Luna and Riley Ch. 12 – Riley’s Day [Futa] [Incest] [Sub/Dom] [Lesbian] [Fiction]

Disclaimer: This story is dramatically fictitious and possesses depictions of completely unrealistic and unattainable body standards. If that isn’t your forte then you may not find this story to your liking. If you decide to read the story regardless I thoroughly hope you enjoy it! Thanks!

Notice: You should read the earlier chapters, so that the story makes more sense. Your choice though, hope you enjoy it regardless.

The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this product are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidence.

*Written By: RebHillBabe*

**Chapter 12: Riley’s Day**

Luna awoke to a warm summer’s day, as the birds chirped happily outside. The rattle of the ceiling fan was just loud enough to be heard but not loud enough to be annoying. She sat up in her bed, causing it to creak below her as she stretched her arms up with a pleasant yawn. Looking down, she gently caressed the head of her sleeping sister.

Riley seemed so at peace, sleepily slurping away at Luna’s massive cock. The past few days of constant drinking seemed to be having larger effects on Riley than Luna was expecting. Namely, Riley seemed to have put on just a bit more weight, in all the right places mind you. Even while in her normal form she was looking more filled out than she usually did. Her thighs were no longer quite as emaciated, and her chest not quite as flat.

Still she was far from the voluptuous vixen she turned into while under the effect of Luna’s cum, but it was interesting to see nonetheless. Luna picked up Riley and placed her back onto the bed in the large divot her massive body had caused overnight. Even in her sleep, Riley was hesitant to release Luna’s cock, but after holding her nose shut for a few seconds, Riley was soon forced to open her mouth and take a few breaths.

As usual, precum poured out of Riley’s mouth as if her entire insides were filled to the brim with it, which considering how long she had been guzzling the unbelievable flow, it was hard to imagine she wasn’t. Luna brought her cock to her moth and began to suck down her own love juice. Today was the day the silicon apparatus was supposed to arrive, and Luna was more than ready for it.

Luna stood above Riley, watching her sleep peacefully as she drooled love juice. Riley had been such a good little girl these past few days and Luna suddenly found herself becoming overwhelmed with emotions. It was so nice being taken care of, and it barely even seemed like work to Riley as she happily served Luna, but still Luna was hit with the urge to repay Riley’s kindness. Today would be Riley’s day!

Luna scooped her up out of bed, trying her best not to wake her. Thankfully, Riley was sound asleep, having been sleeping like a rock these past few days. Unconsciously, as she was swaddled by Luna, Riley began searching and quickly found Luna’s nipple. Luna bit her lip, trying to hold back a giggle, as Riley’s small mouth tickled the sensitive skin of her nipple. Riley began to suck, perhaps due to muscle memory, as Luna carried her to the bathroom.

“There’s nothing in there baby…” Luna whispered sweetly to her little breast feeding sister.

Luna stepped into the hall and began making her way to the upstairs bathroom when she was hit with an idea. She wanted to use the large master bathtub to give Riley a magical bath, and started making her way slowly down the stairs. With both her and her sister completely nude, she rounded the hall slowly, peaking around each corner as she made her way to her parents bathroom. She was fairly confident her parents were at work, but the one time she wasn’t careful would be the one time they weren’t.

Thankfully the house was indeed empty, and she swiftly navigated her way to the big tub in the master bath. Once inside Luna reached down and placed Riley in the tub as gently as she could. Again, Riley refused to let up her oral grasp easily, and Luna winced slightly as she began to bite down on her nipple to keep from losing grip. Eventually through a bit of a force, Luna’s nipple was freed from Riley’s aggressive hold. As Luna stood from the tub she looked down and was amazed to see a small bead of milk on her puffy nipple.

Her brow furrowed in confusion as she watched her nipple ooze milk slowly, causing the bead to grow in size until it began to drip down the curve of her breast. Luna had sucked her nipples plenty of times before while she had masturbated, and never before had milk come out. She reached up and squeezed the soft supple flesh around the nipple and sure enough, tiny jets of milk sprayed from the tip in various directions. Luna was dumbfounded by her new ability, but quickly returned her focus to her sister.

