Broken Cage [M/F][Light FDom]

Alex found himself at the age of 28 and still being a virgin. There’s a lot of factor as to why, though, he was emotionally and verbally abused up until he moved out at 18 leading to him having trouble making friends that lead to him being socially awkward and that, in turn, lead to him barely talking to anyone and being classified as a loner all throughout high school and college.

He was a chubby kid growing up, for he was an emotional eater, but when he moved away and the berating ceased, he began taking better care of himself. He went to the gym and jogged in the morning, when he graduated college he began taking Kickboxing classes. Ten years later he has thick arms, chest and thighs, the coveted V shaped torso and washboard abs. But this didn’t help his self confidence as he’s far too shy to talk to most people. He feared being alone forever but the crushing self doubt and years of mental torture took a toll on him.

He works as an accountant. He owns his own house and car, and he doesn’t have any vices. He’s not dead, drug addicted or in jail which he thought is a win. He went to work, punched in the numbers in a spreadsheet, ate his lunch, punched more numbers in a spreadsheet and called it a day.

There is a particular girl that took an interest in him, however. Esmeralda sat on a desk a bit off to his left and a row behind. She would spend some time just eyeing him, studying him. He looked awkward as he sat on his office chair, his torso leaning down as he typed. Alex is a good looking man, 6 foot with his black hair swept back. He has a strong, square chin and a scar that goes from the corner of his lip to the edge of his chin. To be honest it made him look like a gangster, but somehow HR gave him a shot. To Esmeralda, he didn’t belong in here, he looked like he belonged as a lifeguard on the beach or a bouncer on a club. She bit her lip as she continued but finally looked away as Alex stood up and walked towards the water cooler.

There has been nights where she found herself fantasizing about Alex. How he would grab her hips with his thick hands, or how he would just carry her through the threshold. She needed to talk to him, she needed a reason.

She needed to make him hers.

One day, Alex did his usual routine. A fruit and vegetable smoothie sat on his table and he pressed the corresponding numbers to the spreadsheet. It’s a good job, 60k a year, and it gave him the lifestyle he has, boring as it may. Alex never minded the boring, he took comfort in it’s safety.

“Hey, how are you doing?” came a smoky voice, feminine from what he recognize, but he didn’t mind whoever it is. He kept his work and sipped on his smoothie.

“Hello, excuse me, I’m talking to you,” she said once more, clearly a little bit agitated.

Finally it clicked for him. He looked up and around him, seeing a girl standing right next to him. Confused, he pointed at himself and the girl nodded.

She’s beautiful. She has warm, dark brown eyes with well maintained eyebrows and long lashes. A slightly wide nose and full, red lips. She wore her brown hair in a ponytail, tied by a red cord. She has a few freckles running from one cheek, over her nose, and to the other cheek that Alex found cute. It gave her face character.

“Me?” he said meekly, though his voice is husky, and it filled Esmeralda with elation.

“Yes you, silly,” she replied as she playfully slapped him on his taut shoulder, “who else would I be talking to?”

Alex merely shrugged as he pointed to the guy next to him, Barry who was too busy eating a donut to care.

“Why would I be talking to him?” Esmeralda giggled, trying to not seem slightly… irritated. Irritated, but she’s somewhat arroused by him.

“For the same reason you’re talking to me I suppose,” Alex replied, though he surprised himself at how quickly he thought of it.

“Hmmm… anyway, I have a party coming up and you should come by! If you give me your number, I’ll text you the address,”

“A party?” Alex said, digesting the words. He’s never been invited before to a party, “should I bring something?”

“Oh just bring yourself,” she said half laughing, “it’s at 6 tonight.”

“That’s after work. Should I go after work?” Alex said more to himself than to her.

“If you want,” she answered with a shrug. Alex looked up to her with his amber eyes and nodded. “Great! I’ll see you then! Oh, let me have your cellphone and I’ll give you my number.”

Alex gingerly handed her his phone and she excitedly dialed her own number. A buzzing, grinding noise could be heard from behind him and she hung up. “Oh, that’s my seat over there. If you want to talk, just come over.”

Alex nodded, he didn’t really know what to do with that invitation. He doesn’t just ‘talk’ to people, people usually just tell him what to do and he nods.


Alex sat in his car, nervous. The dashboard reads 5:50 and there is no car in her driveway or the side street near her home. Was he early? Is he late? Is this a prank? Should he leave? Should he have brought something even though she said he didn’t have to? It’s too late for that!

