourbon. The music was too loud to really have conversations so we just stood around and watched young, beautiful women in tight dresses gyrating to the music.

“You got next round, bro!” Alex shouted in my ear over the music, “Get us some shots! Kamikazes all around!”

“Alright!” I shouted back. I sipped the last bit of my bourbon and went over to the bar and placed the order. The bartender took my money and shouted that the bar back would bring the shots over to us when they were ready. I nodded a thank you and turned around, almost bumping into a gorgeous blonde woman in her mid-20s. She was wearing a tight, white, low cut club dress with her massive boobs seemingly trying to burst out.

“Sorry about that,” I said.

“That’s okay,” she replied, giving me a flirty smile. I then made my way back to the guys as she went back to her friends. When the kamikazes arrived, we all toasted again to Matt and downed the shots.

Just then, the hot woman I had just run into at the bar walked over, grabbed my hand, and pulled me over towards the dance floor. Surprised, I stumbled forward as she started to drag me along. As we got to the open floor, she immediately threw her arms around my neck and began to grind her crotch against mine. This would normally mean “game time!” for most guys. But immediately, anxiety set in; I thought about Christina and how her ex-husband had hurt her. Granted, he had been actually having sex with, and having a full double life with, a mistress before and during their marriage and not just dancing at a club with some hot, buzzed chick.

“No!” I said, trying to retreat backward. She gave me a seductive look and pulled me in closer.

“Hon, no!” I said into her ear.

“What?” she shouted, letting go of me.

“I don’t want to dance!” I shouted back.

“Oh, come on! Have some fun!”

“No thanks!” I pointed to my wedding band, “I’m married! I’m just here with my buddy’s bachelor party! I don’t feel comfortable dancing with another woman like this!”

She smiled and held up her left hand, showing her engagement ring, “I’m engaged! This is bachelorette party. Is your wife here?”


“My fiance isn’t either! How are they going to find out? And we’re just dancing!”

“Yeah, but…it’s a long story. I just don’t feel comfortable,” I said as I walked away, “Thank you though!”

“Dude, what the hell is wrong with you??” Matt laughed as I rejoined the group, “That chick was practically throwing herself at you!”

“Really? Is that what was happening?” I replied sarcastically.

“Are you secretly gay or something? That chick could be in porn! Holy shit, that’s one of the hottest girls I’ve seen in years!”

“I’m not gonna go bump and grind on some chick behind my wife’s back!”

“Dude,” he laughed, “You are SO whipped! You are NEVER going to live this down!”

“Okay then, player!” I dared, “You go and grind your dick all over her!” I pushed him out towards the dance floor.

Matt hesitated for a moment, but before he could do anything, the bride-to-be and her party all walked over to us. The bride then threw her hands up over her head and began thrusting her crotch, rubbing it along my hip. Another bridesmaid, a short, cute woman with long curly black hair wearing a black dress, thrust her ass right into my crotch and began to grind. At this point, I just stood there rolling my eyes. I knew they were just messing with me at this point, so I wasn’t upset.

“Come on! Lighten up!” The bride-to-be encouraged me.

I hate clubs.

“Hey! This is his bachelor party!” I shouted at her, pointing at Matt. The woman hesitated for a second, then turned and sensuously draped her arms and began to sensuously. Matt danced halfheartedly with her, putting a hand on her waist and trying to keep rhythm with her. I smiled and shook my head as I made my way out of the crowd of dancing combined wedding parties.

I’ll note, personally I feel that it’s to each his own how the feel about dancing with someone else when they’re married/in a relationship, or how they feel about their spouse/SO doing it. But for me, I’m just uncomfortable with it, and I would be even if Christina didn’t have the history she had with her ex.

I made my way over to the bar. I figured if I wasn’t going to dance, so I might as well have another drink. I walked up next to one of the other bridesmaids, another gorgeous woman with long, wavy blonde hair in a red and white striped dress. She smiled as I approached. I ordered a Manhattan and when the drink arrived, she said, “I got it,” and put down her credit card. She then turned and said, “Don’t worry, I’m not trying to hit on you too. But I figured if we weren’t going to dance we could have a drink together as fellow level headed, slightly-more-sober party goers.”