She would have plenty of time to explore that some other time, and she grabbed a towel and wiped her boob dry so that it could be a surprise for Riley later. It was finally time to wake Riley, which Luna did with a few kisses and soft words.

“Rileeeeyyy,” Luna cooed softly between kisses, “Time to wake up sleepy head.”

Riley’s eyes slowly fluttered open and she looked around as she took in her unfamiliar surroundings. It didn’t take long for her to realize where she was and she rubbed her eyes as Luna patted her head and gave her a few more kisses.

“What’s going on?” Riley asked sleepily.

“Welllll,” Luna spoke lovingly, “You’ve just been such a good girl lately that I thought I would do something a little extra special for you today.”

“Aww thanks Luna,” Riley said as she stared lovingly into Luna’s eyes, “But being a good girl for you makes me happy. I feel like everyday’s special when I’m with you.”

Luna’s eyes watered a bit as she heard Riley’s genuine statement.

“I know, but I just really wanted to reward you today,” Luna admitted, “I think you’ve earned it.”

Riley didn’t respond, simply nodding excitedly, unsure of what her reward would entail.

“Soooo,” Luna started, “We’re gonna start with a nice, warm bath! How’s that sound?”

Riley squealed happily in approval as Luna reached over and turned the faucet. Water poured into the plugged tub, and slowly the temperature increased as they waited for it to fill. It had been a while since Luna had taken a bath, and she had forgotten how long it took to fill the tub. Not wanting to make Riley have to wait, Luna hung her dick over the edge of the tub and began to squeeze down her length, causing giant globs of precum to drop into the water.

The flow of her precum nearly matched that of the faucet, allowing the tub to fill much more quickly. The precum mixed into the turbulent water, creating a warm semi thick mixture that smelled and tasted quite good. Riley giggled as she watched Luna assist the faucet, slipping down further into the large tub so she could drink some of it stealthily.

“Ewww, don’t drink the bathwater,” Luna chuckled playfully, “Just drink it from me, here.”

With the tub nearly full, Luna stepped over to Riley and held her massive cock out to her. Without any hesitation, Riley returned to sucking down that delicious nectar.

“You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were addicted.” Luna joked.

“Nnn nnn,” Riley hummed in denial.

While it was mostly a joke, Luna was becoming a bit worried about her sister’s, seemingly endless, thirst for her precum. Still, even if she was becoming addicted, there wasn’t much harm in letting her drink it all the time, so she let it continue.

After the tub had finished filling, Luna tugged her cock away from her little sister, which plopped out of her mouth with a pop. Riley gave a playful pout, and Luna rolled her eyes and returned a smile. Before the cleaning would start, Luna wanted her to be as relaxed as possible. So as she soaked in the steamy water, Luna got behind her and began to slowly massage her shoulders and upper chest.

Riley sat back and simply enjoyed the feeling of Luna’s hands massaging her in the warm mixture of water and slime. Taking care of Luna’s every need these past few days had been rewarding on its own, and a part of her felt almost undeserving of this treatment. As if she was being rewarded for being rewarded. It felt odd to her, but it seemed Luna was enthusiastic about it, and she wasn’t about to refuse a day of caretaking!

Not to mention that Riley was not about to throw away her chances of being Luna’s wife anytime soon. The day was drawing ever nearer that Luna would have to decide to stay true to her word and impregnate Riley, and Riley had worked so hard the past few days to give her as few excuses as possible. So today she relaxed. She hummed softly as the warm fluids washed over her from the motion of Luna’s strong arms.

“How is it?” Luna asked.

“It’s very nice, thank you Luna.” Riley responded thoughtfully.

Luna smiled, happy that Riley was enjoying herself. It felt nice to give back in a way that wasn’t automatic for her. Riley obviously loved her precum, and sex, but those were both rewards for Luna as well. This was actual service, an actual thoughtful one sided reward. It felt both deserved for Riley, and also fulfilling for Luna, as she found herself enjoying it more than she would have expected. Perhaps this was how Riley felt these past few days.

After a good length massage to allow the steam and moisture to really soak into Riley’s skin, Luna grabbed a fresh bar of soap, and motioned for Riley to sit up. Riley listened and Luna got to work lathering her little sister all over. Riley giggled as the slippery hands of her sister explored and cleaned her body, especially under her arms and on her feet where she was most ticklish.