Alex got out of his car as he parked a ways down the street. He didn’t want to inconvenience the other party goers by taking up a spot in her driveway. He waited a bit, looking down on his watch. “Too early,” he mumbled as his watch read 5:53.

The door swung open and he is greeted by Esmeralda in a beautiful white backless halter top that seems to accentuate her large breast and a pair of black leggings. She chose to conceal her freckles, and he was a little disappointed in that.

“A little eager aren’t we,” she joked but she found his face to be it’s usual stoic nature.

“I can come back if you want,” he replied seriously, which caused her to laugh uproariously.

She continued laughing as she bid him to come in. He found her home to be warm, inviting, and he saw that there is barely any food on the countertop of her kitchen. A few drinks but otherwise it doesn’t look like there’s a party to start.

“Oh the others will bring the food, don’t worry.”

He wasn’t worried about that, now he’s worried that he didn’t bring any food when he should have. “I can go to Walmart and grab something,” he offered, panic clearly taking ahold of him but he kept his face as calm as he could.

“Oh don’t worry about it Alex there will be food,” she reassured him. Alex stopped in his tracks and looked at her.

“You know my name,” he said. He remembered that in the 4 years he’s worked there he hadn’t introduced himself to anyone, only the guy who hired him and HR.

“Of course I know your name,” she retorted as she slapped his shoulder again.

“You have me at a disadvantage,” he said, his tone serious.

“What do you mean?” she replied, growing a little nervous.

“You know my name, but I don’t know yours,” he corrected and Esmeralda breathed in a little better.

“I’m Esmeralda, I introduced myself when I got hired but now I’m realizing you weren’t paying attention.”

Alex took the answer and shrugged. She’s right, he wasn’t paying attention to the social aspects of the office. He doesn’t pay attention to the gossips that travel all around him, and to the news and the going-on in people’s lives. He’s only been about keeping his nose out of people’s business.

Esmeralda lead him to the couch where he parked himself. He looked around and then found her sitting next to him.

“So, tell me about yourself,” she started as she tucked her legs in and leaned just a little closer, her brown eyes fixated on him.

Alex found himself in a position that he did not foresee himself being in. “Well, I’ve been working there for the past 4 years, I went to Duke where I received my degrees.”

Esmeralda stared at him as he talked, noting how the little scar he has is a story she would like to hear. But, she has an ulterior motive and that motive needs to be acted upon.

Suddenly, she straddles him. Shocked, Alex’s response is something that most abused children would do: he froze. He looked at her, his arms on his side and sat still.

“Hmmm, you look even more handsome up close,” she purred as she drew herself closer and then smelled at him. She took in his strong musk and gave an *Ahhhh* as she finished.

“Esmeralda, what about the people coming?” he reminded her, “I don’t think this is appropriate for a party,”

“Don’t worry about that,” she moaned into his ears, “we have a long time.”

“There is no party, is there?” Alex said with a gulp and Esmeralda only softly laughed.

“Now, be a good boy and shut up for a second.”

Esmeralda undid the straps behind her and took off her top, letting her large, ample breast free. “Take off your shirt,” she said and Alex’s hand worked to undo his buttons. Her elation grew as she laid eyes on his perfect chest and she rubbed herself on it and ran her hands on his abs. Alex gulped as he felt the sensation of her hard nipples running across his bare chest, and he fought hard to hold his erection back. He found her kissing his chest and she made her way up to his neck and cheeks. Finally, she kissed him on the lips, nibbling on his bottom lip.

“You taste good. You really did come here after work. You didn’t even shower.” she smiled as she leaned in and gave him another kiss. “You’re not a very good kisser, but we can work on that.”

“What do you mean?” Alex replied.

“Oh don’t lie to me. I can feel your cock straining against your pants. You’re enjoying this,” she laughed as she grinds against him, making him groan.

She hopped off of him and kneeled on his right side. “Your pants should have been on the floor by now, bad boy,” she said in a modulated manner. Alex did as he was instructed, letting his large cock fly free. Her eyes grew and she smiled as she draped herself over his pelvis and took his cock. “Such a good tool! Mama likes,” she cooed as she playfully slapped herself with his cock. “Be a good boy and don’t come, ok?”

She licked him from base to tip, savoring the strong odor. “Play with my tits, you are allowed to,” she instructed as she flashed her big doe eyes at him. Alex took his right hand and slipped it under, cupping her ample breast and he kneads it. She found his hands to be a little rough which added to the pleasure. He pinched her nipples and rolled it around between his fingers. His other hand rests atop her hip and she took it and put it where here pussy is. “Rub it,” she snapped at him as she went back to working on his dick. Alex rubbed her pussy, feeling it become warmer and warmer.

