[F] I wore a pink latex form-fitting dress to work on casual Friday

I’ve been at my job about two years, about half of which was remote dude to Covid. We’re back in the office now (mostly) which has been the subject of some controversy (personally I feel people should be able to work from home if they choose, but that’s a post for a different sub). Anyway, to try to ease tensions and lift morale a bit management decided to institute a casual Friday, in which people can loosen up and wear their own style of clothes, etc. It’s a fairly formal workplace (ie, men wear ties) so this was a pretty significant change.

For background, I’ve got a figure best described as “buxom” (curvaceous but not rail-thin IG model skinny) and my casual dress leans towards body conscious and a bit campy—I like animal prints, loud colors, platform heels and the like. Much of it is definitely not office-appropriate, and even if they’d done a casual Friday pre-Covid I probably would’ve gone fairly conservative—maybe boots, a tight-but-longish skirt, printed blouse, some big earrings. But now, after a year of lockdown, I was feeling the proverbial “out of fucks to give” and I decided to go with my absolutely favorite Friday-night outfit—a cotton-candy pink, form-fitting latex dress. I’m going to ditch modesty here and say I look incredible in it. Technically it falls within the casual Friday code, but on my body it’s incredibly suggestive, hugging my tits, tummy, hips, thighs and ass. I’ve worn it clubbing and I’ve even worn it on dates (another story) but the idea of wearing it around the office was sending shivers of excitement down my spine.

So that Friday strolled into the office on a pair of black, strappy heels in my hot-pink body-sheath looking like I belonged in calendar on the wall of a motorcycle repair shop. Our front desk receptionist literally gasped and put her hand up to her mouth as I walked in, hiding her smile (she’s cool.) Throughout the day, I could feel my coworkers’ eyes either locked on my body or struggling *not* to wander downwards, and all the while I just smiled and acted like everything was perfectly normal. My boss (a good egg) struggled mightily with speaking coherent sentences to me. The IT guy (I had network problems) was polite and respectful but from his wide eyes I could tell he’d practically died and gone to heaven. It was cute. Word must’ve gotten around because by midday I had people (mostly men but also two women) from other departments stopping by to make small talk or ask “work-related” questions that were clearly a stretch. That afternoon when I went to the kitchen to get coffee half-a-dozen guys happened to suddenly have the same idea. Overall I felt like a huge distraction to the workplace environment and it was incredibly fun. And, of course, more than a bit of a turn-on.

And then finally, in an end-of-day-twist I couldn’t have planned if I tried, on my way out on the elevator ride downstairs who should get in but the company president himself. He’s an older man, but not unattractive. We’d never really spoken at length, and I wondered if he’d heard about me today already. I wondered even if he’d deliberately timed his departure to mine (probably not). We exchanged hellos as he got in, and after quickly taking me in with a poke-face he kept his eyes towards the floor. Feeling a bit mischievous, I complimented his own casual outfit (jeans, white button-up shirt, cowboy hat).

“That’s a nice look for you.”

He raised his eyes, and they creased at the corners as a faint smile crept over his mouth, as though we were sharing a little joke. Then, taking me up on my (heavily implied) invitation, he looked up and down my pink-clad body, studying it carefully from my neck down to my heels. Finally, he looked up again.

“Well, I would certainly say the same for you.”

We broke into laughter just as the door opened.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/peiwe2/f_i_wore_a_pink_latex_formfitting_dress_to_work


  1. A great story, and I’m glad it worked out for you! It could have gone south in a big way.

  2. wow that’s amazing! you look incredible in it, bet was very distracting in the office are you going to do it again or in some leggings?

  3. This is a suuuper hot story! Thank you for sharing. And it is good to hear that you did not get into trouble for it.

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