“Hold still!” Luna chuckled as she tried her best to wash between Riley’s little toes.

“I can’t!” Riley insisted, as she laughed and jerked from the unintentional tickling.

After a bit of a battle, Riley’s cute little feet were thoroughly cleaned and after draining the large tub of the soapy mixture, Riley was picked up by Luna and quickly rubbed dry in a large towel.

“Thanks Luna!” Riley exclaimed, figuring her special treatment was now over.

“You’re welcome Princess-” Luna said, catching herself just a bit too late.

“P-princess…?” Riley questioned.

“S-sorry,” Luna said, her face quickly flushing pink, “I-It just slipped out.”

“I kinda like it…” Riley admitted, reaching out to Luna’s arm tenderly.

“You do?” Luna asked skeptically.

“Yeah… It makes me feel… special.” Riley answered.

Luna was surprised but relieved. She liked the sound of it, and was glad Riley was okay with it. Riley was her little princess after all, so it just fit.

“So can this ‘princess’,” Riley started, “take care of you now?”

“What? No.” Luna responded bluntly, “It’s your day!”

With that Luna scooped Riley off her feet and carried her over her shoulder to the kitchen. Luna was exceptionally hungry, but she was determined to serve Riley before herself.

“I think it’s time for breakfast, what do you want?” Luna announced as she sat Riley down on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

“Can we make pancakes?” Riley asked hopefully.

“Of course, anything for you my ‘princess’.” Luna responded playfully. She still wasn’t quite used to using pet names, so at the moment it was more of a joke than a legitimate term of endearment.

The two quickly got to work grabbing lots of bowls and utensils, as well as all the ingredients necessary to create some stellar pancakes. The kitchen became a symphony of clanging metal pots and pans, shifting bags of flour, and beeping of the oven. The two placed everything where it was easily accessible and perused the internet for a good recipe. After finding one that looked good the two got to work.

What started off as a productive attempt to make some delicious pancakes, quickly devolved into a playfully mess of ingredients. It started when Riley gave Luna’s large, round ass a slap with a handful of flower. Flower exploded in all directions and a small handprint of dust was left on Luna’s supple rear. The two quickly erupted into laughter and thus began to simply prance around the kitchen with handfuls of flower trying to smack each other’s butts.

Luna’s big breasts and ass bounced as she hopped around the island playfully, trying to keep her butt from Riley’s small hands, all the while trying to get close enough to make an attack of her own. After an exhilarating fifteen minutes of chasing, smacking, and hysterical laughter, the two collapsed onto each other, exhausted and out of breath. Their naked bodies stuck to each other, both covered generously in a mixture of sweat and flower.

The kitchen was a mess. Flower had been strewn all about, coating the counters, the cabinets, and the floor. Neither Luna nor Riley cared, and they stared longingly into each other’s eyes as they panted in their embrace. Only moments later they found themselves amidst a loving make out session, with Riley on top hungrily biting and sucking at Luna’s lips as they kissed.

They didn’t need to say a word, they both knew what the other was thinking. Riley ceased her frantic kissing only to slide down Luna’s body and begin sucking the tip of her flower covered penis. Riley spat a bit as her mouth filled with the starchy dust, but it was soon cleared away by her saliva and Luna’s precum. Riley worked her expertly to completion, as Luna tried her best to cum as quickly as possible. They both knew this wasn’t the finale.

Luna pressed her hands into Riley’s hips as she felt her climax approach. Riley understood and latched her mouth onto the tip, eager for the cum to erupt and change her as quickly as possible so they could fuck. Sure enough, spurt after spurt of the thick slime shot into Riley’s throat and she was careful not to spill a single drop. After it was over, Riley returned to Luna’s face and began covering her face in loving kisses yet again.

“Easy girl.” Luna chuckled, “Let’s finish those pancakes before you change.”

“Okay!” Riley chirped happily, receiving a tender kiss from Luna before climbing off of her.