I laughed “I’ll drink to that.”

She smiled and clinked her cocktail with mine, “I’m Cara, the maid of honor,” she told me. I introduced myself as well. After we had a couple sips, Cara turned and said, “Hey, don’t take this the wrong way, but why didn’t you want to dance with Mindy? I mean, we’re all just messing around here right?”

I told her how Christina got cheated on in her first marriage, so I was extra careful not to mess around with other women even jokingly. Cara understood. She also told me that actually I probably made the right move, as it wouldn’t be out Mindy’s character to try and go too far with me.

**The Plan**

The next morning, I woke up with a slight headache, but not a full hangover. After some Ibuprofen and a few bottles of water, I was fine. Around 9am, I received a text message from Christina:

“Hey babe! Andrea is out of town until Monday and my mom has to work today so I’m boorrrred! Did you have fun last night?”

I cringed. Though I had done the right thing, I debated telling her. But then, I worried if word got around that she would get suspicious if she heard something wrong through the grapevine. So I wrote back: “It was okay. Had dinner at a good Mexican place, then Matt dragged us all to a club. Some drunk bride-to-be from a bachelorette party tried over and over to grind on me. I told her I was married though.” I then sent the message. I added in the next text, “Her MOH said it was a good thing I told her friend I wasn’t going to dance with her, because she apparently she cheats and might have tried to get me into bed, lol.”

I saw the dots as Tina began to write back and I tensed, hoping she wouldn’t get anxious about the situation. She is the kindest, most wonderful woman I know, but she responds with anger if she gets anxious. However, all she said was, “Lol, you gotta love drunk party sluts, huh? Was she hot at least? Be honest, lol.”

I responded, “To be honest, yeah. Her, the MOH, and all the bridesmaids were really good looking. Matt was giving me shit for not grinding on her. Said she was too hot for me to turn down. He said no one would tell you, so who cares, and that I would never live it down.”

Christina replied, “Did he do stuff with her????”

Now, I was at a crossroads. Matt probably expected that we had a rule that nobody would talk about the weekend after it was over, so I’d be considered a rat if anything got out. But on the other side, I had a wife who was extremely sensitive to this topic, understandably. I knew that if I came across as trying to lie or cover for Matt, I would lose Christina’s trust. So, I told her the truth: “He danced with her. Nothing too sexy, but I didn’t feel comfortable with doing it myself. She then started flirting with the best man before her MOH whisked her away.”

Christina replied: “Ehh, that’s not so bad. I’m glad you didn’t dance with her but as for Matt, boys will be boys. It’s his weekend I guess.” she then sent another text: “I really miss you today. It’s weird because it’s not like we’re never apart. But I wish I could see you. But I won’t be the old ball and chain. Have fun and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow!”

I smiled and texted back, “I miss you too, babe! Love you!” I really did miss her. The truth was, I was horny. I couldn’t wait to see her the next day.

I then went down to breakfast. Matt greeted me with a mocking smile. “Hey, the faithful husband emerges!” I smiled and rolled my eyes as I sat down at the table “Seriously dude, I can’t believe you walked away from that chick,” he added.

After we ate breakfast, Matt wouldn’t let the thing go, and he kept on insinuating that I was a ball-less: “You’re eating bacon, [grundlestench]? You’re wife isn’t forcing you to eat vegan or something?” “We’re going to the beach today, [grundlestench]. There might be chicks in bikinis there, so you’ll have to close your eyes.” “When the waitress comes back, [grundlestench], do you want me to order for you so you don’t have to talk to her and risk getting your wife pissed at you?” I mostly ignored the ball busting, but Matt was one of those guys who pushed jokes beyond funny to annoying. When he saw that I was getting a little annoyed, he shook his head again and said, “Really man. That chick was into you. You could have gotten a BJ at least last night.”

