Step Sister Corruption Part 157 – Day 90 Kel Shows Off Her New Car (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


Summer came out to check on us after we texted her from the car so she could see the new car. We should have exited and convinced Summer to come out but we kind of used them to soak up Kel’s fluids.

While we waited Kel tapped on the screen and begun laying down the seats in the back so I could check out the TV in the roof.

Summer walked out just as the seat laid down and I climbed in the back to lay down. She got in and the two instantly started conversing over Kel’s new ride.

Summer, “I’m surprised you didn’t get the Nikola or even the Edison.”

I nearly wanted to smack the shit out of myself when I heard the name’s as they were the name’s I couldn’t think of.

The Nikola was *THE* big electric car manufacturer that broke out so many years ago closely followed by the Edison who was an equal competitor of the Nikola. Granted Nikola came out first and dominated the electric car field first until four years later when Edison came out and equally dominated the electric car field producing a more feasible inexpensive electric car compared to Nikola’s high priced electric cars.

Kel smiled, “Yeah they looked cool and had a lot going for them but they didn’t compare to this.”

Summer looked back to see me laying down in the buff just as the TV turned on in the roof.

Even she was shocked as much as I was as the fucking TV looked like it was a projection instead of being an actual TV. And how in the hell did they make it look so crystal clear?

Summer, “OK *that’s* cool.”

I nodded my agreement as I looked to find exactly where the projection lenses were and quickly found them in the fucking door.

How in the fuck?

Last time I looked projection TVs, the really expensive one at least, were the size of….I was going to say the size of *my* fist but I remembered exactly how large my hand was due to my height so I guess it was more accurate to say the size of a normal person’s fist.

But in the door?

That’s small. I didn’t know they had gotten *that* small.

Probably why the car was so outrageously pricy.

I still couldn’t get over the car’s high price but the more Kel keeps pointing out all the *perks* of the car the more the price makes sense.

Still not going to go out and drop $200k on a fucking car when I can do something more lasting like…maybe buy a house….or you know maybe invest my money.

Granted I wasn’t making as much money as the girl’s…well Kel at the least between her eggs and her flaunting her body on the Internet.

I wondered if there was *sugar momma* out there willing to give me as much if not more as compared to the desperate men out there willing to drop ‘x’ amount of money to either see Kel’s naked form or spending more money to *tease* Kel in the form of *donations*.

Was there desperate girl’s out there with money? Willing to donate money to me on the promise they could see and not touch?

I’m pretty sure there was a service that did that but the only thing that came to mind was being a male dancer and last time I checked I had two left feet and couldn’t jiggle my ass if my life depended on it.

But was there an online version that did the same for males like there was for females?

There had to be.

Just another thing I needed to check into. Might need to add it to my portfolio beyond what I was already doing to make money. That’s not including all the things Jason was doing to grow my portfolio behind my back that he said he was doing when I first took over the channel that was now mine.

Maybe taking up Dr Braxter’s offer of being a…..what was the term she used……oh yeah a male bull.

I immediately shook the thought away. As much as the girl’s were willing to share me with the current girl’s **they** have already approved of having my dick grace their willing pussies.

I highly doubt they will agree to me being a psuedo daddy to possibly a plethora of female’s as my dick and or, apparently, very fertile sperm impregnate them no matter how much money Muschi would be willing to pay me.

Besides I really don’t want to do that as I could barely handle my two girl’s let alone handle the extras in our *circle of fun* and we still hadn’t added Sabrina.

Unless…..Muschi were to pay me a ridiculous amount of money to be their male bull then maybe just maybe I would consider it. But that means ***I*** would have to convince both Summer **AND** Kel how this would be a good idea.

Yeah right!!!

I would have an easier time fighting off a polar bear with fat T-bone steaks draped around my waist with wooden spoons as my weapons than convincing either of those girl’s to *let* me be a male bull to knock up every girl that Muschi throws at me.

Summer and Kel continued their conversation of Kel’s new ride as I caught the tail end of whatever they were talking about now.

Summer, “At least now we don’t have to worry about someone dropping us off for the *experiment* and finding someone to take us home as I’m sure each of us will be exhausted when Dr Braxter finally releases us.”

Kel smiled, “That was my thinking when I got this.”

Summer spoke, “Still the price is hard to get around.”

Kel sighed, “Jesus you sound like Gabe. It’ll be fine. Besides I already made a good enough down payment and I don’t have to make another payment until after the Christmas break. Plenty of time to save up for the payments.”