The two once again returned to their culinary task, and after about 20 minutes, they were both seated at the table enjoying plates of chocolate chip pancakes. Luna devoured hers quickly, now starving from all the activities that had taken place. Riley also seemed to eat faster and more frantically than usual, but it was probably just that she was also hungry from all the playing they had done.

A couple hours later, after they had cleaned up the massive mess they had made in the kitchen, Riley felt the familiar signs of change occurring in her body. Luna held her in her arms as they sat on Riley’s bed, running her hands through her hair as a way to calm her. Like usual it started off slowly but grew in intensity, however, this time Riley seemed less worried, or perhaps less bothered by the transformation.

She barely cried, and her expression never became the one of pain that it had been during previous transformations. Perhaps, she was simply becoming more used to the feeling but it was a welcome change regardless of what had caused it. Luna never liked seeing her in such pain, but it was a necessary part of their relationship if they wanted to have sex.

After a few minutes, the transformation was over, and Riley sat on Luna’s abs as she slurped down Luna’s precum to regain her strength and quench her thirst. Luna simply admired her beautiful form. She would never grow tired of transformed Riley, and secretly wished that one day it would just stay forever. The curve of her incredibly slim waist down into her gloriously wide hips was beautiful, and the bounce of her perfect breasts was breathtaking.

Even things as simple as the subtle curve of her lower back seemed somehow erotic, like she was designed for pleasure, and pleasure alone. It had been a few days since they had last had sex, mostly because Luna wanted to avoid any accidental impregnations, and both were more than ready to feel each other’s impressive sex. Riley’s slurping had gotten Luna hard and Riley stood after a bit of stroking.

Without turning around, Riley simply climbed atop the perfect cock, and sat down on it in reverse cowgirl. Luna gasped as she felt the incredible tightness of Riley’s pussy again. Every inch of her massive cock squeezed its way into her pleasurable body until Riley’s plump, little butt wiggled on Luna’s pelvis. Luna reached out and firmly grasped each of Riley’s large cheeks. The plump freshness of their flesh sunk deeply between Luna’s fingers, giving her a massive boost in arousal.

“Oh god, that feels so good, I had nearly forgotten.” Riley moaned as she bottomed out.

Luna’s cock stretched her pussy deeply inside her, and the intoxicating pressure on her cervix was back and driving her mad with lust.

“What do you want to do, this is for you!” Luna claimed, her hands still deeply grasped on Riley’s rear.

“I’m just gonna bounce!” Riley exclaimed, suddenly standing from her squatted position.

Riley proved to be unprepared for the task however, as the sudden feeling of Luna’s massive cock escaping her pussy left her legs weak. Her knees wobbled on the way up, nearly giving out a couple times from pleasure as she slithered off that gorgeous cock. Riley moaned out a deep and satisfied moan as she felt Luna’s cock head lock familiarly on the inside of her ultra tight entrance. Then in one swift motion her hips were back on Luna’s.

The room echoed with the slap of their skin and the schluck of Riley’s creamy hole. Riley’s legs shook as she climaxed from a single thrust. It was just too mighty of a cock for her to handle. She screamed out in ecstasy as her climax shuddered through her. Luna simply laid back, enjoying the orgasmic pulses of Riley’s pussy. Normally she would have just started fucking Riley herself, but this was for Riley and she hadn’t given any signal to do that…yet.

Riley’s body twitched as her legs bucked and jolted through her orgasm. Despite having experienced it a good number of times now, it seemed that every time she sat on Luna’s dick it was somehow better than she remembered. Eventually her first of many orgasms subsided, and she was back to bouncing on that magnificent cock.

Weakened from her first orgasm, Luna’s strong hands helped guide Riley’s shaky legs to a standing position on each thrust. Every time she flung down on that cock with massive strokes, she felt the outside world become less important. Luna and pleasure became all she cared about more and more with each impalement. Eventually Riley had no strength left to continue riding on her own, but she didn’t object to Luna continuing for her, so Luna simply carried on.

Luna was thankful for her natural strength, as lifting Riley up and down in massive movements on her cock was a breeze. With one hand on her left cheek, and the other around the back of her neck, Luna guided her mostly limp body, and Luna could feel as each consecutive orgasm became stronger, hotter, and wetter. It wasn’t long before Riley was squirting all over the bed and Luna’s legs, which Luna took as a sign to slow up.

