Today at Starbucks

I was at a Starbucks near my office taking an early lunch and was sitting on the couch with my laptop and my Frap on my lap and I looked up and saw a young men at a table across from me. I’m wearing a cute summer dress, white, thin material, short mid thigh length and a tight upper bust area that accentuated my breasts. He was trying to be inconspicuous but I could track his eyes as they tried to catch a glimpse of some sort of wardrobe malfunction or maybe my naivety would cause me to give him a bit of a show.

Well… I succumb to the pressure. I leaned back in the seat, scooched forward and naturally my skirt kind of hiked up. I could see the boy’s excitement and I had his full attention. His eyes tried to focus on his own laptop but as I lifted my feet onto the coffee table in front of me my knees bent and I knew his attention was on the the view.

As I pretended to follow up on emails, I could feel myself flush with excitement as I very slowly and deliberately began to spread my legs. Within 5 minutes my legs were quite far apart giving him the perfect view of my white thong panties. I pulled my stir stick from my drink and softly teased my lips, I flicking the cream on the tip with my tongue slowly licking it off the stir stick. I looked back up at him and our eyes locked…. I felt an electricity flow through me and I smiled at him and wrapped my lips around the tip of the stick and sucked the rest of the whipped cream from it.

He wiggled in his seat and I could see how uncomfortable he was… that’s when I noticed him trying to adjust himself.

I set my laptop aside next to me and leaned over on one hip and looked back over my shoulder at him as he stared at my now visible ass. His eyes again met mine and I could feel myself get hot and wet as I slowly rolled my hips squeezing my legs together. I’m not sure who was enjoying this more… then out of the corner of my eye I saw someone approach the back room and I kind of righted myself and sat up giggling.

I stood up and went to the restroom pausing next to the young man as I passed by, I leaned over near his ear and kind of whispered, excuse me, would you mind keeping an eye on my stuff. Sure he said and turned to watch me walk away.

I went to the rest room not to use the facilities, but to take this tease to the next level. I took off my panties and stuffed them in my purse and returned to the couch where to my surprise the room was now filling with people. But I stayed the course…. as I walked passed the young man, I leaned over again near his ear and rested my hand on his arm and whispered… thank you. As I walked away I gave his arm a deliberate sensual squeeze and looked back at him watching me. I sat down again facing him and took my laptop onto my lap and as I typed, I looked up again, and again our eyes met. As our eyes locked I bit my lip and slowly began opening my legs to give him the view he wanted… he broke our stare and as he realized what I was doing he realized what I had done… his mouth opened and his eyes darted back to mine. I slid my hand below my laptop and slowly and secretly began caressing the inside of my legs gradually moving closer and closer to my now molten pussy. I slid a finger against my clit and through my soaked lips wetting it. I pulled my hand from below the laptop and licked and sucked my finger clean. I smiled, licked my lips and seductively bit my lip as I began to pack up my stuff. As I walked past him I touched his arm and handed him a folded note reading ” If you enjoyed the show, text me, we can meet up some time”

Needless to say I received a text before I got back to my office.

Stay tuned and I’ll report back as to what happened.



  1. Sorry Kids… it’s been a crazy busy day at work. Updates to come later…

    Had a very hot evening, with a very unexpected twist.

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