[MF] I fucked my gf’s roommate who was also her ex-gf (Part #4)

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Christmas morning came and to our collective disappointment, Santa Claus never showed up. It was all good though, because we shared a sexual experience just a few hours before. Or mutual masturbation triangle was really fun. I woke up first and I was still so excited about what had just happened between us all. I got up and took a shower. In there I thought about how to tell Sam that Nabila and I had fucked a couple times already or if I even should. This situation was confusing and the guilt was weighing on me. The more I didn’t tell Sam, the more I felt like a dirtbag.

I dried off and stepped into the living room to find Sam leaning over Nabila, kissing her slow but intensely. My feelings of guilt disappeared in an instant and I was feeling lustful. I started feeling my cock get hard. Sam saw me and smiled warmly. I smiled back and told them good morning. Sam got up and kissed me then went straight to the bathroom and ran the shower. Nabila got up and kissed me as well and grabbed my half hard dick.

“Be ready for us when we get out.”

I listened to them moaning in the shower for a little while. It was so hot just hearing them enjoying each other. Is this was Bila heard from us all the time. The water turned off and the first to come out was Bila, wrapped in her frayed pink thick, puffy bathrobe. She found me sitting on the couch and came right to me.

She leaned into me and kissed me deeply. Her kisses worked their way down my neck and stomach and then my thighs. She kissed and licked my thighs. She kissed the tip of my dick and licked me. She focused on licking all over the head of my dick. She held my dick and watched me watch her tease me with her tongue. Her mouth open and ready to take me the whole time but she only used her tongue. She kissed it some more and spit on it then started stroking me. Often, handjobs can be kinda rough and feel clunky but she expertly handled my dick. All while continuing to lick and tease. Sam came over and stood over us both with her massive frame and watched. She watched like she was in charge of this situation and was making sure everything was going well. She squatted down and started rubbing Bila’s back and hair while she teased. Bila’s eyes never left mine. Sam slowly lowered Bila’s head onto my dick. Bila took more and more of dick until she practically fit it all in her mouth. Then she gagged and coughed. Sam released her head and then again she pushed her down. She did this a few more times until she controlled her head with a faster steadier pace. Sam then pulled Bila all the way out and she got on her knees and sucked me too. Sam was no longer in control of Bila and they both worked for ma chance at my cock in their mouths. When one was sucking the other was licking or groping and waiting impatiently for their turn to suck my dick. I was in rapture. They were so eager and it drove me insane. I said I was going to cum and they both enthusiastically opened their mouths for me. I stood up over them and began jacking off in their faces, not knowing where to point. I came on Sam then the next pumps went to Bila.

I got them both matching cumshots for Christmas as I covered both of their left eyes and lips. I told them to keep their eyes closed and I rubbed out as much as I could from their eyes with my hand. They were able to open both eyes so I did okay. Bila heartily took my dick into her mouth and sucked my extremely sensitive dick. Seeing me twitch and moan because it tickled so much amused her and she kept going but I couldn’t take it. I pulled out and then she kissed me with her cum covered lips. Sam joined and started licking cum off of Bila and off of me. I was never a huge fan of my own cum’s taste, but they loved it. We got up to go wash our faces properly and then I suggested we start opening gifts.

There weren’t a ton of gifts under the tree but we had a cute little pile. I’m a terrible gift giver, but I was excited for them both to open my gifts. I thought that this time I actually did good. Bila opened her gifts first. I got her a new robe black in and poofy slippers to match. Her next gift was a Mini Super Nintendo Entertainment System preloaded with a bunch of games like Super Mario Bros., Legend of Zelda, and Punch-Out. Sam and Bila talked to me about how when they lived together in Illinois, one of their roommates had all the retro game systems and they used to play all the time. She was so excited and ready to use it right then and there. Sam got her a new dress she was told wear out with us one of these days.