Luna guided Riley down to laying on her chest, her cock still buried deep inside her pussy. Riley simply twitched and bucked as she always did after a thorough fucking. Luna humped in and out a few inches very slowly as she waited for Riley to calm, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to pull out without cumming. Soon enough, Riley was calm, but quickly returned to an orgasmic state as she was filled with a massive load of fresh cum.

Luna’s cock slipped out of Riley’s sloppy pussy after making its deposit and the two cuddled in the messy bed as they both cooled down.


The afternoon had arrived, and Luna and Riley had both gotten dressed and presentable for their parents. It was still quite a hassle having to “turn off” their relationship in front of their parents, but they made it work as well as they could. As far as either of them could tell, it wasn’t having a seriously negative impact on the quality of their love for each other, so it was more of a simple nuisance, than a serious problem.

Their parents on the other hand seemed to be in a different boat. Ever since claiming that their children had been having sex, their mother and father had seemed much more distant than they had in a long time. Just like any other relationship that lasts as long as theirs had, they had their rocky moments. And even when it wasn’t rocky, it just wasn’t particularly spectacular to begin with. But even still, lately it was clear that a chasm had grown between them.

It hurt both Luna and Riley to think that they ultimately were the fault for their parents’ disposition towards each other, but neither of them felt like it was worth sacrificing their own relationship and future over. They both also figured that it would blow over within the next few weeks likely and everything would return to normal. At least they hoped, but even if it didn’t that wouldn’t stop them from enjoying each other’s company for years to come.

Eleanor got home first as usual, and began working on dinner. Luna and Riley helped her prepare it, both as a symbol of respect and repentance for their misdeed, but also just to spend some quality time with their mother. They both hated seeing their mother so sad lately, and it seemed she was always in a better mood when their father wasn’t around. It was times like this that they could all forget that anything was wrong and just have some quality fun.

“What’s this?” Eleanor asked, sliding her finger across the kitchen counter and presenting it to her children.

It was just some flower from earlier, thankfully, that they had apparently missed when they were cleaning up.

“Luna and I made pancakes today!” Riley said happily, grabbing Luna’s hand and giving it a tender squeeze.

“Oh you did? That’s nice.” Eleanor said fondly, noticing the gesture between her children.

Ever since catching them in the act she had been a mess of confusion. She was simultaneously sure and unsure of whether or not what she had seen had actually happened. Her brain was constantly flipping between the sides, and she worried that she was over analyzing things as of late in an attempt to sus out a real answer. Still, it wasn’t exceptionally out of the ordinary for Riley to act affectionately towards Luna, and even if it was, she was only grabbing her hand.

“Yeah, I just thought Riley might like that.” Luna responded down to her mother.

Luna could see her mother eyeball Riley’s action, and worried that she might be catching on. Of course deep down she probably already knew the truth about the whole situation. Her two children were not only having sex, but were in a full on relationship, and were possibly planning on advancing it soon. She couldn’t make it seem like she was worried or caught, as that would be a giveaway, so she just squeezed Riley’s hand back in response and acted like it was nothing.

Eleanor considered saying something to her children as a way to steer the conversation in a direction that would get a confession from them. “You two seem to be getting along a lot more lately…” was what came to mind, but the nerves were too much for her. She couldn’t bare the embarrassment of speaking face to face with her children about them having an incestous relationship. Not to mention that she too had been enjoying their time away from her husband, and she didn’t want to ruin the moment.

The three continued to make dinner and chat about their day among other things. Though her childrens promiscuous activities nagged at the back of her mind, Eleanor did thoroughly enjoy spending time with her daughters. But, as with all good things, it came to an end once their father had arrived. Almost immediately as he entered the house, the laughter and fun that had once filled it, vanished.

He was blissfully unaware of his effect on his family, and simply greeted everyone as if he hadn’t just killed the mood. He went to the small office to drop off his things before heading to the bedroom to change. The three girls finished up dinner and worked getting the table set and food served. Eleanor, along with her husband to a lesser extent, had gotten used to Riley serving Luna over the past few days. It no longer seemed odd or unlike Riley, it was simply a part of their life.

