Poetry (romantic/desire)

Taking a break from my story to post some old poetry I wrote which has never seen anyone else but me before. I wanted to bottle the feeling I’ve had which I couldn’t reflect anywhere else. Enjoy.


When you embrace me in sleep,

My body betrays all its secrets.

You dowse the gold in my blood;

A tidal wave of heavy sparks.

I am immune

To your lidded eyes and liquid silence.

It is not your words that have me transfixed;

But the way you breathe in the earliest moments of sleep.

Your touch, however,

Burns white gold

I see your fingerprints from inside myself

A gentle branding; a silent, magnetic spiral.

There’s a fog in my lungs,

and a haste on my breath.

The aching capacity of things to be

Forgotten before it can come into existence

Like a shot of cosmic whiskey

A warm wet darkness at a low timbre

I see the storm behind your eyes

Like the litany of a forgotten language

Whatever you are made of

electrifies my nerve endings and singes my very bones.

You carve my mind out with a spoon

And eat it with your fingers.

You leave a glare in my vision

As if I’ve been staring at the sun

You burn a hole in every room

Like feckless stars escaping moonlight.

The dawn finds minutes within minutes,

Of a mystical hour and a purple light.

In this hour, we exchange breaths;

Bedfellows bellowing a fire not yet seen.

The weight of your gaze,

Like an anchor it disturbs the balance

I am not afraid of falling

If there is nowhere to land

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/paudn4/poetry_romanticdesire