It was now Sam’s turn to open gifts. Sam opened the first box and saw two Mini SNESes (?). It was an SNES and a Super Famicon. This was just an SNES for Europe since she was going there soon. It had a different color scheme which was cooler too. Plus it had Fire Emblem. The US one has Earthbound which is I *had* to get her both. Her second gift was a few new sextoys. I got her a Magic Wand, a ridged dildo that wasn’t too big, a new glass dildo, a couple gags (a ball and a ring), and a few collars and leashes. Sam was elated. Sextoys were her favorite. I got her all the fun stuff she could use when she’s overseas. I did good getting gifts for once.

For my gifts I got a new Bob Kramer chef’s knife (money) and a stack of t-shirts. I talk about Bila wearing the same outfit all the time, but I’m literally the same way. I wear gigantic black or white shirts that are at least two or three sizes too big. I have 4 pairs of the same tight black jeans. Two pairs of looser fitting jeans. My shoes are generally boots. My jackets are the only things with variation. I was ecstatic with my gifts.

The girls were happy and so was I. I made us breakfast with my new knife and we all sat and talked. We discussed the new dynamic in the house and how things would play out moving forward. Basically it was free reign to do whatever we wanted but we had still respect each other’s space. The biggest thing was to communicate our feelings. Jealousy was a big topic of discussion as Bila admitted that she can be a very jealous partner. Sam talked about often feeling insecure. Sam said she knew herself and she’d feel uncomfortable seeing me seemingly enjoying myself more with Bila so we were asked to fuck either in the room, when home alone, or all together. She said it made her feel weird seeing me getting a blowjob from Bila. Sam figured in time it would be more normal for her, but for now she wanted to ease into things since we kinda just dove into the deep end. She didn’t mind us kissing and flirting and cuddling though. It felt good hearing exactly how she felt and knowing how to navigate because the last thing I wanted out of this situation was anyone being hurt. We all said we’d tell each other anytime we were made to feel left out or as if someone was getting more attention. Sam wanted to keep our arrangement as it stood but wanted to add Bila to it. Bila agreed that she was fine with us being “open” even though we all knew we wouldn’t be seeing anyone aside from each other. Sam liked it because in her logic, she would be slightly less hurt when it came time to leave, which I understood and respected.

Sam, still oblivious to the fact that Bila and I had been sleeping together, thought it was amazing that we all were so open with each other. I couldn’t continue holding in the truth and so I told her about Bila and I. Bila’s face was frozen in shock. No one knew quite how Sam would react, but it was a totally Sam way of hearing that she had been “cheated” on.

“Damn, so you beat me to the party by a few days? That’s totally fine and you guys have nothing to feel guilty about. We’re all doing it now.”

I was so relieved. She was glad we told her. She would’ve liked if we told her what happened when it happened, but she was relieved it wasn’t something we’ve been hiding for very long. We had our ground rules set up and we were ready to love all on each other.

Before could do our group love thing, we had people to visit because Christmas and family and all that. Sam had their family to see and her mom hated me. When we first hooked up, her mom came over. I just continued lying in the room naked as if I wasn’t there, and it was hot as hell so I didn’t close the door. Her mom came all the way to the back of the house to use the shittier bathroom next to the bedroom instead of the one all the way next to the living room. She found me lying down in her daughter’s bed, dick out and surrounded by sex toys and shit. It was safe to say I was not invited to Christmas. I let her take my car to see her mom. She just had to be back in time for me to get to my dad’s for dinner.

I helped Sam pick out an outfit and talked with her while she did her makeup. Bila was in the other room play F-Zero and by the sounds of her shouting at the TV, she was having a hard time. We joked around a bunch, but then I asked Sam if she was really okay with the new dynamic we three would now have in the tiny house. She admitted that she was excited and wary. She wanted us both, and she wanted me to have whoever I wanted, but she also knew herself and Bila very well. She was worried about potential clashes and how bad they’d been in the past. I reassured her that if anything happened I was only a phone call away or that I’d more than likely be with them here at the house. This left her feeling even more sure of our decision to open our relationship to Bila. Soon after, she was all dolled up and ready to go. Bila and I both got pecks (so as not to mess up Sam’s makeup) and she was out of the house. Less than a minute later I got a text saying to test out the new sex toys. I told her she had to try them first, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer.

