[m/f] Taking in the view from the parking garage. My 2nd story.

So, after my first story was well-received. I decided to write about another encounter. This is still with the same woman from the previous story, which I suggest you read. For the sake of the story we’ll call her L. L and I had been seeing each other for a while now. I was comfortable around her and loved the fact that I got to explore things I never did before. She was as sexually driven as I was. I’ll share some more of our encounters, but wanted to share this one in particular. Only because I visited this spot the other day and made me think back to that night. To brief you on us I’m a 34/m recently separated and re-entering the dating world. She's a latina with a curvy build. Amazing breasts and amazing hair. She'll read this story. So part of me is writing it for you all and the other part is me writing it for her. Just to see her reaction. She's thought about writing and submitting a story from her point of view. Perhaps you all could persuade her in the comments if you enjoy this. But, moving on.

We had met up in a historical downtown area for dinner. We knew the plan was going to be dinner and then back to my place. She arrived wearing a sun dress. It was late spring/summer. Now, I love skirts and dresses. You don’t even have to have the longest legs. It’s just the thought of what’s underneath and the ease of access that drives me wild. That and she did look quite cute in the dress. I first saw her and immediately thought to a recurring scenario that always plays in my head. The thought of just pulling her into me from behind. My hands running down her side below the skirt hem and then rubbing up on her legs, pulling the skirt up with me. I said to myself that at some point in the night I was going to accomplish this.

We chose a pub to grab some food and parked on the street next to a public garage. Dinner wasn’t anything out of the normal. We chatted, ate, drank wine, and the entire time I just wanted to rub her legs. Her look was simple. Just the skirt and some flats. She wasn’t dolled up, but again, skirts do it for me.

A few glasses of wine in and dinner consumed we decided to move on to the next phase of the night. We paid our bill and left walking down the street slowly and chatting. I’m not one to reach for hands or PDA, but I can sense that the constant bumping into each other meant. It was then I had an idea. Actually, I had the idea in my head when we arrived, but wasn’t sure if it would pan out. Looking up at the garage I said to follow me. We went into the parking garage and took the elevator up to the top level.

The top level was empty, but I took her to the wall and we admired the view. I remember holding her from behind, sniffing her hair and wondering how far I should go. She seemed to enjoy the attention and leaned back into me. Pretty sure I turned her around and kissed her gently. I told her she looked good in the dress. How it drove me crazy. How I wanted to do nothing more than to feel her from underneath the dress. She turned back around to look at the view and I got brave. I started kissing her shoulders from behind and then up to her neck pushing her long hair aside. I took my hands and put them on the side of her rib cages, my fingers long enough to brush the underside of her breasts. I kept kissing her neck on both sides and my hands started to wander from there. Just like in my head I proceeded downwards slowly to her hips. Once there I pulled her ass into my crotch. I half-joked that I wish I could take her right then and there. She smiled, commented how it would be hot. My hands continued down her hips, and just like how I envisioned, I reached her bare thighs. Once there I rubbed them upwards ensuring my hands were underneath her skirt. Now I was grabbing her hips with my bare hands on her bare skin underneath the skirt and could feel the lacy straps of her underwear. From here I took one hand out from underneath and moved it upwards cupping her tit. This drew out a long sigh from her mouth. After being with her for I learned she loves to have her tits played with.

With one hand on her chest and the other below her skirt I moved the lower hand towards the front of her stomach and went downward. I wanted to feel her warmth between her legs. My hands went downwards and cupped her pussy from outside of the fabric of her underwear. I stayed there for a bit, rubbing. My breathing getting heavier into her ear and the back of her neck. She then pulled away and proceeded to reach under her dress and pull her panties off and she gave them to me. Now I knew I had a bigger green light. I cupped her ass from behind. Raising her skirt and moving my hands all around her waist and hips. It was then she reached back behind her and her hand searched for my cock. She found it through the fabric and grabbed it, rubbing it. In my attempt to drive her crazy, she started doing the same to me. She asked me if I had a condom.

“um…. no,” I said.
“What?!?!” “Well, I didn’t actually expect to do this or plan public sex,” I replied. And I didn’t. It really wasn’t on my agenda. Just really a spur of the moment. Earlier when we first met she left a bunch of latex-free condoms at my place. She frantically searched her purse wondering if she had one. She was eager for it as much as I was. Something I’ve learned about myself is I love to tease to the point of begging. I enjoy that control of telling her, “not yet. I’m not done.” So, in my head I felt like I had broken that point.

“Ah ha!” She exclaimed. “I knew I had one.” And she handed it to me. Now that the moment was slightly broken I suggested we walk around some more. We were underneath a giant lamp. We walked across the empty parking level we were on into a more dark corner. I grabbed her and kissed her some more. Our tongues were intertwining. I was grabbing her breasts with both hands. Then they’d lower and reach underneath her skirt to grab her ass. The kissing was wilder, harder, more passionate now. I let my hand get in between her legs and my fingers in between her pussy lips. She was wet. I rubbed her for a bit and she broke off the kissing to enjoy. Her breathing heavier.

I don’t remember if she said “fuck me” or if I just turned her around and pushed her shoulders forward towards the wall so she was leaning over in front of me. I pulled the condom out of my pocket, unzipped my pants to take my hard dick out of their confines. She waited patiently bent over as I slipped on the condom. Once on I grabbed her hips and pulled her cheeks apart. She’s a little shorter than I am, so I had squat a little so my crotch was level with her. Once aligned I grabbed my dick and went forward. I could feel the warmth of her pussy on my tip. She was nice and wet and I eased in. The amazing thing about the first penetration is it always feels amazing like it’s the first time. To me, at least. I pushed inside of her as we both moaned in the sheer fact we finally got what we wanted. With my hands on her hips I started to thrust. Slowly at first and then picking up the pace. She started to moan. Not a pleasure moan, but a “fuck me” moan. I took my cue and grabbed her arms. I pulled them back which held her up and also gave me leverage to just fuck her from behind. After a bit I looked up and took in the view. I thought for a moment if anyone could see us. I didn’t give a shit. I looked back down at this amazing ass backing up on my dick and it felt amazing. I don’t remember if I grabbed her hair. I may have. I do remember she had bent all the way over. Giving me just complete control to grab her hips. I kept thrusting. Here I was fucking this woman on top of a public garage out in the open. I couldn’t take it any more and just kept looking at her beautiful frame. I lost it and came inside the condom. My thrusting slowed down. I tried not to grunt too loudly. I probably said “shit” or “fuck” as my way of saying “that was amazing.”

Once the waves had settled I pulled out and pulled the condom off, throwing it to the ground, marking the event for some random stranger to find on Monday morning’s commute. She came up and she was also winded. I kissed her some more. Exclaimed how awesome that was. We laughed. We assembled ourselves back together and I suggested we finish off our night back at my place where more sex was on the agenda. The night was already off to a good start.

A few months later, there were cameras installed on the top level.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/31a775/mf_taking_in_the_view_from_the_parking_garage_my


  1. Damn that was hot! And she definitely should write her side of the story, I would for sure be looking forward to it.

  2. Both stories are great. I would love to hear her side also. I absolutely love Latina women which makes the story even hotter for me. I look forward to hearing more.

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