Finally she took him into her mouth and Alex’s head shot back as he felt her warmth envelop him. He began to moan as she tried to take him as far as she could. She retracted and slurped and sucked sloppily. “I can’t take it all the way, looks like 6 inches is my limit,” she laughed as her hand kept stroking him. She went back in and kept sucking, looking at him and caressing his bare chest.

She stood up and stood before him. She swung her wide hips left and right and gently ran her hand across her flat stomach. “Do you like what you see?” she playfully asked and Alex nodded in the affirmative, “good boy.” She hooked her waistband and gently peeled off her leggings, keeping her white thong behind and kicked her pants away. She crawled up to him and straddled him, pinching his cheeks together and staring in his eyes.

She took his dick and wrapped in on her thong, gyrating against it. The rim of his cockhead rubbed against her asshole and as her ass bounced they found themselves moaning just a bit too loud. “Don’t you dare cum Alex!” she said to him with a firm slap across his face.

He felt something snap, like a rusty chain breaking away from a cage. He grabbed her hip and lifted her slightly after releasing his cock from it’s entanglement. He slipped it in her waiting gate and brought her down. She screamed as he broke through her entrance and she looked at his face: The same stoic face, but she could feel that something changed. He slouched down from her couch, positioning himself lower, and he pumped upwards into her hungry, wet pussy faster and more intense. She kept moaning and screaming asking for him to slow down, which he ignored and she felt her mind swim in a sea of pleasure. her orgasms came in waves, as soon as one finished another would arrive. This threw her mind further and further into the storm as her eyes rolled back into her head.

“Oh god, oh god! Alex slo—slow down—uwaaa, shiit! Fuck!!”

He didn’t care. His mind is on a mission right now. What that mission is he doesn’t know yet, but he feels that he’ll have his answer soon. He leaned forward and took her up, carrying her with her leg hooked over his arm. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tried her best to hang on as he kept his thrusts in a concise speed.

He grunted and moaned as he hilted her and threw ropes of thick cum into her. He moaned with each thrust and she screamed in pleasure. “That’s right, claim this pussy,” she moaned into his ears, “claim what’s yours.” She felt him twitch inside of her as the flood of warm man-goo invaded her.

He wasn’t done. He was still hard inside her as he set her down and flipped her to her stomach. She arched her back and her ass rose up to meet him as he grabbed her hips and dug his sword deep into her again. She moaned and whimpered and she howled in pleasure as her mind-boat tried to stand against the storm. Alex concentrated on thrusting into her, grinding against her from time to time. He felt himself coming close, and he started to give a guttural grunt as he pushed himself deeper into her.

Her mast soon broke as he deposited another load within her, and she gasped and whimpered as more orgasms invaded her body. She shook and trembled and she shivered as she felt his rod leave her hallway slowly. Alex took her body, almost effortlessly, and he laid her back against his chest and spreads her leg over his. A tidal wave of white cream rolled out of her wet pussy and she dipped her finger in and tasted it. At first she thought he was going to penetrate her again, he was still rock hard as it twitched against her pussy wanting to knock on her door again, but he simply rubbed her clit and fondled her breast as he hid himself behind her.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he cried softly and she felt wetness roll down her back. She swiveled herself over and hugged him, shushing his cry.

“It’s ok, it’s fine Alex.”

But he just kept apologizing as he wrapped his thick arms around her. Esmeralda ran her hands over his hair, trying to soothe him as she began to sing a song her mother used to sing for her.


Alex typed just a little faster than he used to and management took note of that. His productivity has been increasing and while they tried to promote him he refused. He liked his current position. He also would have to move away and he didn’t want that.

“What did you bring for lunch?” Esmeralda chimed in as she rolled her chair over to his table.

“I just have a salad and some chicken breast,” came his reply. He employed a more cheerful tone in his tone now and he smiled a little bit more. Esmeralda took note of the changes and she likes to think that she had something to do with it.

“A salad and boring ass chicken breast!? Alright, we’re going out for lunch!” Esmeralda pouted at him, “We either go Taco Nopales or we go to Taco Salvador.”

“So either way, we’re having Tacos,” Alex said with a smile and Esmeralda punched him on his broad shoulders.

“I love tacos!”

“I know you do.”

Alex leaned into her and gave her a deep kiss, and Esmeralda cupped his face as she replied in kind. They separated and she rolled back onto her desk.


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