“Seriously, dude?” I gave him a “look.”

“Yeah man. Come on! What happens in AC, stays in AC! It’s not like any of us would tell if you hooked up with that chick!”

At that point, I started to worry about Matt. I could take a little sophomoric ball busting and some frat boy antics, but did he really expect me to cheat? Was that really his measure of a man?

When I got up to go to the bathroom, I got a text from Christina of something cute her parents’ dog was doing. I responded that it was cute, and then told her what Matt had said, because it was still bothering me. She texted and asked if she could call me, so I called her first.

“Seriously? You really wanna hang around a guy who thinks it’s okay to fuck chicks behind his wife’s back?” She asked, “Or rather, thinks you SHOULD be doing that?”

“I’d like to think he was just busting my balls. I mean, he’s a bit of a big kid and thinks he’s cooler than he is. But, I dunno. I mean, we make jokes about everything, but…I never took him for a cheater. If he is…”

“He’s going to put his wife through what I went through,” Christina replied flatly, before she quickly added, “Which, by the way, Hon, was the still the best thing to happen to me in the long run, but…”

“I know, it still sucks because he disrespected you,” I finished. She was often worried that if she ever expressed anger at her ex that I would take it to mean that she still loved or wanted him. I knew that wasn’t the case, but I needed to reassure her.

“Yeah.” There was a moment of silence. Then, “Hmmm…”

“What are you thinking?'”

“How about…we play a little game with Matt?”

“Okay, like what?”

“Oh, you’re going to like what I’m thinking….”

Once she told me her plan, I was smiling from ear to ear.

**The Beauty at the Bar**

The day continued normally. We had a pretty decent time. We went to the beach for a little bit, but the water was a little cold, so we just went in up to our knees. We walked in the boardwalk, smoked some of the cigars I brought along, ate the usually boardwalk junk food, and then headed into the casino when it looked like it might rain. A few of the guys gambled, and I played a couple rounds of blackjack before I decided I was just throwing money away. Then, we headed for dinner at a mid-end steakhouse.

The entire time, Matt would bring up the night before whenever he could. Anytime a good looking woman in a bathing suit walked by, he told me to shield my eyes. We talked about going to the shooting range the next weekend, and he commented that he didn’t think my wife would let me out of the house. He suggested that my wife could cuckold me and I’d just take it. I wasn’t insulted, but I was getting really annoyed. The joke was over, and even Alex, who sometimes does the same thing, was getting annoyed too.

My horny-ness was also getting worse. While I never had any true temptation to make a move on Mindy or Cara the night before, I’d be lying if it wasn’t arousing to have two beautiful women who showed interest in me last night, one of which I probably could have slept with if I had given in. I was going to have to take care of this.

As I finished up my steak, I glanced up at the bar and saw her. She was in her early 30s and had a sexy, athletic body with perfect curves and just enough thickness in all the right places. She had light brown/dirty blonde hair that she wore down slightly past her shoulders, gorgeous turquoise green eyes, and an absolutely beautiful face. She wore a tight blue club dress that was low cut and put her perfect C-cup boobs on display. My dick went from 10% chub to mast in just about three seconds.

“Dude!” Matt laughed/slurred as he slammed his beer down, “Don’t look at her! Your wife will chop your dick off!”

“Alright, dude,” I growled, “You’ve been riding my ass all day. You’re right, I need to grow set. What happens in AC stays in AC right?”


The woman at the bar suddenly looked over at me. We made eye contact and she smiled at me and looked away. I kept looking at her, admiring her body. She then looked back, a smile still on her face, her eyes looking more seductive and interested; the ever famous “fuck me eyes”.

“I’m gonna buy that chick a drink,” I said.

“[grundlestench], come on, man,” Phil grabbed my arm as I stood up, “you’re married.”

“Nah man!” I pushed his arm off me, “he called me out! I’m not ball-less! I’m gonna prove it!”

“Really man…” Phil protested.

