Classic Pizza Dare (but maybe with Shawarma) [F]

I’ve been away for a while (needed to work and study to afford and not fail university) but I’ve got something naughty planned tonight! My friend has dared me to order food and answer the door in just a tee-shirt and panties. We’re even debating whether I should leave my purse on the ground behind me, so I have to bend over to get it.

I know it’s not the most creative thing ever – super classic porny – and definitely not as extreme as some of your posts, but I’m really excited (and nervous)! The plan is only to do it if it’s a guy who comes out of the car, and my friend and I are debating whether I should film it or not, but I’m not sure. If you guys have any suggestions on how to spice things up (without going crazy) let me know!

inb4 Naked/fuck him/blowjob, I’m definitely not at that level yet, maybe one day, but I’m keeping things a bit milder for now lol

Here’s a preview of what I’m gonna be wearing tonight, just short enough to show off but still what I could be casually wearing around the house lol.

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And mayyyybe I’ll make and post a video of it, depending if people actually care/it’s not too much effort to do without my face getting in it.



  1. You should post the video. I think you should also fold the shirt up a little bit so it’s not covering the panties. Put the purse on a couch or table so you need to lean over it to pick it up

  2. Tie the t shirt up under your boobs, the panties are pretty much the same as a bikini bottom so don’t stress too much, lol. The guy will get a nice surprise though, that’s for sure!

  3. I say maybe wear just bra and panties and have your friend thats there wear the same thing leave your purse in a different room so you have to walk away for a second make sure your friends visible and then come back to the door with his money

  4. Looks good for starters, nice butt 😋
    Maybe in the future, wear a top that emphasises cleavage and maybe put the money in there sticking out and play the ditzy girl “where did I put those dollars? Hmmm”

  5. Make a video and see if you can run it through snapchats cartoon filter — the one that makes you look like a character from Frozen.

    Do you insist on keeping the panties on? I suggest rolling a dice to decide that. Roll it right after you placed the order. And if you have to take them off, do it when the doorbell rings, leave them visibly on the floor.

    When the guy walks away, leave the door open and take the shirt off, count to five, then close the door. If he turns around, that’s a nice tip. If he doesn’t, he will never know what he missed.

  6. I most definitely think you should film it for his reaction. And I’am sure we’d love to see it! ❤️

  7. The one thing I’m curious about; this all seems to turn you on a bit, of course. So maybe tell what you do about that, when you think about the possibilities. THAT would be interesting!!

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