I played the game with Nabila for a bit then she gave up. We talked about our new arrangement and she was basically like me; going with the flow. No expectations from anyone. Just trying to make my partners happy. Sam was our concern and we wanted to do anything to make her more comfortable. We plotted ways to do it and concluded that we just need to be good to her and take our time and respect the boundaries that were established. It was a good talk and the start of a relationship that could be complicated, but healthy.

Bila and I kissed and cuddled for a while and then I got a text from Sam telling me she made it and she hopes we use her toys. I told Bila, and without a second thought she grabbed her new toys and said let’s get to work.

Bila was always ready to fuck. I thought Sam was insatiable, but Bila has never been even slightly reserved once we started having sex. She wanted to use Sam’s room to fuck so we made our way in there. Bila’s room was more or less a closet. It was enough room for a twin sized bed and a walkway out of the room. Bila gave up the bedroom to Sam because she would be here for only a few months plus Sam worked a lot. Bila did not.

She wasted no time. Bila was naked before I knew it and was on her back with her legs spread and the vibrator on her pussy. With a click, the wand was on and she was surprised by how strong the vibrations were. I watched her enjoy herself and learn just how to perfect the pleasure of the intense wand. She was moaning slightly louder than usual but still quiet. I loved her quiet moans. I laid down next to her and kissed her deeply and explored her body with my hands. I sucked her gorgeous dark nipples and she writhed uncontrollably on the bed. I got off the bed and stood at the edge and I grabbed legs to pulled her over to me. She yelped in surprise at how aggressive I was and she smiled knowing she was about to get it. I rubbed my dick up and down her pussy while she continued to vibrate her clit. As I teased her, she was obviously ready to explode. I slowly slid my dick in and then she instantly started cumming. I was surprised by her instant reaction. And she was too. She started to lift the wand off of her pussy and I put it back onto her clit and started fucking her. She was losing it. I had never seen her react like this. She was squirming and pushing me away and coming back to me. She couldn’t speak. Only loud moans came out. I asked if she was okay and she nodded but no words came out. I kept fucking her harder and harder and she got louder and louder. The first words I heard from her was that she was cumming again. It was only a couple of minutes, but so was I. It was short and fast fucking, but extremely intense. Her orgasms were unlike any I had seen from her.

We were blown away by how effective that wand was. We took time to lie down and collect ourselves and then after a while we were back at it. We fucked two more times and also tested out the dildos. I was exhausted and my dick was plenty sore. I was amazed at how much I was fucked Bila. Time flew when we were having fun and I saw it was nearly time for me to leave. I checked my phone and saw Sam was saying she was heading home. I quickly showered and dressed and by the time I was done, Sam was 5 or so minutes away. I used that time to eat out Bila while she vibed her clit. Sam came home right after she came. I got up and gave Sam a kiss and she touched my wet beard with a smile and the told Bila to stay right where she was on the bed. She handed me the keys and I was out of the door. I’m certain that Sam went in there and dominated Bila. I wish I could’ve watched.

I got back to a dark and quiet home. I checked Sam’s room and found the two gorgeous ladies cuddling in the bed under a ton of blankets. I made my way to Bila’s room and took her bed for the night and slept like a baby.

The next one will most likely be the end of this tale. Idk if this one was as fun as some of the others but I hope you guys like this part too. It was mostly explanation of our dynamic so that the final part could be more well understood. Last part is really fun and might be really long. We’ll see what spills out. Parts 1-4 were all in the span of 25 days which is pretty insane how things moved. The last part will be two months compressed into a single post. I’m excited to get to the end and I hope you enjoyed my story of a strange happening at a strange point in my life. Thank you everyone.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/pcjp3f/mf_i_fucked_my_gfs_roommate_who_was_also_her_exgf


  1. Very nice dude, love your way of story telling. Dont be afraid to have the posts long we love it.

  2. Great writing. I found myself in a somewhat similar situation once but much bumpier. I’m sure you have your reasons, but why compress everything in pt 5?

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