The Found Penis [FM, oral, petting, and honestly? Pretty weird]

“Excuse me, have you seen a penis around here today?”

I clutched my purse a little tighter. “This sounds like the set-up to something perverted. I have mace.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “I know it sounds terrible but it’s a hard question to euphemize. I’ve lost my penis and I can’t find it and I’ve already been slapped five times today. One girl tried to kick me in the balls, but luckily, they’re missing with it. I hope… Oh, shit, what if they’re separated?”

“How do you lose a penis?” I asked.

“I don’t know. It was there, and then I went to piss and it was gone. So I must have lost it somewhere around here.”

I studied his face a little more closely. He was actually quite handsome, now that I knew he wasn’t about to sexually harass me. “Aren’t you in my statistics class? Matthew, right?”

“Oh yeah… Stephanie? What are the odds of this happening, huh?” he asked with an empty chuckle. He sighed again. He did that a lot. Although I couldn’t blame him, considering his circumstances.

“Can you feel it? Maybe it’ll give you a clue?” I offered.

He closed his eyes and pressed his lips together. “Hmm…I can feel it, but I can’t really feel anything distinctive.” He opened his eyes. “Just feels normal.”

“If I find your penis, I’ll let you know,” I told him. “What does it look like?”

“It’ll be the one not connected to anyone, I assume. I doubt there’ll be others.”

“I would have assumed yours would be in your boxers, but it’s not. Maybe this is happening to men all over campus. What if I bring you the wrong one? I just think that maybe a picture would help so I know what to look for…”

“I’ll take that chance. If you find any penises, just bring it to class and I’ll tell you if it’s mine, okay?”

“Okay…” Matthew walked away, his eyes scanning the ground.

I walked back to my apartment, set my purse on my desk, and took out Matthew’s penis. I assumed it was his, anyways. I had found it in the grass next to the library. What a strange-looking thing it was, detached from its owner, like a worm that had discovered the bliss of double cheeseburgers and television. Fortunately for Matthew, its balls were still attached. I picked up his manhood and let it rest in my hands. It was warm to the touch, and soft. He had said he could still feel it. Could he feel this?

I thought for a moment. I got up and drew a nice, hot bath for us, stripped, and carried his penis into the bath with me. It deserved a little pampering after a rough day, and I had just found it on the ground. I placed it gently into the water, and it floated on the surface lazily. I washed myself up first before devoting my attention to it.

I rubbed some soap into my hands and began to caress his flaccid penis with tender strokes. It looked so vulnerable like this, almost innocent. After a few pets, it began to react. His head swelled up. His shaft expanded and grew unevenly like a balloon inflating, as first the upper half of his shaft hardened, and then the rest. Soon it was long and hard enough for me to wrap my hand around it and stroke it as I cradled his balls in my other hand. It was so easy to cause this to him, to make him hard from my touch.

I wondered what Matthew was feeling right now. Did this feel good? He must be wondering who was touching his most precious and intimate part right now. His cock practically shined now, rock hard and hot in my hand, and inviting in a way I had never considered a cock to be. Usually they were so demanding, attached to a man with a very definite goal in mind, only secondarily, if at all, concerned with my pleasure. But this little, well, not so little anymore, thing made no such demands of me. It just let me play with it, fondle it, savor the feeling of it in my hand.

I submerged it in the water for a few more cleansing pumps and pulled it out. It was nice and clean now, and all mine. I brought his handsome cock close to my face, his head big and red and swollen, his veins bulging. I could feel his heartbeat pulsating through his cock, although I wasn’t sure how. Something inside me told me to open my mouth, and I obeyed.

I enveloped his shaft with my lips. I bobbed my head up and down while I caressed his heavy balls with both hands. I was vaguely aware that this had to be the most bizarre first blowjob in the history of first blowjobs, but I didn’t let that bother me. I just wanted him inside me, I wanted as much of his shaft inside my mouth as I could manage, I wanted to feel his heartbeat inside me, I wanted him to feel the same ecstasy I was feeling right now. My hand slid between my thighs as I continued to suck and lick and lavish oral attention on Matthew’s cock, my finger caressing my clit and slick lips.

His cock stiffened in my mouth, a sudden extra firmness, before it pulsated strongly and I felt his hot cum spurt into the back of my throat. My own body quivered, my muscles shaking, and pleasure shot through my body as we climaxed together. I tightened my lips’ grip and greedily swallowed it down, swallowed every last drop that shot out of his orgasming manhood into me, until his cock quieted and lay dormant.

I took him out of my mouth. He was back to his small, innocent, harmless, old self again. I gave him another quick wash and wrapped him in a towel. When I went to bed that night, I cuddled his cock like I would a stuffed animal, holding him to my breasts.

When I awoke the next morning, he was large, thick, and hard against me. My cheeks smoldered. It looked like it was just aching for attention. I wrapped my hand around him and he reacted instantly, twitching in my grip, asking me for more, a playful puppy of a cock. I squirted some hand lotion into my palm and started to stroke him off, but it only took a handful of pumps before he twitched and squirmed and cum gushed out of him onto my sheets.

“Oh!” I gasped. “That was fast! What a naughty boy… You must not be getting enough attention at home. Well, I’ll be taking care of you from now on.” I picked him up and gave his tip a kiss.

Later that day, I sat next to Matthew in class. Inside my purse was his penis, wrapped inside soft, clean towels. I reached under my purse and started to pet him, and Matthew grunted next to me. “Oh hey, you again. Did you ever find your you-know-what?” I whispered.

He bit his lip and squirmed in my seat. My fingertips fondled his rapidly hardening shaft. “No, not yet.”

“Are you okay?” I asked. “You look like you’re in pain.”

“I’m okay. And um, it’s not pain. The opposite, if anything.” He leaned in closely to me. “Whoever has it keeps…using it.”

“Using it? How?”

“I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I woke up this morning and it felt like I was getting jerked off. And last night, um…”

“And last night?”

“I think I got a blowjob.”

I started to rub the underside of his shaft and up to his glans with my thumb. “Oh wow, did it feel good?”

His cheeks went from pink to scarlet. “Yeah. At least they’re treating it well. I still want it back, though.” A moan escaped his gritted teeth.

“I’m sure you’ll find it. Someday.” Matthew shuddered next to me and buried his face in his arms on the desk. In my hands, his cock squirmed and writhed as hot cum coated my fingers. I wiped my hand clean on the towel. “So, hey, do you want to get coffee after class with me?”



  1. Hahaha! This was funny and amazing! Well done! I kind of want a cute little penis puppy to cuddle now.

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