Erotic Fiction – Forced Feminization, Part 2 [M/F]

Below is Part 2 of an erotic (and fictional) story I am writing about a cuckold & forced feminzation fantasy. Part 1 can be found in my profile. Let me know if you’d like to read Part 3!


I waited with excitement on Mark and Sarah’s front porch. It was a pretty entranceway with ornate wood trim, and a large brass knocker in the middle of the door. To keep myself calm, I tried to focus on the dimly lit flowers to the right of the steps, instead of the tasks that awaited me inside the house. The flowers were well kept – a sign that Mark and Sarah looked after their property. I wondered if they would take care of me, their new pet, with the same care.

As instructed, I was not wearing any of my feminine clothing. Instead, I was wearing “masculine” jeans and a t-shirt, and carried my outfit for later that night in a gym bag that I held with my left hand. The bag also held the beautifully wrapped box that my playmates had instructed me not to open, as well as the handwritten note that came with it.

I had knocked about fifteen seconds ago, but at this point it felt like an eternity of waiting. A rush of panic started to come over me, and I wondered if I had made a mistake. Was I being stood up? What if they weren’t the same people that I had become comfortable with over the past several weeks? Is it possible that I had been FaceTiming frauds?

As these thoughts raced through my head, I began to question my decision to knock and decided to walk back to my car. I turned around to leave the porch, but before I took my first step, the door suddenly opened. It was then that I heard the three words that changed my life…

“Hey there sweetie…”

I turned back around slowly to see Sarah in the doorway wearing a tight black dress and holding a glass of red wine. She was even more beautiful than I envisioned – blonde hair, large chest, toned body, and a face that would make anyone smile.

“Yes Miss Sarah”, I responded, “I am. And I must say, you look absolutely gorgeous. Master Mark is very lucky to have you”.

“Aw thank you sweetie”, she responded, “We are lucky to have each other. And if things go well tonight, maybe we’ll have you too.”

My heart was beating out of my chest. If just conversing with Sarah face to face was enough to turn me on, God only knows what would happen once I got inside.

“Oh thank you Miss! I would love nothing more than to serve you both. May I come inside?”

“Not so fast”, she said, “There is something I need you to know first. Once you enter this home, you will no longer be the man you were raised to be. Instead, you will become Skylar – our personal sissy slut, submissive to us in every way, both sexual and otherwise. You will be responsible for satisfying our every need, from performing chores to physical pleasure, and everything in between. In exchange, we promise to support your feminization goals, honor your limits, and help you explore any fantasy that interests us both. Are you willing to begin this transformation?”

I paused for a second to think clearly about her offer, but shortly thereafter responded, “Yes Miss Sarah, I am ready”.

“Good”, she said with a smile. “Now hand me that bag and let me see what you brought for us tonight”.

I handed my gym bag to Sarah. She unzipped the top to reveal the pink mini dress I had bought earlier that day, my makeup bag, stockings, bra, panties, garter, a brunette wig, and the heels she had sent me as a gift. After she rummaged through these items a bit, she also found the small, gift wrapped box.

“Ah, good”, she said, “You didn’t forget my special box.”

“No Miss, I followed your instructions to the letter. May I come in now, it’s raining and cold.”

“Yes you may”, she responded with a grin, “But I will not have those masculine clothes in my home. Take them off and wash yourself while I finish my wine.”

I didn’t understand what she meant, and stood there puzzled for what felt like a minute before she took the time to clarify her words.

She said, “There will never be any trace of your masculinity in this house. Before I allow you to enter, you will strip naked, step off the porch, and clean yourself off in the rain. Your feminization journey cannot begin until you wash away your manhood.”

I stayed quiet for several seconds.

“Don’t make me tell you again sweetie, I don’t like repeating myself”.

I took a deep breath before saying, “Yes, Miss Sarah. I understand.”

I started with my shoes and socks, then proceeded to remove my pants, shirt, and underwear. Miss Sarah made me fold everything neatly and had me place everything in a pile on the porch (as they were not allowed inside).

While I stood there naked in front of her, she sipped on her wine and looked me up and down. I was fully exposed, physically and mentally, and she knew it.

“Turn around for me sweetie” she said as she sipped on her glass. “I want to take in every inch of you”.

I did as I was told. She was happy with my appearance. My girl-oriented diet and exercise plan gave me a feminine figure, and I was completely shaved. Then, with a simple gesture of her hand, she signaled for me to step out into the rain. Again, I did what I was told.

The rain came down hard, and was extremely cold on my skin. It felt like an erotic ice bath as I moved my hands over my body in Mark and Sarah’s front lawn. I could see Sarah smiling as she yelled out instructions…

“Bend over!” she yelled, “Dance for me! Make sure you clean all your holes!”

I don’t know how long I stayed in the rain, but it was long enough for my penis to shrivel up to a fraction of its normal size. When Sarah was satisfied with my cleanliness (and shrunken manhood), she invited me back to the porch and handed me a towel. I dried off in front of her while she finished her last sip of wine.

“Good”, she said. “But there is one more thing we must do before we can begin.”

“What is it, Miss Sarah?”, I asked with a confused look on my face.

“This”, she responded. Sarah held out the small gift wrapped box that was given to me earlier that day. “Open it for me, sweetie, I want to see the look on your face when you do.”

I opened the box slowly and deliberately, only to find a small pink, plastic chastity cage resting on a tiny white pillow. My heart leapt with excitement, while my stomach dropped simultaneously. I didn’t know whether to be happy or sad. Hopeful or helpless. All I knew was that my past life was over.

“This cage is a symbol of your dedication to us, and to your journey”, Sarah said with a cheeky grin. “From now on, you will be caged at all times unless I, or Master Mark, decide to release you. These are the terms of our agreement – do you understand?”

Again, I paused. But after several moments, I replied “Yes Miss Sarah, I do.”

With that, Sarah took the cage out of my hands and got on her knees before my naked body. She placed the cage on my shriveled penis and locked it with a tiny lock she had pulled from her pocket. As she did this, I could see the accompanying key on a necklace around her neck, resting in between her cleavage.

When was done, she stood up and walked inside the house. Once in the foyer, she turned around and said to me, “Are you coming Skylar?”

Without saying a word, I stepped into the home. I was naked, caged, and ready to begin my journey.


I’ll post Part 3 if requested! Honest feedback is appreciated.


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