It cums at night [Gore, Comedy]

Jenny and I were on our way out. We were studying late for finals. We were discussing what we were going to do later tonight. As I pushed on the door, it would not budge, I realized it was locked. I tried harder but nothing changed. Suddenly the lights started to go out. My pos cellphone didn’t have coverage. This is when we heard a sound. OMG Becky, what was that? I don’t know Jenny God, get off my back.

It was past my time to take out my cloth tail balloon thing and I really needed to pull it out. I didn’t want to leak like a slug, leaving a trail behind. This is when we heard a voice, a low grunt. I could hear a deep inhale. A satisfied sigh. We saw a figure, a large shadow move towards us.

We ran for our life, didn’t stop for our books or nothing. We were running, I was in pretty good shape, had an ice figure. My thong was riding up my crack but it felt kinda good. Around a corner I tried to do some parkour and broke both of my legs. I was screaming in pain. Jenny stopped to try and help me but the grotesque man caught up to us. He inhaled deeply again said “looks like one of you didn’t wipe quite enough times, good…”. Jenny dipped out, that Bitch.

He got on top of me. He was heavy, I felt weak, I was losing blood from both of my knees. He took off his belt to make a tourniquets by putting both of my knee stumps together. After having ripped my shirt open and tracing the outlines of my breasts and very large half-dipped-in-chocolate-strawberry areolas, he rolled me over to get at my behind. Slowly he pulled down my pants. My Levis that I got on sale.

That’s when I saw it, his thing, his thick anteater. Good god it was thick, it looked like a small arm. I was like “damn that’s going in me?”. He pulled back the skin, good god there was so much cheese. I thought “I’m gonna have to loosen that up, have it break down inside me like a stroke victim”. The stench, oh my god, think Brie but worse. He started to part my labia as he was going in. Something in me changed, I felt like a small drowning deer in a pond. I had this urge to get away, but I was paralyzed. I could feel my hips separate as he entered, like the interlocking jaws of a snake. I wasn’t sure how deep he was going to go, was he going to bottom me out like an old piece of shit truck going down a country road with terrible springs? I was about to climax, when my girl Jenny came back, hit him in the head. He was out… we decided we wanted a souvenir so we cut off his thing, had it stuffed into a candle so we could light our scented candles during a nice relaxing night.

That was years ago, I am now investigating a crime with a stumpy man as the primary suspect.