Summer sighed, “You’re right I’m sorry.”

I looked at Kel, “Are you sure you’ve covered everything in this?”

Kel turned her head to look at me, “What do you mean?”

I looked at her, “Well like myself do you remember how long it took me to figure out how to remote start my car with my key fob?”

Kel looked at me as she was obviously trying to remember this event I was bringing up.

My parents had just gotten me my car that I have now. They had me download an app to lock and unlock my car remotely along with remote starting it. But the dealership also told us that I could remote start my car with my car fob which took me a week to figure out.

The reason I was bringing this up was because like me Kel was probably showing us all the features the car has as they showed it to her. What hadn’t they shown her that the car could do that *we* didn’t know about.

Finally Kel looked at me and shook her head obviously oblivious as to what I was getting at. I spoke, “Do you know everything this car can do?”

Kel thought about it before she shook her head.

I smiled, “Maybe that console there has features you can look into so we can familiarize ourselves with everything it can do. If not we can research it.”

Both Kel and Summer looked at me confused but Summer spoke, “Why?”

I sighed and said, “Just look.”

So I laid there as *we* tapped around on Kel’s new car’s display trying to find all of the *features*.

We were laying around so long that Summer’s break was over and had to get back to work but she was nice enough to have a co-worker run out some of Pink’s luxurious towels. Say what you will about your typical major chain gyms and their over starched card board sand paper towels but Pink had some nice fluffy feather down level of towels.

Good to know that we now have towels to go round two and I won’t have to worry about anything say like maybe electrocution when Kel’s special ability drenches the car… again.

I wonder if we can scotch guard the car’s interior and still keep the same comfort?

Maybe plastic wrap?


Just once I want a company to create something to protect something against *fluids* and not ruin it. Or in this case ruin the comfiness of the seats.

Or I don’t know maybe make reliable truly water, or in this case sexual fluids, **resistant**.

Yes I know they make electronics water resistant or water proof. But how much do you actually trust it?

Yeah I thought so too.

Kel continued tapping around on the screen at my direction as we checked out all the features.

We were able to lay down the front seats so it was one big flat surface.

We changed the movie account from Kel’s measly video library to her dad’s massive online video library that he had kept alive since his father passed away which had nearly 3,000 movies and hundreds of television shows and had added onto since as we started downloading movies that Kel or I wouldn’t mind watching.

After some playing around we finally found what I had a hunch about.

The option that I had a hunch about was called ‘Sleep Mode’.

In *sleep mode* the car would allow the occupants to lay down all the seats like we have now. Then we could input a destination and while *sleeping*, I mean *fucking*, the car would take us to the destination while we were *sleeping*.

I imagine if the trip was too long then the car would only go far enough until it needed to be charged and would wake up the occupant, aka Kel, so she could hook up the car so it could charge before it continued onto it’s programmed destination….or you know go to the next charging location on the route.

I only had this hunch as what was the point of an autonomous car of it didn’t allow the owner to sleep while it still drove to wherever the owner needed to go.

I’m sure the people at Faraday didn’t want people to know about this feature as they wanted the owner’s to remain in the drivers seat in case something happened and needed the owner to actually drive. But they obviously had enough confidence in their programming to where they kept the feature in it’s cars but probably made sure to keep it hidden.

We quickly used the car’s texting app to text Summer to inform her of our findings.

*Car: we found what we were looking for*

We waited a few moments until Summer replied.

*Summer: ummmm…ok. Who is this?*

I sighed. Of course she wouldn’t know who the text was from.

*Car: it’s Kel and me. We’re texting from Kel’s car*

*Summer: oh ok. What did you find?*

*Car: the cars autopilot mode when sleeping*

*Summer: oookkkk…….*

I texted what we found in a broad brush stroke.

*Summer: oh. That could come in handy.*

*Car: yeah we’re gonna test it out. Have the car take us over to a couple of locations then come back*

*Summer: and I imagine you two will be fucking the entire time. Right?*

I smiled.

*Car: you know us so well*

*Summer: any way you two can wait until I get off for this test?*

I sighed but both Kel and I smiled at one another.

*Car: sure*

*Summer: and no more fucking until then*

I frowned and Kel frowned even more.

*Car: I guess. We’ll be watching a movie then*

*Summer: great see you then*

I looked at Kel, “What movie shall we watch first?*