“I’m just gonna buy her a drink,” I said as I stood up. I looked over at Matt. He smiled and held out his hand as if giving me permission: Go for it, stud!

I walked over to the woman, who had turned to me, a big smile on her face. I knew my dick was making a distinctive outline in my pants but I didn’t care if she saw it. I turned down two gorgeous women the night before, but tonight, I was getting laid for sure.

**When It’s Not Really Cheating**

“Perfect timing, babe,” I said with a smile as I walked up to Christina, “I liked the flirting, too!”

“You sure he doesn’t know who I am?” Christina asked.

“No, and Alex, Phil, and Max are playing along. They were getting a little tired of Matt busting my balls,” I looked up and down at my wife’s sexy dress, “When did you get this?”

“Today,” she batted her eyes at me and lightly rubbed her hand down my arm and placed it on my hand. That was a bad sign.

“How much did it cost?” I asked flatly.

“I uh…would prefer that you keep your hard on going. So we can talk about that later,” she said coyly.

Oh boy. Luckily we made decent money.

“Besides, I was going to wear it to Matt’s wedding next weekend anyway,” she justified.


“Look: All you need to know is this: I didn’t drive an hour and half through Jersey Shore traffic just to play a prank on your friend,” she glanced over at Matt. Everyone was twiddling their thumbs…even Matt. I was expecting him to be gesturing at me to “get some!” But his teasing, douche-y expression had changed to nervousness and regret. Even his groomsmen, who also didn’t know what was going on, were looking nervous as well.

“And I’m sure when that girl was trying to grind on you in the club, you must have gotten at least a *little* turned on by that. You can admit it. There’s nothing wrong with; it doesn’t mean you wanted to fuck her.”

I shrugged and nodded, “Well, it’s natural I guess.”

“Well, I woke up this morning horny as hell, and I’m sure you did too” she whispered to me, “It was frustrating not having you next to me because I was ready to fuck right then and there, as I’m sure you did too.” I nodded. “Now,” Christina continued, “I’ve had to wait all day and it’s gotten even worse,” she gave me a flirty smile again, “I already got a room, and you should know that I’m not wearing anything under this dress, and that’s a good thing, because I’m fucking dripping wet!”

I briefly flirted with the idea of just telling Matt that we were playing a joke on him. I wanted to get my wife up to her room and fuck her right NOW! Luckily, Christina must have read my mind.

“However, we’ve gotta see what this Matt guy is all about. So, let’s keep up this charade a *little* longer. Though not too long,” she winked, “He’s gotta think that I’m somewhat easy, right?”

I chuckled, “You slut.”

“Why thank you!” she replied.

Something was up tonight. Tina and I have a really good, active sex life; usually about three to five times a week, and she’s always passionate and hot in bed, even when it’s just vanilla sex. She’s done some REALLY hot stuff before (read some of my other stories) so this wasn’t unprecedented. But it had been awhile since we had done something like this. I didn’t think she’d drive all the way to Atlantic City, which she hates, just to have sex with me when I was coming back to Pennsylvania with her the next day. Not that I was complaining…

“So, you gonna buy me a drink or what?” she playfully demanded.

“Sure our bank account has money in it after you bought that dress?” I asked, mostly joking.

“Shut up. They have Jefferson’s bourbon. I’ll have a Manhattan.”

I ordered two Manhattans and shared a drink with my wife, though I was only half aware of what was going on because most of my blood was in my dick. At this point, Matt got up gingerly and walked over to me.

“Uh, hey, dude, after you’re done with that drink, we’re gonna head to a club,” he said.

“Okay, that’s fine. I’m gonna hang out here for a bit,” I said, glancing at Tina. She smiled.

“Umm,” Matt looked around and then gestured to me to step closer to him, which I did.

“Dude. I was just busting your balls. Sure, maybe you were a little uptight last night, but this chick is ready to jump you. I mean, she’s pouring it on *thick*. You don’t have to…you don’t have to prove anything else.”

