Cafe Dulce

Fuck, he was hot, I though to myself as I put together another drink for the customers. “Tall, no whip, latter with cinnamon.” I called out. I handed the drink to a blonde that had went through way too much trouble putting her outfit together just to grab coffee. It was the guy right behind her that I was more focused on. Unfortunately, he was eyeing the blonde’s tight ass in her skinny jeans.

“Thanks,” she said. She had a nice smile, and seemed friendly enough.

“Have a good day,” I said reflexively.

“Thanks, you too.” She said. That surprised me, and I watched her practically float to a seat at a table with another guy. Her boyfriend, or friend maybe. She seemed way too hot for him, but I just shrugged.

“What can I get for you?” I said to the hot guy. Maybe a fit, overworked brunette with nice tits? I mentally offered myself up to him.

“Large coffee. Black.” He said. I nodded, letting my eyes linger over him for a few extra seconds. He was tall, dark hair, chiseled jaw and strikingly gray eyes. He definitely worked out, and even for a late Sunday morning, he had on slacks and a polo shirt that showed off his chiseled body and broad shoulders.

“Anything else?” I asked, maybe my throat to stuff you thick bulge into, I said glancing at his crotch. It was a good size. Not obscenely big, but definitely not unnoticeable.

“Maybe later,” he said. “I’ll come back for something sweet.” He stared right at me and my pussy gushed.

“I’ll be ready,” I managed to squeak out.

“Thanks,” he said, toasting the drink to me.

“Anytime.” I said. He walked off and Cassandra, the other barista had cleared the last customer. She smirked at me with a knowing look, and after the last customer on the line paid up, she walked up to me.

“Looks like someone has a crush.” She whispered.

“Who is he?” I asked, not even trying to deny it.

“Aaron, he’s a regular. Probably been away for work which is why you didn’t see him last week.” She explained. “He’s a great fuck.”

I looked at her surprised. “Are you two?” I asked.

“Oh no.” Cassandra said. “We just hooked up. A couple of times,” she said with a mischievous grin. “It’s kind of a casual ongoing thing.”

“So he’s a player?” I said with a scoff.

“He’s hot is what he is.” Cassandra said. “And it’s not like he wasn’t clear about what he wanted. And I was clear about what I was willing to give.”

“Which was everything by the sound of it,” I giggled.

“And then some if I knew how good he was gonna be,” Cassandra winked. “Seemed like he like you,” she said, “take it from me, get a ride on that while you can. It’s a once in a lifetime experience.”

I glanced over at Aaron, and saw that he was looking over at Jen. “I think he’s already moved on from our little exchange.”

Cassandra snuck a peek and I’ll he damned if she didn’t blush. “Yea, don’t worry about that.” She said.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

“That’s Jen,” Cassandra said. “She’s a regular too.” Emphasis on the regular.

“Yea, and her boyfriend. Mike I think his name is. I’ve seen them here a couple of times already.” I said, not sure what the big deal was.

“No. With him,” she said meaning Aaron. A few customers walked in and she lowered her voice to a bare whispers. “She’s a regular with him.”

“Oh.” I said. I had worked as a barista and a bartender for my years during under grad. You get used to learning things about people, but you never really get used to knowing their tawdry tales. A wife cheating on a husband, a husband cheating on a wife, it was all the same gossip. Until you had to look them in the eye when they ordered a drink.

“I got these.” Cassandra said. “Meet me in the back in half an hour. I’ll have Dave cover the counter.”

I nodded and just went about the next half hour trying to keep busy. At one point Aaron had left, leaving a clean table that still needed to be wiped down. A few minutes later I notice Jen and Mike leaving. I didn’t really think much about it, and just cleaned up after them for the next customers.

“Dave, can you cover?” Cassandra asked. “Steph and I are gonna go for a smoke.”

“Sure thing.” He said, coming to the front.

I followed Cassandra out the back door to the employee parking. She motioned for me to stay quiet, as we suspiciously walked around the corner. There was a huge electrical box where two parking spots would be. Suddenly, I heard a woman moan.

We looked around the electrical box, and found the source. Jen was bent over the hood of the car, and Aaron was behind her, thrusting forcefully into her sex.

“Ugh fuck. So deep,” she moaned.

I saw Aaron’s cock and was absolutely stunned. He looked like he was fucking her with a baseball bat. I could see where Aaron’s cock bottomed out, and there was still four thick inches at the base of his cock that weren’t covered in Jen’s juices.

“Tell me how much you love my cock.” Aaron asked.

“I love your cock,” she said breathlessly. Her voice broke as she was jarred by his hard thrusts.

I don’t know how long they were going at it, but we had shown up just in time because Jen had started to cum within a minute. When she came, a spurt of juices shot from her pussy, and she let out this guttural moan.

“You fuck me so good, baby.” Jen whimpered.

Just then, Cassandra nudged me. I figured it was time to leave. “Look in the car.” She said.

I glanced inside and was shocked to find Mike, sitting in the driver’s seat. His face was like a stone mask, but he was staring at his girlfriend intensely, watching her get fucked by another man.

