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I just want to hold you down and fuck you.

To not let you go, until I’ve completely had my fill.

To feel your soft skin against me, as I hear the reverberation of your moans bounce around the room.

I want to be lost in your scent, as I flip you over onto all fours and move your head down, whilst making you arch your back. Pulling your hair roughly with one hand, as the other leaves a deep red mark on your perfectly shaped ass.

Hearing you plead, I don’t care what you want. You’re just receiving me, as I am. The tension I’m feeling slowly unwinding as I feel you yielding to me. Your gorgeously sweet wetness beckoning me in, taking the force of each of my thrusts.

You didn’t have a word of warning. Maybe you sensed it as I entered the room; what was about to happen. What is unfolding currently.

You’re all mine. My little girl. And using you is all I need right now.



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