“Come on, man! When am I gonna get a shot with a chick this hot?” I replied, hoping he took my grin for eagerness and not see that I was trying to hide our prank.

“I agree. She’s fucking one of the hottest chicks I’ve seen in a long time! Hotter than that Mindy chick you brushed off last night. I’d totally bang the shit out of this chick if I was single. But…”

“What’s going on?” Christina asked seductively, walking over to us.

“Uh, he’s married,” Matt said coldly.

Christina held up her left hand to show her wedding ring set, “So am I. My husband left for the weekend with friends and I needed some attention.” Matt missed the hint.

“[grundlestench]! What the hell man! Why are you doing this tonight? What happened last night?”

“I didn’t have a problem last night! I just didn’t know who I could trust. But now that I know nobody is gonna rat…look dude, don’t judge. Let me do my thing. Just keep it between us.”

Matt exhaled, defeated. “Alright dude. Well, we’re leaving in like five, ten minutes. I really think you should go with us.”

“I’ll think about it.” I handed Matt three $20 bills, which would cover my meal, drink, and appetizers. With that, he sat down.

******* **Not a One Night Stand** ********

“Well, that’s a good sign,” Christina said as she downed her drink, “You were worried he was a dirtbag. He’s just obnoxious it seems.”

“Yeah,” I said as I finished my drink as well, “But I still want to see this to the end. I need to teach him a lesson about busting my balls.”

“Um hmm,” she smiled as she wrapped her hand around my arm and pulled me in close, “Well, we’ve done the ball busting part of the night, how about we go upstairs and do some nut busting?” she whispered.

We both immediately burst out laughing at her corny line. This is why I love my wife; she’s as sexy as they come, but also fucking hilarious! She knew how stupid she sounded, and it was intentional to make me laugh. But it was also true.

“Let’s go,” I whispered back.

Quickly, Christina grabbed my hand and began dragging me out of the restaurant and towards the elevators. As soon as we got to the elevators and pushed the button, Christina threw her arms around my neck and pressed her lips to mine. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her in close as we made out passionately.

“I love you so much, babe,” I said as we broke the kiss when the elevator doors opened.

“I love you too,” she said as we stepped into the elevator. As soon as the door closed, she pulled me to her again and we resumed making out. My dick was straining against my zipper. This was amazing! I was with my wife, the woman I had had sex with hundreds of times, who scolded me about leaving my socks around the house, and who exasperated me by rejected all my restaurant choices, only to give me her choice “I dunno. Where do you want to go?” And yet, here we were: As excited as though we were having an actual one night stand! If I ever needed to know that I was married to the right woman, this was a good sign!

Christina grabbed my left hand and pulled it in between her legs, gasping as my fingers slipped easily into her panty-less, dripping wet pussy. I curled my fingers in and massaged her G-spot, causing her to gasp.

“I swear, you rub my clit and I’m going to cum before we get to our floor,” she gasped.

“Yeah? Is that a warning or a challenge?” as I pulled my fingers out and began vigorously rubbing her engorged mound as I bent down to kiss her neck, causing Christina to let out a shriek and a gasp of pleasure. She was so wet it was my like finger was gliding on ice.

“Oh my God I’m already almost there,” she said, nearly hyper ventilating, her eyes rolling back in her head, “Just catch me if I…”


“Fuck!” we both hissed as the elevator stopped two floor below ours. I pulled my hand out from between my wife’s legs. I kept my arm around her as I turned to face the door. It opened up and two attractive, heavily perfumed girls in their early 20s got on. I think I was happy for the perfume; it hid the smell of sex that was already emanating from Christina. She’s *never* smelly, but hormones are hormones, and anyone can tell when people are turning up the sexual heat. Not that there was any shame; we were a married couple enjoying each other. But still, we didn’t want to make anyone feel awkward. The next thirty seconds while we waited for the elevator to reach our floor were agonizing…

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/pg3sw5/hookup_in_atlantic_city_part_2_mf/)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/pg2up3/hookup_in_atlantic_city_how_my_wife_and_i_tested