“What the hell?” I mouthed to Cassandra. She just wiggled her eyebrows in delight.

We watched them fuck for nearly ten minutes, my eyes torn between watching Aaron take Jen to pleasure town over and over again, and watching Mike’s reaction in the car. I don’t know how he could just sit there and watch his girlfriend cheat on him.

“You ready babe?” Aaron said, his voice thick with lust.

“Yes. Give me your hot cum.” Jen said desperately.

I’ll admit, I was a little jealous of Jen right then. She was a beautiful woman. Slender, like a ballerina, with a long, thin frame. But she has this tanned blonde look that guys loved. She didn’t have the biggest tits, but her flat stomach and trim waist definitely gave her a nice shape.

Aaron obviously enjoyed her. That much was clear when he pumped his cum into her, and then spun her around to add three more shots to her face. Just another thing that was impressive about him. He slapped his thick long cock playfully against her face, letting a few more heavy drops of cum splatter. She giggled as she scrunched her eyes.

“That was great,” Aaron sighed. He helped her to her feet and began to straighten out his clothes. He had wet spots on his pants from Jen’s squirting, and Jen’s clothes were a mess.

I looked over at Cassandra, wondering if we should go before they see us. “Just wait,” she whispered.

Mike got out of the car and walked around to the two. He looked at Jen and then to Aaron. “Thanks,” Mike said, holding his hand out. Aaron took it and shook it. “Thursday then?” Mike asked.

“Yea, we’ll need to do it a little earlier. I have a thing that night.” He said. Mike nodded.

Aaron left soon thereafter, and while I was ready to head back, Cassandra was watching Mike and Jen intently.

“Are you going to kiss me?” Jen said.

“I wish you wouldn’t let him do that,” he said, pointing to the cum on her face.”

“He likes it,” she shrugged. “I like it.”

Mike seemed to hesitate, but then he walked up to Jen and kissed her passionately. Cassandra let out a little moan as she was the man kiss her girlfriend’s cum covered face.

“There’s a lot to clean up,” Jen said. “Maybe next time we should just do it at the house,” she continued. “I’m gonna be leaking all over your seats, and your car is gonna smell like cum until we wash it out.”

“Yea,” Mike groaned.

“So… let’s go?” Jen said. She began walking to the passenger seat, but Mike didn’t move. “Mike? What’s wrong?”

“He fucked you so hard,” Mike said. His voice was tense and he sounded conflicted.

“Yea. His cock is amazing,” she sighed. Her voice was peaceful, almost dreamlike. It’s like they were having two different conversations.

“And he made you cum so easily.” Mike said, again, not exactly anger, but a tenseness to his voice.

“Well, yea. His cock is huge. He really stretched me out,” she said, now leaning against the car. “I’m gonna be sore tomorrow. I don’t know how I’ll do my Pilates class.”

Mike walked around to Jen and placed his hands on her waist. He was staring down between them, to the messy wet spot in Jen’s jeans. “Her got so deep Mike.” Jen said in a husky voice. “I’ve never felt so full.” Mike’s grip tightened on her waist but didn’t say anything.

Jen nuzzled her face against his, still wet from some of Aaron’s cum, “Take me home baby. I need a bath.” She cooed in his ear. Mike closed his eyes for a moment and nodded. He opened the passenger door for Jen and helped her into the car. He quickly walked around to the driver’s seat and before long, they were off.

“Fuck that was hot,” Cassandra said with a guilty smile. “See what I mean. She’s a regular.”

“What… the hell was that,” I said dumbfounded.

“I think he’s a cuck,” Cassandra said. “He gets off on watching his girlfriend with another guy.”

“That was unreal,” I said shaking my head. “And you’re right. It was really fucking hot. Aaron’s cock… my god.”

“Yea, he definitely knows how to use it too,” Cassandra said. “And that load. I bet you his cum is delicious.”

We started walking back into the cafe. Before we got to the front though Cassandra stopped me.

“Hey, do you mind watching the front by yourself for a bit?” She asked, “I need to… take care of something.”

“Yea, sure,” I smiled. “Just keep it down. Or Dave might find out.”

“Funny you mention it,” she said. “I’m gonna have Davey help. He’s got a great tongue.”

“No freaking way,” I laughed. I whispered, “I thought he was gay? He introduced me to his boyfriend?”

“He’s bi.” Cassandra said. “And so is his boyfriend. I haven’t joined them yet, but I’m still crossing my fingers on that.”

“Is there anyone at the cafe that you haven’t slept with?” I laughed.

Her face got a little serious, and I was worried I had overstepped a line. “Well,” she said in a long drawn out tone, “I haven’t had fun with you yet.”

The look of shock on my face made Cassandra break out into a grin. “Relax!” She said. “I won’t make you do something you don’t want to.”

“Who said I didn’t want to do it?” I said after I recovered. I smirked at her. Cassandra was flirty, and she seemed like she would be fun. What would college be like without some lesbian play.

“Mhmm,” she nodded. “Well, we’ll see. Send Davey back here when you get a chance,” she said with a wink.


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