However, Eleanor was a bit surprised when, tonight, the roles were reversed and Riley sat at the table as Luna hurried to serve her food. It was different, yet at the same time, it melted Eleanor’s heart to see her children being so kind to each other lately, even if it did have a sinister origin. Eleanor snickered a bit as Riley almost seemed upset, fidgeting in her seat as she was served.

There was a longing in Riley’s eyes. One of hunger, the hunger to serve, to have a purpose larger than one’s self. While she was grateful that Luna wanted to return the favors that she had done for her this week, she really missed having someone to be obedient to. She hoped that in the future, there would be less of these kinds of days. She knew Luna’s intentions were good, but it almost felt like she was being punished more than rewarded.

Luna placed the best cut of salmon on Riley’s plate, along with a generous helping of sides. She placed them before Riley before getting her a drink and finally serving herself. Eleanor simply waited, having grown accustomed to not ever getting much from the dinner as of late. But she always got enough to be satisfied so she didn’t mind, and she had to admit that it was amusing to see her husband pout about it silently.

Eventually their father joined them, and the four ate dinner mostly peacefully. As was becoming the new norm, there was an unspoken air of hostility between their parents, but it seemed that everyone was willing to put on a happy face and pretend that there wasn’t for at least an hour or two each dinner. After everyone had gotten their fill, Luna sent Riley up to her room, and helped Eleanor with the dishes, before heading up herself.

“Luna…” Riley said as Luna entered the room.

“Yes?” Luna answered a bit cautiously.

“I just wanted to say…” Riley started slowly and nervously, “That… While today was really thoughtful of you, I’d prefer if things stayed the way they were… for good.”

Luna was a bit shocked. After a whole day of fun and relaxation, she figured Riley would have wanted it to happen more often.

“I guess so,” Luna responded, “You didn’t enjoy today?”

“No! I did!!” Riley quickly assured, “It’s just that, I really… Missed having someone to serve…”

“Awwww” Luna said, snuggling up next to Riley on the bed.

Riley reciprocated the embrace and wiggled deeper into Luna’s comfy body.

“I guess that would be fine…” Luna tried to say as seriously as possible.

Obviously she had little objection to being served 24/7, but she didn’t want to sound too enthusiastic about it. Riley crawled up onto Luna’s lap and looked up to her with a happy smile, begging for a kiss. Luna bent down and softly kissed Riley on the lips as she cradled her face in her hands. The kiss was very soft and loving, much more tender than their kisses had been previously. It didn’t escalate in intensity like they usually did, but there was still an apparent hunger in both of their motions.

Rather than proceeding to ravage each other’s faces like there was no tomorrow, they simply continued to make out softly. There was a love present that hadn’t been before, and Luna wasn’t really sure what had changed, not that she was complaining. It was magical, and they both seemed to enjoy it immensely. Riley began to grind against Luna’s crotch, which was starting to hurt a bit as Luna gained some stiffness.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and both scurried out of each other’s embrace, wiping of their mouths and readjusting their clothes before calling to let the knocker in. It was their father, and he came in with a small package in hand.

“This was in the mailbox,” He said, “Did either of you order something?”

“Yeah I did,” Luna answered, hoping he hadn’t looked too closely at the label.

“Here you go,” He responded, handing the small package to Luna before leaving the room.

“Is that the thing?” Riley asked.

“Yeah it should be.” Luna replied, quickly opening the package.

Inside was a large silicone bulb with a rubbery sheath that secured it to the end of your penis. Thankfully it looked quite large, so it would likely fit. Hopefully it would work as intended, as Luna was ready to give Riley a break on the precum front.

“Try it on…” Riley said, hopeful it wouldn’t fit. She didn’t want to stop drinking Luna’s juice.

“I can try it on in the morning,” Luna said, tossing the package onto the bedside table, “Now where were we?”

Luna hoisted Riley back onto her lap, and the two quickly resumed their loving kiss.


1 comment

  1. Okay I seriously don’t know why reddit always messes up the formatting now. It never used to do that. To anyone reading on desktop I’m really sorry, I don’t know how to fix it. Please read it on mobile if it sounds interesting to you, rather than just writing it off due to the odd formatting. Thanks,



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